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课堂话语互动与学习辩证地联接在一起。学习科学的新发展要求不应仅仅研究课堂话语互动环境与结果,更需要实时分析课堂话语互动过程。交互论证分析超越了传统的静态的图尔敏论证模式,能够动态地实时分析课堂话语互动。基于此,本研究聚焦于争论这一典型的课堂话语互动形式,借助交互论证分析,对研究案例进行三步骤分析,不但揭示了学生话语互动中所运用的交互形式,阐明了话语互动质量,而且清晰地描绘了课堂话语互动如何促进个体的深度学习,学生个体的意义构建如何影响小组论断形成,以及作为机构代表的教师如何促进学生的学习。研究表明课堂争论有效促进了学生的深度学习,同时也进一步指出构建新型的教师角色的必要性。  相似文献   

There is emerging interest on the interactions between modelling and argumentation in specific contexts, such as genetics learning. It has been suggested that modelling might help students understand and argue on genetics. We propose modelling gene expression as a way to learn molecular genetics and diseases with a genetic component. The study is framed in Tiberghien’s (2000) two worlds of knowledge, the world of “theories & models” and the world of “objects & events”, adding a third component, the world of representations. We seek to examine how modelling and argumentation interact and connect the three worlds of knowledge while modelling gene expression. It is a case study of 10th graders learning about diseases with a genetic component. The research questions are as follows: (1) What argumentative and modelling operations do students enact in the process of modelling gene expression? Specifically, which operations allow connecting the three worlds of knowledge? (2) What are the interactions between modelling and argumentation in modelling gene expression? To what extent do these interactions help students connect the three worlds of knowledge and modelling gene expression? The argumentative operation of using evidence helps students to relate the three worlds of knowledge, enacted in all the connections. It seems to be a relationship among the number of interactions between modelling and argumentation, the connections between world of knowledge and students’ capacity to develop a more sophisticated representation. Despite this is a case study, this approach of analysis reveals potentialities for a deeper understanding of learning genetics though scientific practices.  相似文献   

Researchers have emphasized the importance of promoting argumentation in science classrooms for various reasons. However, the study of argumentation is still a young field and more research needs to be carried out on the tools and pedagogical strategies that can assist teachers and students in both the construction and evaluation of scientific arguments. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of argumentation on students’ conceptual learning in dynamics. True-experimental design using quantitative research methods was carried out for the study. The participants of the study were tenth graders studying in two classes in an urban all-girls school. There were 26 female students in each class. Five argumentations promoted in the different contexts were embedded through the dynamics unit over a 10-week duration. The study concludes that engaging in the argumentative process that involves making claims, using data to support these claims, warranting the claims with scientific evidence, and using backings, rebuttals, and qualifiers to further support the reasoning, reinforces students’ understanding of science, and promotes conceptual change. The results suggest that argumentation should be employed during instruction as a way to enable conceptual learning.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, researchers have developed sophisticated online learning environments to support students engaging in dialogic argumentation. This review examines five categories of analytic frameworks for measuring participant interactions within these environments focusing on (1) formal argumentation structure, (2) conceptual quality, (3) nature and function of contributions within the dialogue, (4) epistemic nature of reasoning, and (5) argumentation sequences and interaction patterns. Ultimately, the review underscores the diversity of theoretical perspectives represented within this research, the nature of dialogic interaction within these environments, the importance of clearly specifying theoretical and environmental commitments throughout the process of developing or adopting an analytic framework, and the role of analytic frameworks in the future development of online learning environments for argumentation.
Douglas B. ClarkEmail:

目前我国英语教学普遍存在着课堂教学与课外学习活动严重脱节的现象,这大大影响了英语教学质量的提高。笔者提出"英语教学课内外活动的统一性",主张英语教学在坚持以课堂教学为主的同时,把学生的课外学习活动视为课堂教学活动的重要补充和延伸,纳入教学管理和教师的教学计划之中。在教师有效的组织、指导和监控之下,使英语课内外的教学活动形成一个有机的不可分割的整体。  相似文献   

在小学数学教学中,需要给学生营造出想说理、要说理的课堂教学氛围。本文主要探究了小学数学说理课堂的具体构建,首先探讨了现阶段小学数学教学现状及加强小学数学说理课堂构建的作用,再简要论述了小学数学说理课堂的构建途径。  相似文献   

We hypothesized that instruction in the criteria of scientific arguments, in combination with constructivist epistemic beliefs, would produce greater learning about physics concepts. The study was a randomized experiment, where college undergraduates (n = 88) discussed, in pairs over the Web, several physics problems related to gravity and air resistance. Prior to their discussions, one‐half of the dyads received information on the nature of scientific arguments. All students were classified epistemologically as relativists, multiplists, or evaluativists. We found that students in the treatment group incorporated more scientific criteria into their discussion notes and accordingly developed better arguments on several dimensions. In addition, significantly more participants in the treatment group adopted the correct answer to one of the problems. Outcomes also differed in relation to students’ epistemic beliefs. Specifically, multiplists were less critical of inconsistencies and misconceptions, and interacted with their partners less than other belief groups, whereas evaluativists interacted more critically, bringing up different ideas from their partners. Evaluativists also solved one of the physics problems more accurately and tended to demonstrate a reduction in misconceptions. We discuss the results in light of instruction in scientific argumentation, conceptual development and change, and epistemic beliefs.  相似文献   

学习型组织以促进个人与团体达成自我实现和发展为最终目标,强调组织建构过程中的自我超越、心智模式改进、共同愿景塑造、团队学习和系统思考。幼儿园创建以学习求发展的学习型组织是时势所趋,但也面临着教师参与意识较弱、内在动力不足、参与度低等因素的限制。幼儿园创建学习型组织的可行性路径包括:幼儿园组织革新,促进团队学习和系统思考的形成;幼儿园领导力创新,助力教师心智模式的改进与自我超越的实现;教师专业发展观念更新,实现以园本课程为导向的共同愿景的塑造。  相似文献   

This special issue originated from ongoing discussions on how research in the past decade has or has not informed current theories on student learning in higher education. The contributions to this special issue each present a discussion of conceptual and methodological directions with possible connections or suggested dead ends in the major research traditions of the field. The special issue closes with two commentaries in which senior researchers critically discuss the contribution of the special issue regarding the question of where we might theoretically go in the field of student learning in higher education research.  相似文献   

在发展学生的核心素养背景下,课堂学习急需从浅层学习走向深度学习。深度学习视角下的课堂倾听具有多个层面的内涵,深度学习的课堂即充盈着倾听的课堂。课堂倾听是深度学习发生的前提与基础,学会倾听是学会学习的重要体现。支持深度学习的课堂倾听并不能一蹴而就地形成,需在反复的课堂教学实践中逐步优化与迭代升级,渐渐从独白走向互动,从接受走向批判,从结果走向过程,从排斥走向接纳。  相似文献   

教育实践中,以源于人工智能研究且基于认知学习理论的深度学习理念指导学生的深度学习实践具有片面性.真实课堂中,学生的深度学习不只是个体学习,而且是一种社会性学习;不只指向学生认知能力的发展,而且聚焦于学生核心素养的培育;不能只聚焦于学生的深度学习,也要研究教师的教导作用.教师转变教学行为,以符合课堂情境中深度学习理念的"...  相似文献   

Toulmin's model of argumentation, developed in 1958, has guided much argumentation research in education. However, argumentation theory in philosophy and cognitive science has advanced considerably since 1958. There are currently several alternative frameworks of argumentation that can be useful for both research and practice in education. These frameworks include Walton's dialogue theory and Bayesian models of everyday arguments. This article reviews and evaluates these frameworks and shows how each can be applied instructionally (e.g., through the teaching of critical questions or probability modeling) and, from a research standpoint, in evaluating the content and quality of informal arguments. It is concluded that attention to these and other contemporary argumentation frameworks can help move the study of argumentation in education forward.  相似文献   

在教育强国建设、“双一流”建设和新文科建设的多重背景下,培养具有高水平科学研究能力的教育学研究生至关重要。因此,研究生培养模式要更加注重方式的多样性和系统性,通过“读、听、讲、看、做、写”这样多样化的学习通道与多元化的发展路径来提升研究生科研素养。即,通过“读”拓展学识,通过“听”活跃思想,通过“讲”提高水平,通过“看”提升境界,通过“做”培育能力,通过“写”产出成果。  相似文献   

唐代江南地区的私学教育述论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
江南地区的私学形式主要有私人授学、私塾、习业山林和家学等形式。江南人之间的私人授学风气相当浓厚、普遍,许多士人还寄居僧舍求学修业,或隐居山林乡村习业。士人家庭中的女性常常承担教育子弟的责任。多样化的江南私学对唐代江南地区学发展起到了重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

类=规律。归纳论证与演绎论证结合群有两种类型:独立结合型,演绎论证强度决定了结合群的论证强度,其论证强度为演绎;连锁结合型,归纳论证强度决定了结合群的论证强度,其论证强度为归纳。简单枚举归纳反驳,从推理形式上看,它是简单枚举归纳推理与演绎推理的结合,但因其是连锁结合型,从论证强度看仍是归纳,故称它为归纳反驳,仍是名实相符。  相似文献   



Traditional school curricula consider physics, chemistry and biology as completely independent subjects. This fact casts doubt upon the claim that physics is the basic discipline for all the sciences. The connection between physics and chemistry was emphasized in several recent physical science curricula. This paper, which was presented at the Fourth Danube Seminar on ‘Structure of matter in the school’ at Balaton in Hungary in October 1978, investigates the connection between biology and physics and the usefulness of physical laws for understanding life, from the physicist's point of view.  相似文献   

Engaging in science as an argumentative practice can promote students’ critical thinking, reflection, and evaluation of evidence. However, many do not approach science in this way. Furthermore, the presumed confrontational nature of argumentation may run against cultural norms particularly during the sensitive time of early adolescence. This paper explores whether middle-school students’ ability to engage in critical components of argumentation in science impacts science classroom learning. It also examines whether students’ willingness to do so attenuates or moderates that benefit. In other words, does one need to be both willing and able to engage critically with the discursive nature of science to receive benefits to learning? This study of middle-school students participating in four months of inquiry science shows a positive impact of argumentative sensemaking ability on learning, as well as instances of a moderating effect of one's willingness to engage in argumentative discourse. Possible mechanisms and the potential impacts to educational practices are discussed.  相似文献   

Argumentation skills of secondary school students were evaluated in Finland (n?=?290), France (n?=?54), and England (n?=?41). The data were collected from 4 tasks comprising 7 variables. The results indicated that most of the students had correctly justified arguments and conclusions, and composed clear claims and relevant arguments. However, many students had difficulties in recognising the main claim and arguments for it in an expository text, and in commenting analytically on an argumentative text. Thus the students possessed the prerequisites for argumentative reasoning and writing but need further practice in analytical and critical reading.  相似文献   

The article reports a study in which 31 volunteered Finnish undergraduate students practiced argumentation by electronic mail (e-mail). Generally argumentation refers to grounding of stated claims. The study seeks to clarify the feasibility of e-mail study environment for practicing argumentation and compares a tutor-led seminar mode and self-directed student discussion mode, using e-mail as the study tool in both modes. The data consisted of the students' 441 e-mail messages. The content analysis of the data focused on the level and development of argumentation and counterargumentation in the messages. The results indicated that the messages' level of argumentation improved during the experiment and was higher in those messages that included counterargumentation targeted against others' standpoints. In addition, the students engaged in the student-led mode of e-mail study presented more and higher-level counterargumentation compared to the students engaged in the tutor-led mode. The results suggested that e-mail is a feasible study tool in practicing academic argumentation and that, given that this is an important aim in higher education, students' self-direction and debating should be encouraged.  相似文献   

Piecemeal change to improve schooling is an approach that at its worst does more harm than good, and at its best is limited to creating pockets of good within school districts. When it comes to improving schooling in a district, however, creating pockets of good isn't good enough. Whole school systems need to be improved.

This article focuses on helping educators learn how to transform entire school systems to create unparalleled opportunities to improve student, faculty and staff, and system learning, and presents a set of principles to help change leaders in school systems navigate large-scale, district-wide change to create these multiple learning opportunities.  相似文献   

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