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In this paper,we will prove that the Bonnet surfaces can beclassified into three different types and the first or second types areequivalent to helicoidal surfaces(including surfaces of revolution andcylinders)under Bonnet deformations.  相似文献   

I.TheTragediesofShakespeare1.1.AnAnalysisoftherolesinShakespeare’stragediesTake“Hamlet”asexamples:Hamletisaboutanemotionallyscarredyoungmantryingtoavengethemurderofhisfather,theking.TheghostofHamlet'sfatherappearstoHamlet,tellinghimthathewasmurderedbyhisbrother,Claudius,whohasnowbecometheking.ClaudiushasalsomarriedGertrude,theoldking'swidowandHamlet'smother.Hamletisappalledbyhismother'sactionsandbywhattheghosttellshimaboutClaudius'scold-bloodedmurderofhisownbrother.Tobuytimetoplothisr…  相似文献   

Let [m/n]_f be the matrix Padé approximant (MPA, left-or righthanded) for a given matrix-valued power series f. Let T_(m,n)~n, be the operator which maps f to [m/n]_f. It is well known that in the scalar. case T_(m,n)~n satisfies a (local) Lipschitz condition if and only if [m/n]_f has a zero defect. However, in the matrix case we are confronted with the difficulty that we cannot give a definition of defect.In this paper, an explicit expression of MPA is given and a result about the continuity of the matrix Padé operator is obtained.  相似文献   

<正>Chinese Academy of Sciences and the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina stand united in their endeavor to promote the scientific spirit and to increase scientific excellence. The oldest academy in the West and the strongest academy in the East make the following declaration on the role and value of basic research and scientific advancement.Humankind is facing a broad range of serious challenges which are of global nature and effect. Examples are climate change, resource shortage or an uneven development, which  相似文献   

Today mankind is in a transition period to a new knowledge age. Both China and Germany entered the knowledge society at different times and under quite different circumstances. At the start of the 21st century, however, both countries are faced with similar challenges and are well equipped not the least due to the steadfast and trusting ties that have linked the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. When the first steps in this cooperative endeavor were taken in 1974, the prospects were more than vague. But it only took a few years until solid cooperative initiatives took shape based on  相似文献   

Under the guiding principles of the third amendment to the Patent Law,we,in the process of revising the Law, should"fully summerise the experience we have accumulat- ed in the enforcement of the patent system in China,look closely again into the provisions thereof,and better adapt  相似文献   

For centuries, the continuous development of science and technology has greatly promoted the process of mankind's understanding and utilization of nature, and at the same time strongly enhanced exchanges and cooperation between various nationalities and different civilizations. In the modern era, science and technology are developing vigorously and changing with each passing day. Strengthening international scientific cooperation is invaluable in helping  相似文献   

Olby R 《Endeavour》2003,27(2):80-84
This year, widespread attention has been bestowed upon the discovery of the Watson-Crick model of DNA. This extensive publicity contrasts with the sparse news coverage it received in 1953, when war-torn Britain was celebrating the coronation of Queen Elizabeth and the first ascent of Mount Everest. The remarkable growth of molecular biology since 1953 is the chief reason for the attention given to the Watson-Crick model today.  相似文献   

This paper examines the contradiction of organisational memory: that an organisation requires a memory to operate effectively, but that that same memory inhibits and constrains its ability to operate effectively. We briefly review the field of organisational memory and note its close connection with organisational learning.We introduce a conceptual framework pioneered by Schultze and Stabell for examining contradictions in the area of knowledge management. We use this framework to distinguish between the conventional view of organisational memory, which implicitly or explicitly regards knowledge as a commodity, and a constructivist view, from which emerges a picture of the Markovian organisation: an organisation the future behaviour of which is determined not by memories of the past but by its current state, characterised by an organisational consciousness informed by the activities in which it is engaged. While the emphasis of this paper is theoretical, we suggest that adopting this Markovian view of the organisation might be particularly appropriate to practitioners in organisations that are immersed in turbulent environments.  相似文献   

In this paper we measure the effect of Internet adoption on consumers’ propensity to adopt a wide range of diffusing products. To do this, we utilize a rich panel of household surveys on purchases of relatively new technology products. Our results indicate that the Internet accelerates product diffusion, but with varying magnitude. In an attempt to determine the mechanisms underlying this effect, we find direct evidence that the Internet does not increase product awareness. However, we find suggestive evidence that the Internet increases adoption rates both through access to increased information about new products (via online research) and through online shopping. We also find that the magnitude of the Internet's effect is strongly tied to diffusion rates, and especially familiarity rates. This finding is consistent with Internet access having the greatest impact on the adoption of products with more developed marketing strategies (i.e., more developed information sources and online markets). Our findings indicate that the Internet helps bolster demand for products early in their diffusion process, and they suggest that improved access to information and the convenience of online shopping are likely the primary drivers of this effect. Consequently, to the extent that accelerated diffusion of new products is (on net) desirable, our findings may provide a further argument toward social promotion of Internet adoption.  相似文献   

On 27 December 2006,the State Intellectual Property Office(SIPO)submitted the Draft Amendment to the Patent Law of People's Republic of China(the Draft Amendment)to the State Council for review,which indicates that the work on the third amendment to the Patent Law has entered the stage of the State Council review.The whole legislative process for the third amendment to the Patent Law is expected to be fi- nalised in 2008.  相似文献   

At all times and in all countries of the world, people have been fascinated by obtaining deeper insights into life and have eagerly absorbed new knowledge from around the globe. Thus in addition to trade, the sciences early on became one of the most fruitful areas of worldwide exchange and international communication. Today, it is still often the sciences that bridge national and cultural differences between countries. The Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Max Planck Society can proudly look back on  相似文献   

After five years of arduous work, CAS scientists recently succeeded in determining the structure of lumbrokinase (earthworm fibrinolytic enzyme), shedding light on the understanding of this drug at the molecular level and laying a foundation for drug design based on its structure.Cardiac and cerebrovascular diseases are among the three most lethal illnesses now rampant in the human population. Eight years ago, Chinese scientists succeeded in extracting lumbrokinase from earth-  相似文献   

We have formulated theguiding principles forrunning the ChineseAcademy of Sciences (CAS) duringthe new era in the course of the pi-lot implementation of the Knowl-edge Innovation Program (KIP). Toapply these principles to the letter,an enlarged session of the CPC Lead-ing Party Cadres Group at CASheld in the summer of 2002 set forththe Academys future developmentstrategy. At the current enlargedsession, the Leading Party CadresGroup has made a penetrating studyof the strategy and dec…  相似文献   

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