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从根本上来说,艺术最终要归结于一种形式。艺术本来就是人类对客体对象抽象和简化的形式化结果,形式是艺术思维的一个范畴,思维靠形式得以规范和调节。形式化思维能力取决于艺术家的形式感知能力。在艺术创造中,艺术思维与艺术形式建构是统一在一起的,体现在一种一体化的动力过程之中。  相似文献   

20世纪初,蔡元培鉴于西方教育中宗教所居位置的重要性,提出中国教育应以"美育代宗教",将美育纳入教育目标,强调美育是实现培养健全人格、发展共和精神宗旨的重要途径,并提出美育实施的具体途径与方法.20世纪50年代初,在全国普及的凯洛夫教育学将美育的本质定义为:培养对一切美的事物的"充分感受和正确理解能力,培养爱美和创造性...  相似文献   

本文主要分析了形式逻辑在素质教育方面的基础性地位和工具性作用 ,指出形式逻辑教育是素质教育本身的重要内容。在江泽民总书记关于素质教育讲话发表三周年之际 ,谨写此文 ,以示纪念  相似文献   

Few studies have examined the impact of mastery learning on mastery goal structures or even on students’ motivation more generally. In this study, we examined one middle school that implemented a schoolwide mastery learning system, conducting interviews with a sample of administrators (n = 3), teachers (n = 4), and students (n = 9) to determine how the system was envisioned by the school leadership, implemented by the teaching staff, and perceived by the students. We used deductive qualitative analysis (DQA) to determine visions, practices, and perceptions aligned with achievement goal theory. Results indicated that evaluation practices have the greatest potential to undermine other positive motivational impacts of mastery learning–based instruction. Implications and transferability for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

朱宇波 《教育导刊》2001,(21):18-19
实现德育艺术化,是广大德育理论学者和德育实际工作者努力追求的德育最高境界。德育艺术的显著效用是省时高效,融德育过程于艺术情趣,使学生感到仿佛不是在接受教育,而是在审美、赏美和创美;德育不再是人见人头痛的“苦差事”。然而,就目前看来,德育艺术仅仅为少数优秀教师的“专利”,大多数教师的德育艺术化程度不高,德育艺术尚缺社会泛化。德育艺术成了广大教师非常羡慕却又可望不可及的神秘之物。造成这种现状的原因与教师对德育艺术的认识不足和德育理论工作者对德育艺术掌握的规律研究不够有关。本文对此的探索也还很表层很初…  相似文献   

教育的理念、制度与行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
衡量教育改革成功的标志之一是教育实践者预期的教育行为方式的形成。因此,教育改革不能仅停留于教育理念的层面,必须根据一定的教育理念,对既存的教育制度进行改造与创新,以消除教育理念与教育制度及其体系内部存在的矛盾与冲突。唯如此,正确的教育理念才能够转化为教育者的实际教育行为。  相似文献   

该研究以邵阳、临沂方言形式单位为研究对象,对比了两地方言形式单位概念的突显成分;接着,对邵阳、临沂方言形式单位结构式的数量进行了对比、分析,发现两地方言形式单位多见于偏正式,其次为动宾式;再者,该研究发现较临沂方言形式单位而言,邵阳方言形式单位中的直陈式更多,且于二者中,转喻式皆最多;最后,该研究总结出了三点邵阳、临沂方言形式单位概念形式表征的不同之处,并指出了造成上述差异的动因,有利于两地人认知模式和文化模式的研究与认识。  相似文献   

Building Educational Tools Based on Formal Concept Analysis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The increasing demand for quality in educational software makes it necessary to use tools and methodologies that support both the design and the development process of this kind of software. In this paper we propose Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) as the basis for a practical and well founded methodological approach to the design of educational applications. FCA is a technique that can be applied to model the linguistic conceptualizations that experts make when describing their expertise domain. Thus, FCA can be used as a complementary tool to support design decisions about the structure and the interface of educational applications. We also present how we are using FCA in two different projects: a help system for the Unix operating system, and a multimedia tutorial for improving second language text comprehension. In the final discussion we raise some questions about FCA applicability and introduce some future lines of work. © IFIP, published by Kluwer Academic Publishers  相似文献   

分析了黄炎培职业教育"大德育观"形成的时代背景,探究其丰富的理论来源,在其职业教育目的观、人才观、爱国观中都蕴含着丰富的德育思想,加上黄炎培受到传统儒家文化思想和国外职业教育理念的影响,儒家思想中的传统伦理道德观和国外职业教育德育观也成为黄炎培职业教育"大德育观"形成的重要理论来源。  相似文献   

The present paper thoroughly examines how one can effectively bridge in-school and out-of-school learning. The first part discusses the difficulty in defining out-of-school learning. It proposes to distinguish three types of learning: formal, informal, and non-formal. The second part raises the question of whether out-of-school learning should be dealt with in the in-school system, in view of the fact that we experience informal learning anyway as well as considering the disadvantages and difficulties teachers are confronted with when planning and carrying out scientific fieldtrips. The voices of the teachers, the students, and the non-formal institution staff are heard to provide insights into the problem. The third part discusses the cognitive and affective aspects of non-formal learning. The fourth part presents some models explaining scientific fieldtrip learning and based on those models, suggests a novel explanation. The fifth part offers some recommendations of how to bridge in and out-of-school learning. The paper closes with some practical ideas as to how one can bring the theory described in the paper into practice. It is hoped that this paper will provide educators with an insight so that they will be able to fully exploit the great potential that scientific field trips may offer. This paper appears as a chapter in: Eshach, H. (2006). Science Literacy in Primary Schools and Pre-Schools, Netherlands: Springer.  相似文献   

I explore a belief about learning and teaching that is commonly held in education and society at large that nonetheless is deeply flawed. The belief asserts that mastery of formalisms—specialized representations such as symbolic equations and diagrams with no inherent meaning except that which is established by convention—is prerequisite to applied knowledge. A formalisms first (FF) view of learning, rooted in Western dualist philosophy, incorrectly advocates the introduction of formalisms too early in the development of learners’ conceptual understanding and can encourage a formalisms-only mind-set toward learning and instruction. I identify the prevalence of FF in curriculum and instruction and outline some of the serious problems engendered by FF approaches. I then turn to promising alternatives that support progressive formalization, problem-based learning, and inquiry learning, which capitalize on the strengths of formalisms but avoid some of the most costly problems found in FF approaches.  相似文献   

"教育质量"的概念与内涵经历了一个从较为单一维度向多维度逐步发展的过程,从它的历史演进与不断丰富的历程可以看出,"教育质量"具有发展性、系统性、规定性和可控性四个特性.在不同的历史发展阶段,教育质量的具体内涵是不完全相同的,其总的趋势是不断向前发展并完善的.作为一个整体的概念,它是由若干子系统组成的一个有机大系统.同时,教育质量也体现了时代与社会所赋予的一种内在的规定.此外,作为一种服务产品,其必然要满足社会和个人的需要,具体表现在个人受教育水平的提高上,虽然不像企业的产品质量易控,但并非是不可控的.由此,可以认为,教育质量的保障,一个基本前提是树立一个整体、动态的科学教育质量观,使人们对教育质量的内涵有一个清晰的认识.其次是制定一个系统的教育质量标准体系,为质量的保障提供主要依据,其重点是针对教育行政管理者、学校与学生三个方面制定实施,最后是加强教育质量的监控,作为教育质量保障的重要手段,主要是解决谁来监控以及怎样监控两个问题.  相似文献   

呼唤(calling)是个体对追求目标的内心认同与强烈渴望,实现呼唤能使个体体验到更多的工作意义、个人使命与真实自我。但并非所有呼唤都能实现,曾经本可以选择但又放弃了呼唤的自我对现实自我、职业与生活有何影响?基于假设思维、自我概念和呼唤研究的已有成果,可以发现:(1)基于呼唤的假设自我(counterfactual self based on calling,CSC)是与事实自我并行的新构念;(2)CSC对呼唤与假设思维研究具有重要理论贡献;(3)CSC能对个人情感、认知、动机与行为产生直接影响。  相似文献   


In the contemporary literature of educational philosophy and theory, it is almost routinely assumed or claimed that ‘education’ is a ‘contested’ concept: that is, it is held that education is invested – as it were, ‘all the way down’ – with socially constructed interests and values that are liable to diverge in different contexts to the point of mutual opposition. It is also often alleged that post-war analytical philosophers of education such as R. S. Peters failed to appreciate such contestability in seeking a single unified account of the concept of education. Following a brief re-visitation of Peters’ analytical influences and approach and some consideration of recent ‘post-analytical’ criticisms of analytical educational philosophy on precisely this score, it is argued that much of the case for the so-called ‘contestability’ of education rests on a confusion of different concepts with different senses of ‘education’ that proper observance of well-tried methods of conceptual analysis easily enables us to avoid.  相似文献   

作为语义网基础的本体能够描述特定领域的概念及其关系,为用户查询相关概念、文件提供了方法,那么有效地构建本体成为应用本体的关键问题.但经过分析,目前的本体查询系统存在着缺陷,本文提出基于形式概念分析构建本体查询系统,解决寻找领域中隐含概念困难的问题.为了使检索的内容符合用户的喜好,提出在概念模型中加入用户的评分机制,从而提高信息查找的效率,最后通过一个实例证明该本体查询系统的有效性.  相似文献   

生命教育的概念、内容和原则   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑晓江 《中国德育》2007,2(3):30-32
生命教育是关于人的生活、生命与人生问题的教育。生命教育的主要内容是帮助青少年重建对生命的神圣感,培养他们的社会责任感,使其协调好生命与生活的关系,正确处理现实中的一些问题。生命教育要坚持全民受众的原则、螺旋式推进的原则、知行统一的原则和学校、家庭、社会相结合的原则。  相似文献   

现代大教育观与成人高等教育   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
现代大教育观是终身教育与学习社会的统一,这一观念的确立,带来全球教育思想的根本性的变革。成人高等教育的内涵将发生深刻地变化,并在构建学习社会的过程中发挥巨大的作用。普通高校作为举办成人高等教育的主导力量,在新的形势下为办好成人高等教育,必须转变观念,端正目的,扩大内涵,调整结构,提高质量,积极发展。  相似文献   

加强通识教育是本科教育改革的一大方向,但对于什么是通识教育,中外学界却莫衷一是,需要深入探讨。国内外高校通识教育的发展与演进对于我国发展通识教育具有重要的借鉴意义,本文对此进行了阐述与分析。并且,美国通识教育的发展方向也是我国开展通识教育值得借鉴的一个重要方面。  相似文献   

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