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张霈  蒋津君  苏波  闫琳琳 《精武》2012,(12):85-86
采用文献资料、问卷调查和数理统计等研究方法,对我国排球高级教练员岗位培训教学现状进行调查研究,试图找出教学中存在的问题,并针对问题提出相应的对策,为我国排球高级教练员岗位培训质量的提高提供参考。  相似文献   

由英国教练员认证机构(UKCC)授予的教练员等级认证,从以培养基础能力的初级(1级)到着重培养专业技能和职业能力的高级(4级)不等。初级教练员课程只需不到一周的时间就可以完成,高级教练员课程还未确定,但高级教练员课程的教学目标与研究生教育一致,至少要花2年的时间才能完成。由于缺乏通过正式的课程计划培养高水平教练员的经验,因此,研究人员只能检验当前培养高水平教练员过程中使用的方  相似文献   

高级足球教练员岗位培训教学目标体系研究??   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用问卷调查法,对我国甲级足球队教练员专业能力状况进行调查,并进行多因素分析处理,提出了我国高级足球教练员岗位培训的教学目标体系  相似文献   

运用文献资料、问卷调查、专家访谈等研究方法,对我国开展田径高级教练员培养工作的主要环节及现状进行研究。结果显示:我国田径高级教练员培养工作已形成特有的培训体系;教练员具有较高的运动水平和丰富的执教经验;岗位培训缺乏对教练员“能力”的培养;师资队伍学历较高,但需加强后备人才培养;培训保障体系主要包括经费与培训基地两部分。据此,在管理制度、培养途径、培训内容、培训教材等方面,提出我国田径高级教练员培养工作可持续发展建议。  相似文献   

2011年9月8-15日,由国家体育总局乒乓球羽毛球运动管理中心主办,国家体育总局教练员学院承办的2011年全国羽毛球中、高级教练员岗位培训班在北京体育大学举办。共有来自全国15个省(区市)的91名羽毛球教练员参加了培训。其中,高级羽毛球教练员培训班38人。中级羽毛球教练员培训班53人。培训班以"更新羽毛球教练员执教理念,提高羽毛球教练员执教水平"为主题,聘请了钟秉枢、刘大庆、颜吾佴、王安  相似文献   

自1990年来我院已先后开办了两期冰雪项目高级教练员岗位培训班,共培训教练员54人。教练员岗位培训工作已纳入学院的正常教学轨道,取得了一些经验,也尝到了甜头。 一、建立全院通力协作的运行机制 学院的教练员岗位培训工作1995年以前一直是由行政一把手主管。现由主管教学的院长负责,具体组织工作由教务处负责。在学院的领导下,全院上下对教练员岗位培训工作形成了比较一致的认识,通过教练员岗位培训工作不仅可以为国家培训各级教练员,而且促进我院教学管理、师资队伍建设等工作快速发展,从而扩大学院的知名度。  相似文献   

田径高级教练员职业能力研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
运用文献资料、访谈及问卷调查法,借鉴相关理论研究成果及部分项目能力结构体系,构建“田径高级教练员职业能力结构”调查量表,对高级教练员职业能力现状和需求进行调查分析。结果表明,田径高级教练员对自身能力结构整体现状评价低于整体需求评价,教练员对各项目能力需求与能力现状上具有显著性差异。  相似文献   

为贯彻落实国家体育总局"十二五"教练员培训计划,有针对性地抓好高级教练员的岗位培训工作,促进基层教练员执教水平不断提高。国家体育总局乒乓球羽毛球运动管理中心定于2011年12月15-29日,在上海体育学院中国乒乓球培训中心举办全国乒乓球高级教练员岗位培训班。来自全国各省市专业队及业余体校约60名教练员参加培训。  相似文献   

初元澎 《乒乓世界》2000,(11):41-41
第七期全国高级乒乓球教练员培训班暨第三期全国基层乒乓球教练员培训班10月9日开始在古城扬州开课,参加本次高级教练员培训班的共有30人,至此,在共七期培训中共有228名全国优秀专业队中级职称以上的教练员参加了培训,这一数字基本上包括了所有的优秀教练员,完成了中国乒协的九五计划。为高级教练员讲课的有:徐寅生、张燮林、蔡振华、李晓东、尹霄、吴敬平、吕林、曾传强、程嘉炎、张晓蓬等,高级班将于11月4日结束,学员们在培训期间要完成论文、作业、世界杯观后感,共约3万字的文稿。 参加第三期基层教练员培训的有6…  相似文献   

继体操、游泳高级教练员研讨班之后,训练局又举办了田径、举重高级教练员岗位培训研讨班.此次研讨班理论联系实际,知识更新突出针对性、实用性,将经验上升为理论,注意培养和提高教练员的能力,从而达到开拓思路,发挥创造力、想象力,更好地为运动实践服务的目的.研讨班受到教练员的普遍好评.  相似文献   

中美高校高水平运动队教练员因素的比较研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
孔军 《湖北体育科技》2003,22(4):536-538
从高水平教练员在高校中的分布、高校教练员的业务素质、高校教练员的聘用体制等3个方面对中美两国高校教练员因素进行了比较分析,提出了一些建议,以求提高我国高校教练员的整体水平,进而提高我国高校的竞技运动水平。  相似文献   


Previous research indicates that young athletes as well as athletic administrators hold gender-role stereotypical beliefs about coaches that disfavor females. The validity of two such beliefs (lack of qualified female coaches and time constraints due to family responsibilities) was examined in a statewide survey of 256 female and 296 male interscholastic coaches and a nationwide survey of 2,719 male and 1,449 female interscholastic coaches. Statistical analyses (p < .001) indicated that female coaches were (a) more qualified than their male counterparts with respect to coaching experience with female teams, professional training, and professional experience; (b) as qualified as male coaches with regard to intercollegiate playing experience; and (c) less qualified than male coaches with respect to high school playing experience and coaching experience with male teams. Findings also indicated that male rather than female coaches more often experienced time constraints due to family responsibilities.  相似文献   

辽宁省拳击教练员现状调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以辽宁省11所体育运动学校的拳击教练员为研究对象,采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法对辽宁省拳击教练员的现状进行调查与分析。结果显示:辽宁省拳击教练员趋于年轻化,从整体上看具有丰富的拳击运动实践经验;由于部分教练员执教年限较短、文化素质和专业理论水平相对较低,在制定训练计划方面不够重视;他们对参加教练员培训班的愿望很迫切。  相似文献   

Previous research indicates that young athletes as well as athletic administrators hold gender-role stereotypical beliefs about coaches that disfavor females. The validity of two such beliefs (lack of qualified female coaches and time constraints due to family responsibilities) was examined in a statewide survey of 256 female and 296 male interscholastic coaches and a nationwide survey of 2,719 male and 1,449 female interscholastic coaches. Statistical analyses (p less than .001) indicated that female coaches were (a) more qualified than their male counterparts with respect to coaching experience with female teams, professional training, and professional experience; (b) as qualified as male coaches with regard to intercollegiate playing experience; and (c) less qualified than male coaches with respect to high school playing experience and coaching experience with male teams. Findings also indicated that male rather than female coaches more often experienced time constraints due to family responsibilities.  相似文献   

业余教练员培养机制的构建与发展对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用问卷调查法、访谈法和数理统计法等方法对上海、江苏等地区的教练员的现状进行了调查,结果表明:训练单位在业余训练员选拔中主动性不足,公开招聘教练员成为各单位理想的选拔方式;业余教练员培训中职前、在职和职后教育的衔接不紧;科学的考核指标和合理的聘任目标是激励教练员提高执教水平的重要保证;健全的教练员信息保障机制是业余教练员的重要组成部分;并提出了健全教练员培训制度,建立教练员流动机制等对策。  相似文献   

Physical education (PE) in primary schools has traditionally been taught by qualified primary teachers. More recently, some teaching of PE in primary schools has been undertaken by coaches (mostly football coaches). These coaches hold national governing body awards but do not hold teaching qualifications. Thus, coaches may not be adequately prepared to teach PE in curriculum time. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the perceptions of a group of community-based football coaches working in primary schools for the impact of a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme on their ability to undertake ‘specified work’ to cover PE in primary schools. The programme focused on four areas identified as important to enable coaches to cover specified work: short- and medium-term planning, pedagogy, knowledge of the curriculum and reflection. Results showed that for the majority of coaches the CPD programme had made them more aware of the importance of these four areas and had helped to develop their knowledge and ability to put this into practice in covering planning, preparation and assessment time. However, further input is still required to develop coaches’ knowledge and understanding in all four areas, but especially their curriculum knowledge, as well as their ability to put these into practice consistently. These findings are discussed in relation to the implications of employing coaches to cover the teaching of PE in primary schools and, if employed, what CPD coaches need to develop the necessary knowledge, skill and understanding for covering specified work in schools.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法对长沙市高尔夫俱乐部教练员进行了现状调查与分析,研究结果表明:(1)在年龄结构上,长沙市高尔夫俱乐部教练员呈现年轻化趋势。年轻教练占较大比例。(2)在性别结构上,长沙市高尔夫俱乐部教练员中呈现男多女少的现象。这与全国其他地方的高尔夫教练员的情况类似。(3)长沙市高尔夫俱乐部教练员中教龄较长的教练员学历水平普遍不高,而教龄较短的教练员学历集中在本科阶段。(4)与其他城市相比,长沙高尔夫俱乐部的教练平均月薪处于中等水平,与长沙在全国的城市排名来看是较为相符的,与其他体育项目的教练员薪资水平相比相对较高。(5)长沙市高尔夫俱乐部教练员资格认证情况不够乐观。(6)长沙市高尔夫俱乐部教练员中的外籍教练年龄都在40岁以上,平均教龄为20年左右,平均月薪为10000元左右,学历方面,外籍教练员均是本科,资格认证方面,外籍教练员有显著优势。  相似文献   

Recent research has recognized sports coaching as complex, chaotic and cognitively taxing for coaches. Against this backdrop, the present paper explores challenges faced by high-level coaches working with disabled performers. Specifically, it seeks to understand how coaches create mental models of performance in adventure sports and para-canoe. Five coaches were purposively sampled and underwent a semi-structured interview. A thematic analysis revealed conceptualizing the mental model as being mechanically related for all and as including a social construction within the para-canoe coaches. Reflection on the coaching process and on personal characteristics were perceived as important to individualized inclusive coaching. Coach training should particularly emphasize the need for critical judgement and decision-making skills within a similarly oriented social structure of coaches and support staff where applicable.  相似文献   

This study seeks to address a gap in research regarding the perspectives of coaches working within European teams comprising both domestic and immigrated players. In order to explore coaches’ experience in working with multicultural teams, semi-structured interviews were conducted with six head coaches of professional basketball teams in Central and Northern Europe (two in Czech Republic, two in Germany, two in Latvia) and analysed using qualitative thematic analysis. The study focused primarily on communication and interaction between immigrated players and coaches, and on strategies used by coaches to overcome problems arising within multicultural teams. The findings identified three main themes: differences in values between foreign and domestic players/coaches; the formation of ethnic subgroups in teams; and race as a potentially problematic factor in coach–athlete relationships. The implications of this study include noting the importance of educational programs for coaches focused on raising cultural awareness, and recognising the need for further studies in this relatively under-researched area.  相似文献   

该文采用逻辑分析法和文献资料法来进行社会足球青训机构教练员能力因素的研究。社会足球青训机构教练员是足球教练员这个群体中的一个分类,随着草根足球和校园足球在中国的不断发展,社会足球青训机构教练员的数量正在不断增加。现阶段,社会足球青训机构教练员是绝大部分青少年的“足球启蒙教练”,因此对其能力因素的研究十分重要。该文以社会足球青训机构教练员为研究对象,研究了其指导运动训练能力、临场指挥比赛能力、团队管理能力和影响能力的综合因素。通过研究发现社会足球青训机构教练员需要各种能力,但最为重要的是指导运动训练的能力。  相似文献   

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