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Repetition priming was used to examine whether children with dyslexia bias a lexical–semantic pathway when reading words aloud. For the dyslexic group (n = 18, age 9.4–11.8 years), but not for age‐matched controls (n = 18, age 9.2–12.4 years), reaction times when naming pictures were faster after naming the corresponding word. A reading age‐matched control group (n = 24, age 6.8–8.9 years) showed similar priming effects to the children with dyslexia. The magnitude of repetition priming was greater for children with dyslexia with poor nonword reading and slower picture naming. Assuming repetition priming of picture naming is contingent on accessing lexical phonology via semantics, the results suggest less‐skilled normal and disordered readers show a stronger bias towards a lexical– semantic pathway during word reading than skilled readers, and the severity of the phonological representations deficit modulates the strength of that bias in children with dyslexia.  相似文献   


A random sample of 150 first graders was studied to determine progress under three different reading programs. Two were based on the teaching of sound-symbol relationships, the other emphasized whole word reading first. Four criterion tests were administered. Data were analyzed through analysis of covariance, using a standardized readiness test as the adjusting variable. Results indicated differences among all three of the reading programs which were significant beyond the .O1 level. The program which used the most intensive phonics training proved to be the most effective, the other program based on sound-symbol relationships was next in effectiveness, and the one which emphasized whole word reading first was least effective.  相似文献   

The conventional noncentrality parameter estimator of covariance structure models, which is currently implemented in widely circulated structural modeling programs (e.g., LISREL, EQS, AMOS, RAMONA), is shown to possess asymptotically potentially large bias, variance, and mean squared error (MSE). A formal expression for its large-sample bias is presented, and its large-sample variance and MSE are quantified. Based on these results, it is suggested that future research needs to develop means of possibly unbiased estimation of the noncentrality parameter, with smaller variance and MSE.  相似文献   

Cross-language effects on reading skills are of particular interest in the context of foreign language immersion programs. Although there is an extensive literature on cross-language effects on reading in general, research focusing on immersion students and including different dimensions of reading acquisition such as reading fluency and reading comprehension is scarce. This study therefore investigated cross-language transfer between first-language (L1) and second-language (L2) reading fluency and reading comprehension in a group of 220 German elementary school students who were enrolled in English partial immersion programs. Students were tested in grades 3 and 4. Structural equation modeling was used to examine cross-language transfer in a cross-lagged panel design. Results showed moderate cross-language paths when controlling for autoregressive effects. These findings are in line with previous results showing reciprocal transfer effects between L1 and L2 reading comprehension and reading fluency. In addition, the overall dominance of paths from L2 to L1 over paths from L1 to L2 suggests immersion-specific relations that may be attributable to the plentiful opportunities for academic reading in the L2 at school. Hence, skills necessary for successful reading can evidently be acquired in an L2 context and transferred to the L1. These findings underline the importance of cross-language transfer between reading skills in immersion programs.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the hypothesis that the higher prevalence of reading disability (RD) often observed among boys is partly an artifact of gender bias in the prediction of reading from IQ. The relevant regression statistics derived from a sample of more than 900 children revealed a statistically significant intercept bias. Predicted reading scores for boys were systematically overestimated, thereby inflating IQ-reading discrepancies; the converse was found for girls. When defined separately for girls and boys, severe underachievement in reading was found to be equally prevalent in both genders and, furthermore, was associated with qualitatively and quantitatively similar patterns of deficits. Because the bias arose from general differences between boys and girls in reading score distributions (a lower mean and greater variance for boys) rather than from differences in IQ scores, gender bias poses a potential threat not only to traditional IQ-discrepancy definitions but also to post-discrepancy definitions that are based solely on reading score cutoffs. Future classification criteria for RD need to take heed of the possibility that when the distributions of reading scores for boys and girls are not identical, performance cutoffs designating low achievement that are based on data pooled from both genders are likely to result in the overidentification of boys with RD and the underidentification of girls with RD.  相似文献   

This article describes two assessment tools that have been used to assess the reading skills of youth participating in alternative basic skills and livelihood skills training programs. The Rapid Assessment of Reading Skills (RARS) was developed to identify potential participants who needed to improve their reading skills before beginning training and to assign them to the proper level of basic reading instruction. The Out-of-School Literacy Assessment incorporates RARS into a more complex impact evaluation tool. Both assessment tools can also be used to inform program design, define benchmarks, and assess impact.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the direct and inferential mediation (DIME) model of reading comprehension (Cromley & Azevedo, 2007) in a large (n = 1196) and diverse (grades 7–12) sample. Multi-indicator latent variables were used to measure six primary constructs: knowledge, vocabulary, word reading, strategies, inference, and reading comprehension. Results corroborated prior research when similar methods were used, but departed from prior findings when measurement error and shared method variance between the predictors and the reading comprehension outcomes (method bias) were controlled. Results generalized across middle and high school, and component skills of reading accounted for virtually all of the systematic variance in reading comprehension. Importantly, controlling method bias diminished the importance of knowledge and vocabulary, and increased the importance of inferencing. Mediated effects of knowledge and vocabulary through inference making were also found. The present study provided a stronger and more generalizable formulation of the DIME model than prior research, and highlighted limitations of using reading-based measures of predictors in component skills models of reading comprehension.  相似文献   

This article reports the results from a randomized control field trial that investigated the impact of an enhanced decoding and spelling curriculum on the development of adult basic education (ABE) learners' reading skills. Sixteen ABE programs that offered class-based instruction to Low-Intermediate level learners were randomly assigned to either the treatment group or the control group. Reading instructors in the 8 treatment programs taught decoding and spelling using the study-developed curriculum, Making Sense of Decoding and Spelling (MSDS), and instructors in the 8 control programs used their existing reading instruction. A comparison group of 7 ABE programs whose instructors used K-3 structured curricula adapted for use with ABE learners were included for supplemental analyses. Seventy-one reading classes, 34 instructors, and 349 adult learners with pre- and posttests participated in the study. The study found a small but significant effect on one measure of decoding skills, which was the proximal target of the curriculum. No overall significant effects were found for word recognition, spelling, fluency, or comprehension. Pretest to posttest gains for word recognition were small to moderate, but not significantly better than the control classes. Adult learners who were born and educated outside of the U.S. made larger gains on 7 of the 11 reading measures than learners who were born and educated within the U.S. However, participation in the treatment curriculum was more beneficial for learners who were born and educated in the U.S. in developing their word recognition skills.  相似文献   

Eight leading basal reading programs, approved for adoption in California public schools in 1983, were analyzed to determine the array of the types of writing included in the program from preprimers to second grade readers. The Teacher’s Manuals were examined to determine whether provision was included for teaching children how to read a wide variety of discourse types. A third investigation was undertaken in this study to determine the array of discourse types in standardized reading tests and assessment tests included in the basal program. Data indicated that the majority of selections in all of the readers were narrative materials (56%), poems accounted for 25% of the total selections, and exposition accounted for 15% of the total selections. A second analysis of page allocation indicated narrative writings accounted for more than 80% of the total page allocation. Few differences by grade level or by individual programs were found. The Teacher’s Manual of each of these programs provided instruction for teaching children how to read various types of writing. Suggestions for reading narrative writing constituted the greatest percentage. An analysis of discourse types in standardized tests indicated two discrepancies between reading programs and standardized tests: (1) few “whole” texts were included in tests before the end of second grade; and (2) most texts were narrative. The analysis of the assessment tests within each of the programs indicated narrative materials were most often used for testing and poetry was not assessed in any program. Presented at the 33rd Annual Conference of The Orton Dyslexia Society, San Diego, California, November 1983.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to illustrate a seven-step process for determining whether inferential reading items were more susceptible to cultural bias than literal reading items. The seven-step process was demonstrated using multiple-choice data from the reading portion of a reading/language arts test for fifth and seventh grade Hispanic, Black, and White examinees. The process began at the broadest level of analyzing bundles of items for differential bundle functioning and finished at the narrowest level of analyzing individual items for differential distractor functioning. Some evidence was found to indicate that inferential items are more susceptible to cultural bias than literal items. Implications of the results are discussed, and suggestions for item writers and test developers are given.  相似文献   

Many educational testing programs report examinee performance at more than two levels of proficiency. Whether these assessments have the capacity to support these multiple inferences, though, is a topic that has not been widely discussed. This study proposes a method for evaluating the minimum number of measurement opportunities for reporting students' performance at multiple achievement levels and describes an application of the method for reading and mathematics assessments that are used by some school districts in Nebraska. Analyses were based on judgments collected from 110 teachers about characteristics of items and tasks from multiple assessments in reading and mathematics at grades 4 and 8, and in high school. Results suggested that there were generally enough items on the mathematics assessments to classify students into two or three performance levels, but rarely enough to make the four classifications that the state reported. Items on the reading assessments were generally distributed across the proficiency levels and tended to allow reporting for all four classification levels. These findings have implications for both practitioners and policymakers in how scores are interpreted.  相似文献   

This study compares the reading performance of adolescent and adult neoliterates in Burkina Faso who participated in one of three experimental educational programs with the reading performance of neoliterates who took part in a standard (control) educational program. The experimental programs involved training in phonological awareness, training in the rapid identification of reading material and an approach that involved both phonological-awareness and rapid-reading training. Results show that students enrolled in the experimental programs made greater gains in reading skills than did students enrolled in the standard educational programs.  相似文献   

This study compares the reading performance of adolescent and adult neoliterates in Burkina Faso who participated in one of three experimental educational programs with the reading performance of neoliterates who took part in a standard (control) educational program. The experimental programs involved training in phonological awareness, training in the rapid identification of reading material and an approach that involved both phonological-awareness and rapid-reading training. Results show that students enrolled in the experimental programs made greater gains in reading skills than did students enrolled in the standard educational programs.  相似文献   

The development of English and Spanish reading and oral language skills from kindergarten to third grade was examined with a sample of 502 Spanish-speaking English language learners (ELLs) enrolled in three instructional programs. The students in the transitional bilingual and dual-language programs had significantly higher scores than the students in the English immersion program on the Spanish reading and oral language measures and significantly lower scores on the English reading comprehension and oral language measures. Multiple-group path models showed that the predictors of third grade English and Spanish reading comprehension did not differ across the three programs. Spanish phonological/decoding skill and oral language in first grade mediated the association between Spanish phonological/decoding skill and oral language in kindergarten and third grade Spanish reading comprehension. English phonological/decoding, Spanish phonological/decoding skill, and English oral language in first grade mediated the link between Spanish phonological/decoding skill in kindergarten and third grade English reading comprehension.  相似文献   

Commonly used early childhood curricula were examined to consider the degree to which they support research-based instruction for phonological awareness (PA) and phonics. A content analysis was completed for two types of curricula widely used in Head Start: overarching general curricula and lesson-based curricula, which usually provide more explicit teaching instructions. Both types of curriculum demonstrated the same pattern of findings; while all curricula included some content aligned with standards, programs differed greatly in the number of objectives and instructional strategies included for PA and phonics instruction. Overall, curricula were most likely to address earlier developing PA skills (e.g., rhyming, alliteration) with more limited attention to advanced skills that are closely linked with reading development (e.g., segmenting and blending of phonemes). Phonics instruction was not included often in any of the curricula studied, and opportunities for individualizing instruction were rare, particularly for children with special needs. Results suggest that instructional recommendations for PA and phonics in most of these commonly-used Head Start curricula, even those curricula which typically provide more explicit instruction for teachers, do not align with the instruction provided in effective intervention studies, and therefore may not be powerful enough to influence children’s reading trajectories.  相似文献   

进入21世纪后随着网络技术的迅速发展、互联网应用的逐渐普及,以及教师运用网络技术能力的普遍提高,来自互联网的电子文本开始被语言教学者用于课堂教学,网络探究阅读近年来被广泛尝试.由于网络文本与传统的印刷文本相比具有非线性、多维性和交互性等特点,网络探究阅读活动在阅读目的、阅读过程和阅读结果方面与传统阅读活动也就产生了很大的差异.本研究使用一个开放式的问卷,目的是探索中国成年英语学习者在网络探究阅读过程中的阅读方式和所使用的阅读策略.研究结果显示,中国成年英语学习者在网络探究阅读环境下的阅读过程仍然和阅读传统印刷文本相似,大部分学生沿袭了传统的线性阅读模式;他们不善使用归纳概括策略,不善利用图片等多媒体辅助手段促进理解,但是区分重要和次要链接的能力较强;多数学生喜欢多媒体网络文本.上述发现为以网络为基础的英语阅读教学和阅读策略教学和训练提供了有益的启示.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to investigate characteristics of African-American women who persist in literacy programs. A semistructured interview was conducted with 10 African-American women who had been in their reading programs from 1 to 8 years. The subjects ranged in age from 21 to 70 years. Variables examined were goals for improving reading skills, factors within the individual that promote persistence, social support, influence of family of origin on reading, and influence of formal schooling on reading. Material generated from the interviews is presented in direct-quote and summary format.  相似文献   

To compare the efficacy of instructional programs for adult learners with basic reading skills below the seventh grade level, 300 adults were randomly assigned to one of three supplementary tutoring programs designed to strengthen decoding and fluency skills, and gains were examined for the 148 adult students who completed the program. The three intervention programs were based on or adapted from instructional programs that have been shown to benefit children with reading levels similar to those of the adult sample. Each program varied in its relative emphasis on basic decoding versus reading fluency instruction. A repeated measures MANOVA confirmed small to moderate reading gains from pre- to post-testing across a battery of targeted reading measures, but no significant relative differences across interventions. An additional 152 participants who failed to complete the intervention differed initially from those who persisted. Implications for future research and adult literacy instruction are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports results from a study of the relationship of minutes of reading instruction to the gains in reading performance for a large sample of elementary school children in New York State. The data set included information for instruction and performance for each individual child. Consistent positive relationships were found between classroom large and small group instruction and reading gains. While the gross relationship of individualized instruction to reading gains was found to be negative, a hypothesis is advanced and tested that this is due in part to biases coming from improper modelling of resource assignment practices. When interaction terms are introduced to control for the suspected bias, the effect of individualized instruction turns positive. It is argued that assignment bias is a pervasive problem in school ‘production function’-type studies which probably needs to be controlled with simultaneous equation procedures.  相似文献   


Although readers theater has traditionally been recommended as a method for improving reading fluency, this 18-week quasi-experimental study examined the effects of a readers theater instructional protocol that updates and expands on traditional approaches by adding specific tasks that engage students in various reading comprehension and vocabulary activities. Because the students were not randomly assigned to either condition, propensity score matching was used to minimize potential bias between the groups. After the matching procedure, the overall total of second-grade students decreased from 145?to 76. A repeated-measures analysis of variance was conducted for all three measures. The results revealed statistically significant time effects on all three measures of the Gates-MacGinitie Reading Test, including decoding, word knowledge, and reading comprehension. Only the reading comprehension measure was qualified by an interaction effect, and the results favored the readers theater treatment group. Implications for instruction and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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