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The Slosson Intelligence Test (SIT) is an age scale of intelligence with demonstrated reliability and high validity coefficients correlated to the Stanford-Binet. The items of the SIT were classified according to a scheme resembling Valett's classification of Stanford-Bmet test, items. A comparison of the classifications was made and an explanation given of how the interpretive profile can be used to enhance the value of the SIT.  相似文献   

There has been a need to identify a quick screening and reevaluation instrument to determine eligibility status for specialized programs. The Slosson Intelligence Test (SIT) is one instrument that has been suggested for this purpose. In a ten-year review of validity studies with the SIT, Stewart and Jones (1976) found substantial correlations between the SIT and WISC. They recommended that future validity studies with the SIT focus on specific subgroups with restricted IQ ranges. The present study compared the SIT with the WISC-R for a group of intellectually gifted students. The results indicated reduced correlations between the measures. The calculated regression equation was dissimilar to the one reported by Stewart and Jones for nonrestricted IQ populations, although predictive ability was greater. The need for comparing the SIT with other measures for specific subgroups was supported.  相似文献   

Intellectual patterns of gifted students with learning disabilities were studied to determine cognitive factors characterizing these children. Twenty-four gifted children with learning disabilities (LD) and a control group of nondisabled gifted children were administered the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) (Wechsler, 1974). While differences between the two groups on individual subtests were examined, a comparison of broader factors was emphasized in discovering cognitive patterns that might suggest effective intervention. Experimental and control performances were compared on 14 factor scores, using cognitive classification systems of Bannatyne (1971), Kaufman (1975), Rapaport, Gill, and Schafer (1946), and Wechsler (1974). Gifted students with LD were more reliant on verbal conceptualization and reasoning than the control students. They also demonstrated deficiencies in short-term auditory memory and sound discrimination. The gifted group with LD exhibited the Organic Brain Syndrome factor (Wechsler, 1974) to a significantly greater extent than did the control group.  相似文献   

The WISC-R and the Slosson Intelligence Test (SIT) were given to 69 randomly selected children in grades one through six in an urban school system. A regression equation for predicting WISC-R full scale IQ from SIT was developed. Previous studies had reported that SIT IQs tended to be consistently higher than WISC-R IQs. The present study revealed that SIT IQs were considerably higher than WISC-R IQs in the upper range and slightly lower in the lower range. A possible reason for the discrepancy is that the present study used a normal population and previous studies used restricted ranges. It was concluded that the SIT provides a good estimate of WISC-R full scale IQs when a regression equation is used. It was recommended, however, that educational placement decisions should not be made on the basis of any single IQ measure.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to provide an empirical basis for the interpretation of the WISC-R performance of Navajo children according to the Luria-Das Model of Simultaneous and Successive cognitive processes. Two groups of Native American Navajo subjects, 45 learning disabled and 41 gifted, were given the WISC-R. The scores on those subtests expected to involve Successive and Simultaneous processes were factor analyzed for each group and two factors were extracted. The factors, essentially similar for both samples, were interpreted to reflect the Successive and the Simultaneous modes of processing information as suggested by the Luria-Das Model. The gifted and learning disabled children had disparate loadings for some of the subtests, suggesting that the two groups may be using distinct modes of coding information.  相似文献   

Subtest scatter on the WISC-R was examined by analyzing Verbal-Performance IQ discrepancies, subtest scaled-score ranges and subtest scaled-score standard deviations of 290 psychoeducationally normal 9-year-old children whose IQs ranged from 100 to 140+. Although there were no differences between average and superior IQ groups on the Verbal-Performance discrepancy measure, substantial differences were found on the measures of subtest scatter where higher IQ groups exhibited substantially more scatter. The results suggest the need for caution in attempting to employ WISC-R subtest scatter as an indicator of learning disabilities with gifted students.  相似文献   

Results of the TONI, WISC-R, and WRAT were compared for a sample of 66 learning disabled children: 51 males (32 white, 19 black) and 15 females (9 white, 6 black) whose mean age was 9–5 (SD = 1–10). The mean score of the TONI was significantly different from the Performance IQ. Nonsignificant differences were found between the TONI and Full Scale IQ and between the TONI and Verbal IQ. Correlation coefficients between the TONI and WISC-R ranged from a low of .35 for the Verbal IQ to .44 for both the Full Scale and Performance IQs. The correlation coefficients between the TONI and standard scores of the WRAT were .38, .27, and .23, for Reading, Spelling, and Arithmetic, respectively. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Much effort has been devoted to the derivation of short forms of intelligence tests. The present study was undertaken to develop a short form of the WISC-R for the intellectually gifted. The results confirmed previous findings that the Vocabulary and Block Design dyad comprise the best two-subtest short form. The present study indicated that the Similarities, Vocabulary, Block Design, and Object Assembly tetrad could be the most useful in time and reliability.  相似文献   

The WISC-R and the Fourth Edition of the Stanford-Binet (SB: FE) were compared in the identification and assessment of 48 intellectually gifted students in the primary and secondary grades. While only a 3.2-point difference between the mean SB: FE Composite score and the mean WISC-R Full Scale score was found, (r = .393, p. ⩽ .01), the t test between the two scores was significant (t = 2.30, p ⩽ .05). Correlations between the three scales of the WISC-R and the SB: FE four broad area and Composite scores ranged from −.219 (SB: FE Abstract/Visual Reasoning with WISC-R Verbal) to .599 (SB: FE Short-Term Memory with WISC-R Full Scale). Within the correlational matrix, only 5 of the 15 correlations were significant. Both the SB: FE Abstract/Visual Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning Area scores had no significant correlations with any of the WISC-R scores.  相似文献   

Student records of 130 children with learning difficulties who had been tested twice were examined to determine the stability of WISC-R scores over time. There were significant losses in Verbal IQ and Full Scale IQ. Subjects in the above-average IQ range had greater losses in Verbal IQ and Full Scale IQ and greater gains in Performance IQ than did those in the below-average IQ range. Children initially tested before age 8 had a significant IQ loss, but those tested after age 8 maintained a constant IQ. The WISC-R is most frequently administered to children with learning difficulties. Results presented here suggest that the IQs in this population are not as stable as was previously thought, and this may provide a rationale for the periodic readministration of the WISC-R.  相似文献   

Stability of the WISC-R subtest profile for 161 learning disabled (LD) children over a 7-month test-retest interval was examined. A unique subtest profile reported earlier (Smith, Coleman, Dokecki, & Davis, 1977a) was replicated. Performance IQ was significantly greater than Verbal IQ at both testing occasions. A mean test-retest increase was observed for Performance IQ, but not for Verbal IQ.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to examine normal (N = 34), learning disabled (N = 34), and borderline mentally retarded (N = 33) children's performance on the WISC-R and K-ABC. Results revealed no significant differences between the WISC-R Full Scale IQ and K-ABC Mental Processing Composite by group (F = 0.7, p > .15). The Full Scale IQ and Mental Processing Composite standard score correlated .85 for the entire sample, and all other subscale correlations ranged from .65 to .90 (all significant at p < .001). Analysis of Verbal-Performance, Mental Processing-Achievement, and Simultaneous-Sequential discrepancy means by group revealed no significant differences in comparison to normative values. Subtest patterns analysis revealed high rank order correlations between the learning disabled and mentally retarded groups, but lower correlations between the exceptional and normal groups. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC), the WISC-R, and the Woodcock-Johnson Psychoeducational Battery (W-JPB), Part Two, with children who experience learning disabilities. Correlational analyses were used to examine relationships among the WISC-R, K-ABC Mental Processing and Achievement scales, and the W-JPB Achievement scales. Thirty-four children with learning disabilities (mean age 8–11 years) received all three measures. Correlation coefficients indicated stronger and more consistent relationships between the WISC-R and W-JPB Achievement tests than between the K-ABC and W-JPB Achievement tests. Significant relationships between the WISC-R Full Scale IQ and the K-ABC Mental Processing Composite (MPC) revealed evidence of validity for this learning disabled sample. However, correlation coefficients among the K-ABC Achievement subtests and the W-JPB Achievement clusters indicated both convergent and discriminant validity. Thus, it is suggested that both the K-ABC MPC, for assessment of cognitive abilities, and the W-JPB Achievement clusters could be employed in discrepancy formulas for special education placement of children with learning disabilities.  相似文献   

The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) was administered to 56 learning disabled children, using standard assessment procedures and format as outlined by Wechsler. Abbreviated IQ scores were then derived by applying the Kennedy-Elder formula, and equation that uses five WISC-R subtests with varied weightings. Comparisons between the standard IQ scores and the abbreviated IQ scores were evaluated. A Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient of .83 and a non-significant t-test between the mean IQs suggested the two scores were interchangeable. However, frequent IQ classification changes (23%) rendered the K-E format unacceptable for this population.  相似文献   

The Slosson Intelligence Test (SIT) for Children and Adults protocols for 683 gifted students ranging in age from 6 to 12 years were scored using both 1961 and 1981 norms. The average 1981 norm score was 5.17 points lower than the 1961 norm score. The differences increase with the age of the child. Implications for using the SIT for selecting gifted children are discussed.  相似文献   

Correlations between the WISC-R Full, Verbal, Performance, and Freedom from Distractibility Scale IQs, WISC-R subtest scaled scores, and Wide Range Achievement Test Reading, Spelling, and Arithmetic standard scores were computed for a sample of 114 children (64 boys, 50 girls), aged 6 to 16 years, who were referred for psychological evaluation because of academic or learning difficulties. The Full Scale IQ, Verbal Scale IQ, and Freedom from Distractibility IQ correlated moderately with the three achievement area standard scores (rs of .48 to .59). However, the Performance Scale IQ correlated minimally with reading and spelling scores (rs of .26 and .27), but moderately with arithmetic scores (r = .40). The results support the concurrent validity of the WISC-R.  相似文献   

This study is an investigation of the sex differences in the WISC-R scores of gifted students. The sample consisted of 946 students (479 males and 467 females), with a chronological age range of 6.0 to 16.0, and a mean CA of 9.9. The results indicated significant mean differences on several subtest scores and IQs, generally favoring males.  相似文献   

The summed scores of the WISC-R dyad, Vocabulary and Block Design, were cross-tabulated with full scale WISC-R scores for 249 children referred to a gifted program. The initial results indicated that the Vocabulary-Block Design dyad could be a useful tool in predicting full scale IQ for some children and thus leave time available for other types of assessment of students.  相似文献   

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