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An inductive approach to the physical science laboratory yields better performance on a test for critical thinking in the physical sciences than does the traditional approach.  相似文献   

为了能够使高校良好的运转与发展,就需要对学生进行有效的管理,这就涉及到学生工作的开展,而学生工作离不开辅导员与学生的谈话,这是一个有效的管理手段,但是谈话不能盲目的进行,不仅需要做好相关的准备工作,而且还需要掌握一定的沟通方式与技巧,这样才能与学生进行良好的交流,使学生在谈话的过程中受到启迪,陶冶情操,树立正确的价值观,因此本文主要是具体分析了谈话前具体需要做的准备工作,并且具体分析了与学生谈话时应当掌握的方式和技巧。  相似文献   

A composite theory of college science student note‐taking strategies was derived from a periodic series of five interviews with 23 students and with other variables, including original and final versions of notes analyzed during a semester‐long genetics course. This evolving composite theory was later compared with Van Meter, Yokoi, and Pressley's (Journal of Educational Psychology, 86, 323–338, 1994) corresponding composite “college students' theory of note‐taking.” Students' notes in this long‐term study were also compared with a standard of “adequate” note‐taking established by experts. Analyses detected many similarities between the two composite theories. Analyses also provided evidence of inadequate note‐taking strategies, inconsistencies between what students claimed and evidently did with their notes, and weak self‐regulating learning strategies. Recommendations included prompting students during class on how to take notes. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 43: 786–818, 2006  相似文献   

高校辅导员队伍建设是大学生思想政治教育的重要内容,也是我国高等教育的重要组成部分。建国以来,高校辅导员队伍建设经历了从政治辅导员到思想政治教育主体的发展过程。在这个角色的转变过程中,出现了从管理者向教育者、从事务型向专业型转变的问题。这些问题可以归结为高校辅导员的专业化建设。辅导员队伍建设专业化的基本向度为:面向生活是高校辅导员专业化的空间向度;面向心灵是高校辅导员专业化发展的微观向度;面向未来是高校辅导员专业化的时间向度。  相似文献   

加强辅导更队伍建设是落实人才培养目标的需要,是高校安全稳定的保障.加强高校辅导员队伍建设应正视辅导员队伍中存在的问题;应认真选配辅导员,加强辅导员的学习与培训,建立合理的评价体系;应创新辅导员队伍的建设方法,促进辅导员队伍的良性循环.  相似文献   

当今社会一大重要群体,便是在校大学生。据研究表明,我国大学生患有心理问题者约占大学生总人数的20%。情绪易变、人际冲突、学习不适等心理障碍尤为突显,而焦虑症则成为大学生普遍的心理问题。大学生群体是我国重要的储备人才,这一群体的心理行为倾向将影响到整个社会的安定与否,因此,本论文即从心理学层面探讨分析大学生偏差行为从而为解决大学生心理性偏差行为这一重大课题提出有效策略。  相似文献   

目前高校中普遍存在辅导员职业意识薄弱、职业心态消极、职业发展空间狭小、职业寿命较短的问题,职业化管理机制和职业化工作模板尚未形成,影响了辅导员职业绩效的发挥.必须从领导重视、组织构架、建立合理运行机制等层面入手,全力推进高校辅导员职业化进程,这是高校辅导员队伍建设的趋势.  相似文献   

从1952年国家提出要在高校设立思想政治辅导员到现在已经走过了60个年头,在这60年当中,辅导员不仅为创造和谐安定的校园环境呕心沥血,还为学生的成长成才废寝忘食。但随着教育体制改革逐步深入,辅导员的社会压力也逐渐增大,而其承担的责任还在无限制的加大,众多问题交织,使得辅导员心理产生迷茫和困惑,工作效率下滑已经成为必然。因此,了解辅导员群体的心理健康状况,认真分析导致这些心理问题形成的原因,提出切实可行的解决这些心理问题的对策,维护辅导员的心理健康,具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

近年来,中国大学生就业形势持续复杂严峻,针对大学生开展有效的职业生涯规划教育,帮助大学生科学有效地进行职业生涯规划显得尤为重要。高校思政辅导员诸多的角色优势十分有利于其承担开展大学生职业生涯规划教育。因此将职业生涯规划教育与辅导员工作紧密结合,充分发挥辅导员在职业生涯规划教育中的作用,对于提升大学生综合能力及就业能力、职业发展能力有着重要意义。  相似文献   

In a large introductory physics course, structured weekly journals (weekly reports) regularly encouraged students to ask questions about the material. The resulting questions were collected for one quarter and coded based on difficulty and topic. Students also took several conceptual tests during the quarter. The reports contained more questions than typically observed in a college classroom, but the number of questions asked was not correlated to any measure of conceptual performance. Relationships among different types of questions and performance on these tests were explored. Deeper‐level questions that focus on concepts, coherence of knowledge, and limitations were related to the variance in student conceptual achievement. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 40: 776–791, 2003  相似文献   

儒家的人本思想主要体现在为人、待人、治人之道三大方面,强调实际管理中关心人、爱护人,展现"仁政德治"、"和为贵"等思想,有不少可资高校思想政治辅导员借鉴之处,如"为政以德",充分发挥管理职能;重视人,"仁者爱人"、"宽以待人;"充分发挥每一个人的作用,"举直错枉""用人之长、人尽其材"和施行"仁政"等方面。高校辅导员可以在儒家人本思想这些原则性的教导中得到启示,并结合实践,以达到教书育人的真正目的。  相似文献   

Professors of college chemistry were asked to rank various examples of traditional chemistry knowledge and skills as to their importance for incoming students to possess. A pilot study revealed that the items—all selected from one edition of the American Chemical Society-National Science Teachers Association (ACS-NSTA) Chemistry Achievement Examination—represented attributes viewed as relatively unimportant. The professors then identified 29 personal traits they considered more important for incoming students to possess. Subsequently, these items, knowledge, skill, and personal attributes, were included in a three-part assessment instrument. The instrument was administered to 69 college chemistry professors selected at random and to 37 high school chemistry teachers. The results reveal that the college professors universally identified student personal attributes as significantly more important for incoming students to possess over specific knowledge and skills included in the ACS-NSTA Achievement Examination. Chemistry professors do not find items commonly used to assess success in high school chemistry as important attributes for incoming students to possess. Conversely, high school chemistry teachers regard the knowledge and skill items to be more important for college preparation than personal attributes.  相似文献   

高校辅导员肩负着大学生思想政治教育的使命,对于我国高校人才培养有着至关重要的作用。但随着社会的发展,大学生的生活环境也在发生变化,不同时期大学生的特征也不一样。这种情况就使得当前高校辅导员的素质跟不上大学生群体的变化,出现了各类问题。本文也从这方面入手,详细的分析针对当代大学生群体的高校辅导员素质要求。  相似文献   

高校实验室生物安全存在的问题及应对策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验室生物安全是高校实验室建设与管理的一项重要内容,是建设和谐校园的必要条件。我国高校分布着不同等级的生物安全实验室,开展病原微生物相关的教学科研工作。针对部分实验室存在着建设、管理和使用等方面的问题,建议高校从设立管理机构、完善管理制度、重视安全教育、加强硬件建设、规范废弃物管理等方面来提升生物安全实验室的规范性和安全性,及时消除安全隐患。  相似文献   

Drawing upon Freud's seminal discussion of psychological identification vis-a-vis group psychodynamics, this study investigated the relationship between degree of student identification with an instructor and students' ratings of instructional effectiveness. Specifically, it was hypothesized that students who highly identify with their instructor will rate the course more favorably, perceive greater progress on their part toward course related objectives, and report higher motivation to learn than students who do not identify with their instructor. Using a 50 item personality trait Q-sample, 96 undergraduates from eight different courses taught by three different instructors were asked to describe the instructor, their actual self, and their ideal self; Q-sorts for the instructor and ideal self were correlated separately for each student as the measure of identification. Instructional effectiveness was assessed using the Kansas State IDEA form. Correlational and path analyses of the data provided support for the hypothesis. Results are discussed in light of the unique contribution made by the traditional notion of identification to instructional outcomes and evaluation.  相似文献   

本文作者通过从深圳市几家从事通信产品开发和研究的高科技企业进行实地考察后认为:一方面,高职院校教师应该深入企业调研,寻找与自己专业相同的企业产品进行研发;另一方面,产学研结合是高等职业教育发展的要求,是培养教师"双师型"素质的好模式。文章对高职院校产学研结合的模式、产学研结合是培养"双师型"素质的有效途径等问题进行了具体分析和理论阐述。  相似文献   

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