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目前地方高校教育科研主要存在着教育科研理念落后、教育科研导向偏差、教育研究力量薄弱、研究成果价值单一、教育科研管理边缘化等问题。在教育变革与创新的时代教育科研作为"思想之塔"与"活力之源",应成为支撑高校核心竞争力迅速提升的重要前提,地方高校教育科研需要从院校发展的战略高度对教育科研进行重新定位,以推进地方高校的发展。  相似文献   

中小学教师教育科研是指广大中小学教师运用教育理论和方法,结合自己的教育实践,以教育活动为对象并揭示其本质和规律的一种创造性活动。教育科研的目的定位关系到中小学教师教育科研的性质和服务方向,必须对其准确定位。提高教师素质,服务教育教学实践是中小学教师教育科研目的的科学定位。要把这一定位落到实处,需要处理好教学与科研的关系。  相似文献   

抓好集中实践性教学环节特别是抓好毕业论的指导,是提升开放教育质量的重要环节。首先必须解决指导教师和学生的思想认识问题。同时把握好开放教育毕业论定位,毕业论必须符合培养“高等应用型专门人才”的需要。由于毕业论是在教师指导下由学生自主完成的,因此,学校有必要强化对论指导流程和写作过程的监控,建立相关的管理制度。毕业论的指导和写作的质量控制,要把握三个环节,即精心挑选指导教师、对写作过程全程监控、着重培养良好的学风和较强的科研能力。在具体指导过程中要紧扣专业要求激发创新能力,引导学生联系实际拓宽选题思路,按照科研规范独立完成写作任务,确保毕业论的真实性和水准。  相似文献   

校本教育科研是学校教育科研走向的成熟必然选择,它需要遵循科学规律,运用科学研究方法,按照一定程序进行操作,因此需要加强组织指导,思想上准确定位,实践中规范管理,以取得人才、出成果的理想效果。  相似文献   

论高职院校职业发展指导与就业指导模式的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
要开展有效的职业发展指导与就业指导,需要构建适合高职学生特点的指导模式.模块化,专业化,指导形式多样化的职业发展指导与就业指导模式,能够促使学生合理定位,提升职业意识和就业竞争力.  相似文献   

省属师范大学办学定位研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
大学办学定位是指办学目标定位、办学类型定位、学科性质定位、服务方向定位、办学特色定位等多个方面。办学定位对大学发展与建设具有导向、凝聚和动力作用。省属师范大学属于以专门培养地方基础教育教师为主要任务的地方性高等教育机构,在我国进入教师教育转型期,教师教育呈现开放化、专业化、一体化、终身化等趋势的背景下,省属师范大学办学目标要具有前瞻性,突出自己的特色;其办学类型与层次要符合学科比例和科研规模;人才培养与社会服务要体现时代性和区域性。因此,省属师范大学应走建设以教师教育为主要特色的教学研究型地方综合性大学的发展之路。  相似文献   

中小学教师教育科研的目的定位关系到中小学教师教育科研的性质和服务方向,必须对其准确定位。提高教师素质、服务教育教学实践是关于中小学教师教育科研目的的科学定位。要把这一定位落到实处,中小学教师需要处理好教学与科研的关系。  相似文献   

美国学生指导经过百年的发展,已形成了自己的特色;研究这一特色,对我国正在兴起但仍相当薄弱的学生指导来说具有重大意义。美国学生指导的特色1.指导模式的个人本位性众所周知,美国近现代教育受杜威的思想影响较深。杜威提出的一个重要命题是“教育即生长”。在他看来,教育的作用就在于促进儿童生长。教育要尊重儿童生长的需要,把握儿童发展的时机,注意儿童在生长过程中每天所具有的特殊形式。儿童有了  相似文献   

遇华仁 《煤炭高等教育》2006,24(3):58-59,64
地方高校的办学定位必须要考虑地方经济社会的特点,并以此为背景确定自己办学的特色、目标、方向及人才培养模式等问题。面对高等教育大众化新形势以及新型工业化的要求,地方高校办学定位要以现代教育理念为指导,从社会系统层面、教育系统层面、学校系统层面去把握定位的具体内容,按照一定的程序与途径,做到科学定位。黑龙江科技学院定位为教学型学校,以矿产资源开发与利用为学科专业特色,培养应用型人才。  相似文献   

吕萍 《现代教学》2011,(5):23-26
一、调研基本情况 1.调研目的 此次调研的目的在于了解教师对教育科研(此处的教育科研更多是指课题研究)的认同度、参与教育科研的积极性和主要困难及需要的外部支持,并在了解现状的基础上,有针对性地提供优质的教育科研指导和服务奠定现实基础,从而进一步提高教育科研指导和服务的有效性,提升教育科研的整体质量,  相似文献   

Music teachers in Botswana’s junior secondary schools could transform their students’ and their own experience of music education through understanding, using and establishing action research as part of their practice. Furthermore, they could significantly impact the education system, by challenging its current paradigm and ultimately shifting its focus towards more socially just values and outcomes. These changes are long overdue, long written about and anticipated, long mandated through policy and accompanied by numerous research studies observing and theorizing the absence of student-centred pedagogy. This article situates the proposed project in relation to other African research studies in education reform. The project seeks to change, improve, and eventually re-structure and reinvigorate the teachers’ personal, professional and political landscapes not only through the changes to their practice, but through coming to see the subject area, their role in its delivery and their agency in an entirely new way.  相似文献   

The greater involvement by adult education practitioners in research poses the need to locate and problematise research as an activity. By seeing research as a social practice rather than a process it becomes possible to highlight the vital and neglected dimension of reflexivity. The paper argues that there is a need to recognise the place of writing in adult education research. Research can then be understood as a textual practice where it is impossible to ignore the workings of reflexivity and the need for researchers to be reflexive. The different forms reflexivity can take are considered in order to show that reflexivity does not refer exclusively to the effects of the researcher's psychological make‐up or personal values. It is argued that there is a need for adult education researchers to become critical writers and readers of research texts and a framework is outlined which makes it possible to highlight the workings of reflexivity as a movement away from the purely personal to an awareness of the operation of language, discourses and power/knowledge formations in the assumptive structures and unconscious values of research.  相似文献   

Values education and holistic learning: Updated research perspectives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The article introduces the special issue by exploring international research findings that identify certain forms of values education constituting an effective catalyst for good practice pedagogy and, in turn, contributing to holistic learning. It refers firstly to research that justifies and explains how values education works to enhance positive student effects across the full range of developmental measures, personal, emotional, social, moral, spiritual and intellectual. It then focuses on international evidence that underpins the central theme of the special issue, so providing updated samples of the theoretical and empirical research that both explains and demonstrates the impact of values education on holistic learning.  相似文献   

In European societies, major patterns of plurality have changed over recent decades due to modernization and globalization. In schools, these new patterns of plurality have consequences for learning processes and may be challenging for students and teachers. This article investigates these issues, taking as its point of departure the way they surfaced in the Norwegian subject-oriented research project ‘Teaching about Religious Diversity in Schools. Applying and Developing an Interpretive Cultural Approach to Religious Education’ (2007–2010). Nine teachers and two researchers worked together in a community of practice, adopting an action research mode of collaboration. Each participant carried out and documented individual development projects, mostly within their own student groups. Developments and results were discussed in regular community-of-practice workshops. The data analysed in this article were generated from these workshops and from interviews with participants. The main research question raised is how an action research project in the field of religious education can lead to professional development for the participants. More specifically, the question is how such development can be described with respect to the relationship between personal and professional aspects of teacher identity and practice. The introduction of core concepts from theories of religious education and action learning triggered a collective inquiry among the participants into their own professional knowledge. Gradually a common professional discourse developed within the community of practice, and the participants became aware of and started to investigate critically how personal values and beliefs played a role in their professional work.  相似文献   

初中数学“体验学习”的实验 ,是“让孩子在亲身体验中学习”的教育策略 ,通过引导学生体验 ,强调学生的主体实践 ,亲身体验 ,真正把知识通过开放性、实践性的形式展现给学生 ,使学生在探索体验中开发自己的创造力 ,从而提高学生的整体素质 ,探索创造教育的新途径。  相似文献   

This essay focuses on the effects of the recent subdisciplinary research emphasis in physical education scholarship on whole-person issues such as personal and social development in school- and agency-based physical education programs. It is argued, first, that recent social problems have accelerated the need for scholarly attention to the whole person in physical education and, second, that this research emphasis has responded by beginning to clarify and validate various personal and social development approaches in physical education. However, these results are not, for the most part, finding their way into practice; a different approach to scholarship is required to augment current lines of research. This approach, which emphasizes the interplay of theory/research and practice, is more likely to bridge the gap between theory and practice and to encourage integration among the subdisciplines. In the process, pressing social problems that now constitute much of the context for practice will be addressed.  相似文献   

This article explores value conflicts that people experience when teaching in higher education, drawing on in-depth interviews with staff from a research-intensive UK university. The article considers the relationship between values and teaching, illustrating how conflicts can occur between individual and different levels of the higher education system. Five value conflicts are then examined related to: dialogic forms of teaching; independent learning; not having enough time for students; large group lectures; and the struggle to be authentic in the classroom. These conflicts were highly personal yet speak to broader concerns within contemporary higher education. Individual responses to conflict varied. Drawing on previous research, the main response of participants in this study could be described as ‘strategic compromise’. Although one person responded to conflict by leaving the profession, the majority accepted structural constraints perceived to be beyond their control. Within these constraints people focused on aspects of practice where values could be realised, driven by personal concerns. The article concludes by discussing the potential of a deliberative approach to the study of value conflicts in higher education and its use on professional development courses for university staff.  相似文献   

Background:?Professional commitment from teachers requires more than contractual compliance as personal and professional values are integral to teaching practice. Secondary school teachers are expected to act as role models and demonstrate positive attributes and attitudes in an evolving educational context. Little is known about how they understand or interpret their own values, or realise the shared values that lie at the heart of a school community.

Purpose:?The purpose of this review is to summarise the literature relating to values that teachers hold. The review is concerned with theoretical and empirical studies in which such values are considered, and also any tensions identified between the personal values of teachers and organisational values of the schools reflected in professional practice. This scoping exercise is part of two-year funded empirical research carried out by the authors in five secondary schools in England, using data from individuals, groups and schools on the personal values of teachers and head teachers. This research explored whether these values are congruent with the organisational values schools seek to establish.

Design and methods:?An extensive literature review was undertaken relating to the values held by secondary school professionals. The search was restricted to more recent works (i.e. the year 2000 onwards), and was mainly UK and secondary education focused. The search was conducted using the educational database, Education Indexes on Dialog, and the Electronic Journal Service which is a database covering wider disciplines. To reach harder-to-find research reports, additional strategies were adopted including hand searching of key journals and reference to existing publication lists. The review generated over 1000 published references that were then screened to determine whether publications were based on empirical research conducted in schools, and/or helped a deeper theoretical understanding about the meaning of values.

Conclusion:?The review highlights the integral part values continue to play in education. This article presents a framework of understanding derived from the literary contexts in which values are discussed. There is little empirical data to support current understanding about the values that secondary teachers hold, and how these fit with the organisational values of the schools in which they work. Studies in the context of values and professionalism stress the need for dialogue and reflection so that ‘implicit’ values that teachers hold become explicit, and refined through practice.  相似文献   

To date, little research has explored teaching values education for active citizenship in which young children are supported to express their own ideas and opinions and take moral responsibility for their actions. Using personal epistemology as the conceptual framework, this study investigated the nature of, and alignment between, teachers’ personal epistemologies and practices for promoting critical values education in elementary education. The study drew on interview and observational data from 29 teachers in Australia. Findings showed that four patterns could be discerned, showing complex relationships between teaching practices and beliefs. Implications for preservice and inservice professional learning experiences are discussed.  相似文献   

新建本科院校教育价值选择探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从教育目的、教育内容、教育方法、教育对象等4个角度探讨了教育价值选择问题,认为新建本科院校的教育价值选择应考虑"社会本位与个人本位的统一,实科教育与博雅教育的统一,应用实践与理论研究的统一,科学精神与人文精神的统一",以体现自身的教育质量与特色,保障学校的生存与发展.  相似文献   

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