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This article examines the respective roles of the training of teachers and educational studies at the London Day Training College (LDTC), 1902–1932. Following an introduction that indicates different models within the United Kingdom and summarizes the subsequent history of the LDTC's successor, the Institute of Education of the University of London, three major themes are examined. These are control and status, staffing, and students and courses. Conclusions are drawn concerning the nature of educational studies in England and the relative contributions of different groups of staff to the development of educational studies in this period. Future developments in respect of disciplinary dimensions are noted. Although the Institute of Education is now a research‐led postgraduate institution it remains committed to the initial training and education of teachers at primary, secondary and further education levels.  相似文献   

This study aims to explore the relationships between the third sector and the educational system in Israel in light of their current increasing involvement with one another. This was investigated along four stages of the policy process ranging from initial agenda-setting to final implementation. The stage of policy these relationships reached was determined by the scope of change they demanded and by their ability to engage the mediation of an elite. This qualitative research revealed that third sector organisations seeking to create a counter-hegemony were stopped at early stages of the policy process. Organisations that helped to maintain the existing order reached the implementation stage and executed the Education Ministry??s policy.  相似文献   

Case Studies in Curriculum Administration History. Edited by Henning Haft and Stefan Hopmann. Pp. ix, 206. Index. Basingstoke: The Falmer Press, 1990. £10.95. ISBN 1–85000–858–2.

Education, Work and Pay in East Africa. By Arthur Hazlewood with Jane Armitage, Albert Berry, John Knight and Richard Sabot. Pp. xxxiv, 337. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989. £37.50. ISBN 0–19–828685–6.

Constructing the Subject: Historical origins of psychological research. By Kurt Danziger. Pp. ix, 254. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0–521–36358–6. £25 h/b.

Education, Training and Employment, Volume 1: Educated LabourThe Changing Basis of Industrial Demand, Volume 2: The Educational Response. Edited by Geoff Esland. Vol. 1 pp. xviii + 329, Index. ISBN 0–201–54424–5; Vol. 2 pp. xx + 373, Index. ISBN 0–201–54430‐X. Wokinghanv. Addison‐Wesley in association with The Open University, 1991. £12.95 each.

The Philosophy of Mathematics Education. By Paul Ernest. Pp. xiv, 329. Index. Basingstoke: The Falmer Press, 1991. £30 cloth; £13.95 paper. ISBN 1–85000–666–0 (cloth); 1–85000–667–9 (paperback). Studies in Mathematics Education.

Ethnic Differences. By J. Perlman. Pp. 321. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988. £12.95. ISBN 0–521–38975–5.

Education and the Global Concern. By Torsten Husén. Oxford and New York: Pergamon Press, 1990. Pp. xii, 162. ISBN 0–08–040489–8.

Technical Education and the State Since 1850. Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Edited by Penny Summerfield and Eric J. Evans. Pp. 223. Manchester University Press, 1990. £29.95. ISBN 0–7190–2967–8.

The High Status Track. Edited by Paul William Kingston and Lionel S. Lewis. Pp. xxxiv, 254, Index. New York: State University of New York Press, 1990. $54 cloth/ $17.95 paper. ISBN 0–7914–0010–7.

Emily Davies and the Liberation of Women 1830–1921. By Daphne Bennett. London: André Deutsch, 1990. Pp. 251. £15.95 ISBN 0–233–981194–1.

A Higher Education: The CNAA and British Higher Education 1964–1989. By Harold Silver. Pp. 294. London: Falmer Press, 1990. ISBN 1–85000–701–2 £12.95 p/b.

The Social Psychology of the Primary School. Edited by Colin Rogers and Peter Kutnick. Pp. 259. London: Routledge, 1990. ISBN 0–415–02400–5, hardback £35.

Classroom Ethnography. By Martyn Hammersley. Pp. xi, 164, Index. Buckingham: Open University Press and Toronto: OISE Press, 1990. £9.99 ISBN 0–7744–0354–3. In the series Modem Educational Thought.

Access and Alternative Futures for Higher Education. Edited by Gareth Parry and Clive Wake. Pp. xv, 228. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1990. ISBN 0–340–51919–3. £12.95 p/b.

Education and the Good Life. By John White. London: Kogan Page, 1990. Pp. 188. ISBN 0–7494–0096‐X. £22.50 hardback.

Girls in their Prime: Scottish Education Revisited. Edited by Fiona M. S. Paterson and Judith Fewell. Pp. 168. Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1990. £8.50. ISBN 0–7073–0578–0.  相似文献   


The middle‐market tabloid newspapers in Britain help to shape a perception of teachers and state schools that is mostly negative and derisory. This article provides examples of this bias in newspaper reportage based on a case study of an annual teacher union conference and journalists’ different interpretations of events generally.  相似文献   

With the advent of modern states, a mandatory relationship and interaction emerged between compulsory education, military service, and the practices of citizenship. Producing a loyal citizen required a disciplined, central, and compulsory education. In the nineteenth century when greatness was linked to armament, education was considered a vital aspect of social and military mobilisation. For this reason, rituals and practices in favour of military service were included in many education programmes. New applications were introduced and military themes integrated into courses such as physical education, gymnastics, history, and geography. Similar initiatives were seen in the Ottoman Empire in the second half of the nineteenth century. Thereafter, military education and paramilitary organisations which became popular during the First World War gained another dimension in the republican period that followed the collapse of the empire. Military service preparation was made a compulsory course at every educational level in Turkey in 1926, and included an annual 20-day camping exercise. The programme is a little-investigated topic of Turkish education history but is widely considered to have played a key role in shaping social attitudes in the country. This article reports the findings of an analysis of first-hand sources and archive documents relating to the Military Service Preparatory Programme in Turkey between 1926 and 1947 and its lasting effects.  相似文献   

This study assessed the effects of three different intervention programs on low-SES mother?Cchild joint activities and on their kindergarten-age children??s progress in early literacy and language. Parents in three groups (119 mothers, 5 fathers) were coached to mediate child learning, respectively, in: interactive storybook reading, writing, or visuomotor skills. A group-specific workshop was followed by 7?weeks of tri-weekly structured dyadic interactions and weekly tutorial home visits. A fourth group (control) received no intervention. Results showed implementation success: Mothers coached in interactive storybook reading or writing mediation improved in the coached activity from pretest to immediate posttest and to delayed posttest. Interactive storybook reading improved less for older than younger children, whereas writing mediation improved more for older than younger children. No transfer emerged from one activity to the other: Coaching on reading had no effect on writing or visuomotor skills, and coaching of writing had an effect only on writing. Children??s alphabetic skills were enhanced in the writing mediation-coached group, whereas linguistic competencies, unexpectedly, were not enhanced in the interactive storybook reading-coached group. The significance of writing mediation as a dyadic activity promoting literacy is emphasized.  相似文献   

We analyse the utility of social capital for children’s achievement, and if this utility interacts with family human capital and the quality of the parent-child relationship. Our focus is on parental activities directly related to children’s school work. Our data stem from a Swedish cohort born in 1953 and consist of both survey and register data. We find that parents with more human capital tended to offer their children more social capital. OLS regressions showed that, when present, social capital was directly related to children’s grades and its utility for achievement did not depend on parents’ human capital. The utility of social capital was enhanced when combined with a very good parent-child relation.  相似文献   

European theorists of childhood still tend to locate the first positive acknowledgements of childhood as a human developmental period in its own positive right between the 16th and 18th century in Europe. Even though the findings of Ariès have been constantly challenged, it still remains a commonplace, especially within the history of education, to refer to Jean-Jacques Rousseau of the 18th century as one of the earliest and most prominent conceptualisers of childhood as a positive period that must not be evaluated in the light of its distance to adulthood but for its inherent value as an important and unmissable period of human life. Such a view is as unhistorical as it is biased and eurocentred. This article endeavours to shed at least a small light on the history of education and of childhood outwith the usual focus. The central objects of examination are the theoretical treatises of Zeami Motokiyo regarding the Noh theatre which have long been recognised as one of the great cultural achievements of humankind. Despite their acknowledged importance, theorists of education have hardly engaged with these treatises even though they present us with a whole theory of education that also embraces a very original and positive theory of childhood. Given that the treatises originate from the 14th-early 15th century, they pre-date everything the typical Western History of Education would bring forth as the beginning of a positive childhood and a pedagogy that acts accordingly.  相似文献   

Turkey witnessed many educational and cultural policy innovations between 1938 and 1950. Realising strictly secular practices against religion and traditional culture pre-1946, political elites of the time aimed to construct a humanistic culture unique to Turkey. Educational policies were considered the most efficient tools in reaching this ideal. Despite the adverse economic conditions of the time, western cultural institutions were adopted without reservation for modernisation. It was throughout the same time period that a number of other innovative projects such as the village institutes, western translations, new journals, Turkish encyclopaedism, and physical education for the entire public were undertaken. However, as these developments were devoid of a solid historical and sociological foundation, they were forced to change under the new world order post-1945. Despite the changing perspectives on religion, history and cultural life, the policies of the ?smet ?nönü era succeeded in carrying the heritage of the Kemalist era to our day. The true dynamics behind this success are the educational practices of the 1940s and their formal and hidden curricula and rituals.  相似文献   

This study adopted design and development research methodology (Richey & Klein, Design and development research: Methods, strategies, and issues, 2007) to systematically investigate the process of applying instructional design principles, human–computer interaction, and software engineering to a performance support system (PSS) for behavior management in a classroom. The purpose was to examine how a proposed instructional design framework based on Ausubel’s (The psychology of meaningful verbal learning, 1963) advance organizer theoretical approach could be used to address inherent problems of technically driven PSSs. Development data were collected from a six-phase participatory rapid prototyping process using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Findings indicated that (a) the advance organizer concept combined with a matrix design metaphor provided an effective way to illustrate conceptual connections and relations among PSS modules and their elaborated information, (b) the system served as a reference to support participants for exchanging ideas with other teachers as well as with parents of students, and (c) the rapid prototyping process established parameters that helped the project team maintain a focus on users and collect data useful for advancing to a higher phase of system development. Potential drawbacks pertaining to the proposed design strategies and their possible corrective actions are also reported and discussed.  相似文献   

Two case studies from turn-of-the-century St. Louis, the public school kindergarten and a privately run day nursery, reveal that both organizations provided compensatory child rearing, yet one was legitimated through the public school and the other continued as an impoverished, largely illegitimate institution. Distinctions were supported by leaders' overt and covert intentions and organizations were kept separate through the elimination from the kindergarten of the “nursery element” and resistance to educational offerings in the day nursery. Implications for merging the two organizations and for attitudes about working mothers and the public care of children are discussed.  相似文献   

This article examines petitions submitted to the Egyptian state by students and parents over the span of a century. These sources reveal that Egyptians from across the economic spectrum were shifting their construction of schooling in response to changing political and educational policies and evolving conceptions of educational need. Over the course of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, parents and students were increasingly appealing to discourses concerning education, girls’ schooling and nationalism as a way to frame their personal pursuits as an extension of national advancement. As a result, petitioners saw education not as a matter of charity or luxury, but rather as a fundamental way to prevent ‘losing’ a brighter future. Ultimately, this shift in the concept of educational need underwrote the development of mass educational systems of the twentieth century as a cornerstone of the relationship between even the poorest of citizens and the Egyptian state.  相似文献   

This article addresses two tendencies within the international education and South–South cooperation literatures: the omission of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-Peoples’ Trade Agreement (ALBA-TCP) from discussions of South–South cooperation generally, and of the ALBA-TCP promoted ¡Yo, Sí Puedo! literacy method in particular. Central features of ¡Yo, Sí Puedo! are discussed, while the case of ¡Yo, Sí Puedo! in Nicaragua illustrates the main argument developed: ¡Yo, Sí Puedo! should not be regarded as ‘best practice transfer’ but as integral to South–South cooperation as Third World emancipation and transformation towards a socially just and democratic world order.  相似文献   

This paper examines the educational policy implemented by the British for the Malays, the indigenous community of Malaya. Underpinned by the policy of divide and rule, the British implemented a dualistic system of education for the indigenous Malays: one for the Malay peasantry and another for the Malay nobility. The two systems of education served different purposes and needs of the British. The Malay peasantry was provided with a rural-based Malay education which only had limited value in terms of educational mobility. This rural-based education was to serve as a means of social control for the British by entrapping the Malays in the semi-subsistence economy. On the other hand, the British provided the Malay nobility with an elitist English education that was intended to co-opt the ruling Malay traditional elites into their fold. But contrary to the intention of the British, the Malay-educated intelligentsia, in particular those from the Sultan Idris Training College became radical nationalists who adopted an anti-British stand. Such an unintended development was the result of the role played by O.T. Dussek (the college principal), the infusion of nationalistic sentiment from neighboring Indonesia and the threat posed by the Chinese immigrants. However, the radical stand of the Malay-educated intelligentsia was neutralized by the Malay traditional elites who adopted a pro-British stand. It was the Malay traditional elites who eventually led the Malays toward the independence of Malaya.  相似文献   


Since the 1970s, many western welfare states have been subject both to increased migration and to a renewed interest in progressive education. The present article addresses the question of whether these two phenomena are related and how changing notions of the welfare state shape and are shaped by this relationship. To answer the question, we concentrate our attention on the case study of Ghent (Belgium), which from the 1970s onwards has been characterised not only by a growing ethnic diversity but also by a renewed interest in progressive educational initiatives. Drawing on oral history with key figures in the local educational field and research in school archives, this article indicates that progressive initiatives in the last few decades have indeed emerged as an answer to migration patterns. But whereas initial initiatives in the 1980s arose from an endeavour to cater for the migrant child, some recent initiatives arose from an attempt to exclude the same child.  相似文献   

We conducted real-time analyses of the videotaped free play of 24, 3–4-year-olds, half of whom had disabilities, in four University-sponsored, inclusive, child-centered preschool classrooms. There were 7–10, 20-minute observations for each child. Despite significant differences related to child condition in the frequencies of interactions with peers and one-on-one with adults, the same pattern obtained for both groups: Across observations, the proportions of time that each child spent interacting with peers and with adults were negatively correlated for 21 of the 24 children. Analyses of event-sequences revealed that adults were more likely than expected by chance to initiate interactions with a child when s/he was alone and less likely to do so when s/he was interacting with a peer. Within-child patterns of choices also indicated that, after an adult had initiated an interaction with them, the children were less likely to initiate an interaction with a peer and more likely than expected to initiate another interaction with an adult. Additional, exploratory analyses yielded results consistent with the view that some kinds of exchanges with adults may interfere with peer interactions. Implications both for theory and for planning curricula are discussed.  相似文献   


The building up of a non‐university sector of higher education in Finland was realised in a form of educational experiment. Polytechnic (ammattikorkeakoulu) reform contained at the outset several elements of a genuine social experiment. Quite soon the experimental set up was transformed into a reform in which experimental elements were minimal. The article explores the factors which hindered the realisation of experimental method and raises general questions about the possibilities and limits of social experiments.  相似文献   

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