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Based on previous studies and findings, this project aims to conduct a systematic and comprehensive study of the Jehol Biota, in order to achieve a better understanding of the biodiversity of this biota and its evolutionary and geological implications, to complete and detail the geochronological framework of its evolution, and to further investigate the evolutionary processes of Mesozoic vertebrates and their relationships to the paleoenvironmental background.  相似文献   

With the globalization of the world, language teaching becomes more important than ever before, and many universities and classroom teachers are active to exploret he most efficient and effective methodology to teach languages to achieve a desirable result. When they seek to improve the quality of language teaching, they often research teaching methodologies by referring to general theories about language and language learning. Theoretical bases and teachers‘ hands-out experience have informed methodologies of language teaching, and methods of language teaching have been improved with the developments about linguistics, psychology and education. But there is a question which extent the information that theory has made available can be used to explore language teaching methodology and of the relevance of theory to language teaching methodology.  相似文献   

On multiple temporal and spatial scales, chemistry explores the composition, structure and form of matter, its physical properties and biological activity as well as the chemical changes and synthesis reactions, striving to describe the colorful world of matter and reveal the molecular secrets of matter transformations and life processes using its theories and its unique language.As a fundamental and creative discipline of science, chemistry not only helps us to understand the nature of substances and make high-performing materials to serve economic development, but is distinctively characterized by the ability to invent novel and marvelous matters.  相似文献   

Established in 2007, the CAS Award for International Cooperation in Science and Technology is to honor those eminent international experts who have made outstanding contributions to China's global cooperation in science and technology, so as to encourage more efforts in this respect that will lead to the enhancement of CAS innovation capacity and the improvement of its research performance, education and training, management and reputations among the international community.  相似文献   

Prof. WANG Song (WANG Sung) with the CAS Institute of Zoology (IOZ) is among the first scholars to realize the prime importance of wildlife and biodiversity and to initiate early conservation efforts in China. To mark the UN International Year of Biodiversity, BCAS reporter SONG Jianlan invites Prof. Wang and his cooperator and IOZ colleague, Dr. XIE Yan to give a review of the past practice and offer advice to future conservation of wildlife and biodiversity in the country.  相似文献   

正The symptoms of anxiety and depression are highly overlapping with each other and are hard to differentiate in clinical settings.Researchers have attempted to develop measures specifically capturing and differentiating symptoms of these two constructs.The Depression Anxiety Stress Scale(DASS)was developed to meet this challenge and has been shown to capture depression,anxiety,and stress  相似文献   

<正>With the rapid economic growth and the increasing pressures on land resources,energy and space,the ocean will become one of the main areas of social and economic activities in future.Coastal countries and regions have attached great importance to the development of marine economy,and many countries are developing strategies to build themselves into sea powers through the research and development of marine science and technology.The Chinese government has also made up a strategic decision to build strong marine power through independent technological breakthroughs and to boost the rapid development of its marine industry.  相似文献   

正Chinese President Xi Jinping called for efforts to develop China into a world leader in science and technology at the opening ceremony of this year’s CAS General Assembly in Beijing.Xi said as China strives for prosperity and rejuvenation,it needs to devote a huge amount of resources to promoting science and technology,and endeavor to become a world center for science and innovation.Referring to the situation as"pressing",the President called on the country's science and technology  相似文献   

In order to introduce a sustainable energy system to support China's socio-economic development in the coming three to five decades, a strategic blueprint must be mapped out based on consideration of various domestic and international factors,ranging from resources and the environment to technology, demands and the economy, says CAS President LU Yongxiang.  相似文献   

Article 1 These Regulations have been formulated under the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Copyright Law) with a view to protecting the right of communication through information network enjoyed by copyright owners, performers and producers of sound recordings and video recordings (hereinafter collectively referred to as the right owners) and to encouraging creation and communication of works conducive to the building of a socialist society that is advanced ethically and materially.  相似文献   

Microorganisms, despite of their simple structure and tiny size, are often vital to humans and the environment. You mightknow about their contributions to the Earth's carbon cycle and amazing ability to decompose waste products. But have you ever heard of microbes that eat away undersea metal, or those who protect iron from corrosion? Some may even wow you with the feat to generate electricity and clean up polluted water!  相似文献   

Green building here refers to the practice of creating structures able to best achieve effi cient and environmentally friendly use of resources (energy, land, water, materials) throughout the life-cycle so as to offer healthy, convenient and pleasant buildings for people to live and work in in harmony with nature. It has become a worldwide trend in the development of the  相似文献   

"The only thing I'd like to say is that everybody has a role to play - every country and every people in the country. The role has to be fair, feasible and realistic, both in the context of the country itself and in the context of the enormous global challenge to tackle."-- Prof. Corinne Le Quere  相似文献   

This year, 2011 is a very important and meaningful year for chemists.The United Nations has declared 2011 as the International Year of Chemistry (IYC 2011), which is the year for the worldwide celebration of the achievements of Chemistry and its contributions to the well-being of mankind.The goals of IYC 2011 are to increase the public appreciation of chemistry in meeting world needs, to encourage interest in chemistry amongst young people, and to generate enthusiasm for the creative future of chemistry.The year 2011 also coincides with the 100th anniversary of the International Women's Day on March 8 as well as the 100th anniversary of the Nobel Prize awarded to Madame Marie Curie -a great opportunity to celebrate and to highlight the contributions and achievements of women in science.  相似文献   

<正>The scientifi c goals of the Partner Group are to utilize large scale genomic polymorphism data to make fi ne inferences about human demographic history and various forms of natural selection in the human genome;and to understand the genetic basis and evolutionary mechanisms underlying the common variations in human facial morphology,both within and between populations.  相似文献   

<正>The Central Asian orogenic belt(CAOB),surrounded by the Baltica and Siberia cratons to the north,and the Tarim and North China cratons to the south,records successive evolution cycles of subduction and accretion/collision from Neoproterozoic to the Paleozoic that consumed and eventually closed the Paleo-Asian Ocean[1].Tectonic models of the terminal orogenesis are contentious,with discussions ranging from the time and location of final closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean to the regional co...  相似文献   

In order to provide steady support to frontier research topics in basic science and to foster and bring up researchers and research groups with innovative abilities, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) has set up the Science  相似文献   

正ZERO HUNGER has been recognized as a core sustainable development goal (UN 2015). To this end, efforts should be made to increase productivity and production, strengthen capacity for adaptation to climate change, extreme weather and disasters with sustainable food production systems and resilient agricultural practices, and promote food market information transparency to ensure the proper functioning of food commodity markets and to limit extreme food price volatility. Studies have revealed that regional food insecurity  相似文献   

<正>Following the 2008 global financial crisis,many governments have given priority to emerging industries with comparative advantages and adjusted their plans for ST development.In China,the national authorities quickly adopted policy measures to maintain economic growth,boost domestic demand and carry out economic restructuring,leading to a package program for smooth and rapid economic growth.In September 2010,the State Council decided to accelerate the fostering and development of strategic emerging industries.  相似文献   

It is a development trend of medical science to use edible plants and their bioactive ingredients to intervene pathologica process so as to prevent and control diseases.  相似文献   

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