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激活域是由消费者在制定购买决策时认真考虑的品牌所构成的集合。分别从主观熟悉度和客观熟悉度两个方面检验了产品熟悉度对激活域大小的影响。与以往的结果不同,发现不同熟悉度水平的组别间在激活域大小上不具有显著差异。利用信息搜索成本对结果进行了解释,探讨了研究的理论与管理意义,并提出了未来的研究展望。  相似文献   

Adapting information retrieval to query contexts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In current IR approaches documents are retrieved only according to the terms specified in the query. The same answers are returned for the same query whatever the user and the search goal are. In reality, many other contextual factors strongly influence document’s relevance and they should be taken into account in IR operations. This paper proposes a method, based on language modeling, to integrate several contextual factors so that document ranking will be adapted to the specific query contexts. We will consider three contextual factors in this paper: the topic domain of the query, the characteristics of the document collection, as well as context words within the query. Each contextual factor is used to generate a new query language model to specify some aspect of the information need. All these query models are then combined together to produce a more complete model for the underlying information need. Our experiments on TREC collections show that each contextual factor can positively influence the IR effectiveness and the combined model results in the highest effectiveness. This study shows that it is both beneficial and feasible to integrate more contextual factors in the current IR practice.  相似文献   

While test collections provide the cornerstone for Cranfield-based evaluation of information retrieval (IR) systems, it has become practically infeasible to rely on traditional pooling techniques to construct test collections at the scale of today’s massive document collections (e.g., ClueWeb12’s 700M+ Webpages). This has motivated a flurry of studies proposing more cost-effective yet reliable IR evaluation methods. In this paper, we propose a new intelligent topic selection method which reduces the number of search topics (and thereby costly human relevance judgments) needed for reliable IR evaluation. To rigorously assess our method, we integrate previously disparate lines of research on intelligent topic selection and deep vs. shallow judging (i.e., whether it is more cost-effective to collect many relevance judgments for a few topics or a few judgments for many topics). While prior work on intelligent topic selection has never been evaluated against shallow judging baselines, prior work on deep vs. shallow judging has largely argued for shallowed judging, but assuming random topic selection. We argue that for evaluating any topic selection method, ultimately one must ask whether it is actually useful to select topics, or should one simply perform shallow judging over many topics? In seeking a rigorous answer to this over-arching question, we conduct a comprehensive investigation over a set of relevant factors never previously studied together: 1) method of topic selection; 2) the effect of topic familiarity on human judging speed; and 3) how different topic generation processes (requiring varying human effort) impact (i) budget utilization and (ii) the resultant quality of judgments. Experiments on NIST TREC Robust 2003 and Robust 2004 test collections show that not only can we reliably evaluate IR systems with fewer topics, but also that: 1) when topics are intelligently selected, deep judging is often more cost-effective than shallow judging in evaluation reliability; and 2) topic familiarity and topic generation costs greatly impact the evaluation cost vs. reliability trade-off. Our findings challenge conventional wisdom in showing that deep judging is often preferable to shallow judging when topics are selected intelligently.  相似文献   

Although relevance judgments are fundamental to the design and evaluation of all information retrieval systems, information scientists have not reached a consensus in defining the central concept of relevance. In this paper we ask two questions: What is the meaning of relevance? and What role does relevance play in information behavior? We attempt to address these questions by reviewing literature over the last 30 years that presents various views of relevance as topical, user-oriented, multidimensional, cognitive, and dynamic. We then discuss traditional assumptions on which most research in the field has been based and begin building a case for an approach to the problem of definition based on alternative assumptions. The dynamic, situational approach we suggest views the user — regardless of system — as the central and active determinant of the dimensions of relevance. We believe that relevance is a multidimensional concept; that it is dependent on both internal (cognitive) and external (situational) factors; that it is based on a dynamic human judgment process; and that it is a complex but systematic and measurable phenomenon.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of Information Retrieval (IR) systems it is key to collect relevance judgments from human assessors. Crowdsourcing has successfully been used as a method to scale-up the collection of manual relevance judgments, and previous research has investigated the impact of different judgment task design elements (e.g., highlighting query keywords in the document) on judgment quality and efficiency. In this work we investigate the positive and negative impacts of presenting crowd human assessors with more than just the topic and the document to be judged. We deploy different variants of crowdsourced relevance judgment tasks following a between-subjects design in which we present different types of metadata to the human assessor. Specifically, we investigate the effect of human metadata (e.g., what other human assessors think of the current document, as in which relevance level has already been selected by the majority crowd workers), machine metadata (e.g., how IR systems scored this document such as its average position in ranked lists, statistics about the document such as term frequencies). We look at the impact of metadata on judgment quality (i.e., the level of agreement with trained assessors) and cost (i.e., the time it takes for workers to complete the judgments) as well as at how metadata quality positively or negatively impact the collected judgments.  相似文献   

Task-based evaluation of text summarization using Relevance Prediction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article introduces a new task-based evaluation measure called Relevance Prediction that is a more intuitive measure of an individual’s performance on a real-world task than interannotator agreement. Relevance Prediction parallels what a user does in the real world task of browsing a set of documents using standard search tools, i.e., the user judges relevance based on a short summary and then that same user—not an independent user—decides whether to open (and judge) the corresponding document. This measure is shown to be a more reliable measure of task performance than LDC Agreement, a current gold-standard based measure used in the summarization evaluation community. Our goal is to provide a stable framework within which developers of new automatic measures may make stronger statistical statements about the effectiveness of their measures in predicting summary usefulness. We demonstrate—as a proof-of-concept methodology for automatic metric developers—that a current automatic evaluation measure has a better correlation with Relevance Prediction than with LDC Agreement and that the significance level for detected differences is higher for the former than for the latter.  相似文献   

Egghe’s three papers regarding the universal IR surface (2004, 2007, 2008) clearly represent an original and significant contribution to the IR evaluation literature. However, Egghe’s attempt to find a complete set of universal IR evaluation points (P,R,F,M) fell short of his goal: his universal IR surface equation did not suffice in and of itself, and his continuous extension argument was insufficient to find all the remaining points (quadruples). Egghe found only two extra universal IR evaluation points, (1,1,0,0) and (0,0,1,1), but it turns out that a total of 15 additional, valid, universal IR evaluation points exist. The gap first appeared in Egghe’s earliest paper and was carried into subsequent papers. The mathematical method used here for finding the additional universal IR evaluation points involves defining the relevance metrics P,R,F,M in terms of the Swets variables a,b,c,d. Then the maximum possible number of additional quadruples is deduced, and finally, all the invalid quadruples are eliminated so that only the valid, universal IR points remain. Six of these points may be interpreted as being continuous extensions of the universal IR surface, while the other nine points may be interpreted as being “off the universal IR surface.” This completely solves the problem of finding the maximum range possible of universal IR evaluation points.  相似文献   

Traditional measures of retrieval effectiveness, of which the recall ratio is an outstanding example, are strongly influenced by the relevance properties of unexamined documents—documents with which the system user has no direct contact. Such an influence is awkward to explain in traditional terms, but is readily justified within the broader framework of a utility-theoretic approach. The utility-theoretic analysis shows that unexamined documents can be important in theory, but usually are not when it is the statistics of large samples that are of interest. It is concluded that the traditional concern with the relevance or nonrelevance of unexamined documents is misplaced, and that traditional measures of effectiveness should be replaced by estimates of the direct utility of the examined documents.  相似文献   

The object of the experiment described in this paper was to assess the value of information for individual searchers in a realistic search environment. An additive linear function, which combined the ratings of information features provided by searchers, was used to model how humans value information. Twenty Industrial Engineering graduate students and faculty, who were attempting to satisfy a genuine information need by searching a data base of technical literature on Operations Research, served as experimental subjects. Included in the data analysis are a comparison of two alternative retrieval methods, an evaluation of how well humans are able to estimate the relevance of a document from the document's features, and an investigation of the value function components (features and coefficients) and functional form.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that significant improvement in information retrieval performance can be achieved by combining multiple representations of an information need. The paper presents a genetic approach that combines the results from multiple query evaluations. The genetic algorithm aims to optimise the overall relevance estimate by exploring different directions of the document space. We investigate ways to improve the effectiveness of the genetic exploration by combining appropriate techniques and heuristics known in genetic theory or in the IR field. Indeed, the approach uses a niching technique to solve the relevance multimodality problem, a relevance feedback technique to perform genetic transformations on query formulations and evolution heuristics in order to improve the convergence conditions of the genetic process. The effectiveness of the global approach is demonstrated by comparing the retrieval results obtained by both genetic multiple query evaluation and classical single query evaluation performed on a subset of TREC-4 using the Mercure IRS. Moreover, experimental results show the positive effect of the various techniques integrated to our genetic algorithm model.  相似文献   

In the traditional evaluation of information retrieval systems, assessors are asked to determine the relevance of a document on a graded scale, independent of any other documents. Such judgments are absolute judgments. Learning to rank brings some new challenges to this traditional evaluation methodology, especially regarding absolute relevance judgments. Recently preferences judgments have been investigated as an alternative. Instead of assigning a relevance grade to a document, an assessor looks at a pair of pages and judges which one is better. In this paper, we generalize pairwise preference judgments to relative judgments. We formulate the problem of relative judgments in a formal way and then propose a new strategy called Select-the-Best-Ones to solve the problem. Through user studies, we compare our proposed method with a pairwise preference judgment method and an absolute judgment method. The results indicate that users can distinguish by about one more relevance degree when using relative methods than when using the absolute method. Consequently, the relative methods generate 15–30% more document pairs for learning to rank. Compared to the pairwise method, our proposed method increases the agreement among assessors from 95% to 99%, while halving the labeling time and the number of discordant pairs to experts’ judgments.  相似文献   

This paper presents a relevance model to rank the facts of a data warehouse that are described in a set of documents retrieved with an information retrieval (IR) query. The model is based in language modeling and relevance modeling techniques. We estimate the relevance of the facts by the probability of finding their dimensions values and the query keywords in the documents that are relevant to the query. The model is the core of the so-called contextualized warehouse, which is a new kind of decision support system that combines structured data sources and document collections. The paper evaluates the relevance model with the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) TREC test subcollection and a self-constructed fact database.  相似文献   

This empirical study examines small firms’ strategies for capturing returns to investments in innovation. We find that small firms’ strategies are qualitatively different from those found in earlier studies of both small and large firms. Most of the small firms examined here find informal means of protection, such as speed to market or secrecy, more important than patenting. Only firms with university cooperation—typically R&D intensive and science-based small firms—were likely to identify patents as the most important method of appropriating innovation returns in their field. Thus, the strategic choice for most small firms is between secrecy and speed to market. Firms that cooperate in innovation with horizontal partners or significantly depend on vertical partners tend to prefer speed, whereas process innovators with modest R&D investments or few cooperative R&D activities display a preference for trade secrets. Indeed, cooperation activities greatly influence the choice of intellectual property strategy for small firms. Earlier research has emphasized patents and trade secrets as key strategies of appropriation, yet these strategies do not appear to be very beneficial for small firms engaged in cooperative innovation. These results raise policy questions regarding the functionality of the existing system of intellectual property rights.  相似文献   

The presentation of search results on the web has been dominated by the textual form of document representation. On the other hand, the document’s visual aspects such as the layout, colour scheme, or presence of images have been studied in a limited context with regard to their effectiveness of search result presentation. This article presents a comparative evaluation of textual and visual forms of document representation as additional components of document surrogates. A total of 24 people were recruited for our task-based user study. The experimental results suggest that an increased level of document representation available in the search results can facilitate users’ interaction with a search interface. The results also suggest that the two forms of additional representations are likely beneficial to users’ information searching process in different contexts.  相似文献   

Previous studies have repeatedly demonstrated that the relevance of a citing document is related to the number of times with which the source document is cited. Despite the ease with which electronic documents would permit the incorporation of this information into citation-based document search and retrieval systems, the possibilities of repeated citations remain untapped. Part of this under-utilization may be due to the fact that very little is known regarding the pattern of repeated citations in scholarly literature or how this pattern may vary as a function of journal, academic discipline or self-citation. The current research addresses these unanswered questions in order to facilitate the future incorporation of repeated citation information into document search and retrieval systems. Using data mining of electronic texts, the citation characteristics of nine different journals, covering the three different academic fields (economics, computing, and medicine & biology), were characterized. It was found that the frequency (f) with which a reference is cited N or more times within a document is consistent across the sampled journals and academic fields. Self-citation causes an increase in frequency, and this effect becomes more pronounced for large N. The objectivity, automatability, and insensitivity of repeated citations to journal and discipline, present powerful opportunities for improving citation-based document search.  相似文献   

Engineering a multi-purpose test collection for Web retrieval experiments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Past research into text retrieval methods for the Web has been restricted by the lack of a test collection capable of supporting experiments which are both realistic and reproducible. The 1.69 million document WT10g collection is proposed as a multi-purpose testbed for experiments with these attributes, in distributed IR, hyperlink algorithms and conventional ad hoc retrieval.WT10g was constructed by selecting from a superset of documents in such a way that desirable corpus properties were preserved or optimised. These properties include: a high degree of inter-server connectivity, integrity of server holdings, inclusion of documents related to a very wide spread of likely queries, and a realistic distribution of server holding sizes. We confirm that WT10g contains exploitable link information using a site (homepage) finding experiment. Our results show that, on this task, Okapi BM25 works better on propagated link anchor text than on full text.WT10g was used in TREC-9 and TREC-2000 and both topic relevance and homepage finding queries and judgments are available.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model that incorporates contemporary theories of tense and aspect and develops a new framework for extracting temporal relations between two sentence-internal events, given their tense, aspect, and a temporal connecting word relating the two events. A linguistic constraint on event combination has been implemented to detect incorrect parser analyses and potentially apply syntactic reanalysis or semantic reinterpretation—in preparation for subsequent processing for multi-document summarization. An important contribution of this work is the extension of two different existing theoretical frameworks—Hornstein’s 1990 theory of tense analysis and Allen’s 1984 theory on event ordering—and the combination of both into a unified system for representing and constraining combinations of different event types (points, closed intervals, and open-ended intervals). We show that our theoretical results have been verified in a large-scale corpus analysis. The framework is designed to inform a temporally motivated sentence-ordering module in an implemented multi-document summarization system.  相似文献   

张幸  华薇娜 《现代情报》2015,35(3):129-135,146
利用Web of Science数据库,对国际极地机器人相关文献进行收集,并将收集到的文献按照各年文献量、文献类型、研究机构、研究地域分布等方面进行文献计量分析,同时介绍一些被引次数较高的高影响力文献。通过分析得到结论:极地机器人研究已经得到科学家学者的关注;美国研究机构是国际极地机器人研究的主要机构;南极是机器人应用与进行科学探测活动的重要领域。  相似文献   

With the growing focus on what is collectively known as “knowledge management”, a shift continues to take place in commercial information system development: a shift away from the well-understood data retrieval/database model, to the more complex and challenging development of commercial document/information retrieval models. While document retrieval has had a long and rich legacy of research, its impact on commercial applications has been modest. At the enterprise level most large organizations have little understanding of, or commitment to, high quality document access and management. Part of the reason for this is that we still do not have a good framework for understanding the major factors which affect the performance of large-scale corporate document retrieval systems. The thesis of this discussion is that document retrieval—specifically, access to intellectual content—is a complex process which is most strongly influenced by three factors: the size of the document collection; the type of search (exhaustive, existence or sample); and, the determinacy of document representation. Collectively, these factors can be used to provide a useful framework for, or taxonomy of, document retrieval, and highlight some of the fundamental issues facing the design and development of commercial document retrieval systems. This is the first of a series of three articles. Part II (D.C. Blair, The challenge of commercial document retrieval. Part II. A strategy for document searching based on identifiable document partitions, Information Processing and Management, 2001b, this issue) will discuss the implications of this framework for search strategy, and Part III (D.C. Blair, Some thoughts on the reported results of Text REtrieval Conference (TREC), Information Processing and Management, 2002, forthcoming) will consider the importance of the TREC results for our understanding of operating information retrieval systems.  相似文献   

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