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This article describes how giftedness can be viewed as developing expertise. The general conception of giftedness as developing expertise is outlined. Then research examples are given that, in conjunction, seem odd under traditional interpretations of abilities but that make sense as a whole in the context of the developing expertise model. It is concluded that this new model offers potential for better understanding the nature of giftedness.  相似文献   

Results from a study of 263 male players at 48 levels of expertise in the game of GO, and ranging from 18 to 78 years of age, suggest a need to revise the extended theory of fluid (Gf) and crystallized (Gc) intelligence to take account of continued development of intelligence throughout adulthood. The extended theory of Gf–Gc is based on evidence that Gf, short-term apprehension and retrieval (SAR) and cognitive speed (Gs), decline with age over adulthood. Results from a number of studies, however, suggest that within the domains of expertise, high levels of reasoning, feats of memory and speeded thinking similar to Gf are displayed by older adults. To explore this hypothesis, measures of reasoning, memory and cognitive speed were constructed within the domain of expertise related to playing the complex game of GO. Analysis of the structure of the GO-embedded measures and standard measures of Gf (SAR and Gs) indicated a form of short-term memory — labeled expertise working memory (EWM) — that had substantially wider span than the short-term working memory (STWM) of SAR. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that long-term working memory is built up during the course of developing high levels of expertise. The results also suggest that a form of expertise deductive reasoning (EDR), utilizing EWM and incorporating large stores of knowledge, is distinct from Gf. Expertise cognitive speed (ECS), however, was not found to be reliably distinct from the Gs factor. Analyses of cross-sectional age differences indicate an age-related decline in both EDR and EWM, but as higher levels of expertise are reached, age-related decline does not occur. To the extent that there is continued press to advance expertise throughout adulthood, there may be improvement, not decline, in the EDR and EWM forms of intelligence.  相似文献   

This article begins with a brief review of the history of the conceptions of intelligence and of intelligence testing. It then discusses the effects of these conceptions on education and on children's development. The problem of intelligence and intelligence testing is reformulated in terms of charting pathways to the development of expertise. In particular, the article stresses the importance of habits of mind, or patterns of thinking used in everyday life that can affect the way one approaches various tasks. Acquiring expertise requires acquiring those habits of mind that most facilitate task performance. The importance of context is stressed, as is the importance of dynamic testing of human abilities, which recognizes that people's observed levels of performance do not necessarily reflect their full capabilities.  相似文献   

This article chronicles the evolution of the concept of human expertise since the 1940s. Key themes of expertise throughout the years are presented, followed by a breakdown into three waves: information processing and artificial intelligence; speed, memory, and problem solving; and emotional intelligence and ways of expertise. The parallel of the progression of the construct with other fields such as business and psychology is then examined. Finally, probable characteristics of the expert of the future are presented, with implications for human performance technology practice.  相似文献   

伴随人工智能、人机工程学、认知心理学等学科的探索,近年来教育学界对教师教学专长问题的研究也取到了长足的进展,但研究中存在着专长概念窄化、层次划分区分度低、忽视具体的教学情境、淡化教学实践的多样性、田野研究缺乏等问题,致使"教师教学专长"与"教师专业发展"相混淆,相关研究难以再深入下去。科学知识社会学家哈里·柯林斯和科学哲学家休伯特·德雷弗斯分别基于不同的研究样本,采用不同的理论视角与研究方法,对与专长密切相关的知识转移、意会知识、专长分层及其他相关问题均进行了深入、独到的研究,分析、比较两者的探索,对于教师教学专长研究走出目前的研究困境有着重要的理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   

The main argument of this article is that metacognition is an important part of human abilities, which are, in turn, forms of developing expertise. To the extent that our goal is to understand the bases of individual differences in student academic success, we need to understand metacognition as representing part of the abilities that lead to student expertise, but only as part.  相似文献   

多元智能理论与主题学习网站教学设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
信息化时代与工业化时代不同,它需要的是全面且又具有自己强项的人才,这就要求素质教育必须培养多元化人才。多元智能理论正好为我们开展灵活多样的主题学习活动确立了理论指导。将多元智能理论应用于主题学习网站的设计,可以为主题学习网站的教学设计和具体活动提供设计策略。  相似文献   

人生智能心理的发展,重点要实施好关键期教育。关键期教育,主要应把握三大重点:学习兴趣的诱发与培养、智能结构中的观察力和记忆力开发、学习习惯的训练养成。  相似文献   

This paper describes an investigation into the nature of musical intelligence and its links with creativity across two continents, Europe and Africa. In seeking to indentify the intellectual processes associated with musical intelligence, improvised music was examined as an example of problem solving in this domain. Twenty-four musicians (twelve European and twelve Zimbabwean) functioning at three different levels of expertise - novices, experienced practitioners and professionals - were invited to perform two pieces of improvisation and to reflect upon their performances. An empirical phenomenological approach to analysis was employed. The results show that musical intelligence in this form is both contextually bound but also takes the form of self-expression, self-actualisation, story telling, communication, and social critique. Different levels of ability are illustrated by different levels of abstraction in processing.  相似文献   

文章介绍了美国中小学教育界为刺激学生认知积极性,发展其智力,在结构主义理论指导下建立的7种教学模式,分析了各模式的理论基础、主要框架和实践效果,指明了这些教学改革成果在美国影响受阻的原因。  相似文献   

建构适应性专长培养拔尖创新人才   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
适应性专长兼具知识和创新的双重成分,与常规专长存在质的不同,突出表现在生成性重构、理论驱动和灵活调控等方面.它是拔尖创新人才应具有的核心特征.当前应树立培养适应性专长的教育目标观,知识和创新并重;加强多学科交融,推进"自主、合作、探究"教学,为适应性专长的形成奠定深厚根基;改革评价方式,构建"为未来做准备"的评价体系,为适应性专长的形成提供正确导航.  相似文献   

The development of instructional consultants requires both an understanding of the essential elements of instructional consultation (IC) and a conceptual model for development of skills. IC is a collaborative stage-based process that focuses on academic and behavioral concerns from an ecological perspective. It also emphasizes the importance of language and working relationships in the consultation process. In the first level of development, novice consultants develop awareness and conceptual understanding, as well as limited skills. Competency is achieved through application of skills in school settings with supervision that focuses, with the assistance of audiotaping the consultation sessions, on language and relationship issues as well as content. Advanced skills and proficiency emerge during extended opportunity for practice, supervision and research among those individuals who become interested in developing expertise in this domain of practice. Most training programs provide limited opportunities for competency and expertise to be developed past the novice level. It is essential to enhance educational opportunities and options if consultation practice is to achieve its full potential.  相似文献   

传统教育注重智力和学科能力的发展,缺乏情感态度与价值观及人格的养成,就连艺术教育也是以技能和专业知识为目标而缺少审美、情感和人文内容。基础教育实际存在不同程度忽略甚至否认艺术教育的重大价值的倾向。近年来教育科学研究的重大发现,使人们重新认识和审视艺术教育的价值。在教育教学中渗透艺术性、融合艺术形式,特别是通过综合性的艺术教育模式,能使学生的人格、智力、人文素养等方面得到整合发展。  相似文献   

专长的大量实证研究为智力的增长观即通过努力可以改善智力提供了依据,从智力的增长观引出了社会化智力的概念,社会化智力就是这样一种可以通过努力加以改变的智力,它包含一系列信念、技能和思维习惯;而基于努力的教育正可以培养社会化智力,构建基于努力的教育体系可以从学习、教学和评价等方面着手。社会化智力的观念以及基于努力的教育对于我国当前教育改革有着重要的理论和实践指导意义。  相似文献   

人机协同系统正在全面渗入人类的工作与生活,社会正快速地人机协同化。在弱人工智能时代,人工智能没有“意向性”,但其智能程度在迭代进化中。人机协同系统存在人类与机器两类智能主体,以及人类智能、人工智能和协同智能三种智能元素,其中协同智能的主体是人类,人机协同系统的智能是分布式的。受国际关系“软”“硬”“巧”实力三分理论启示,本研究构建了人机协同时代社会智能的三维模型。“三维”指硬智能、软智能和巧智能,机器拥有更多硬智能,并向人类“学习”软智能,人类拥有更强的软智能和巧智能,并把更多的硬智能“让渡”给机器。基于社会的快速人机协同化,教育所培育的学生核心素养应以发展学生的软素养和巧素养为重点,在硬素养维度着力培育学生的计算思维。未来人机关系将决定个体的社会存在,因此强调以人机协同的价值观、意识、能力等为重点的巧素养培育具有前瞻性。  相似文献   

The development of pedagogies to meet the needs of diverse communities can be supported through inter-professional practice development. This article explores one such experience, that of speech and language therapists developing a new video-based coaching approach for teachers and teaching assistants in multi-cultural settings with high numbers of children learning English as an additional language. To support them in developing and trialling the coaching approach, the expertise of a teacher-educator and educational researcher was provided through a university business voucher. It is this working relationship that the article has as its practical focus, as it transformed to one of collaborative action research. The action research is described, providing the context for a discussion of the characteristics of collaborative action research and the proposal of a new model. This model offers a way of conceptualising collaborative action research through time, and of recognising the importance of the partners’ zones of proximal, contributory and collaborative activities in sustaining change and knowledge-creation.  相似文献   

A model of expertise in chemistry problem solving was tested on undergraduate science majors enrolled in a chemistry course. The model was based on Anderson's Adaptive Control of Thought‐Rational (ACT‐R) theory. The model shows how conceptualization, self‐efficacy, and strategy interact and contribute to the successful solution of quantitative, well‐defined chemistry problems in the areas of stoichiometry, thermochemistry, and properties of solutions. A statistical path analysis and students' explanations supported the model and indicated that the students' problem conceptualization and chemistry self‐efficacy influenced their strategy use, which, in turn, strongly influenced their problem‐solving success. The implication of these findings for future research and developing students' expertise in chemistry problem solving is that a strategy is advantageous when it is built on a foundation of conceptual knowledge and chemistry self‐efficacy. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 46: 1070–1089, 2009  相似文献   

Professionalisation in teaching has been the topic of extensive research in recent years, following in general two different approaches: the ‘competence-based approach’ and the ‘critical reflection approach’. With large-scale comparative studies such as PISA, TIMMS and PIRLS at the beginning of the 21st century, the former approach came to dominate the field and—especially in Germany—a specific model of professionalisation advanced to the status of a paradigm. However, this model does not seem unproblematic when one considers its roots. In this article I begin by inquiring into the concept and methodology behind the status quo in order to reveal its limitations. As a means of developing this concept further, I then introduce a model of educational expertise that takes as its theoretical foundation the didactic triangle, which has a rigid systematic structure for critical and reflective thinking about teaching and is backed up by empirical findings. At the core of this model of educational expertise are mind frames, a concept established by John Hattie. They may be seen as a theoretically founded and systematically structured interaction between competencies and attitudes backed up by empirical findings. Thus, they stand for an integrative model for professionalisation in teaching. Finally, I use this model to provide an outlook on university teacher education.  相似文献   

情绪智力是人成功完成情感活动所需的个性心理特征。在强调素质教育和发展多元智力的背景下,在人们只注重一般智力因素的传统观念下,认清情绪智力是大学生成功的必要条件显得十分必要和迫切。情绪智力对大学生的认知活动、学习习惯、意志力及人际交往具有重要影响,从发展自我情绪认知能力、识别他人情绪、激发对新事物的兴趣及正确处理情绪困扰四个方面提出了培养情绪智力的途径。  相似文献   

Studies of expertise in teaching have been informative, despite problems. One problem is determining the relative roles of talent vs. deliberate practice in the acquisition of expertise. When studying teachers, however, a third factor must be considered, that of context. The working conditions of teachers exert a powerful influence on the development of expertise. A second problem is that of definition because expertise in teaching takes different forms in different cultures, and its characteristics change by decade. A distinction is drawn between the good teacher and the successful teacher, characteristics of expertise that are often confused. A prototypical model of expertise is described and found to identify teachers who were both good and successful. Discussed also is the importance of understanding adaptive or fluid expertise, automaticity and flexibility. Finally, the development of teacher expertise is seen as an increase in agency over time.  相似文献   

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