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Mr.Smith and his son are having lunch.Tom puts the bigger steak on his plate.Mr.Smith is unhappy. Mr.Smith:You’re rude. Tom:Which one do you like if  相似文献   

Mr Green was checking the pupils' homework. He became very unhappy when he ran over(浏览) Tom's exercises, and he asked Tom into the office.“Tom ,this is the third tim e you ve had your hom ework done by yourfather。”he said angrily.“I am sorry,”Tom said.“But I have no other way.M y m other is too busy.”My Mother Is Too Busy!山东@石继忠…  相似文献   

1.根据听到的内容,完成下列句子。(5分) l)His father_eomes home by—· 2)How many_are there in your_? 3)It takes two_to 90 to Yan,an by_. 4)The_today 15 niee and—· 5)Mr Green_home for work at seven—·2.听写对话。(8分) A: B: A: B:3.根据听到的内容,完成短文,每空一词。(7分) My_15 Li Ping.1 am in Class 4 Grade 1 .There are 30._in our elass,16_and 14_.Tom and Jim_Ameriean.Tom ean_.Jim ean_kites.Lily and Luey are_.They ean ride_.Mrs Green 15 our English_.our Chinese teaeher 15 Mr Li.are 16…  相似文献   

The Plural Form of“Child”Teacher:What is the plural(复数)of man,Tom?Tom:Men.Teacher:Good.And the plural of child?Tom:Twins.  相似文献   

It was time for Mr Bell to close his shop. He was checking his money.His son Tom, who was 15, then, a big man walked into When Tom came back, Tom could see the gun in the had just gone outside to the shop with a gun in his buy a newspaper. Just hand. he could hear the man asking his father for money. man's hand, but the man didn't see or hear Tom.  相似文献   

1.HappyNewYear!恭贺新年!2.HappyNewYeartoyou,teacher.老师,新年好!3.GreetingNewYear'sDay.庆祝元旦。4.ANewYear'sEveningParty.元旦晚会5.Iwishyoumakegreatsuccessinyourstudy(work)thisyear.祝你新的一年里在学习(工作)上取得优异成绩。HappyNewYear场景对话(Tom和Jimmy见面了,他们互相问候新年好,并交换礼物。)Tom:HappyNewYeartoyou,dearJimmy!Jimmy:HappyNewYeartoyou,dearTom!Tom:Jimmy,hereisagiftforyou.Jimmy:Thankyou.Andthisisforyou.Tom:Thankyouverymuch.新年好!Tom:新年好,亲爱的Jimmy!Jimmy:新年好,亲…  相似文献   

(A)Tom Krattenmaker and16-year-old Holland are father and daughter.Sometimes,when they listen to rock music together and talk about popculture,they both enjoy these__1__.Mr.Krattenmaker,from Pennsylvania,USA,recalled his relationshipwith his__2__when he was a teenager.“I would__3__have said to mymom,‘Hey,this new album(专辑)is really great—how do you like it?B”he said.“There was just a complete__4__in sensibility(情感)and__5__.”__6__was not the only gap.From clothing and hairstyles …  相似文献   

BuyingBread(layingdowntwopence)Aloafofbread,please.Itistwoandhalfpencenow,boy;breadhasriseninprice.When?Thismorning.Allright,sir,givemeoneofyesterday'sbread!Tom:Baker:Tom:Baker:Tom: It'sNotMyFaultAren'tyouashamedofyourself,John?Youaretheworststudentinyourclass?It'snotmyfault.Theworstonetransferredtoanotherschoolyester-day.Father:John:趣E林(英文)$大庆市八百垧第六小学五(4)班@王晓晴 $牡丹江市向阳小学六(3)班@冯原…  相似文献   

Mr.Brown has five sons .They are Ted, Tom , Bob, Jack, and John...John has no elder brother and he was four years old when his firstyounger brother was born .Tom is very lucky . The number of his elder brothers is the sam e as his younger brothers.Jack wi…  相似文献   

Teacher:Name two pronouns,Tom.Tom:Who?Me?Teacher:Good.Sitdown,please.歪打正着(英文)  相似文献   

正AIt was time for Mr Bell to close his shop.He was checking his money.His son Tom,who was 15,had just gone outside to buy a newspaper.Justthen,a big man walked into the shop with a gun in his hand.When Tom came back,he could hear the man asking his father for money.Tom could see the gun in the man??s hand,but the man didn??t see or hear Tom.Tom hurried up the street.He looked for the police,but he didn??t seeany.Then Tom saw an old baseball bat lying in the street."Maybe this willhelphe thoughtHe ran back with it  相似文献   

:Teacher:Frank,you are late for school again.In fact(事实上 ) ,you are late every day.Frank:But I won't be late tomorrow.Teacher:Nice to hear that.but can you tell me why?Frank:Because it's Sunday tomorrow. :Mum :Do you want an apple,Tom?Tom:Yes,Mum.I want that big one.Mum :I say,Tom,a good boy should (应该 ) let the othershave the big one.Tom:That means(那就是说 ) ,Mum,I must tell you a lie(谎话 ) if I want to be a good boy!小幽默@吴朝辉…  相似文献   

A Jack is 12 years old and he studies in a middle school.He likes to tell his father,Mr Green,everything about his school life.Now Jack jumps onto bed.Mr Green is sitting beside him."What kind of day did you have today?"Mr Green asks."It was a bad day for me,"Jack answers."I had a fight with Tom.The teacher told you  相似文献   

Speak(说话)Jim:W hy don’tfish speak?Tom:Because they can’t.Jim:Butw hy?Tom:W ell,putyour m outh into the w ater,can you speak?注释:speak[spi蘼k]v.说话Im p ro v e m e n t(进步)Peter:H ow are your Englishlessons?Tom:Fine.I couldn’tunderstand(明白)English  相似文献   

In England no-body under the ageof 18 is allowed todrink in public bar. Mr Brown usu-ally went to a barnear his house,buthe 1 took his son,Tom,because  相似文献   

Father's ThingsWhen Tom Howard was seventeen years old he was as tall as his father, so he began to borrow Mr Howard's clothes when he wanted to go out with his friends in the evening.Mr Howard did not like this,and he always got very angry when he found his son wearing any of his things.  相似文献   

AMother:Tom,whydoesthetrainrunfasterthanthebus?Tom:Apieceofcake!Thetrainhasmorewheelsthanthebus.Mother:Whydotheplayersfightforthefootballontheplayground?Tom:Theyareverypoor.Everyonehasnotenoughmoneytobuyafootballforhimself.BTeacher(toMary):Flowersneedwater.Wateryourflowerseveryday,orthey'lldie.(OnemorningmothersawMaryoutinthegarden.)Mother:Whatareyoudoingthere,Mary?Mary:Wateringflowers.Mother:Butit'sraining!Mary:Oh,itdoesn'tmatter,mum.Ihaveanumbrella.好了,高兴完了,让我学习几个词语…  相似文献   

Tom:“DoyouknowJacksaddress,Mary?”Mary:“No,Idont.”Tom:“Toobad。Ilosthisaddress.”Mary:“Butwhydontyouwritetohimfirstandaskhimforit?”Jack's Address  相似文献   

下面是今年高考广东卷的单项填空题,你不妨先独立做一遍,然后再对照答案和解析。21.Tom:Mike,our team will play against the Rockets this weekend.I’m sure we will win.Mike:______!A.Congratulations B.Cheers C.Best wishes D.Good luck22.Tara:This is Tara Patel from Cotton House inKidderminster.Could I speak to Mr.Smith,please?Mr.Smith:______A.Hello.B.I’m Mr.Smith.C.Who are you?D.Speaking.23.______,Carolina couldn’t get the door open.A.Try as she might B.As she might tryC.She might as t…  相似文献   

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