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My Birthday     
沈佳阳  施莉娜 《阅读》2006,(1):46-46
Today is the 18th of Septem ber. It is m y birthday. There are one big birthday cake and som e birthday pre- sents on the table. They are from m y parents and m y friends. Oh,the doorbellis ring- ing. M iss Panda com es. She gives m e som e notebooks as a present. I like them very m uch.Butw ho is she? she is m ybestfriend,Gao Tianlin. Now ,allofus are singing the song“ Happy Birthday to You”.Im ake a w ish and blow out (吹灭)the candles on the cake.Let'shave the cake now . How happyI…  相似文献   

The Body     
1.Betty’s is curly and beautiful.2.John has no hair on his .3.Close your and m ake a wish.4.Santa’s are red.5.Stam p(跺 )your .6.She carried the box under her .7.D on’t shout in m y .8.Jim has som e candies(糖)in his 9.A crab(螃蟹 )has ten .10.Jack is carrying a bag on his 11.Sharks have sharp .12.M ary has a pretty .★本期“边 玩边 学”答 案:1.B (bee 蜜蜂)2.I (eye 眼睛)3.C (sea 海洋)4.P(pea 豌豆)5.T(tea 茶)6.Y (w hy 为什么)7.A B C8.I C U (I see you.我 看 见 你了。)9. A (Because it…  相似文献   

L ast Sunday m y parents and I visited a farm.W e saw m any anim als there.It’s so funny that a horse wasonly six years old but it’s m uch bigger than m e.On the farmwe could see som e pigs were asleep.The geese m ade a lot ofnoise when they saw us.At feeding tim e,we fed the chickenswith corn.Then we wanted to let the ducks out of their houseand gave them their breakfast.To our surprise,we saw they hadlaid m any eggs.So we helped to collect their eggs.In the after-noon we m ilked cows.T…  相似文献   

1There isa rectangle(长方you picture.Can形)in the two parts and cut it into)?m ake it a square(正方形It has five let-ters.It has six leftif you take twoletters away.W hatis it?Ittakes one cat twom inutesto eat onefish,then howlongdoes ittake tencats toeat tenfish?2The first letter is in“take”but not in“lake”.The sec-ond is in“thank”but not in“think”.The third is in both“fox”and“next”.The last one is notin“sheep”but in“ship”.W hat is it?It’s______.A.B IK E B.JE EPC.TA …  相似文献   

A CarFather:!I’ve promised(许诺 ) to buy you a car if youpassed your exam, and youhave failed( 失败). What wereyou doing last term?Son: I was learning todrive a car.A Set of DrumsFather:!I tell you, son, I’m not going to buyyou a set of drums(一套鼓).Son:!But, Dad, I promise I’ll only playthem when you are sleeping.父子对话(英文)@毛国锋…  相似文献   

地点:小猫的家时间:小猫的生日人物:猫妈妈、两只小猫、羊小姐、鸭先生、狗弟弟Storyteller:H i,friends.This is B oy C at.This isG irlCat.They're tw ins.Look,They have the sam ebright eyes and w hite hair.They are lovely.N owthey're singing and dancing.Two Little Cats:(singing and dancing)Brightday,sunny day.It’s our birthday.W e are happytoday.Let’s go and play...M other Cat:O h,m y dear.Don’t go.Today isyour birthday.W hat would you like?Boy Cat:I’d like a ham burger,an ice creamand a…  相似文献   

水木  赵海涛 《阅读》2016,(Z3):76-77
A Big Head大头Son:All the kids make fun of(嘲笑)me.They say I have a big head.Dad:Don’t care.(别在意。)You have a beautiful head.Now stop crying and go to the store for ten pounds of potatoes.Son:Where is the shopping bag?Dad:I don’t have one,but you can use your hat.  相似文献   

A: Hi, Helen. B: Hi, Daisy. A: You look nice in red. B: Thank you. A: You look beautiful in this new dress, May. B: Oh, thank you. A: You look lovely in this hat, Mrs Zhang. B: It's very kind of you to say so.* *谢谢你这么说?You look nice in red  相似文献   

彭婷 《阅读》2010,(4):45-45
One day, a camel met a goat on the road. They walked along the road together. After a while, they saw a tall tree, there were many leaves on it. The camel opened his mouth and ate the delicious leaves. But the goat was too short to eat them. The camel said to the goat, "Look, I can eat the leaves. I'm taller than you, so I'm better than you." The goat said nothing. They still walked along the road.  相似文献   

I can still remember my first day at school. I was only 6 years old at that time.It was a big classroom .In it,there werem any desks and m any chairs. There were lots of toys in theplayhouse.M y friends and I played with see-saws(翘翘板) andslides (滑梯). W e were very happy. The teachers were prettyand helpful. They told us a lot of stories and songs. Theytaught us a lot of knowledge. I thank them for it. So I thinkthe day is m em orable.My First Day at School@范婷婷$海门实验学校小学部…  相似文献   

淑琴  晓燕 《阅读》2006,(2):34-36
A child grew(3)corn(4)onthe top of a hill.When thecorn was ripe enough toreap(5),a bear found it and came intothe land.He ate some,threwsome and destroyed(6)some.The angry child went to reason with thebear who cared little about it.*“Though(7)I destroyed your corn,what canyou do with me?”“You must repay(8)my corn!”said the child.“What if I don’t repay it?”“I will let you know how strong I am.”“You’d better give it up(9).I have nothingbut strength,”answered the bear.“I only hea…  相似文献   

I like watching TV. I often spend three hours a day in front of TV sets. Sometimes I even watch TV for five hours or more on Sundays. I like watching TV, because it is like books and films. I can learn many good things from it, such as the nature, the people and place of other countries ,I like watching Cartoons very much, especially“Y ing Tao X iao W an Zi”.X iao W anzi is a school girl熏she islovely and funny熏 and she always m akes m e laugh. I learn alot from her.A fter supper熏…  相似文献   

My Happy Day     
赵宇扬 《阅读》2012,(4):47
Last Sunday was my happy day.I got up at a quarter past seven.I went to a small restaurant and ate breakfast with my parents.I had a bowl of noodles,a piece of bread.It was delicious!After breakfast,we went to Taihu  相似文献   

李蓓 《阅读》2014,(15):37-37
<正>老师:你能用"鸡蛋"一词造句吗?学生:可以,我昨天吃了一块蛋糕。老师:那"鸡蛋"在哪呢?学生:在蛋糕里。Teacher:Can you make a sentence with the word egg?Student:Yes.I ate a piece of cake yesterday.Teacher:Then where is the egg?Student:In the cake,sir.  相似文献   

人生病了,要去医院看医生。那么在英语中,医生会怎样询问你的病情,你又该怎样回答呢?请看下面Tom和医生的对话:D押O h熏Tom熏W hat’s w rong w ith you芽(哦,汤姆,你怎么了?)T押W ell熏doctor熏I have a headache.(医生,我头疼。)D押H ow long has it been like this芽(这种情况有多久了?)T押M aybe since yesterday evening.(也许从昨天晚上开始。)D押Then how about your appetite芽(那你的食欲怎样?)T押I don’t have m uch appetite.(我没什么食欲。)W hat should I do熏doctor芽(医生,我该怎么办?)D押N ever m ind选Take it …  相似文献   

ISN’T IT A GOOD WAY? Mother:Tom,Ihear you’ve been fighting with one of those boys next door and have given him a black eye.Tom:Yeah.You see,they are twins and I want some way to tell them apart.Isn’t it a good way?THAT'S THE ONE I DIDN'T TOUCH Mother: …  相似文献   

My Birthday     
周心愉  陈蕾 《阅读》2006,(11):45-45
Today is myeleventh birthday.I getupearly in the m orning.A fterbreakfast,seven classm atesofm ine com e to m y house.They are Qian Yuting,BoYum eng,Zou Y uxin...Theybring m any sm all presentsto m e.They are cards,abag,and m any school★指导教师:陈蕾things.I like these presents very m uch.W e share a big birthdaycake and play m any interesting gam es together in m y room.A llofus are very happy today.难度系数:☆☆My Birthday$苏州工业园区新城花园小学五(4)班@周心愉…  相似文献   

How to Ask Time     
下列五句是问时间的不同说法:1.Excuse m e,could you tell m e the righttim e,please?2.W hat tim e is it,please?3.W hat’s the tim e?4.H ow’s the enem y?5.Tim e?当然,问时间的说法还很多,远不止上述几种。但是,不同的场合,不同的对象,要采用不同的表达方式。任何场合都用同样的一个句型,会显得生硬和呆板,缺少文化内涵。例如,第一句用于家人之间就很可笑,用于并不熟悉的人之间才恰当。同样,第四句用来问一位严肃的长者并不合适,用来问老友或同事才适宜。有的小朋友会问,为什么把时间称为enem y(敌人)呢?这是与西方人的时间观、…  相似文献   

My Bedroom     
Ihave a bedroom .Itissm allbut very nice.There is a sm allbed in m y bedroom .There is a bookshelfbe- side it.There are a lotofbooks on the bookshelf.Ilike reading books, so m y parents often buy books for m e as presents.There is also a desk beside the bookshelf. There are som e textbooks,exercise books and a dollon it.The dollis a giftfrom m y grandparents.Every evening w hen I do m y hom ew ork atthe desk ,Ifeel she is sm iling at m e and saying, “ Do your hom ew ork carefully!”M y be…  相似文献   

Who Am I?     
Hello, boys and girls. We all know summer is coming and days become long and nights become short. It’ssohot!Comeon, baby! I can make you cool. I am white. I am sweet, cool and soft. I live in a colorful paper box. I’m made from milk, chocolate and water. Many children like me very much. But if you eat too much, you will have got a stomachache(肚子疼). Guess! Who am I? Yes, you are very clever. I am an ice cream.★指导老师: 施俊亚 难度系数: ☆☆☆☆Who Am I?$海门实验学校小学部五(1)班@仇福燕  相似文献   

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