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问:Joe is so good at table tennis that I have never him.(A.hit B stuck C.beaten D.won)正确答案选哪个?(江苏 李斌奇) 答:正确答案应选C。表示“打败(某人)”、“赢(某人)”、“胜过(某人)”,用beat。  相似文献   

英语里有不少表“看”的词语,它们的搭配各不相同,同学们切不可掉以轻心,随便乱用: (注意)看某人(某物) look at sb.(sth.) 看见某人(某物) see sb.(sth.)  相似文献   

1.above all;after all;in all;first of all above all 意为“首先、最重要的是”;after all意为“毕竟、终究”;in all 意为“总计”;first of all意为“首先”,用于罗列顺序。例如:  相似文献   

“tell 人(间接宾语) 物(直接宾语)”和“tell 人(间接宾语) about 物(介词宾语)”是英语中使用频率很高的两个短语,意义皆为“向某人讲述(或述说)某事”,“告诉某人某事”。但是,什么对候用 about.什么情况下不用 about,常常使一些初学者感到困惑,以至于在用英语写作或汉译英时出现一些失误。倒如:这篇文章向我们讲述了他们的校园生活。  相似文献   

1. at all, not at all(1) at all 意为“完全”、“全然”, 与 not, no, nothing, nobody,nowhere 等表示否定意义的词连用, 用来加强否定意义。例如:  相似文献   

1. —Would you mind turning down the music? 请把音乐关小一点好吗?—No, not at all.(P52) 可以。“Would you mind...?”表示说话人请求对方做某事, 意为“( 你) 可否……”、“劳驾……”。回答时, 如果表示愿意(也就是说不反对), 不用“Yes”, 而用“Of course not./Certainly not./Not at all.”。如:  相似文献   

1.Where is your pen pal from?你的笔友是哪里人? be from意为“(某人或物)来自……”,用于“人”时,指“此人是哪里人”;用于物时,指“此物产于何地”。在询问某人的国籍或住处时用Where...from?。be from的同义词组是come from“从……来”;“是……人”。例如:  相似文献   

Male or femaleA woman visited the zoo and asked akeeper whether the zebra(斑马)was male ora female.“Madam,”replied the keeper,“that is aquestion that should be of interest to anotherzebra.”SleeplessnessMary went to see a doctor and said,“Doctor,I can!t sleep.”The doctor asked,“Did you try counting?”“Yes,I counted to487465.”answered Mary.Then the doctorasked,“Surely you fell asleep?”“No,then it was morning.”Marywas disappointed(失望)and answered.Ten secondsTom!s grandma care…  相似文献   

Unit Six重点词语1.apologise vi.(英)=apologize(美)道歉W hatdoes Billsay to apologise for losing the bike?(P37)[提示]表示“向某人道歉”,不能说apologize som ebody,应该说apologize to som ebody;“代替某人向某人道歉”可用apologize to som e鄄body for som ebody(to som ebody是向某人,for som ebody是替某人);表示“向某人为(做了)某事而道歉”可以用apologize to som ebody for(do鄄ing)som ething。例如:John,I want to apologize to you for us all.(约翰,我想代表我们大伙儿向你道歉。)Y ou should apologize to yourt…  相似文献   

英语中表示“有”有下列几种形式: 1.表示某处/时有某物用there be句型; 2.表示某人/物有某物用have(has)形式; 3.既可用there be也可用have表示“有”的句型;  相似文献   

Unit 10 The world around us 1.take turns(at)doing sth=take turns to do sth=do sth by turns/in turn意为“轮流做某事”;its one s turn to do sth意为“轮到某人做某事”。例如:W e take turns(at)cooking.(=W e take turns to cook.=W e cookby turns/in turn.)我们轮流下厨。W hose turn is itto do the washing-up?轮到谁刷锅洗碗了?2.prefer sb/sth意为“更喜欢某人或某事”;prefer to do sth/preferdoing sth意为“更喜欢做某事”;prefer sb to do sth意为“愿意某人做某事”;prefer to do A rather than do B(=prefer doin…  相似文献   

本单元主要学习询问身体健康,谈论身体健康方面的一些忠告或建议,要求等日常交际用语。语法重点“haveto”的用法,将“主系表”结构进一步完善。本单元的学习要求重点突出,难点明确,多模仿,多操练。现将与本单元有关的难点精析如下:1.I don’t feel very well.我感到不舒服。此处的well是形容词,well通常是作副词用,只有在表示某人身体健康时,才作形容词用。例如:(1)I feel quite well these days.(作形容词用)(2)The little girl plays the violin very well.(作副词用)2.I’ve(got)a headache and a cough.我头疼咳嗽。在英语中常用have…  相似文献   

Home.Few words in the English language have such aspecial meaning.Home is a place where you can re—lax,kick back and just be yourself.Just about everyonehas a strong opinion of what makes a house ahome.And for most people in America,home should be,above all,comfortable(舒适的). Americans like their homes to reflect(反映)their personaltastes.Many do-it-yourselfers enjoy fixing up their house andmaking it more“livable.”They often try to create a cozy(舒适的)atmosphere so that when they’re at home.they’ll reallyfeel“at home.”Softs and lounge chairs(安乐椅)may be heavily  相似文献   

1.go easy:适度地使用(某物);节省(某物)如。Go easy on themoney—that’s all we’ve got till next month.钱要省着点花——就这么多,要用到下个月。 2.go on:不相信;举动;别夸大其词;量某人不敢做某事(鼓动某人做某事的用语)如。“Our teacher is fifty on Wednesday.”“Go on—he only looks about forty.”“我们老师星期三就五十岁了”。“我才不信呢!看上去他才四十岁。”“Should I help her or not?”“Oh,go on,  相似文献   

at all意义多变,用法复杂。本文拟对其意义和用法作一归纳。1.at all用于否定句中,意为“根本”、“全然”、“丝毫”。例如:He doesn-t seem at all interested in my plan.他好像对我的计划毫无兴趣。I do not know him at all.对他这个人,我一点也不了解。She rarely sang a  相似文献   

刘健 《中学文科》2000,(6):28-28
One day,Mr Green went into a tailor‘s shop(裁缝店) with a piece of cloth. He wanted to have the tailor make some clothes for him. He handed the cloth to the tailor, and said, “You should have brought more cloth, this is not enough. ”Mr Green had to go out, disappointed(失望地). He soon found another tailor‘s shop and went in. This tailor didn‘t think the cloth was not enough.  相似文献   

crush on,have a这一习语的意思为“狂热地爱上某人”,“非常喜欢某人”。1.He has had a crush on her ever since they met at that party last summer.自从去年夏天那次宴会邂逅后,他就一直狂热地爱着她。2.She has a crush on thenew gym mistress.她非常喜欢新来的女体育老师。cry one’s heart(eyes)out  相似文献   

“to+one!s+情感名词”是英语中一个十分有用的结构,主要表示某人由于某事的发生而唤起其内心的某种情感,通常译为“令某人……的是”“使某人感到……的是”。在学习这类结构时,同学们应弄清以下几个方面。一、该结构主要适用哪些名词能用于该结构的名词非常有限,常见的有admiration(羡慕),amazement(惊奇),amusement(娱乐),annoyance(烦恼),astonishment(惊奇),delight(欣喜),despair(绝望),disappointment(失望),embarrassment(难堪),happiness(幸福),horror(恐怖),joy(高兴),puzzlement(疑惑),regret(遗憾),relief(放心),satisfaction(…  相似文献   

n1.not at all,not...at all1)not at all意为“没关系”、“一点也不”;它还有“不用谢”的意思,相当于“Y ou re welcom e.”,“Thats all right.”,“Its a pleasure.”等。试比较:—W ould you m ind m y cleaning the yard?我打扫院子,你介意吗?—N o,not atall.不,一点也不介意。—Thank you for your help.谢谢你的帮助。—N otatall.不用谢。2)not...atall意为“一点也不……”。例如:She doesn tlike chicken atall.她一点也不喜欢吃鸡肉。2.voice,noise,sound这三个名词均可译为“声音”,但意思稍有区别。1)voice一般指人的说…  相似文献   

<正>一、at the same time; all the time; at times【例句对比】1. We both arrived here at the same time.2. What are you talking about all the time?3. I saw her in the street at times.【启发点拨】at the same time表示“同时”。all the time表示“一直;总是”。at times表示“偶尔;不时”。  相似文献   

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