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随着新课程改革的不断深入,新课程理念已走进学校,走向课堂,它用特有的教学理念指导每一位教师,影响每一个学生。在学习新课标和教学实践中,教师的教学行为要有新的改变、新的重点:改变备课方式,改变教学模式。  相似文献   

肖磊 《教育评论》2005,(5):116-118
新课程的实施,是我国基础教育战线上一场深刻的变革。新的理念、新的教材和新的评价体系,对广大教育工作者提出了更高、更新的要求。这就需要学校教师迅速走进新课程、理解新课程。新时期的小学体育教师应发扬传统教学的优势,尽快地适应课程改革的需要。  相似文献   

新课程的实施是我国基础教育的一场深刻变革,新的理念、新的教材和新的评价,对广大教育工作者提出了更高、更新的要求。这就需要中小学教师迅速走进新课程、理解新课程,不断更新教学观念,不断创新教育机制,不断规范教学行  相似文献   

面对新课程的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新一轮基础教育课程改革已经拉开了帷幕,新课程正在走进校园,走进师生的生活,新课程实施与传统教学发生碰撞,必然带来新的教学改革,使学校的教学管理制度、教师的课堂教学方式、学生的学习方式面临新的考验。带着上述问题,我参加了济南教育学院组织的第八期校长提高培训,并赴华东师大进行了异地培训,从而对实施新课程有了一些全新的认识。  相似文献   

李和英 《课外阅读》2010,(11):77-77
“新课程改革已在健康、有序、全面地推进,一步一步地走进学校,走进课堂,走进教师。”新课程改革的学习与实践,给我们每一位教师最大的收获和体会,归结起来一言以蔽之,——那就是新课程改革的关键还是在于教师。新课程改革与教师的教学理念、教学水平、教学经验、个人风格、高尚师德等密切相关。  相似文献   

印秀辉 《考试周刊》2010,(20):80-80
随着新课程改革的不断深入,新课程理念已走进学校、走向课堂,它用特有的教学理念指导每一位教师,影响每一个学生。作为学习活动的组织者、引导者、合作者,我们怎样让新课标理念指导自己的教学呢?我在学习新课标和尝试教学实践中体会到教师的教学行为要有新的改变,新的重点,下面我从备课和教学课堂两个方面来谈一下自己的做法。  相似文献   

新课程已走进初中校园,走进师生生活,走进学生的家庭。新课程给教学带来了新的活力,给教师带来了新的机遇,给学生带来了创新的学习氛围。  相似文献   

李军 《山东教育》2004,(25):40-40
当新课程走进学校、走进课堂时,带来了新的教学观念、教学理念,激起了教师们参与课程改革的极大热情,并积极投身其中进行认真地实践和探索。在课改实验中,我们对小学数学教学内容的选取和使用有了新的认识。我们认为,在新形势下选取和使用教学内容应该做到以下几点:  相似文献   

李剑涛 《新疆教育》2012,(21):104-104
随着新课程的全面实施,中小学教育改革全面展开,给中小学政治课教学带来了前所未有的生命力和契机。新课程的实施是我国基础教育战线上一场深刻的变革,新的理念、新的教材和新的评价,对广大教育工作者提出了更高、更新的要求,这就需要中学教师迅速走进新课程、理解新课程。本文从新课改的理念方面谈谈政治课教学。  相似文献   

新的课程改革主张:"语文课要姓语","新课程要走进综合课、走进研究性学习".这就使得一些教师愈发觉得"语文教学难".  相似文献   

2020年后,教育扶贫将面临新形势、新任务,进入一个新阶段。在教育扶贫事业中,虽然政府是主导力量,但是同样需要各级各类优质学校的自觉参与。优质学校参与教育扶贫事业是坚持社会主义办学方向的具体行动表现。为促进优质学校参与教育扶贫,政府应作出明确的政策规划,动员和支持优质学校积极参与。同时,帮扶学校应处理好与被帮扶学校之间的关系,提升被帮扶学校治理能力和教育质量,形成辐射带动效应,实现被帮扶学校所在区域长期稳定脱贫,促进当地经济社会可持续发展。  相似文献   

民族地区中小学计算机教育现状及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在基础教育改革中,新课程标准里把计算机教育作为一门必修课程来开设,教育部规划到2005年全国中小学校都要开设计算机课程,到2008年实现校校通工程,那么民族地区中小学计算机教育的现状如何?如何应对?  相似文献   

During the second half of the twentieth century, faithful followers of non-Western religions immigrated into Western European countries. Their children were a challenge for the respective educational system in the host countries. In the Dutch context, the educational system consists of public and private schools in which religion is the most dividing factor. Private schools are largely denominational schools with, as main denominations, Roman Catholics and Protestants, while state schools are presented as religiously neutral. How did this dual system cope with the import of a relatively new religion like Islam? In our contribution, we describe half a century’s history of Islamic children in Dutch schools by addressing the following questions. In what way did state and denominational schools on the one hand and the government on the other hand try to include Islamic pupils (and their parents) and facilitate their integration into the Dutch educational system and by consequence into Dutch society? And, the other way around, how did these new comers adapt themselves to the Dutch educational system, and did they stimulate, directly or indirectly, reflection on religion and values? We come to the conclusion that the most influential initiatives came from both Christian and Islamic schools as a consequence of their focus on the importance of the formation of pupil identity and life orientation and that teachers’ knowledge about and attitude regarding (religious) diversity are pivotal in processes of learning about and from each other as a precondition for integration into a society characterised by diversity.  相似文献   

The economic efficiency of vocational secondary schools in improving the employment prospects for graduates has been questioned, leading to policy recommendations in favor of enterprise-based training and training in non-formal training centers. The role of secondary education would be to impart basic skills, perhaps through reformed curricula that, while falling short of vocationalism, better prepare graduates for adult life. This paper examines trends in World Bank investments in vocational education and training for the period 1963–86 to answer three questions. Is there evidence to suggest that educational authorities in developing countries, as well as in the World Bank, have moved away from investments in secondary vocational schools? What does the record suggest about the patterns through which alternative training systems evolve in developing countries? Is there any evidence that a ‘new educational vision’ is emerging for secondary education? The paper concludes that investment in secondary vocational schools has declined substantially in favor of non-formal training systems. Nine characteristics of effective non-formal systems are identified. Diversified secondary schools, as one model of a ‘new vision,’ have not succeeded, raising important questions regarding possible directions for improved secondary education.  相似文献   

The new institutionalism predicts that professionalism is a key element of organizations’ ability to be seen as legitimate. Emphasizing the professionalism and formal credentials of its members lends legitimacy to the organization, protecting it from scrutiny. What happens when this norm of professionalism is absent? How do schools legitimate themselves, if not through professionalism? This paper examines a population of small, secular non‐elite private schools that overwhelmingly hire uncertified teachers. Using data from 60 private school principals in Toronto, Canada, I examine the ways in which private schools tap into alternate means of legitimacy. This study finds that small, secular ‘rogue’ private schools fail to invoke norms of professionalism as a means to garner constituent support and legitimacy. I argue that these schools substitute an innovative, unconventional ‘caring consumer ethos’ in place of teacher professionalism.  相似文献   

教育扶贫不是单向输出的过程,是为了自我和自我所处的命运共同体的系统性的认知和行动。石家庄外国语教育集团创造了“大家好才是真好”学校共同体教育扶贫新模式,这种模式将山区学校的发展目标与自身发展目标融为一体,将学校发展融入区域教育均衡发展以及国家脱贫攻坚的历史进程之中,以提升被帮扶学校校长、教师、学生的主体能力和内生动力为切入点,是一种城市优质学校与山区学校“共建共享共赢”的发展新机制。  相似文献   

近20年来,中国农村社区已经从传统的“全耕社会”演进为“半耕社会”。乡村社区的转型导致乡村教育也面临一些新的困惑:学校管理以县为主还是以乡村为主?中小学布局调整是“就近入学”还是“集中办学”?学校对社区是开放教育资源还是实行封闭式管理?乡村学校如何开展素质教育?面对这些困惑,笔者建议:一要根据乡村社区发展的需要重新界定乡村教育的性质与功能;二要重现审视教育管理体制,避免乡村学校管理中出现的权力真空;三是在多元文化理论背景中重新构建农村教育的课程模式。  相似文献   

How can schools as learning organisations support the realisation of a new curriculum's aspirations? This article describes four common and interrelated challenges—depth, spread, reach, and pace—associated with enacting a new curriculum. It then argues that curriculum capital represented by schools and practitioners that address these challenges and meet associated learning demands—commitment, knowledge, understanding and capability—is essential to ensure that curriculum aspirations are realised. We propose that schools that are learning organisations create the kinds of conditions necessary for responding to the challenges and learning demands. In such schools the considerable individual, collaborative and collective learning needed at many levels is recognised. We highlight how each of the four challenges might be addressed by seven dimensions and four transversals of schools as learning organisations, while recognising that task will be more feasible in systems that are also learning and providing supportive conditions.  相似文献   

把农村学校建成农村社区的中心   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建设社会主义新农村的重大历史任务对农村教育的发展提出了新的更高的要求,如何发挥农村教育在建设社会主义新农村中的基础性、先导性、全局性的作用,如何把社会主义新农村建设与农村学校的建设统筹起来,通过农村学校的建设与发展推动社会主义新农村的建设与发展,思考这样一个重大现实问题,应把农村学校规划建设成农村社区的中心是社会主义新农村的一个突破口、切入点和关键。  相似文献   

Partnerships between schools and teacher education institutions are now widely promoted as an effective pathway to the preparation of pre-service students. This paper examines the ways in which one form of school/tertiary partnership has attempted, over a 25 year period, to respond to the key questions on partnership: How do university lecturers share teacher education with their colleagues in schools? When and where does this occur? What can tertiary staff learn from the “new” teacher educators? What strategies are being considered to enhance the spirit of mutual respect which must underpin successful teamwork? How well are the vital roles of adviser, counsellor, guide, support and teacher understood and shared by school and tertiary staff as they work with pre-service students? Do the partners share similar understandings of the theory and practice of the program? The authors conclude, as a result of their own experiences in the Teacher Education Program at Macquarie University in Sydney, and as a result of recent research into the formation of specific links between school teachers and tertiary lecturers, that the success of new experiments with partnership will depend, ultimately, upon the success of the human rather than the structural relationships established.  相似文献   

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