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社会发展理论是人类运用概念和逻辑认识把握社会使其服务人类自身的一种意识形态,其内涵有广义和狭义之分。现当代西方和中国对社会发展理论的探讨经历着完全不同的研究路径:前者由分析到综合、由个别到一般;后者却在发生着从综合到分析、从一般到个别的理论转型。但二者又展示出共同的意蕴:对社会发展的研究既不能以本体论的方式单纯追求其抽...  相似文献   

The concept of connected learning proposes that youth leverage individual interest and social media to drive learning with an academic focus. To illustrate, we present in-depth case studies of Ryan and Sam, two middle-school-age youth, to document an out-of-school intervention intended to direct toward intentional learning in STEM that taps interest and motivation. The investigation focused on how Ryan and Sam interacted with the designed elements of Studio STEM and whether they became more engaged to gain deeper learning about science concepts related to energy sustainability. The investigation focused on the roles of the engineering design process, peer interaction, and social media to influence youth interest and motivation. Research questions were based on principles of connected learning (e.g., self-expression, lower barriers to expertise, socio-technical supports) with data analyzed within a framework suggested by discursive psychology. Analyzing videotaped excerpts of interactions in the studio, field notes, interview responses, and artifacts created during the program resulted in the following findings: problem solving, new media, and peer interaction as designed features of Studio STEM elicited evidence of stimulating interest in STEM for deeper learning. Further research could investigate individual interest-driven niches that are formed inside the larger educational setting, identifying areas of informal learning practice that could be adopted in formal settings. Moreover, aspects of youth’s STEM literacy that could promote environmental sustainability through ideation, invention, and creativity should be pursued.  相似文献   

试论能力形成的逻辑过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构成能力的基本要素是个体的经验,经验的逻辑过程,是个体形成品格品位和能力层次的基本依据。这一切都是个体社会实践的结果。高等教育若强调培养人才能力,就必须研究教育与社会实践的关系,强化社会实践过程和解决社会发展中各种问题的责任感,使人才培养和大学自身引导社会发展的各种教育环节得以延伸。  相似文献   

最深刻的宗教经验具有神秘主义性质,是一种超越语言、逻辑和思维的经验,是一种纯粹个体性的经验。人们只能通过直觉来获取它,而不是理性,但是为了表达和传承,原本纯粹个人的经验力图理性化、制度化,从而进入人类的知识体系,而这种努力必定会产生社会功能上的二律背反。  相似文献   

采用2385名新生代外来工的调查数据,通过相关行为倾向变量来考察童年期留守经历与个体退缩型人格的关系。结果表明,有过留守经历者更可能“怕被炒掉或被刁难而不反映劳动权益意见”,显示出比较明显的退缩型人格特征。其中以学前留守的影响最显著,而留守时间越长,影响越大。以“愿否因自身权益受损参加维权活动”这一假想情境下的意愿变量、“是否怕被报复而不投诉权益受侵害行为”这一现实情境下的行为变量所做的参证分析及倾向值匹配前后的对照分析验证了上述结论的稳健性。文章重点以现实情境下的行为倾向测量验证了采用心理量表施测及定性研究所得的结论,并表明留守经历对于退缩型人格的长期性影响可以从大学生等群体推展到普通的外来工群体。所得结论亦表明,除结构逻辑和历史逻辑以外,对于新生代外来工的研究还需纳入生态逻辑,关注其童年期的发展生态系统。由于退缩会对社会融入产生消极影响,诱发“半城市化”的社会结构张力,今后的留守儿童关爱保护工作,需更多关注其人格发展,尤需对那些处于学前阶段的留守儿童采取有针对性的教育和干预策略。  相似文献   

社会个体资源(本)是导致个体社会分化的基础,社会标准选择倾向是导致个体社会分化的依据,社会匹配是导致个体社会分化的关键。在我国社会转型时期,应建立合理的社会匹配机制, 确定推动社会发展的社会标准选择倾向,制定满足社会个体追求占有资本和社会匹配的社会措施。  相似文献   

义是道德准则 ,利驱动社会发展 ,义利统一的价值观念在社会发展中逐渐被广泛认可。而作为社会主义文明发展的道德力量 ,还应同时倡导大公无私精神 ,限制人们谋求个人私利的思想行为 ,将社会公利与个人利益统一起来。  相似文献   


Scholars writing on agency argue that normally, individuals who experience social structures as comfortable will tend to want to reproduce them while those who experience these structures as oppressive will want to change them. This is a bleak outlook because it suggests that those in positions of power and influence are less likely to seek to overhaul the very system of rewards and punishments that benefits them. However, there are exceptions to this pattern: instances where those who experience the structures as comfortable, nevertheless, work at transforming them. This article introduces an alternative perspective to current transformation discourses by seeking to understand why such exceptions exist. It argues that critical engagement is an important dimension of such transformation, and examines how it interacts with reflexivity to shape individual choices and reformulate interest. Drawing on a hermeneutic phenomenological analysis of in-depth interviews with 10 academics who have been identified as agents of change at one university in South Africa, we reveal how individuals are able to shift their understanding of what is or is not in their interest in a context where raced, gendered and classed interests are deeply embedded in the fabric of the society. In such contexts, reflexivity and critical personal engagement with one’s context can lead to a shift in interest and then consciousness as the individual comes to see and experience things from a different vantage point, opening up the possibility for a changed relationship with the social structure and its constraints and determining influence.  相似文献   

随着年龄的增加,学生对几乎所有学科的学习兴趣均呈下降的趋势。学习兴趣的结构变动主要有增长模式、通道模式和交叠模式三种。学习兴趣的转化历经情境兴趣的激发与维持、个体兴趣的萌芽与成熟四个阶段。影响学习兴趣发展的动因大体可划分为情境与个体两类。探讨学习兴趣发展的各研究之间有着内在的相互承继、补充和不断深化的关系,但它们均重描述轻解释,而对学习兴趣发展提供解释的各研究,其视角又比较单一。  相似文献   

Educators of young children can enhance the development of a problem-solving thought process through daily activities in their classrooms. An emphasis should be placed on the actual thought process needed to solve problems that occur in everyday living. Educators can follow simple suggestions to create problem-solving situations for all ages of children. The process of thinking through a problem and finding a solution is more important than traditional mathematics counting and memorizing useless facts. Even very young children are capable of a problem-solving process that is on the appropriate developmental level. The problem-solving process is constructivist in nature, as each individual perceives problems according to her or his background and developmental levels. Educators need to make a conscious effort to capitalize on all stages of problem-solving thinking to enhance future mathematical development.  相似文献   

目前在教育实践中对教学领导力的认识还存在理念不清、内涵不明的情况。通过对以美、英为主的国外教学领导力研究文献梳理,从教学领导力内涵建构与演进角度深入认识其内在机理,厘清其将目标从单一的校长个体中解放开来,逐渐关注到不同层级领导者在教学领导力中的聚合作用,强调教学领导力的监督功能和教学领导力中不同因素、人员之间交互作用的聚合价值。基于对教学领导力内涵和概念框架的理解,梳理其对校长发展与教师、学生、课程改革实践建构的价值,提出教学领导力的实施与发展取向,有助于人们全面客观地看待教育的发展和实践方向,助力于中国的教育教学变革。  相似文献   

Understanding both typical human development and indivdual differences within the same theoretical framework has been difficult because the 2 orientations arise from different philosophical traditions. It is argued that an evolutionary perspective can unite the study of both species-typical development and individual variation. Research on determininants of development from many perspectives can be understood within an evolutionary framework in which organism and environment combine to produce development. Species-normal genes and environments and indidividual variations in genes and environments both affect personality, social, and intellectual development. These domains are used as examples to integrate theories of normal development and individual differences. Within the usual samples of European, North American, and developed Asian countries, the results of family and twin studies show that environments within the normal species range are crucial to normal development. Given a wide range of environmental opportunities and emotional supports, however, most children in these societies grow up to be individually different based on their individual genotypes. Understanding the ways in which genes and environments work together helps developmentalists to identify children in need of intervention and to tailor interventions to their particular needs.  相似文献   

在创建学习型社会中,全社会要关注、支持电大的发展,同时,作为电大自身需创造条件满足民众个人的学习需求。当前,电大远程教育发展存在诸多问题,需要从多层面寻求对策以促进电大远程教育的发展。  相似文献   

中国传统文化对于国人心理与行为产生着极大的影响,对于思维心理的研究分析,可以给文化心理学提供重要的借鉴思路。通过分析国人的思维心理模式、特点以及对其研究的意义和应注意的问题,能在更深层次上理解中国传统文化对国人的影响以及社会心理学的发展前景。  相似文献   

在社会中寻求自由--论格林的自由观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
格林认为自由不是原子式个体的占有物,而是社会主体自我实现和增进社会共同善的能力.自由只有在社会中,通过社会和个人的相互作用才能实现.社会可以且有义务增进个人自由和社会共同善,而个人有权也有责任参与社会体制的建设.但个人价值依然是自由的最终价值标准.在协调个人和社会的关系中,格林把自由和民主结合起来,变早期的消极自由观为积极自由观,既推进了自由主义的演进,又有助于我们重新思考消极自由和积极自由的关系.  相似文献   

社会和谐是当代中国社会的发展诉求。社会和谐的实质是社会关系的和睦和坚守维系这种关系的正义伦理。正义伦理作为实现社会和谐关系的价值取向,应该成为我们理顺社会关系、化解利益冲突、防范各种风险、达致社会公正的道德准则。同时,正义伦理应作为现代社会制度安排的道德基础。这种制度安排既反映交往行为的价值共识,又能够在尊重各个群体的独立发展时防范不同群体之间的矛盾激化,从而实现整个社会的和谐稳定。  相似文献   

环境法律的产生根源于环境问题的日益恶化,导致个体与个体之间,个体与群体之间以及群体与群体之间环境利益博弈的非均衡态。环境的公共产品属性、社会经济活动给生态环境造成的外部性影响,以及市场经济条件下环境信息的不对称性是造成生态环境问题的根本原因。生态环境保护的市场失灵和政府职责缺失要求在制度上必须加强法律体系的完善,用以纠正一切对生态环境产生不利影响的失灵现象发生,实现人与自然的和谐共生。  相似文献   

Could it be that in our excitement about e‐learning we forgot about buildings? With the advent of the personal computer and ubiquitous networks were we enticed into thinking that they would suffice and learning would follow removing the need for places and communities for learners? We now seem to have woken up, however, as there is an enormous resurgence of interest in new building in Universities, Schools and Colleges — a real opportunity to ‘build’ our learning futures. But if the interest is just in building then it's an opportunity lost. However, if it is about transformation, place and community we could create the connected learning society, both physically and virtually, that we aspire to. New 21st century buildings and refurbished spaces should reflect our educational approaches and philosophies and, even more importantly, they should not disable tomorrow's possibilities. The buildings that we build today can prevent us from doing what tomorrow might become the dominant ways of working and learning. Our buildings should combine educational ideas, with imaginative technology and architecture to create the learning futures we wish to see. The Saltire Centre at Glasgow Caledonian University, which opened in January 2006, started from the premise of a building that is flexible and does not disable the future. The building, through its variety of spaces, embraces learner differences and supports a concept of learning as a social process putting human social interaction and conversation at its heart. This article uses the Saltire Centre as a case study to illustrate how some current key ideas in educational thinking can influence the learning facilities that we provide.  相似文献   

我校女大学生体育兴趣可塑性的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对我校220名女大学生进行问卷调查,研究结果表明:女大学生体育兴趣有较大的可塑性,她们对体育项目产生兴趣的主要原因是符合自身条件和个性特点以及受社会与环境的影响;而教师良好的修养与较强的业务能力以及活动场地和设备的完善对她们体育兴趣的稳定发展起着积极的作用.同时,老师应使她们树立正确的学习动机.促使她们对体育运动兴趣由直接兴趣向间接兴趣转化,以使她们的体育兴趣得到更好的发展与持久的保持.  相似文献   

体育的功能取决于不同社会时期的需要,对体育功能变迁的研究应建立在对社会发展阶段的正确认识基础之上。体育功能的发展表现在固有功能的发展及原有功能与时代特征结合而产生出新的派生功能。  相似文献   

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