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Donations made to the American nonprofit sector have grown exponentially in the past 10 years to an estimated $298.4 billion dollars in 2011 (Giving USA Foundation, 2012). Although consultants offer many different solutions as to how organizations can best capitalize on the e-philanthropy trend, communication theory may offer some of the most practical solutions for increasing an organization’s online engagement with its donors. Given the challenges of community colleges in terms of fundraising in terms of limited staff and resources, the dialogic theory outlines five principles for organizations to use to enhance their online presence and establish solid, lasting connections with visitors to an organizations’ website. This study examines the extent to which 111 colleges and universities representing the broad spectrum of higher education in the state of North Carolina have incorporated the five principles into their fundraising departments’ websites. The results indicate that the vast majority of organizations have a lackluster web presence that is not promoting dialogic exchanges with donors and prospects. Community colleges, in comparison to four-year institutions, must work to unify their online presence across institutional units so that website visitors are presented with consistent messaging, important updates, and given ample opportunities to interact with them so that donors and prospects feel that they are supporting an organization that wants to engage with its stakeholders.  相似文献   

Analyses of society during the Soviet period need to include an understanding of the construction of everyday life by ordinary people, as well as of the policies and behavior of political leaders and of the formal structure of Soviet institutions. The usefulness of this approach can be seen by looking at data on how students in the 1970s interpreted their lives and experiences.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, total college student enrollments increased about 30% from 9.6 to 12.5 million students. Black college student enrollments comprised 10.2% of this population in 1976 and declined to 9.5% by 1984. This paper will: (1) highlight significnat trends and shifts affecting this population of black students, (2) present current issues confronting these students, their parents and the colleges in the college selection process, and (3) suggest guidelines to families and schools to boost black enrollment and augment positive college adustments. Personal observations, case illustrations, recent studies and published literature will be used to examine this decline.  相似文献   

美国社区学院老年教育于二十世纪六七十年代兴起并取得了显著的成绩。老年人从被视为社会累赘到社会力量、涉"老"法律从无到有、社区学院生源转向、老年教育研究渐成体系等变化是美国社区学院老年教育的初创背景。当时,美国社区学院老年教育主要包含了老年志愿者组织与培训、退休教育、营养教育、继续教育、老年服务人员培训、社区老龄事业领导等内容。总结该时期美国社区学院老年教育的经验发现,树立"大老年教育观"、以合法性建设为重点、以社区为依托等是我国社区学院老年教育可以借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

The expansion of the Italian university system in the 1960s and 1970s is described with particular reference to the laws of 1961 and 1969 which liberalized access. The effects of these reforms are discussed and it is argued that despite the expansion the system remains an élite system. Admission to prestigious faculties and failure rates are correlated with social class to show that selection by failure within the university may to some extent have replaced selection at entry as a way of maintaining an élite system. Despite the increase in wastage there is a growing mismatch between the demand for and supply of graduate labour and this has given rise to social tensions.  相似文献   

After the student turmoil of 1968–69, the seventies are characterized by an overall mood of retreat on the part of students. This can be explained by three main factors: (1) the institutionalization of politics within the university system which resulted from the 1968 Loi d'orientation which gave the minority willing to be politically active an opportunity of being so, while dissuading the majority; (2) as a consequence of the 1968 movement, universities are more diversified than they were prior to 1968 giving the students more choice. The increased diversity contributed to the substitution of the exit for the voice strategy; (3) in the seventies the returns from higher education decreased absolutely while they remained constant or increased relatively. This circumstance among others contributed to transforming the ideal-typical model of the full-time student into a new model of student economically active for a part of his time. As a result of these factors the conflicts of the seventies were of the corporalist-particularistic-materialistic type, contrasting with the cultural-universalistic conflicts which characterized the late sixties. In spite of the retreat, surveys show that a high proportion of students feel close to political ideologies weakly represented, if at all, in societal political institutions.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes changes in the teacher salary schedules of Michigan school districts between 1970 and 1980. We find that starting salaries, expressed in 1970 dollars, decreased by an average of 20% over the decade. Real maximum salaries decreased by 15%. The between-district variability of starting salaries increased markedly over the decade, making the average starting salary a much poorer estimate of the starting salary a particular teacher earned in 1980 than was the case in 1970. The between-district variability of maximum salaries did not increase over the decade. Student enrollment changes were a significant predictor of the changes in maximum salaries. Districts that experienced the greatest percentage losses in students tended to experience the greatest declines in real maximum salaries. Student enrollment changes were also related to changes in starting salaries, but the relationship was more complex.  相似文献   

作为同属东亚文化圈的东瀛之国,日本在大学招生考试方面和我国有许多的相似之处。本文对20世纪70年代起日本大学招生制度的演变进行历史考察梳理,并总结日本当下高考制度的特点,从中发掘其带给我们的启示和借鉴意义,探索具有中国特色的高考制度。  相似文献   

The Inter-University Council for Higher Education Overseas was granted a relatively autonomous status in 1970 by the Ministry of Overseas Development. But as the decade progressed the IUC was deeply affected by changes in the Ministry's policy which involved centralization of administration and emphasis on aid to sub-university education. Hence there was pressure to reduce considerably expenditure on salary supplementation, which was vital for the IUC as its reputation had been built largely on its capacity to recruit British staff for overseas universities. The IUC responded by encouraging links, but this was jeopardized in Nigeria as a result of the Ministry's decision in the aftermath of the energy crisis to require Nigeria to pay half the costs of educational aid. The Ministry intended to exclude the IUC from the technical cooperation agreement but was unable to do so because of the Nigerian Government's plans to establish more universities. The IUC's services were regarded as necessary by the Nigerian authorities during the period of expansion. The Ministry had to relent, but was unhappy at the discrepancy with its own objectives. Some revision in the Ministry's view of universities has occurred; but the view continues to be defined by relevance to manpower development, rather than the broader concept of academic partnership which inspired the IUC.  相似文献   


This is a report of a student-developed 24-item human sexuality survey administered pre/post to human sexuality and comparison course students in the 1970s and 1990s with 10 questions added in the 1990s. In the 1970s, nine of the item responses for human sexuality students showed significant pre-test gender differences that were not found in post-testing. This was largely due to changes in the responses of the men, whose views became more egalitarian and more like the women's. In the 1990s, it was changes in the views of women that accounted for most post-test differences but not in a clear pattern. Women in both course types in the 1990s (1) became more accepting than men of sex between same-sex partners and (2) reported less frequency and more 'wrongness' about masturbation. Human sexuality men responded more conservatively in the 1990s than in the 1970s with less post-test similarity to women, as predicted. Nonetheless, in general, after human sexuality input gender responses became more similar in both time periods. Some implications are discussed with reference to sexuality education.  相似文献   


Multipurpose community colleges have a special opportunity for distinction through one of their missions—community development. One southern community college has assessed the similarities and differences of the perceptions of selected community leaders and of the college professional staff concerning the role of the college in community development.

The opinions of both groups were very similar, but the community leaders showed more variation in perceptions. Both groups believed the college should be involved in community development activities, but that the college could meet the needs of individuals better than it could meet community-wide needs. The college professional staff was more opposed to granting academic credit for community development activities such as work experiences of students and continuing education courses than were the community leaders.

As a philosophical approach to community development, both groups preferred the college's approaching community improvement through the organization of a wide spectrum of people concerned with democratic processes, self-help, and educational objectives. This process approach requires professional staff members with organizational, research, survey, and teaching skills to assist the community in working to solve problems.  相似文献   

Political rhetoric in a democracy is, in at least some sense, educative and constitutive even as it is instrumentally persuasive. For members of ethnic, racial, or cultural groups that lie outside of the dominant culture, the educative processes that underlie policy advocacy require attention to specific cultures, traditions, historical experiences, and group interests. Thus, even though all out‐groups share many common challenges, they all face unique situations as well. This essay explores these rhetorical challenges and some of the strategies designed to meet them through an examination of the political rhetoric of American Indian activists from the 1972 Trail of Broken Treaties through the 1973 siege at Wounded Knee, South Dakota. Particular attention is paid to the question of audience.  相似文献   

The primary interest of this study is to discover the extent to which black males are gaining or losing ground educationally relative to other male populations. The findings of this study show that the relative difference in the percent of black and white males with a high school or associate's degree has converged considerably, but the relative gap between black and white males receiving a bachelor's, or graduate degree has remained constant. The data showed much upward and downward intergenerational educational mobility for black males. Finally the data showed that the educational attainment of black males was significantly associated with their age, their father's educational attainment level, and the size of the place in which they lived at age 16.  相似文献   

This paper sets the development of the Sociology of Education in the changing Australian social structure, emphasising particularly economic prosperity, the influence of the rapid growth in the 1970s of the tertiary sector, the continuation of a relatively high level of migration, the egalitarian political ideology and the nature of educational administration. During this period many social pressures worked to support the political arithmetic tradition, though less so as the decade progressed. The sub‐discipline does seem by some measures to have become more mature by 1980, but at the very moment when economic stringency has been applied to the education sector.  相似文献   

20世纪50~70年代日本私立大学的经费不足问题日益严重,既有学校自身资金周转问题,也有更深层的政治社会原因.经费匮乏不仅使私立大学公共设施不足,办学条件恶劣,同时使得私立大学以发展文科为主.政府对私立大学的财政补助使其更加依赖政府资助,在办学上更加脆弱.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the change in average costs per student and student/staff ratios of a selection of Victorian Colleges of Advanced Education that were involved in the 1981/82 round of amalgamations. The results are compared to the average costs of some colleges that were not involved in amalgamations at this time in order to determine if there is any evidence from this limited data that the mergers achieved economies of size and scope.  相似文献   

国内外学者从经济学角度对20世纪70年代美国的滞涨危机给予了多种解释,但鲜有人考虑同期美国严格的环境管制对价格和通货膨胀的影响。根据环境经济学理论,透过大量原始档案文献,可以发现环境管制的成本最终通过价格上涨的形式传递给了普通消费者,相关产品和服务价格的上涨是诱发通货膨胀的重要因素之一。在坚持环境史的史学本位前提下,借用经济学的理论和方法,开展跨学科研究,求得惯常历史叙事的新解,既是环境史研究经济转向的表现,也可以实现科学与人文的弥合,进而从史学研究的本体、认知、方法和层级等方面推进环境史的创新。当然,更重要的是揭示国家宏观环境战略的向下延伸与微观层面环境公共政策经中观向宏观的复杂反馈。事实上,宏观政策并非原封不动地自上层传递到下层,微观执行层面也有着自身的权变与因应。环境史的经济转向不仅有利于挖掘历史要素层累嬗变的内在机制,丰富历史的面相与内涵,而且有利于揭示环境-经济-社会之间复杂的协同演进关系,服务于我国的生态文明建设。  相似文献   

20世纪60年代末70年代初,由高等教育扩张带来的教育成本增加的资助问题和公私立院校之间的竞争问题,引发了美国社会各界关于高等教育财政问题的一场大辩论.这场辩论围绕学费问题和政府的资助方式展开,以效率和公平为尺,以高等教育的成本和收益分配为论争基石,形成了激进改革派、温和改革派和维护低学费传统派三方主张.辩论过程中提出的一些新的资助理念,不仅挑战了当时的高等教育财政模式,而且在20世纪80年代以来逐渐彰显,发展为一种趋势.  相似文献   

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