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本文结合我国新闻教育的实际状况以及作者自己的思考 ,对美国哥伦比亚大学新闻学院卡莱教授在《新闻教育错在哪里》一文中提出的新闻教育的三条原则作了分析和回应 ,强调新闻学是一门独立的社会科学 ;新闻教育应当重在培养学生的专业理念和职业素养 ;不能把新闻简单地等同于传播和媒体 ;不能把新闻学同广告学、传播学、公共关系学等相关学科相混淆  相似文献   

Rolnik's preconference went well beyond the “business of publishing from a very basic perspective” as described in the conference program. Rolnik's preconference described the publishing market, operations within publishing companies, and how publishers find content. Dr. Peter Binfield, a guest speaker with expertise in society publishing, complemented the preconference.  相似文献   

网络出版以其传播速度快、无纸化传播、降低出版成本与出版风险、定价低、节约能源、便于资料搜集与检索等优势,已成为出版社新的经济增长点.2004年中国网络出版产业实现了"两大变量".一是eBook品种比前几年的增长速度明显加快,从2003年底的5万4千种增长到14万零925种,2004年新增近9千个品种,增长幅度为159%;二是从市场销售规模角度看,截至2004年底,数字图书馆用户已超过1000家,eBook销售额增长80%以上.出版社eBook的销售码洋与2003年相比也有了大幅度的提升,2004年eBook销售额超过100万的有5家出版社,超过50万的有10家出版社.  相似文献   

一种全新的学术出版模式:开放存取出版模式探析   总被引:118,自引:0,他引:118  
开放存取是一种学术信息共享的自由理念和出版机制。其产生背景主要是:基于订阅 的学术期刊传统出版模式带来了严重的学术交流障碍;网络的运用使学术期刊出版和传播成本 大大降低。近年来相关的机构和项目已出现并初步取得成效。参考文献12。  相似文献   

选择3家不同类型的出版机构作为调研对象,采用定性研究方法,对我国出版机构数字化转型升级的现状进行调研、分析。发现不同类型出版机构的数字化转型过程不尽相同,但在数字出版系统的选择,数字出版编辑知识能力的培养和出版转型中面临相同的困难和挑战。数字化转型过程中机遇与挑战共存,既需要转变思想观念,探寻新的盈利模式,也需要大胆探索如何对现有出版流程进行重组,还面临着版权问题、数字出版人才培养问题、数字编辑资质认证等问题。  相似文献   

A definition of marketing is offered. Detailed analysis demonstrates the editorial and commercial benefits of a market-led approach to publishing.  相似文献   

提出出版生态化的概念,认为出版生态化是出版业可持续发展的必然选择。要实现出版生态化,出版观的生态化是先导,出版多样性是基础,出版服务的生态化是核心,出版生态链的健康是保障。  相似文献   

出版经纪人是近两年来,随着图书市场的发展和经纪行业的兴起而出现的一个新兴行业,它是在新的出版和市场格局下蕴育而生的产物。作为经纪行业的一个类别,在西方,出版经纪人和其经纪活动已为人们广泛认知并得到认可,其行为受到法律的制约也受到法律的保护,作者、出版经纪人、出版社、销售网点已成为一个紧密联系的图书出版系统。而在中国出版界,出版经纪业尚处于萌芽状态,人们对出版经纪活动尚存在或多或少的疑虑。殊不知一批扮演出版经纪角色的人早已悄悄浮出水面,并在出版界发挥着积极作用。为了解我国出版经纪人的现状和有关情况,本文作者走访了一些与此相关的出版业界人士,了解到一些最新的动态和发展情况。为使读者了解访谈中的客观性,本文刊发时基本保持了原貌。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the effectiveness of blended learning – the fusion of face-to-face and online learning experiences – to implement an effective and culturally sensitive program of professional development in an Australian university working in a developing country. It sought insight into pertinent pedagogical approaches for staff development across multiple locations including across national boundaries. The project demonstrated how learners can develop new capabilities and approaches by building on existing skills and knowledge as they interact in communities of practice. The immediate purpose was to design and deliver a continuing professional education program to meet the needs of librarians working at RMIT International University Vietnam in the context of the demands of the academic community and in the light of the challenge library staff experienced in seeking to meet explicit and tacit expectations. The project ran from late January to mid December 2010. The research questions were: Is blended learning effective as an approach to continuing professional development when working across cultures in a multinational organization?’ and ‘What contribution do face-to-face and online components make to learning outcomes?’ The methodology used was an action learning approach. A 2009 consultant’s report into the RMIT Vietnam Library established professional developmental needs which were further detailed in February 2010 by the project leader from RMIT University, Melbourne using a skills audit. Workshops in Vietnam, visits to Melbourne by several Vietnam staff members, and an online forum were then delivered. Reflective practice and ongoing input from staff were utilized to form a feedback loop to modify the project timing and approaches as needed. Evaluation included participant feedback on workshops, tracking changes in Library services, a customer survey, a project-end survey of participants’ behavioral changes against learning topics as self-reported, and discussion with participants. The authors were actively involved in the project: Julia Leong as project leader and Loc Nguyen as project champion at the Saigon South Campus. Blended learning was found to be effective in meeting continuing professional developmental needs and in promoting positive changes in library service provision. Online discussions were effective for extending existing knowledge, gaining practical hints, and examining attitudes. Face-to-face workshops and visits were more effective for learning new material in a systematic way. It is recommended that consideration be given to applying the blended learning model used in this project to continuing professional developmental work in similar contexts.  相似文献   

Through its Rights Committee, the Book Industry Study Group develops, maintains and advocates for industry-wide best practices designed to support the transmission of a defined set of rights information between trading partners. A survey recently identified six challenges related to rights management. It further found that publishers and other stakeholders are looking to justify the return on investment in solutions offered by rights solutions providers.  相似文献   

林英 《出版与印刷》2021,31(4):97-103
文章利用一手史料对太平洋书店的出版情况进行梳理,发现其出版活动的展开具有以地缘为主导的特征。太平洋书店主人张秉文籍贯为湖南,其作者资源及其他出版资源的获得都呈现出鲜明的湖南色彩。在此基础上,文章进一步探究太平洋书店与湖南文化资源建立关联的机制,并剖析这种关联得以形成的多重因素。  相似文献   

陈璐颖  宋建武 《编辑之友》2021,(4):19-26,33
5G技术将开启出版业由数字化向数据化转型的新阶段.内容生产方面,海量用户和机器直接参与内容生产,改变了生产主体间的关系,重构了出版流程;内容呈现方面,超高速率和超低时延的5G网络将提升虚拟现实内容的用户体验,各类传感器接入网络将推进数据的广泛采集,促进多维度数据的可视化呈现;内容分发方面,信息载体的泛在化将带来全新的内容产品形态,促进内容的场景化分发,内容数据与用户数据的匹配则为内容精准化分发提供了可能.面对5G技术带来的挑战,出版机构应集中优势资源建设智能出版平台,连接出版行业的多元主体,将自身从内容传播的中间商转变为内容服务平台的运营商.  相似文献   

发展和繁荣中国出版产业目前亟待解决的几个问题 当前乃至今后很长一段时期内,中国出版产业应围绕下列问题展开: (一)出版市场最大化 出版市场化即是出版产业化的基础,也是出版产业化的主要内容。出版产业化发展必然要求出版市  相似文献   

National Vocational Qualifications, NVQs, have received a mixed reception in the UK and not least in the publishing industry. The background to the introduction and development of NVQs is covered and the process by which the qualifications are implemented, the procedures for assessment and relevant organisations are described. A Unit from one of the Book Publishing NVQs is presented in detail. It is argued that NVQs are an important part of continuing professional development for those in the publishing industry.  相似文献   

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