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在中国短信产业兴盛的大背景下及手机这一通讯工具广泛普及的今天,短信互动与大众传媒的结合越来越多.这种互动方式在一定程度上改变了电视与观众间固有的点对面的单级传播模式,首次赋予了观众直接参与、影响电视节目流程内容的权利.这让短信投票类电视节目如雨后春笋般地出现在荧屏中,并由此引发了对于大众传媒社会责任的思考.对于短信互动这一形式,理应适量有分寸地应用,这样才能真正提高节目质量.  相似文献   

互动难是当前健康类电视节目主持的难题之一。主持人与观众互动的前提是应当了解不同观众对节目的需求。健康类电视节目主持人在节目内容上应起到辅助作用,在节目程式上应起到主导作用。健康类电视节目主持可以通过善于运用百姓语言、巧妙运用认可性语言和适当把握语言中的"度"等语言互动技巧以及面部表情语、眼神语、手势语、体态语和服饰语等非语言互动技巧更好地实现与观众的互动。  相似文献   

<正>"互动"这两个字近年来出现的频率比较高,我们常在电视节目中看到观众与主持人的互动,观众与观众之间的互动,演唱会上歌手明星和观众间的互动,显然互动让观众的参与性、积极性更高了。渐渐地,互动式教学模式也被带进了我们的英语课堂。传统的教学方法往往是教师的一言堂、满堂灌,在这种教学中,学生只是被动地接受。然而,互动式教学是指教师与学生之间的互动,学生与学生之间的互动,学生和媒体之间的互动,大大地促进  相似文献   

电视作为大众传媒最为重要的组成部分,不仅承担着传播新闻,娱乐大众的功能,而且作为一个视听互动全方位的平台,它也承担着传播知识,传播传统文化的巨大历史使命。历史题材电视节目具有高度的社会文化意义,它通过对传统美德的发掘与弘扬,可以使道德精神发挥自身强大的感召力。历史题材电视节目起到了增强民族自信心、民族荣誉感,凝聚和塑造民族精神的巨大作用。  相似文献   

幼儿电视节目中的语言能帮助幼儿观众理解画面与情节,促进幼儿的语言和思维的发展。幼儿语言发展可以分为四个阶段:单词句阶段,简单句阶段、复合句发展阶段和完善阶段。幼儿电视节目的语用策略是少而精、节奏慢、重复、适度超前与互动。  相似文献   

王威 《学周刊C版》2014,(11):218-219
电视节目逐渐成为文化的一种主要方式,而电视节目名称或多或少也反映了文化的特点.电视节目名称成为观众对电视的第一印象,可以给节目锦上添花.中文电视节目名称与英文电视节目名称因有其不同的文化背景,有相似也有不同.因此,节目名称会使用各种修辞方法增加美感,而英文节目名称的翻译则应当采取不同的翻译方法以符合观众的思维方式、文化心理和审美标准.  相似文献   

在物质主义与消费主义宰制世界的今天,大众传媒日益体现出其对受众的巨大的精神影响力。尤其是随着手机的普及,作为大众传媒之一的短信以其即时性与快捷性,越来越成为人们不可缺少的交流方式,并且深层次地影响着受众的价值观念。本文从语音和修辞两方面对方言短信的语言特点进行分析,认为,方言短信体现了消费时代人们化解生存压力的一种独有的方式,而其新兴的语体形式,则是达成其隐在的意识形态目的的重要手段。  相似文献   

在物质主义与消费主义宰制世界的今天,大众传媒日益体现出其对受众的巨大的精神影响力。尤其是随着手机的普及,作为大众传媒之一的短信以其即时性与快捷性,越来越成为人们不可缺少的交流方式,并且深层次地影响着受众的价值观念。本文从语音和修辞两方面对方言短信的语言特点进行分析,认为,方言短信体现了消费时代人们化解生存压力的一种独有的方式,而其新兴的语体形式,则是达成其隐在的意识形态目的的重要手段。  相似文献   

随着我国电视事业的迅速发展,电视节目的多元化,电视文化步入一个空前繁荣的历史阶段.电视节目数量的增加和质量的提升,带动着观众的欣赏水平在不断提高.观众开始从过去的"不得不看"转变为如今的"有选择地收看",可供观众选择地范围越来越大,电视频道问的相互竞争也越来越激烈.各电视台除了努力打造精品节日,更好地服务于观众外,在电视节目的编排上推陈出新,以较高的编排艺术来表现服务于观众和吸引观众,提高电视节目的收视"卖点",这不失为明智之举.  相似文献   

所谓电视节目的预告和宣传,就是要让读者或观众了解电视节目的播出时间,以便准备出时间来收看电视节目;让读者或观众了解电视节目的大致内容,以促使读者或观众去收看电视节目。电视节目预告和宣传的目的,是为电视观众提供节目信息服务,以吸收或引导或指导观众收看电视节目,达到扩大节目影响最终获得最大社会效益和经济效益。教育电视节目预告和宣传的作用和目的,与其它电视节目一样,因而其预告和宣传的方法与措施,也应该与其它电视节目有共同之处。教育电视台除了提高对教育电视节目预告和宣传重要性的认识外,还应着重做好以下工…  相似文献   

The forum     
In responding to David Kline's view that the role of mass communications was overemphasized to the neglect of formal and nonformal education, focus is on the position that education is a function of a properly constructed communications program for family planning and that the function is a channel for communication between the program personnel and the audience. The attempt is made to examine the conclusions reached by Kline, consider the conclusions in terms of the historical development of information and education activities in family planning, and to conclude with the presentation of a program framework for communication that identifies education as 1 of 2 channels to audiences. Kline is incorrect in maintaining that public information is overemphasized and in his suggestion that education has been neglected, but he is correct in his view that nonclinic education activities have been neglected. In trying to find more and better ways of communicating, attention must focus on the audience for family planning and how the audience learns. Information and education are the 2 channels for communication with the family planning audience. Information -- a 1-way process -- implies the use of the mass media. Education assumes the capacity for response. Both 1-way and 2-way messages assist in learning and decision-making; audiences learn more and make better decisions when many messages from many sources are provided.  相似文献   

提高收视率,增加创收,关系到地方电视台的生存。应该从提高节目的质量、栏目的科学化设置、电视节目的合理包装三个方面入手。在栏目设置中,要突出特色。控制数量。栏目播出时间安排上要遵循高峰回避原则;提高节目质量要从新闻从业人员的综合素质、节目策划力度、与观众的贴近性方面抓起;电视节目只有通过合理包装,方可吸引更多观众。  相似文献   

Media messages are increasingly packaged in ways that blur distinctions between genres. The U.S. Army National Guard's recent campaign incorporating rock stars and popular music to appeal to potential recruits exemplifies this trend, as commercials and music videos become one and the same. Given this increasing trend, critical media literacy education is imperative. This article posits that by introducing the meta-language for discussing media and providing a protocol for exploring the mode, audience, purpose, and situation of media messages, teachers are preparing students to autonomously read media through a critical lens.  相似文献   

“情感真人秀”是近年来出现并日益成熟的全新电视节目形态,它以矛盾为出发点,凭借戏剧化的包装在事件双方的冲突中展现真实人物的情感,引起了受众和电视研究者们的广泛关注和论争。这一节目形态的兴起得益于第二媒介时代“双向的去中心化的”交流需求的产生与席卷全球的泛真人秀浪潮的共同推动。在历经萌芽、成熟、突破三个主要的发展阶段后,它最终依靠《人间》等品牌栏目的巨大社会影响力跻身主流电视节目类型之列。  相似文献   

地方电视传媒在媒介竞争激烈的氛围中接受着新的考验:受众多样化的选择途径,新老媒体的强大压力,与央视竞争的劣势.要想拉住日益流失的受众群,必须得有能吸引住受众眼球的节目.加强节目本土化,打造品牌栏目,突出地方及民族特色,这是地方电视传媒参与竞争且能立于不败之地的法宝.  相似文献   

传媒文化是建构未知的受众或拥有想象中的受众的传播系统。它的触角已经伸向社会生活的每个方面。为了实现其最大限度地吸引大众这一恒定目标,传媒文化建立了一整套自身的话语系统,其话语策略是:设法邀请受众“参与自我建构的过程”;视觉中心主义的幻象复制;戏剧化的表演或作秀。传媒文化的这套话语系统对受众接受心理具有相当的负面影响。主要表现在:使“观看”仅仅成为习惯;从理性堕入欲望;引发受众的戏剧化心理趋势。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of motivational and volitional email messages (MVEM) on preservice teachers’ motivation, volition, performance, and their attitudes toward technology integration. Each of four sections in an educational technology course for preservice teachers was randomly assigned to one of two groups: one group which received MVEM constructed based on audience analysis; and the other which received placebo email messages consisting of class activities reminders without audience analysis. Results indicated that the group provided with MVEM showed higher volition and more positive attitudes toward technology integration than the group provided with placebo messages even though there was no difference in motivation or performance. These results suggest that MVEM can serve as an effective tool for facilitating preservice teachers’ positive attitudes toward technology integration. Implications for the design and development of interventions or systems for technology integration are discussed and further research is recommended.  相似文献   

莫言在获得诺贝尔文学奖后,几乎所有影视、平面、网络媒体都对其进行了大量的宣传报道,形成了"莫言热"的媒体化效应。在这一连串的效应链条中,文学作品突破其本身的价值,通过媒介这层外衣的包装加工,爆发出前所未有的能量。莫言小说改编的剧本、莫言小说的人物分析、莫言本人的人格魅力都成为媒介评论报道的突破口。莫言极大的媒体价值表现在各媒介单位通过与莫言相关的节目或版面提高收视率、阅读量、点击率,并对这个诺贝尔文学奖得主进行深度挖掘,跟踪、深刻阐述,从而最终形成各自逐利的文化产业链。  相似文献   

Gender and Willingness to Confront Hurtful Messages from Romantic Partners   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Based on a social role perspective, an individual's hurt and willingness to confront a face attack expressed by a romantic partner were hypothesized to vary with gender, type of face attack, and social context. Undergraduates responding to hypothetical scenarios revealed that when teased, women imagined they would be more hurt and more willing to confront their romantic partners’ attacks than did men. Men reported that they likely would perceive less audience support for confrontation than women. Men reported that they would be less likely than women to confront, regardless of social context. The effect of audience support and hurt are independent and both have comparable influence on willingness to confront. Our findings suggest that responses to hurtful messages are related to the messages’ emotional impact and gender norms.  相似文献   

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