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This study investigated the best short form version of the WISC-R for learning disabled (LD) students. The WISC-R was administered to 234 LD and 290 children who were referred for psychological evaluation but were found not eligible (NE) for special education services from 45 school districts in Michigan. Stepwise multiple regressions were calculated to ascertain the best tetrads of Full Scale IQ (FS IQ) for the two groups. For the NE sample, Vocabulary, Picture Arrangement, Picture Completion, and Information were the best four indicators of FS IQ, accounting for about 80% of the variance in Full Scale scores. For the LD sample, the best four predictors of FS IQ were Similarities, Block Design, Picture Completion, and Vocabulary, accounting for about 80% of criterion variance. Using the WISC-R standardization data, Sattler identified the Information, Vocabulary, Comprehension, and Block Design subtests as one of the best short form versions for predicting FS IQ. For the LD sample of the present study, Sattler's composite yielded a multiple R of .873 with FS IQ, whereas our best four predictors yielded a multiple R of .896. It appears that Sattler's tetrad is about as good a predictor of FS IQ for LD students as that found in the present data.  相似文献   

WISC-R subtest scaled scores for 192 learning disabled Navajo Indian children were recategorized according to the system recommended by Bannatyne (1974), and subsequently analyzed using a one-way repeated measures analysis of variance. A Newman-Keuls Multiple Range Test was also conducted to determine significant pairwise comparisons. Results indicated that, as a group, the subjects failed to demonstrate the Spatial>Conceptual>Sequential pattern predicted by Bannatyne (1974). Implications for use of Bannatyne's system with learning disabled minority children are discussed.  相似文献   

Stability of the WISC-R subtest profile for 161 learning disabled (LD) children over a 7-month test-retest interval was examined. A unique subtest profile reported earlier (Smith, Coleman, Dokecki, & Davis, 1977a) was replicated. Performance IQ was significantly greater than Verbal IQ at both testing occasions. A mean test-retest increase was observed for Performance IQ, but not for Verbal IQ.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to examine normal (N = 34), learning disabled (N = 34), and borderline mentally retarded (N = 33) children's performance on the WISC-R and K-ABC. Results revealed no significant differences between the WISC-R Full Scale IQ and K-ABC Mental Processing Composite by group (F = 0.7, p > .15). The Full Scale IQ and Mental Processing Composite standard score correlated .85 for the entire sample, and all other subscale correlations ranged from .65 to .90 (all significant at p < .001). Analysis of Verbal-Performance, Mental Processing-Achievement, and Simultaneous-Sequential discrepancy means by group revealed no significant differences in comparison to normative values. Subtest patterns analysis revealed high rank order correlations between the learning disabled and mentally retarded groups, but lower correlations between the exceptional and normal groups. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

A group of 41 learning disabled children in Hawaii, aged 6 to 151/2, were tested on the WISC-R. Two main questions were explored: (a) Do the separate WISC-R tests assess “g” for learning disabled children to the same degree that they do for normal children? (b) Is there significantly more scatter among the tests for learning disabled than for normal youngsters? The answers to these questions were interpreted in terms of their diagnostic significance.  相似文献   

This study analyzed WISC-R profiles along a three-factor approach (Spatial; Verbal-Comprehensive; Attention-Concentration), as suggested by Bannatyne (1968) for purposes of differential diagnosis. The WISC-R profiles of 278 school-verified learning disabled children were compared to those of four other groups: Educable Mentally Impaired (N = 141), Emotionally Impaired (N = 67), Otherwise Impaired (N = 61), and Nonimpaired (N = 294). The total sample was drawn from the State of Michigan public schools. Statistically significant differences were found between the learning disabled group and the other four groups on WISC-R subtest scores. Further analysis revealed that 36% of the learning disabled and 32% of normal children exhibited this WISC-R profile. Analysis of WISC-R profiles of Spatial→Verbal→Attention was not useful in differential diagnosis among the five groups. The results are discussed in terms of the limited utility of a three-factor analysis of WISC-R subtest scores for the purpose of differential diagnosis.  相似文献   

WISC-R and socioeconomic status (SES) data were collected on 122 learning disabled (LD) children who had been assigned to self-contained LD classrooms. The children were divided into three groups on the basis of family SES: high, middle, and low. Three questions were explored: (a) Is there a relationship between SES and IQ test scores among LD-labeled children? (b) Is the pattern of subtest scores independent of SES level? (c) Is the Verbal-Performance IQ test score discrepancy independent of SES level? Results supported affirmative answers to all three questions. Discussion centered around the implications of these results for future research on the utility of the WISC-R for diagnostic purposes.  相似文献   

WISC-R factor structures (Principal Factor Analysis-Varimax rotation) were compared for previously diagnosed samples of learning disabled Navajo and Papago children. Both two- and three-factor solutions were analyzed, utilizing coefficients of congruence. Both groups were similar in terms of proportion of common factor variance accounted for by a general factor, and the Verbal-Performance distinction was demonstrated in both groups.  相似文献   

Two sets of transformations were made in scoring WISC-R Information, Block Design, Comprehension, Picture Arrangement, and Coding subscales in order to estimate the FSIQ of 100 ED children beginning day psychiatric treatment. One set was derived by Kennedy and Elder (1982) (FSIQ-KE) from a sample of 400 children referred for psychological evaluation by a large, urban southern public school district. The other set was developed from the same five subscale scores of the present ED sample (FSIQ-ED). FSIQ-KE scores and FSIQ-ED scores were then compared to FSIQ scores computed according to the standard procedure including all 10 subscales, using paired t-tests and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients. No significant differences were found between the mean FSIQ scores on the short and long forms of the WISC-R. Correlation coefficients were highly significant, ranging from .958 to .997. Furthermore, only one child shifted IQ classifications when using the short forms. Thus, both FSIQ-KE and FSIQ-ED formulations provided cost-effective, time-saving estimates of the general intellectual performance of ED children beginning day psychiatric treatment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC), the WISC-R, and the Woodcock-Johnson Psychoeducational Battery (W-JPB), Part Two, with children who experience learning disabilities. Correlational analyses were used to examine relationships among the WISC-R, K-ABC Mental Processing and Achievement scales, and the W-JPB Achievement scales. Thirty-four children with learning disabilities (mean age 8–11 years) received all three measures. Correlation coefficients indicated stronger and more consistent relationships between the WISC-R and W-JPB Achievement tests than between the K-ABC and W-JPB Achievement tests. Significant relationships between the WISC-R Full Scale IQ and the K-ABC Mental Processing Composite (MPC) revealed evidence of validity for this learning disabled sample. However, correlation coefficients among the K-ABC Achievement subtests and the W-JPB Achievement clusters indicated both convergent and discriminant validity. Thus, it is suggested that both the K-ABC MPC, for assessment of cognitive abilities, and the W-JPB Achievement clusters could be employed in discrepancy formulas for special education placement of children with learning disabilities.  相似文献   

Student records of 130 children with learning difficulties who had been tested twice were examined to determine the stability of WISC-R scores over time. There were significant losses in Verbal IQ and Full Scale IQ. Subjects in the above-average IQ range had greater losses in Verbal IQ and Full Scale IQ and greater gains in Performance IQ than did those in the below-average IQ range. Children initially tested before age 8 had a significant IQ loss, but those tested after age 8 maintained a constant IQ. The WISC-R is most frequently administered to children with learning difficulties. Results presented here suggest that the IQs in this population are not as stable as was previously thought, and this may provide a rationale for the periodic readministration of the WISC-R.  相似文献   

The Fourth Edition of the Stanford-Binet and the WISC-R were compared as instruments for assessing the intellectual strengths and weaknesses of students classified as learning disabled in the primary and secondary grades. Results found only a 3.28-point difference (p≥.0001) between the S-B Composite score and the WISC-R Full Scale score. Correlations between the four broad areas of the S-B and the three scales of the WISC-R ranged from .494 (S-B Abstract/Visual Reasoning with WISC-R Verbal) to .920 (S-B Composite with WISC-R Full Scale). All correlations were found to be significant. Implications of the research findings were discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to provide an empirical basis for the interpretation of the WISC-R performance of Navajo children according to the Luria-Das Model of Simultaneous and Successive cognitive processes. Two groups of Native American Navajo subjects, 45 learning disabled and 41 gifted, were given the WISC-R. The scores on those subtests expected to involve Successive and Simultaneous processes were factor analyzed for each group and two factors were extracted. The factors, essentially similar for both samples, were interpreted to reflect the Successive and the Simultaneous modes of processing information as suggested by the Luria-Das Model. The gifted and learning disabled children had disparate loadings for some of the subtests, suggesting that the two groups may be using distinct modes of coding information.  相似文献   

Depression in learning disabled children   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

This study was undertaken to determine if there were differences in the social perception of learning disabled and non‐learning disabled youngsters, whether social perception was related to sex and if interaction by sex and learning disability status was involved. Fifty‐seven elementary school children aged 9 to 11 years were given four measures of social perception. Results showed that learning disabled children differed significantly (p .01) from their non‐learning disabled peers on each of the four measures. Neither sex nor group by sex interaction was significant. Assessment and intervention aimed at improving social perceptual skills should be incorporated into educational programming for those learning disabled children who exhibit deficiencies in this area of functioning.  相似文献   

The WISC-R scores for groups of children identified by school personnel as needing special education services were factor analyzed according to type of classification. WISC-R factor loadings were obtained for the scores of children labeled Learning Disabled, Educable Mentally Impaired, and Emotionally Impaired, as well as groups labeled Other and None. Overall, results show the WISC-R to be factorially similar for all groups, with two principal factors emerging which correspond to the Verbal-Performance structure of the test. Significance tests among mean scale scores and IQ scores yielded few meaningful differences across groups.  相似文献   

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