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AS museums respond to changing forces in our increasingly complex world, we who must make the changes find ourselves in the throes of discomfort and even conflict with formerly comfortable colleagues. We blame those on opposing sides of our views as obstinate, ignorant, or self‐serving. Why then does change invariably engender conflict? This article explores the underlying factors — the world‐views that each of us brings to the table — and presents a model of archetypes that hints at where museum professionals might fit. The aim is to expose the existence of fundamental differences in how each one of us approaches change so that we can navigate through disagreements, retain professional relations, and contribute positively to our museums.  相似文献   

对我国博物馆志愿者工作的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在博物馆工作中引入“志愿”形式,希望以此为载体.在大众与博物馆之间建立起沟通的桥梁,促进博物馆事业的社会化服务,但不少博物馆专家仍对此有困惑,本作就1.对博物馆志愿工作的认识;2.让博物馆走近大众;3.让志愿走进博物馆等方面进行探索。  相似文献   

建设研究型博物馆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近来,一些大学在讨论如何建设研究型大学的问题。由此,我们想到是否应该建设研究型博物馆的问题。  相似文献   

图书馆学研究法是从事图书馆学研究所采用的科学方式或手段,主要使用的是社会科学领域里一些常用的研究方法,有问卷调查法、统计分析法等实证性的定量方法,也有文献研究法、历史考证法、案例研究法、反思与批判法等阐释性或批判性的定性方法。图书馆学研究法与图书馆学方法论、一般学术研究法、图书馆学专门方法等概念范畴有联系更有区别。近年流行的"图书馆学专门研究方法"是一个伪学术概念,建议图书馆学界停止使用。  相似文献   

<正>随着计算机和网络技术的迅猛发展和广泛普及,网络化已经成为博物馆信息化的发展大趋势,信息资源也得到最大程度的共享,在博物馆各项工作中采用网络信息技术成为提升管理水平的重要举措。近些年来,网络信息技术在博物馆工作中不断深化,适  相似文献   

我国《广告法》修订与完善的策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国现行的<广告法>自正式实施以来,在很大程度上保证、促进了整个广告行业的规范运作.但<广告法>历经十余载后,其部分内容已无法服务新时期、新形势对市场秩序、市场公正及经济发展的需要.<广告法>亟需修订和完善,制定更为明细的法规条款、弥补法律漏洞,提高其执行力,从而更好地维护公众利益、促进行业健康发展.  相似文献   

Until very recently, Russian libraries attached to museums have not envisioned the general public as potential users, but rather have focused on the information needs of museum staff and special researchers. In this article, the author analyzes some of the results of a research project that examined information expectations and needs of actual and potential visitors to the Moscow Kremlin Museums, the visitors' sources for obtaining museum information, their perceived gaps in such information, and the implications of these issues for the services, operations, and “image” of the museums' library. The project was facilitated by a public-opinion organization.  相似文献   

随着网络与信息技术的发展,近年来全国各地博物馆数字化建设进展迅速,数字博物馆日益受到各方面的关注。而数字博物馆相关元数据规范作为数字资源管理、开发与利用的基础,其规范化的进程却发展缓慢,成为数字博物馆资源共享和信息交换的瓶颈,严重影响了我国数字博物馆事业的长远可持续发展。另外我国博物馆藏品种类繁多且日趋丰富,藏品数字资源特点各异,决定了在数字博物馆系统中不可能采用一个元数据标准来满足所有资源描述的需求。综合以上两点考虑,文章提出了基于核心元数据的可扩展的三级数字博物馆元数据规范体系。接着研究核心元数据规范以及基于核心元数据的扩展规则。最后以基于核心元数据规范形成的古建筑专门元数据规范为例,表述了数字博物馆元数据规范扩展的方法与过程。  相似文献   

从徽州三雕博物馆的档案价值研究出发,分别从文化价值,艺术价值,教育价值等方面深入挖掘民族文化的精华,激发传统文化的生命力,使徽州三雕非物质文化遗产得以保护与传承.  相似文献   

Using interview methodology, this research examines the role conceptions of US health journalists. Asking journalists from different types of media to define their roles as they relate to public health, inequalities, responsibility and news values reveals the external demands on journalists as well as internal processes that shape professional identity. This paper considers professional and normative role conceptions. Interviews with experienced health journalists revealed that they do not identify with any one of these roles in particular but operate on a spectrum, navigating competing pressures resulting from individual, organizational, and societal influences. Through the process of analyzing and categorizing health journalists’ goals, responsibilities, and ideals, we explore how topics and tasks specific to covering health relate to the democratic functions of the press. The findings of this study advance knowledge about the sociology of newswork and shed light on the professional identities of health journalists.  相似文献   


The ISSN ISO standard (ISO 3297) is under revision. The ISO Working Group established to prepare this revision (ISO/TC46/SC9/WG5) includes representatives of the various communities interested in publishing, distributing, accessing, and identifying serials and other continuing resources. ISO/TC46/SC9/WG5 has developed revisions to the standard and additional proposals and recommendations that should result in some very positive and exciting changes for ISSN users and the ISSN Network.

This paper focuses on the most important changes that will be brought about by this revision: changes in ISSN scope, clarification of the ISSN assignment policy, development of a new concept and function-the “collocating issn”1-and development of an ISSN link data distribution and look-up service.2 The paper briefly mentions the use of ISSN in conjunction with DOIs, OpenURL, and URN, and concludes with a discussion of the place and role of ISSN users in the ISSN standard revision process and in the ISSN system.  相似文献   

谈谈网络管理的几个基本理念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络信息传播的各种方式越来越先进,过去几年就是一个变化的台阶,现在一年内会有几个变化台阶,令人目不暇接,年龄相对大的人较难跟上这种传播技术发展的进程.然而,有权制定管理政策和控制网络的人,正是年龄较大的一代.我们太容易采用习以为常的方法,按照惯性思维来决定治理技术了.鉴于这种情形,需要提出一些网络管理的基本理念.  相似文献   

本文以博物馆公共评估的理论为基础,介绍自然博物馆展示选题前置研究的产生及国内外的研究现状,其目的是为深入开展博物馆观众理论研究,建立适合我国博物馆展示选题评价体系提供参考。  相似文献   

一、讲解和专家型讲解员的定位讲解工作对博物馆宣传教育和传播信息的功能实现有着非常重要的意义。我们在面对社会发展向博物馆的宣传教育工作提出的挑战,讨论培养专家型讲解员之前,必须明  相似文献   

2005年12月16日,首都博物馆新馆试运行。从此,北京西长安街复兴门外延长线上矗立起一座气势恢弘、引人注目的文化殿堂。她凭借得天独厚的地缘优势,依靠精彩的展陈、丰富的内涵、完善的设施、先进。的技术、科学的管理和周到的服务,成为北京历史与文化的荟萃之地,成为全国人民以及海外朋友熟悉北京、了解中国、展望世界的瑰丽窗口。  相似文献   

论媒介生态的五大观念   总被引:60,自引:2,他引:60  
观念是思想的结晶,行动的向导。媒介生态观念是当代媒介生态学在市场经济条件下为建立人—媒介—社会系统的和谐关系和实现媒介生态系统良性循环而作出的新闻的认识和理性思考。确立正确的媒介生态观念,对于迎接市场经济的考验,与西方媒  相似文献   

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