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This paper is about the work of the historian and committed intellectual Raphael Samuel, a central figure of the British New Left. It considers his political and intellectual activities over a 30‐year period, and sets them in their changing context. It seeks to argue that in many respects Samuel's work provides means for rethinking educational history and contemporary educational politics.  相似文献   

In the 1960s Anton Ehrenzweig devised an experimental course for school art teachers based on his deep knowledge of British psychoanalytic theory, especially Melanie Klein’s ideas of projection and introjection. Ehrenzweig’s early advocacy for the idea of an artist teacher, which formed a key element of his Art Teachers Certificate course at Goldsmiths, could be seen as ahead of its time, anticipating some of the ideas and practices of the past couple of decades. However, his claim that good teachers use their pupils as a medium for the teacher’s own creativity raises ethical questions that still resonate today. In this article, I will draw out some comparisons between Ehrenzweig’s theories of creativity and art education, and recent writing on the artist teacher. I will consider ways in which Ehrenzweig’s development of Kleinian psychoanalytic theory can both complement and challenge current thinking about the merging and differentiation of artist, teacher and student identities.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代晚期开始的历史工场运动是以英国马克思主义史学家拉斐尔·萨缪尔为首的牛津大学腊斯金学院的师生所发起的史学民主化运动,它吸引了广大的民众参与,对打破历史学家对历史知识的垄断,在民众中普及历史知识起到十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

The influential policy work in education of the intellectual grouping formed by J.H. Oldham during the Second World War known as ‘Oldham’s Moot’ (1938–1947) has been discussed in recent publications. These have noted its general educational and university policy, its intellectual strengths, and the role of Sir Walter Moberly in relation to his chairmanship of the UGC and his The Crisis in the University (1949). Others have placed its thinking in a tradition of Christian medievalism and British intellectual movements. This article focuses on the social theories debated in the group, especially their European roots, their contribution to their discussions on the university and especially the role of adult citizenship in the era of ‘Planning of Freedom’. In particular the authors follow the arguments concerning the integration of adult education in the university reform they envisage.  相似文献   

Many of the major figures in the history of science have produced literary works, but the relationship between their poetic texts and their scientific work is often underestimated. This paper illuminates the poetry of Erwin Schrödinger—one of the premier figures in twentieth-century science, and an accomplished poet in both English and his native German. It discusses existing perceptions of his poetry and challenges the assumptions that his poetic work was a mere hobby unrelated to his other achievements by focusing on the interplay between poetic images and scientific ideas in his German-language poems. It emphasizes that more research is needed on the understated role of bilingualism and of—often marginalized—writing in an adopted language in science and in poetry, with the premise that this feature of Schrödinger’s life deserves more study. It argues that Schrödinger’s literary imagination and his bilingualism are an integral part of his approach to reality and considers Schrödinger’s literary work to be an important aspect of his intellectual heritage.  相似文献   

康熙帝早期中式肖像艺术思想主导了宫廷肖像艺术活动,探究其早期肖像艺术观是深入研究康熙朝宫廷肖像艺术史的基础。 从文物和第一手文献史料出发,分析康熙帝早期中式肖像艺术观的内容、特点与影响。 首先,康熙帝的早期肖像艺术观以满族文化为本,通过宫廷肖像艺术传达巩固满族文化传统的信号。 第二,青年康熙帝借肖像艺术强化政治联姻、荣宠臣子、宣扬教化,以巩固其政治统治。 第三,康熙帝年轻时追求正面肖像构图的庄严感,喜欢写实性强的肖像画,支持宫廷肖像艺术风格多元化发展。 康熙帝的早期中式肖像艺术观包含文化、政治和审美意识,  相似文献   

In several of his works, Alfred North Whitehead (1861–1947) presents mathematics as a way of learning about general ideas that increase our understanding of the universe. The danger is that students get bogged down in its technical operations. He argues that mathematics should be an integral part of a new kind of liberal education, incorporating science, the humanities, and “technical education” (making things with one’s hands), thereby integrating “head-work and hand-work.” In order to appreciate the role mathematics plays in modern science, students should understand its diverse history which is capable of bringing abstract ideas to life. Moreover, mathematics can discern the alternating rhythms of repetition and difference in nature constituting the periodicity of life. Since these same rhythms are to be found in his theory of learning as growth, there appears to be a pattern linking Whitehead’s approach to mathematics and his educational philosophy.  相似文献   

The two earliest public protests against slavery in British North America—the Germantown Quakers’ petition and Samuel Sewall’s The Selling of Joseph—are primarily discussed as rhetorical failures and have been largely reduced to entries on an anti-slavery timeline. The texts are further diminished for their lack of intensity compared with later abolitionist discourses. This essay reassesses these germinal protests as dynamic texts that engage and challenge two distinct conceptualizations of the plain style. In so doing, the texts and the plain style are both given renewed significance in the rhetorical history of the anti-slavery movement.  相似文献   

The present paper explores the fascist vision for education in 1930s Britain through the presentation of extracts from official publications of the British Union of Fascists (BUF), as well as from the writings of Party members. The paper presents a socio‐historical study of British adherents to fascism and provides an account of their thinking in relation to education and schooling, exposing a milieu of ideologues, Party functionaries and serving teachers who were animated by their political commitment. Following a brief outline of the early years of British fascism, there is an account of some key members and their educational ideas, followed by a discussion of the BUF’s educational policies and of its approach to internal education and training. The orientation of the BUF and its membership to education, and the Party’s formulated policies in this field present a modernist vision that was calculated to have particular appeal to educational professionals. There is a consideration, through memoirs, of the experiences of two BUF members who were teachers. The paper reveals a relatively hidden episode in the social history of British educational politics; one that contained paradoxes of intent and outcome, and of means and ends, when ostensibly progressive and socially elevating concepts were employed in ways that had an ultimately destructive impact on individuals, both personally and professionally, as well as on whole societies.  相似文献   

Upon its publication in 1976, Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis’ Schooling in Capitalist America was the most sophisticated and nuanced Marxian social and political analysis of schooling in the United States. Thirty-five years after its publication, Schooling continues to have a strong impact on thinking about education. Despite its unquestionable influence, it has received strikingly little historical attention. This historical article revisits the scholarship of Bowles and Gintis and the milieu in which Schooling was conceived. Specifically, it contextualizes the production and reception of Schooling to better understand the emergence of Marxist thought in the field of education in the United States in the 1970s and 1980s. It also seeks to understand how the emergence of Marxist thought in the field was connected to the rise of an Academic Left—an intellectual shift in the academy toward Marxist social and political theory as a framework to theorize democratic socialist movement-building against capitalism and concomitant state sponsored oppression in the 1960s and 1970s. This history suggests that as we engage in historical and contemporary work on radical ideas in the field of education, we need to push ourselves continually to think about the intersection of education with other fields and disciplines. The article also pushes back against a widespread depiction of Schooling as crudely mechanistic.  相似文献   

Theory and Passion in Action Research   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The starting point for this article is Polanyi's insight that learning involves the personal participation of the knower in taking possession of knowledge, and that this process ‘takes place within a flow of passion’. Somekh pays tribute to Elliott's role in her own intellectual development, as her tutor while she was still a teacher, and later as her colleague. The article focuses on the contribution of the articles published in Educational Action Research, during its first 10 years, under the title of ‘Theoretical Resources’. The contested nature of this title is discussed and illuminated through an exploration of Elliott's writing about teachers' knowledge and the role of both theory and practice in theory generation. Somekh argues for the importance of intellectual engagement with ideas and theories through passionate participation within a ‘personalised and contextualised reality’ – she sees this process as akin to Elliott's notion of action research as a process which ‘problematises the ideas of theorists’.  相似文献   

Viewing Tolstoy’s works from psychological and intellectual perspectives demonstrates his approach to children’s literacy and especially the development of reasoning, which he presents in his writing for children and the stories he includes in his New ABC book (1875a) and four Readers (1875b). This article examines Tolstoy’s reasoning approach in education and its application in his real happening stories for children. Some of Tolstoy’s ideas about upbringing that are expressed in his stories are similar to ideas of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778) and a Swiss developmental physiologist contemporary to Tolstoy, Jean Piaget (1896–1980). Tolstoy’s real happening stories treat situations that a child might actually experience; they propose and teach scenarios that might influence a child’s or an adult’s thinking about ways to obtain an education. Thus, in Tolstoy’s approach to children’s education, reasoning becomes a pedagogical tool, used to develop knowledge, experience and critical thinking ability.  相似文献   

The article analyses the presence of William Shakespeare as intertext in three recent novels by black British writers which deploy the work of the Bard as they explore British and European identities. Caryl Phillips’s The Nature of Blood recreates an Othello-like figure who in early Modern Venice struggles to come to terms with his identity as an outsider. Zadie Smith’s White Teeth summarises the influence of imperial history in contemporary English society with The Tempest’s idea that ‘What is past is prologue’ and evokes an African presence in Shakespeare’s England by way of the dark lady in sonnets. Bernardine Evaristo’s Soul Tourists presents a journey through European countries that are haunted by the ghosts of old African inhabitants, among them the dark lady of the sonnets. These novels use their dialogue with William Shakespeare to construct stories of Africans in Europe in the past centuries that question received narratives of the British nation and undermine the myth of an all-white Europe.  相似文献   

奥斯伯特·西特维尔是20世纪上半叶英国现代主义作家,他在五卷本自传《左手,右手!》中通过对传记材料有意识地取舍,建构了自己作为贵族派、唯美主义艺术家和陈腐思想反叛者的理想型形象。对照他人为其撰写的传记,可以看出该自传因其强烈的主观性、阐释性,表现出强烈的自我意识,是自传作者认识自我、建构自我,进而赋予自我存在价值的重要尝试。这种自传性的修辞艺术彰显了作家自我认同的精神诉求,体现了20世纪上半叶英伦精英知识层的现代性认同意识,也是作家创作心理与创作动机的重要显现。  相似文献   

胡适作为中国现代史上影响较大的人物之一,在中国文化进程中,起着不容低估的作用。从“五四”时期倡导白话文运动直至临终,他始终坚持着文化上的改良主义,政治上的自由主义和哲学上的实验主义。胡适中西舍璧的文人气质影响了“五四”后一代青年,被大批文人拥为精神界导师。他关心国家、社会的命运以及前途而激发的强烈责任感和使命感,又凸显了其鲜明的政治人格。本文在分析胡适思想的基础上,重点探讨其内在冲突。  相似文献   


This paper examines the continuity and changes in Clarke’s ideas about the State and community in education, especially in relation to a rapidly changing political situation in England in the 1930s and 1940s. His ideas evolved in the intellectual context of British idealism. Moreover, in response to the threat to democracy arising from Fascism or Totalitarianism, the distinction between the State and community was a key theme in Clarke’s ideals of liberal democracy. Additionally, this paper also proposes the implications of Clarke’s ideas for future educational development.  相似文献   

诗人艾略特在其惊世骇俗的诗作中,一反前人的种种成规,别出心裁地运用现代诗歌技巧,创造出"荒原"的诗歌世界,从而改变了20世纪英美诗歌发展的方向。批评家艾略特依托"传统"、"非个性化"等话语,追求诗歌批评与社会批评的"秩序",开创了20世纪英美批评的先河。诗歌创作与批评之间的龃龉构成艾略特一生的主轴,也体现了他的诗歌观念与政治观念的冲突。从文学批评到文化批评,艾略特展现了一位现代主义先锋诗人与现代性语境里的知识分子的困境与抉择。  相似文献   

《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》是毛泽东为强调“全新中国”政治构想所推出的“全新文学”构想,集中体现了毛泽东的乌托邦意识.从其乌托邦意识形成和表现来看,农民子弟身份和浪漫主义诗人情怀强化了毛泽东文化实践和革命生活中的乌托邦色彩,直接影响到《讲话》“政治文本的文学想象”品质形成;从新民主主义理论体系来看,《讲话》是对《新民主主义论》的一次文学艺术方面具体出演,演绎的是社会发展形态的构想与展望,服从于毛泽东关于社会发展的乌托邦想象;从20世纪文学与政治关系的角度来看,《讲话》所包含的乌托邦意识表现在对民族国家形象与文学形象的共鸣式叠合的理性诉求,是对历史的自行展开过程的一种高清度的把握.毛泽东借用乌托邦思想所显示的不满现存、指向未来的努力,使《讲话》文本和全新文学实践保持了理想与现实之间的巨大张力,体现了超越时代的历史性追求.  相似文献   

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