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Research shows that students, and sometimes teachers, have trouble with fractions, especially conceiving of fractions as numbers that extend the whole number system. This paper explores how fractions are addressed in undergraduate mathematics courses for prospective elementary teachers (PSTs). In particular, we explore how, and whether, the instructors of these courses address fractions as an extension of the whole number system and fractions as numbers in their classrooms. Using a framework consisting of four approaches to the development of fractions found in history, we analyze fraction lessons videotaped in six mathematics classes for PSTs. Historically, the first two approaches—part–whole and measurement—focus on fractions as parts of wholes rather than numbers, and the last two approaches—division and set theory—formalize fractions as numbers. Our results show that the instructors only implicitly addressed fraction-as-number and the extension of fractions from whole numbers, although most of them mentioned or emphasized these aspects of fractions during interviews.  相似文献   


The present paper deals with epistemological and methodological issues as these touch upon the products of educational practices related to the teaching of historical narratives in settings purposely created to facilitate dialogue, inclusion and recognition among children thought to be belonging in clearly differentiated and antagonistic groups in a conflict-ridden area – i.e. Israeli Jews and Palestinians, and Greek and Turkish Cypriots. It offers an overview of the sociopolitical and educational contexts the authors have studied and vignettes of some of the events that captured their attention and led them to critically approach present theorising on peace and multicultural education. It finalises with reflections on the epistemological and methodological issues the authors encountered in their studies.  相似文献   

In this review essay we critically examine issues raised by authors whose work is published in the two Special Issues of JMTE (Part 1, 13.5 and Part 2, 13.6) on Mathematics Teacher and Mathematics Teacher Educator Change—Insight through theoretical perspectives. While the authors have drawn on a wide range of theories and approaches, we have chosen to view their articles through a single socio-cultural lens to explore responses to the two questions that motivated these Special Issues: (1) How are opportunities created for teachers to change themselves? (2) What do (university-based) researchers learn from working with teachers?  相似文献   

任何一门学科的建立与发展,都具有其理论基础。高等教育管理学是一门政策性、实践性、综合性很强的应用学科,对其理论基础进行研究,具有重要的意义。 一、关于高等教育管理学   高等教育管理学是研究高等教育领域里的管理现象,探索高等教育管理规律的科学。   高等教育管理学的发展,是随着生产力发展和社会发展的需要,从古代走到近代,由经验走向科学,从而出现了教育管理学。其标志,是当时被认为现代教育管理理论的创始人、法国学者施太因于 1884年发表的《管理学》一书,该书最早比较系统地论述了教育管理的基本理论。他认为…  相似文献   

The role of teacher is increasingly related to designing and arranging collaborative learning situations in which fruitful and creative group work may occur. This thematic review presents recent studies on creativity and collaborative learning from the perspective of the teacher as conductor of learning processes. The precondition for the design and orchestration of these kinds of learning situations is analysing and understanding of creative and collaborative processes and their contextual adaption. Thus, the first section of this review focuses on the theoretical vantage points of creativity and collaborative learning mainly from socio-cultural perspective. Based on this theoretical grounding, the second section describes principles for orchestrating productive collaborative learning and supporting creativity from the teacher’s perspective. We discuss three dimensions related to how teachers can bring about collaborative learning and creativity: (1) general pedagogical bases, (2) teachers’ pre- and real-time activities and (3) opportunities and challenges for teacher activities. The review is concluded with theoretical and practical implications regarding collaborative learning and creativity.  相似文献   

当代美国高等教育研究理念主要包括“学术资本主义”、“学术资本主义与新经济”、“大学的企业性”、“全球一体化与社区学院”、“知识和金钱对研究型大学的影响”和“大学的组织转型”等。这些理念对高等教育实践具有解释作用,对决策人员具有参考、引导作用,对高等教育行政管理人员具有指导作用。这些理念的应用有一定限度。  相似文献   

This paper traces the development of special education in Ghana, with a particular focus on the education of people with learning difficulties. The influence of the British perspective is recognized as having played a critical role in its initial development; but while trends are increasingly shifting towards inclusive practices, the institutionalization of people with learning difficulties and others with disabilities remains an entrenched practice. Evidence of official government rhetoric towards inclusive practices is noted, but prevailing traditional structures in special education service delivery and administration prevent its practical reality, especially for many pupils with learning difficulties.  相似文献   

European Journal of Psychology of Education - Although the yeshiva is the housekeeper of the Jewish tradition of learning, it has undergone dramatic changes along history. We describe these changes...  相似文献   

西南联大研究史料的挖掘和整理成绩斐然,但在地方系统档案的挖掘以及已挖掘出的一些特殊史料的整理出版等方面,还有明显的不足。在西南联大的史料使用上,有的研究对史料较为重视,能较为全面地挖掘利用各类史料;有的研究则忽视了史料,或对史料使用不当出现失误。在西南联大研究视野上,首先要拓展史料挖掘和整理的空间,重视云南地方系统的隐性史料和普通师生相关史料的挖掘整理,并加强已挖掘出史料整理出版工作。其次,要扩大研究的领域,要着力于研究西南联大对云南以及中国现代学术体系的贡献,重视西南联大的多学科研究;关注西南联大普通师生的研究。如此,较为全面地解析西南联大真正的价值与贡献,将西南联大研究推进到新的高度。  相似文献   

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