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Motivated by the work in [1] of Abualrub and Siap (2009), we investigate (1+λu)-constacyclic codes over Fp[u]/〈um〉 of an arbitrary length, where λ is a nonzero element of Fp. We find the generator polynomials of (1+λu)-constacyclic codes over Fp[u]/〈um〉, and determine the number of (1+λu)-constacyclic codes over Fp[u]/〈um〉 for a given length, as well as the number of codewords in each such code. Some optimal linear codes over F3 and F5 are constructed from (1+λu)-constacyclic codes over Fp+uFp under a Gray map.  相似文献   

By means of Mawhin's continuation theorem, we study a third-order p-Laplacian differential equation
(?p(u(t)))+f(t,u(t),u(t))+g(t,u(t-τ(t)))=e(t).  相似文献   

Understanding the biological feeding strategy and characteristics of a microorganism as an actuator requires the detailed and quantitative measurement of flow velocity and flow rate induced by the microorganism. Although some velocimetry methods have been applied to examine the flow, the measured dimensions were limited to at most two-dimensional two-component measurements. Here we have developed a method to measure three-dimensional two-component flow velocity fields generated by the microorganism Vorticella picta using a piezoscanner and a confocal microscope. We obtained the two-component velocities of the flow field in a two-dimensional plane denoted as the XY plane, with an observation area of 455×341 μm2 and the resolution of 9.09 μm per each velocity vector by a confocal microparticle image velocimetry technique. The measurement of the flow field at each height took 37.5 ms, and it was repeated in 16 planes with a 2.50 μm separation in the Z direction. We reconstructed the three-dimensional two-component flow velocity field. From the reconstructed data, the flow velocity field [u(x,y,z),v(x,y,z)] in an arbitrary plane can be visualized. The flow rates through YZ and ZX planes were also calculated. During feeding, we examined a suction flow to the mouth of the Vorticella picta and measured it to be to 300 pl∕s.  相似文献   

This paper shows that the stability tests for 1-D discrete systems using the transformation p=(z+z−1) and properties of Chebyshev polynomials developed previously can be directly obtained from the z-domain continued fraction expansion based on the functions (z+1) and (z−1+1) on an alternate basis. Furthermore, it is shown that the root distribution of a polynomial with real coefficient can be determined by the same algorithm.  相似文献   

A well-known discrete stability test is used to derive from the denominator D(z) of a given stable high-order transfer function G(z), the denominator of a low-order approximant of G(z). The proposed method, based on the truncation and inversion of a continued fraction formed with the coefficients of D(z), yields a reduced denominator d(z) of degree, say m, which is always stable. Furthermore, depending on the neglected parts of the continued fraction, d(z) approximates m1 and m2 = mm1 zeros of D(z), located very near the points z=1 and z=-1, respectively. In the special case m1=m, d(z) is identical to the polynomial obtained by applying to D(z) the indirect technique, which combines the bilinear transformation with the Routh or the Schwarz approximation method.  相似文献   

Uniform asymptotic estimates for the error in the main diagonal and first two subdiagonal Padé approximants for exp(iz) in a sector covering the real z axis are derived. The results are applied to analyze the error in a cerain procedure for the numerical inversion of the Laplace transform.  相似文献   

Studies of two-element-kind ladder networks are well known in the classical literature, among them, the most celebrated ones are due to Cauer. Driving point immittance function synthesis by using continued fractions to obtain the series and shunt arm L-C element values is a standard and routine work. The idea of introducing a class of more general networks, the inhomogeneous ladder networks, was first developed by Lee and Brown, and subsequently the synthesis techniques of such a network were established.In this paper, new results are found such as: (1) the Iff. conditions of the existence of an inhomogeneous ladder network by a given chain matrix of the network satisfying: (a) determinant of the chain matrix is 1; (b) the zeros of A(s) and z?1B(s) or A(s) and y?1C(s) alternate with respect to [z(s)y(s), k] with an appropriate leading set of zeros of A(s); (c) the poles of A(s) and z?1B(s) or A(s) and y?1C(s) are the poles of z(s)y(s) of multiplicity of n and n?1, where n the number of sections of ladder networks; (2) the Iff. condition for the inhomogeneous ladder network to be optimal is that it be antimetrical, whereas for the extended class of inhomogeneous ladder networks it is symmetrical, where an optimal inhomogeneous ladder network is defined as the corresponding network with the minimum sum of immittance levels in the series and shunt arms; (3) algorithms of synthesis procedures were developed as the by-products of the Theorems.  相似文献   

Let denote the class of functions analytic in U={z:|z|<1} which satisfy for fixed M, z=reiθU and

A method is presented for the design of a class of two-dimensional (2-D) stable digital filters satisfying prescribed magnitude and constant group delay specifications. The design method generates a 2-D digital transfer function which is a product of two transfer functions H1(z1,z2) and H2(z1,z2), corresponding to a recursive filter and a nonrecursive filter, respectively, Component H1(z1,z2) ensures a wave-digital realization, that is, the design method guarantees the generation of a corresponding analog function H1A(s1,s2) which is realizable as the transfer function of a doubly-terminated two-variable lossless network. Thus the design technique ensures that not only is a given frequency response achieved, but also the generated transfer function is realizable as a cascade of a wave-digital filter and a nonrecursive digital filter. The class of filters considered here is one in which the doubly-terminated analog network used to realize the wave digital filter is a cascade of s1- and s2-variable lossess two-ports with all their transmission zeros at infinity.  相似文献   

Given the linear system x = Ax - bu, y = cTx, it is shown that, for a certain non-quadratic cost functional, the optimal control is given by uopt(x) = h(cTx), where the function h(y) must satisfy the conditions ky2?h(y)y>0 for y≠0, h(0) = 0 and existence of h-1 everywhere. The linear system considered must satisfy the Popov condition 1/k + (1 +?ωβ) G(?ω)>0 for all ω, G(s) being the y(s)/u(s) transfer function.  相似文献   

The main goal of the present paper is twofold: (i) to establish the well-posedness of a class of nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations and (ii) to investigate the related null controllability and decay rate properties. In a previous step, we consider an appropriate regularized system, where a small parameter α is involved. More precisely, the usual nonlinear term b(x)uux is replaced by b(x)zux, where z=(Id.?α2A)?1u and A is a Poisson–Dirichlet operator. We investigate the behavior of the null controls and their associated states as α → 0.  相似文献   

This paper gives a general review of the Theory of Nonlinear Systems. In 1960, the author presented a paper “Theory of Nonlinear Control” at the First IFAC Congress at Moscow. Professor Norbert Wiener, who attended this Congress, drew attention to his work on the synthesis and analysis of nonlinear systems in terms of Hermitian polynomials in the Laguerre coefficients of the past of the input.Wiener's original idea was to use white noise as a probe on any nonlinear system. Applying this input to a Laguerre network gives u1, u2,…, us, and then to a Hermite polynomial generator gives V(α)'s. Applying the same input to the actual nonlinear system gives output c(t). Putting c(t) and V(α)'s through a product averaging device, we get c(t)V(α) = Aαs2, where the upper bar denotes time average and Aα's can be considered as characteristic coefficients of the nonlinear system. A desired output z(itt) may replace c(itt) to get a new set of Aα's.The Volterra functional method suggested by Wiener in 1942 has been greatlydeveloped from 1955 to the present. The method involves a multi-dimensional convolution integral with multi- dimensional kernels. The associated multi-dimensional transforms are given by Y.H. Ku and A.A. Wolf (J. Franklin Inst., Vol. 281, pp. 9–26, 1966). Wiener extended the Volterra functionals by forming an orthogonal set of functionals known as G-functionals, using Gaussian white noise as input. Volterra kernels and Wiener kernels can be correlated and form the characteristic functions of nonlinear systems.From an extension of the linear system to the nonlinear system, the input-output crosscorrelation φxy can be shown to be equal to the convolution of system impulse response h1 with the autocorrelation φxx. Using the white noise as input, where its power density spectrum is a constant, say, A, the crosscorrelation is given by φxy(σ) = Ah1(σ), while the autocorrelation is φxx(τ) = Au(τ). This extension forms the basis of an optimum method for nonlinear system identification. Measurement of kernels can be made through proper circuitry.Parallel to the Volterra series and the Wiener series, another series based on Taylor-Cauchy transforms developed since 1959 are given for comparison. The Taylor-Cauchy transform method can be applied in the analysis of simultaneous nonlinear systems. It is noted that the Volterra functional method and the Taylor-Cauchy transform method give identical final results.A selected Bibliography is appended not only to include other aspects of nonlinear system theory but also to show the wide application of nonlinear system characterization and identification to problems in biology, ecology, physiology, cybernetics, control theory, socio- economic systems, etc.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new method to convert a characteristic equation from the z-domain to the w-domain, which is best suitable for the stability-equation method. Stability criteria applicable to sampled-data control systems with characteristic equations having both real and complex coefficients are presented. Illustrative examples are given, and a high order proportional navigation system is considered.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of delay-dependent dissipative control for a class of linear time-delay systems. We develop the design methods of dissipative static state feedback and dynamic output feedback controllers such that the closed-loop system is quadratically stable and strictly (Q,S,R)-dissipative. Sufficient conditions for the existence of the quadratic dissipative controllers are obtained by using linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach. Furthermore, a procedure of constructing such controllers from the solutions of LMIs is given. It is shown that the solvability of a dissipative controller design problem is implied by the feasibility of LMIs. The main results of this paper unify the existing results on H control and passive control.  相似文献   

Matrix A with characteristic polynomial Q(z) is defined positive or negative Hurwitz according to whether Q(z) or Q(-z) is a Hurwitz polynomial. Leading principle sections of the Tikhonova growth matrix have associated characteristic polynomials Pn(-z) which satisfy the recursion
That the Tikhonova growth matrix is negative Hurwitz is established through applying the Wall-Stieltjes theory of continued fraction expansions to show the Pn(-z) are Hurwitz polynomials. The Kayeya-Enestrom theorem and a procedure for refinement of the Gerschgorin estimate are used to obtain analytical bounds on spectral radii for the Tikhonova model, which provides estimates of maximal growth rates. The theory allows generalization to more complicated growth models.  相似文献   

We consider the function Lyapunov equation f*(A)X+Xf(A)=C, where A and C are given matrices, f(z) is a function holomorphic on a neighborhood of the spectrum σ(A) of A. For a solution X of that equation, norm estimates are established. By these estimates we investigate perturbations of a matrix A whose spectrum satisfies the condition inf?σ(f(A))>0. In the case f(z)=zν with a positive integer ν we obtain conditions that provide localization of the spectrum of a perturbed matrix in a given angle.  相似文献   

In order to quantize Dirac's classical point electron1 we supplement Einstein's classical equation (E/c)2 ? p2 = b2 with a reciprocal classical equation (CΔt)2 ? (Δr)2 = a2 where b = mc and a is Dirac's signal radius. Δt is the time saved by a light signal in various states of motion of the electron, and a/c is the rest time saved. Our former efforts2 of obtaining an integral equation for the probability amplitude have been rectified by Born.3 There is no solution of the integral equation, however, unless advanced and retarded phases are introduced simultaneously, along with Dirac's advanced and retarded potentials. We have obtained a transcendental equation for the eigen-value μ = αγ where α is the Sommerfeld fine-structure constant, and γ is the numerical factor in Dirac's signal radius a = γe2/mc2. The smallest eigen-value is μ = 0.0299.That is, ab = hγ = h/210.  相似文献   

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