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匈牙利自然历史博物馆是世界上最早的自然历史博物馆之一,具有独特的传统并在社会中发挥着决定性的文化作用。馆内收藏有丰富的植物学、动物学、人类学、古生物学和地质学的藏品、原生型标本以及藏书,为世界各地研究人员的研究活动提供收藏品和设施。该馆每年举办的展览吸引观众约30万人次,组织近500场教育活动,受众达到了44000人。该馆意识到博物馆当前所面临的挑战与机遇,积极应对诸如气候变化、生物多样性危机、新发传染病、生物入侵等全球性问题,在探索与相关政府部门以及其他科学组织和机构合作方式过程中发挥主导作用。  相似文献   

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) opened in April 1993 in Washington, DC, to wide critical and popular acclaim. It is a narrative rather than a collection-based museum in that its displays are based on facts rather than things. The facts of the Holocaust are presented objectively. At the same time, the museum employs design elements that involve visitors in the narrative and enable them to understand it and the events' universal implications.  相似文献   

概述 宁波博物馆是宁波市委、市政府确定的重大实事工程和八大文化设施之一,是反映宁波现代化国际港口城市风貌,凸现宁波国家历史文化名城和文化大市地位的标志性建筑,是以展示人文历史、艺术类为主,具有地域特色的综合性博物馆.  相似文献   

Abstract In the past 50 years, museums have adapted various media for use in museum exhibitions. In the past 15 years, both the formats and the applications have changed dramatically, altering the relationships between museums and visitors, and between visitors and collections. Taking on the challenge of the newest media allows museums to experiment and to reinvigorate their interpretive programs.  相似文献   

1943年7月,中国科学社等六个学术团体在重庆北碚举行年会,共同发起在北碚筹备自然科学博物馆。同年12月,中国西部科学院会同迁碚的十二个国内顶级学术研究机关,推翁文灏、卢作孚为正副主任委员、组成筹备委员会。经一年筹备,1944年12月25日,中国西部博物馆正式成立并于次日开馆。中国西部博物馆的宗旨为推广科学教育、提倡专门科学研究。这是中国人创办的第一家综合性自然科学类博物馆。  相似文献   

Dinosaur reconstructions have been exhibited in public for over a hundred years. During that time, scientific and public understanding of these extinct animals has changed considerably. Changes in perception have influenced and been influenced by the three-dimensional reconstructions mounted in museums and galleries, and these in turn have been influenced by the availability and use of mounting materials and techniques. The dinosaur exhibition in The Natural History Museum (NHM) in London contains examples of original, altered, and new dinosaur reconstructions that are described here—two, Gallimimus and Massospondylus, in detail. The final form of any reconstructed dinosaur is often influenced by factors beyond the control of the conservation, preparation, and mounting workers involved.  相似文献   

<正>山东省博物馆是新中国成立后建立的第一座省级综合性地志博物馆。1953年,时任文化部文物局副局长的王冶秋同志在济南广智院小礼堂作了《怎么样办博物馆》的报告,提出了山东省博物馆的建设要求和方法,并指明了博物馆工作需要努力的方向,为山东省博物馆的建设提供了一份蓝图。1954年8月,山东省博物馆筹备处正式成立,被文化部文物局确定为省级地志博物馆的试点单位,领导了全国的博物馆建设,为我国的博物馆事业写下了浓墨重彩的一笔。  相似文献   

文明是指人类进步的状态,是积极的、进步的文化现象.人类社会发展经历了漫长的文明进化的过程.学者们从人与自然相互作用的角度,把人类文明的发展划分为几种形态:原始文明形态--采集、狩猎文明;次生文明形态--农业文明;继生文明形态--工业文明以及当今提出的新的文明形态--生态文明.……  相似文献   

Abstract As museums enter a new century, they are challenged to demonstrate their relevance to society. Increasingly, institutions have recognized that in order to thrive, they must ensure that mission‐related activities—exhibits and programs, collections and research—are meaningful to the public they rely on for support. Numerous deeply‐ingrained habits of practice and of thought have prevented object‐based exhibits from responding effectively to visitor interests. For museums to be truly relevant to their audiences, this paper argues for a fundamental shift in how they think about and organize exhibits. Exhibits need to become more topical and issue‐oriented, rather than generalized and systematic. Furthermore, a successful topical exhibit program needs to operate on two separate, yet integrated, levels: long‐term exhibits providing context on broadly relevant, interdisciplinary themes shorter‐term exhibits on specific, current issues embedded within the longterm exhibits, linking that broad content to visitors' lives Beyond the crucial role of increasing the museum's relevance to its audience, such an exhibits program would have numerous ancillary benefits, including more evenly distributed costs, greater creativity, lessened job burnout, and new funding opportunities. Though specifically addressing natural history museums, aspects of this paper should be relevant to museums of all kinds.  相似文献   

2019年是美国自然历史博物馆建立150周年。在150年的发展历程中,随着博物馆功能逐渐明确为教育、研究与收藏,藏品在该博物馆中的作用也逐渐发生转变。藏品在收藏、研究与传播中所发挥的作用,是自然历史博物馆历史传承与新时代转变的体现。美国自然历史博物馆正在经历一系列的创新与转型,对于自然历史博物馆的未来发展有很大的启示意义,也有助于我们在当代背景下去理解自然历史博物馆的本质与价值。  相似文献   

泉州海外交勇史博物馆在地域文化中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以泉州地区最大的博物馆———泉州海外交通史博物馆为例,考察一个富有代表性的博物馆在地域文化当中所具有的深刻内涵。  一、作为城市理念的象征在现代社会中,博物馆在对内强化公众对民族历史文化的自豪感、对外宣传民族历史文明的作用方面,正在随着科学技术现代化的推进而不断增强,甚至代表了一个地域社会的目标与理想。创建于1959年的福建省泉州海外交通史博物馆(以下简称泉州海交馆),是目前我国唯一以古代“海上丝绸之路”历史为主题的专门性博物馆,在国内外颇享盛名。然而,她的前30年一直局促于泉州开元寺内,陈列设施极其简陋,…  相似文献   

Carnegie Museum of Natural History and the University of Pittsburgh are engaged in a research and practice partnership to bring new learning sciences findings and theories into contact with the design and deployment of innovative natural history learning experiences. In this article, we describe four strands of work: 1) connecting people to nature; 2) engaging people of all ages in complex and current scientific debates of regional consequence; 3) partnerships to build a strong regional learning ecology for nature and science; and 4) iterative professional development to support staff as they work with new definitions of learning and engagement in the museum.  相似文献   

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