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试论模型在高中生物教学中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
模型方法是现代生物研究的重要方法。新课程3个模块(人教版高中生物)中都有练习对各种模型的构建,模型还作为工具,用来分析研究对象各因素关系、运行的特点、预测评价等。  相似文献   

信息技术环境下中学生学习方式现状调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息技术的发展为学生的学习提供了新的技术手段,也对学习方式提出了新的要求。本文通过对中学生在信息技术环境下学习方式现状的问卷调查,分析了中学生学习方式存在的问题,探究了优化中学生学习方式的策略,以更好地促进学生的全面发展。  相似文献   

近年来,我国的英语教育事业取得了显著的成就。但是在高中英语教学中一直存在着忽略情感的问题,在应试教育的背景下,教师忽视了培养学生的情感而让学生机械地做大量练习题,这就导致了很多学生逐渐失去了学习英语的兴趣,这种现状不但影响英语教师的教学质量,而且也限制了学生情感的积极发展。因此重视英语教学中的情感因素显得非常重要。  相似文献   

高中生要学好数学,首先要改变观念,其次应抓住提高听课的效率这一关键;做好课后和阶段性的复习和总结工作;做练习题的量不宜过多,亦不宜过少;掌握适合自己的学习方法。  相似文献   

The problems of girls’ underachievement in school science and in particular the physical sciences, has been widely documented in recent years. The findings of this study in Thailand do not confirm the previous findings. Girls in upper secondary schools outperform their boy counterparts in practical skills, theoretical knowledge of chemistry and attitudes to science. The differences in practical skills are greater in the earlier grades, but in theoretical knowledge the larger differences are in the later grades. These findings negate the possible validity of a biological interpretation of these sorts of sex differences.

Some of the possible social sources of bias common in the school systems of Western societies are not present in Thailand. The majority of chemistry teachers are women and curriculum development was in the hands of women. However, the content of the course and its accompanying materials are not obviously very different from modern chemistry courses elsewhere. On the other hand, there does appear to be cultural evidence that may make laboratory activities in chemistry more natural to girls in Thailand.

In Thailand both boys and girls at these levels of schooling are required to take all three sciences, viz., physics, chemistry and biology. The study raises major questions about the choice that exists within the curriculum of many Western countries and the extent to which this ‘choice’ becomes a major avenue for the biases of society to be reflected in the school system.  相似文献   

Learning environment,motivation, and achievement in high school science   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a study of the relationship between high school students' perceptions of their science learning environments and their motivation, learning strategies, and achievement, 377 students in 22 introductory science classrooms completed surveys in the fall and spring of their ninth‐grade year. Hierarchical linear regression was used to model the effects of variables at both the classroom and individual level simultaneously. High intraclass agreement (indicated by high parameter reliability) on all classroom environment measures indicated that students shared perceptions of the classroom learning environment. Controlling for other factors, shared perceptions that only the most able could succeed in science classrooms and that instruction was fast‐paced and focused on correct answers negatively predicted science achievement, as measured on a districtwide curriculum‐linked test. Shared perceptions that classrooms focused on understanding and independent thinking positively predicted students' self‐reported satisfaction with learning. Implications of these results for both teaching and research into classroom environments are discussed. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 40: 347–368, 2003  相似文献   

青春期是中学生成长的关键时期,正是长身体的黄金时节。但是处于青春发育期的中学生,面对生理上的急剧变化,他们往往感到束手无策,从而导致心理上的不正常发展。他们渴望了解性知识,以便正确应对生理上的变化,但他们却无法通过正常的渠道来了解正确的性知识。因此,教育现实在呼唤青春期性教育走进中学课堂。  相似文献   

Building from the classic Wisconsin model of status attainment, this study examines whether a specific style of parenting, concerted cultivation, and a close friend’s school-related attitudes and behaviors mediate the relationship between a family’s socioeconomic status and their child’s academic achievement in the United States. Using a recursive path model on nationally representative panel data of high school students (N = 10,350), the results confirm a direct association between socioeconomic status and concerted cultivation. In addition, concerted cultivation and close friends are shown to mediate the relationship between a family’s socioeconomic status and their child’s academic achievement.  相似文献   

Effective educational leadership is essential for the success of schools and ultimately student achievement. The impact of school leadership may be even more pronounced in charter schools. Due to current and unprecedented growth, unique design, and complexities of political, financial, and governance issues they face, there is a need for more highly qualified charter school leaders and perhaps even “differently” prepared leaders. In this qualitative study, the authors documented the characteristics and skills of two successful, sustained charter school leaders who retrospectively described their evolved and evolving roles over twenty five years. Each transformed high-poverty, low-performing schools with at-risk populations and led with vision, passion, and a relentless desire to positively influence their organizations and ultimately improve student success in their communities. Although many of their skills and characteristics fall within existing theories, such as situational leadership, transformational leadership, and distributive leadership, they embodied a level of dedication and commitment to the original communities in which they founded charters lasting over a quarter of a century. The findings suggest that founding a charter school and seeing it through to success over time may more closely resemble missionary work than traditional school leadership.  相似文献   

"学案导学法"是一种创新的教学方法,它在高中信息技术教学中显得尤为突出。该教学法是以教师编写的"学案"作为载体,学生以"学案"为参考,通过教师的指导,使学生在教学活动中发挥主体作用,自主学习,从而通过师生共同合作来完成教学任务。  相似文献   

化学基本概念在教学中有着极其重要的地位,因此重视和加强化学基本概念的教学是提高化学教学质量的关键.  相似文献   

杭州市第九中学近年来积极探索综合高中的办学路子,围绕“让学生学会选择”的教育理念,构建起了很有特色的综合高中教育模式。这种教育模式有着鲜明的四大特点:一个进口,多个出口;多次分流,多次选择;普职融合,校际流动;学制灵活,强调技能。为支撑这种教育模式,采用了“厚基础、活模块”的课程结构形式、“面向全体、尊重个性“的学分管理办法和“横向交流、纵向衔接”的管理思路。  相似文献   

Biggs’ 3P (Presage–Process–Product) model, a key framework in Student Learning Theory, provides a powerful means of understanding relations between students’ perceptions of the teaching and learning environment, learning strategies, and learning outcomes. While influential in higher education, fewer tests of the model in secondary education contexts have been conducted. We investigated relations between Presage, Process and Product variables in the Australian secondary education context, using a wider range of Presage variables than is typical, as well as a novel set of outcomes (class participation, homework completion, and educational aspirations). Australian students (N = 5,198) from 13 high schools participated in the study, completing a paper-based survey in class. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to test for construct validity of scales. Structural equation modeling was used to determine the fit of the hypothesised 3P model to the data, and estimate direct and indirect effects between Presage, Process and Product variables. Across the Presage variables, academic self-efficacy and perceived teacher support had the strongest direct effects on outcome variables, as well as the strongest indirect effects through the Product variables. Demographic (e.g., age, gender, parental education) and personological (e.g., Big five personality measures) covariates were generally less salient. The present study illustrates the utility of the 3P model in contemporary secondary education settings. Building academic self-efficacy and positive perceptions of teacher support should enhance both the Processes and Products of learning in secondary settings.  相似文献   

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