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With more than 12 million students enrolled in over 1,150 two-year institutions, enrollment at these institutions constitutes approximately 44% of all undergraduates in the United States. Despite this, research and prevention efforts related to drinking behaviors among college students attending two-year institutions are limited, with similar information regarding students at traditional four-year institutions readily available. This study sought to examine alcohol use patterns among students at a two-year college compared to a four-year institution. It was conducted at a large (20,000+ students), public, four-year institution and a medium (8,000+), public, two-year institution located in the same community. The Core Alcohol and Drug Survey, a 39-item instrument used by colleges and universities for assessing the nature, scope, and consequences of high risk drinking behaviors in college students, was administered to students at both a two-year ( n = 581) and a four-year institution ( n = 928) (Cremeens & Chaney, 2012). The prevalence estimates of current alcohol use among students at the two-year institution in this study are comparable to national estimates for students attending four-year institutions (67.5% and 69.0%, respectively). Estimates of high-risk alcohol use at the four-year institution in this study were higher than national prevalence estimates for similar colleges. Current drinkers and binge drinkers at both institutions experienced the same negative consequences. While the study results provide insight into the need for alcohol prevention efforts at community colleges, there are important factors and practical considerations related to these efforts presented here for community colleges and administrators to contemplate. 相似文献
采用开放式问卷对118名大学生进行调查,结果显示:(1)大学生职业生涯阻碍存在着显著的性别差异。男生更注意来自个人内在主观方面的阻碍,女生所知觉到的阻碍则更多的来自于外在,尤其是社会人际因素对女生造成的心理负担比男生更大。(2)与国外大学生相比,我国大学生十分重视人际关系、家庭经济和自信心水平对自身职业生涯发展的影响。 相似文献
This paper employs a theoretical model to explain the long-term persistence of students who began their postsecondary education in two-year institutions. The model was estimated on a national sample of 825 students who initially enrolled in 85 two-year institutions in the fall of 1971, and who were followed over a nine-year period. Although there were differences in the factors associated with persistence for men and women, the results tend to confirm the importance of person-environment fit as a salient influence on degree persistence and completion in postsecondary education. Measures of academic and social integration had the most consistent pattern of positive direct effects, and much of the influence of student precollege traits was indirect. 相似文献
在本研究中,我们随机抽取温州科技职业学院2006级和2007级13个专业801名学生作为研究对象。采用问卷调查和软件测试相结合、集体辅导和个别辅导相结合的方法。测试工具包括MBTI性格自测问卷、Holland职业倾向量表和学生就业意向调查表等三种。针对测试和调查结果,课题组提出了高职职业指导的相应对策建议。 相似文献
Data from the National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972 were drawn to compare those who transfer from two-year colleges and those who enroll in four-year institutions immediately after high school. The comparisons were made on background variables, individual characteristics, and financial aid status. Results indicated that transfers came from lower SES families, and had lower academic ability, high school achievement, and educational aspiration than native students. Transfers were less likely than native students to receive scholarships, fellowships, or grants, and they showed lower achievement in the year after transfer. Implications of these findings are discussed. 相似文献
当今大学生面临日渐激烈的人才竞争,前所未有的机遇和挑战。如何认识自我,充实自我,展示和塑造自我,是合理策划和定位自己职业生涯的重要内空。 相似文献
当前,高校毕业生的就业率和就业质量是评估高校人才培养质量的重要指标之一,大学生职业生涯规划课已成为各高校的必修课程,授课教师在课程模块及教学模式方面都进行了相当多的探索。不足之处是对如何提升课堂教学效果的创新相对较少。文章重点探讨了大学生职业生涯规划现有教学模式的不足,论述了体验式教学的内涵,进而提出创新大学生职业生涯规划课程教学模式的着力点。 相似文献
本文从语言学角度探讨母语负迁移对高职生英语学习的影响,通过对汉英两种语言的对比分析,找出影响学生语法学习的深层原因,针对学生易出现的错误,提出相应的解决对策,旨在对高职教师的英语教学和学生的英语学习提供帮助。 相似文献
The present study was conducted over a four-year period to determine if life history or biographical information could be used to predict various college experiences of women. At the beginning of their freshman year, 897 women were administered a comprehensive life history questionnaire. During the last quarter of their senior year, 327 women (who received the life history questionnaire four years earlier) completed an inventory which assessed major dimensions of college experiences. Results indicated that life history data could be used to make longitudinal predictions of women's college experiences. The results were discussed in terms of their implications for counseling students in higher education. 相似文献
为了提高大学生就业指导课的教学效果,充分发挥学生观能动性,本文试对小组合作学习这一教学组织形式的运用与操作进行了具体探讨,同时指出小组合作学习过程中应当注意的事项,为创新就业指导课的教学形式提供了新的视角和思路。 相似文献
本文通过对职业指导“特性-因素”理论的借鉴与解读,结合实践阐述大学生就业指导应该:充分尊重学生个性,为其独特的职业发展需求提供帮助;启发学生认识自身潜能,根据自己的人生指标进行职业设计:鼓励学生热情追求职业理想,启发他们培养实现职业理想的理性思考和实力,在职业的选择与发展中成为自我认知、自我实现及自觉有用的人。 相似文献
目前国内高等教育的发展趋势逐渐大众化,高校的扩招导致大学生数量逐年递增,高校毕业生面临的就业压力也越来越大。解决这一问题的根本在于让大学生提早认清外部环境,树立正确的就业职业观,提高自身素质与能力。因此,职业辅导在促进大学生就业工作中显得极为重要,本文主要探讨职业辅导的必要性、目前职业辅导存在的问题及如何更好地开展高校职业辅导的问题,让大学生更好地就业、择业。 相似文献
创业教育在欧美等发达国家已有几十年的历史,至今已经颇具规模.国内高校开展创业教育是时代和现实的必然要求,在创业教育逐步成为高校教育重要内容的新时期,图书馆要充分发挥其独特优势,为大学生创业教育服务. 相似文献
重庆市大学生的总体职业成熟度和职业成熟度各因子的表现水平均一般。其中以职业世界知识最低;大学生职业成熟度在性别上存在显著差异,男生比女生职业成熟度高;大学生职业成熟度在年级上存在显著差异,大四最高,整个发展趋势呈“V”型;大学生职业成熟度在是否兼职上存在显著差异,兼职过的学生比未兼职过的学生职业成熟度高:大学生职业成熟度在家庭收入上存在显著差异.家庭收入高的学生职业成熟度高。 相似文献
本研究采用Y-G人格测验量表,通过对高职生与本科生的比较研究,对商职生的人格特质进行了初步的探讨。结果发现,高职生与本科生具有许多共同的良好的人格特质,他们之间差异主要表现在高职生具有较差的合作精神和较差的社交能力上。在人格类型高职生中稳定适应型--C型与C′型的人数明显少于本科生。 相似文献
解决贫困大学生的就业问题有利于我国高等教育事业的健康发展。通过分析贫困大学生就业存在的困难和问题,进而制定科学、合理、行之有效的就业指导与服务策略,必将极大地推动贫困大学生就业的健康发展。 相似文献
In 2005, Louisiana implemented the Master Plan for Public Postsecondary Education: 2001 (Board of Regents, State of Louisiana, 2001) to restructure its higher education system in an effort to provide its citizens with high quality postsecondary educational choices. This restructuring forced its two-year and four-year institutions to redesign their developmental education programs. Subsequently, several two-year institutions partnered with four-year institutions to offer developmental courses on the four-year college campuses. However, little is known about the experiences of the two-year students in these settings, especially as they relate to classroom experiences. Thus, this phenomenological study explored the academic-social experiences of 20 students enrolled at the two-year college and taking classes at a four-year institution. The study was done in hopes of garnering a better understanding of factors that impact integration and persistence. This article focuses on how the students developed a sense of belonging in the classroom, and it makes connections as to how these students’ experiences may impact integration and persistence and/or transferability to four-year institutions. Additionally, recommendations for research and practice are presented. 相似文献
伴随着大学生毕业规模的扩张,就业形势日趋严峻,开展在校大学生的职业生涯规划教育已成为高校就业工作的重要内容之一。本文阐述了职业生涯规划的概念和内涵,阐明了在大学生中开展职业生涯规划的意义,分析大学生职业生涯规划现状及面临的问题,在实践中梳理大学生职业生涯规划的创新思路和具体做法。提出加强专业人才培训力度,完善课程体系;建立全程培养育人机制,提升育人质量;提供有针对性指导服务,转变就业观念;提供学生成长发展平台,提高能力水平,为大学生职业生涯规划的开展提供参考。 相似文献