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波罗的海沿岸三国加入苏联较晚,与西方联系密切,反苏势力长期存在,共产主义意识形态在这一地区影响薄弱.苏联政府强迁反苏势力,强化党建工作,试图用"双语制"和移民来达到苏化目的,强权导致地区民族主义意识形成.恩威并用也未达目的,反而导致该三国充当了苏联解体的急先锋角色.  相似文献   

Adult education and lifelong learning together form one of the priorities for development in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The important historical and social context in which the professional development of adult educators has been taking place in the Baltic States since they regained their independence in the 1990s is the changes that occurred in the socio-political, economic and social life since then. There is greater concern about the need to qualify adult education practitioners so as to enhance quality in the provision of adult education and training. However, the prerequisites for the professional development of adult educators are a neglected area of research when compared with other fields of education and training.
In this article, we shall analyse the professional development of adult educators as follows:
  • How transformational changes in the Baltic States during the past decade have influenced adult education policy and practice, the adult education profession itself and the professional development of adult educators;

  • How adult education policies, initial education and training practices affect the process of professional development among adult educators;

  • What the professional development of adult educators consists in.


19世纪中期,发生了一场欧洲范围的巨大冲突,引发了欧洲北部至中近东的广大地域的战事。人们比较熟悉克里木战争,但是几乎不了解1854年波罗的海战争。实际上,1854年的波罗的海战争也是这一场大冲突的重要组成部分,它直接地表明:法英两国为了谋求欧洲的优势,曾以军事力量直逼俄罗斯帝国的心脏。无疑,波罗的海战争严重地打击了这个帝国的军事威望与国际声誉。因此,必须加强对于1854年波罗的海战争的研究,才能深刻认识当时欧洲列强法英与俄罗斯之间的大冲突的实际状况与真正意义。  相似文献   

民族主义作为当今世界一股强大的政治力量,在苏联解体过程中发挥了重要作用,其显著表现是民族分离主义的泛滥。波罗的海三国由于特殊的历史经历,成为苏联民族分离主义最活跃的地区。波罗的海三国独立,既有着深刻的历史根源,也有一定的现实因素,由此也折射出苏联民族分离主义发展的历史轨迹,以及其在苏联解体过程中所产生的影响。  相似文献   

This article outlines the co-operation links of the University of Turku in Finland. Currently it has bilateral agreements with thirty-nine overseas universities plus links with a number of nongovernmental organizations devoted to higher education. The University of Turku is reevaluating these links so as, in the future, to stress those with its immediate international (Baltic) neighbours. It is in the process of contributing to the establishment of a formal Baltic Sea Region University Network and participation in European Union-sponsored Northern Dimension-sponsored projects. The university links parallel and intersect those also established internationally by the city of Turku. International strategies have become a major part of the total activity of the University of Turku.  相似文献   

近年来,作为拥有“汉萨同盟”商贸历史传统的波罗的海地区,在欧盟引导下开展了各种行之有效的创业教育模式,逐步形成了“培养下一代企业家”的创业教育共识,在实践中探索出具有政府主导、教育渗透、市场衔接、区域联盟和强调城市松散结盟的区域性等特点的创业教育生态系统和可持续发展的学习进阶创业教育模式,注重在基础教育中营造培养企业家的良好教育氛围,成为区域创业教育中的典型个案。创业教育正成为该地区联通区域发展、加强区域合作的黏合剂。我们有必要从整体上认识波罗的海地区创业教育发展的生态理念及各国实践,借鉴其创业教育经验,开创我国自身的创业教育体系。  相似文献   

Since their political reorientation that started in the late 1980s, the Baltic states have experienced profound social reforms to rebuild their democratizing societies. Education has featured as a key vehicle to this transformation process of overcoming the limitations of the Soviet past. National legislative frameworks were therefore soon provided to restructure educational systems and allow for ‘liberal’ approaches to schooling. The process of policy‐making for a new concept of education, however, entailed numerous challenges, and it has resulted in a diverse tapestry of educational provision across the Baltic. With specific focus on minority education, this paper presents a comparative analysis of education policies and practices in contemporary Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in response to emerging language needs in these intensely multiethnic settings.  相似文献   

This study on a “new” history of education is written from the perspective of a participant in the process of discarding Soviet intellectual and physical boundaries. The fall of the Berlin Wall has, over the past two decades, become a continuous process in post-Soviet societies, when the now liberated historians of education were faced with a new challenge, namely integration into the newly opened world. The only allowed theory, Marxism-Leninism, reduced historians of education to superficial methodology and its trivialisation. However, the collapse of the USSR did not immediately result in new theoretical concepts, because historians were busy discovering fresh facts in newly accessed archives and libraries. Soon, topics on the history of education were being addressed by social scientists, who had succeeded in learning the latest theories, enabling them to present historic material to the general public in a global context. “Acts-and-facts history” slowly lost its place in university courses. Similar to the Revisionists of the 1960s in the West, today historians of education in the Baltics look to the common narratives and borrow theories from the social sciences. Current research in Latvia focuses on the Soviet legacy, internationalisation of education and the stories of those “whose voices have not yet been heard”.  相似文献   

中学课本中介绍苯的取代反应性质时是以苯和溴反应为例进行实验的.若按课本上的装置和操作,将苯和溴混和好后,再加入催化剂——铁粉,烧瓶内液体急剧沸腾,大量的溴蒸气和溴化氢气体充满烧瓶上面的空间,并通过长导管进入锥形瓶,进一步弥漫到空气中,产生呛人的白雾和窒息的恶臭,造成严重的污染,锥形瓶中的蒸馏水也会因溶有溴呈棕黄色,这时再用AgNO3溶液来检验蒸馏水中的溴离子缺乏说服力.另外,实验结束后,把烧瓶内生成物倒入水中,生成的溴苯因溶有溴而呈褐色,尽管在教学中强调是因为溶有溴而发生了颜色变化。  相似文献   

德沃金根据抽象的平等权理论对自由主义的分配正义理论作了新的阐发,提出了资源平等论,这一理论构想包括拍卖模式和虚拟保险市场两个部分,分别解决初始分配和再次分配的平等问题。试就德沃金的资源平等理论缺陷进行分析,并就其对我国和谐社会法治建设的理论和现实指导意义提出一点思考。  相似文献   

传统的航空公司安全管理模式存在一定缺陷,不利于构建安全质量管理体系。通过完善组织机构、理顺关系,统筹兼顾地抓好风险管理,强化激励机制,完善安全保证手段,可以充分发挥安全管理部门的各项职能,有力地推进航空公司安全管理体系的建设。  相似文献   

在人与自然界的关系的演进过程中,形成了与不同文明时期相适应的人-自观念。从"天人合一"到"人定胜天"再到"和谐共生",这是人-自观念演进的肯定、否定、否定之否定的辩证发展过程,也是一个合乎规律的过程,它们都是时代的产物,都包含着不同程度的合理的因素,我们必须对它们进行具体的辩证的分析。  相似文献   

选择题是标准化试题的主要题型,在高考数学试卷中,所占分数比例高.考生能否迅速、准确、简捷地解好选择题,成为高考成败的关键.如何提高解题速度,确保做题质量,这就要求考生有合适的解题方法和技巧.下面就2001年高考选择题的多种解法进行分析.  相似文献   

《奥赛罗》以嫉妒、盲目、报复为主题展现人类在命运面前的无能与无助。列维纳斯的伦理观把爱作为伦理的基础,强调他者的不可知性和他异性是自我对他者回应和负责的根本原因。只有忘我的以他者为中心、对他者敞开心扉才能让爱的伦理关系存在并延续。借助列维纳斯的爱的伦理观阐释《奥赛罗》三位主要人物对爱的不同处理方式,可以揭示出导致人物之间伦理关系破灭和导致的爱消失的原因,再现莎士比亚这位文学巨匠的超前历史眼光与社会责任感。  相似文献   

从控制走向协调,以治理代替管理,既是世界高等教育改革的趋势,也是美国公立大学一直努力的方向,而加州大学则是将这种努力践行得较为彻底的一个成功典范.这种努力具体表现为加州大学一方面通过与政府签订协约、引入市场机制、寻求校外群体的支持等形式来弱化政府的管制色彩,另一方面又充分发挥董事会、学术委员会等治理机构的协调作用,为大学自治提供一系列的缓冲与保护.  相似文献   

共生关系原理、利益原理、交易费用原理是行政许可法构建的三个原理,体现了法律制度与市场经济关系的有机衔接、法律制度与市场经济中利益关系的合理协调、法律制度与实践的有效连接。作为规范政府行为的一部重要法律,行政许可法坚持按照经济、社会和生态环境协调发展的要求,对行政许可的设定、实施主体和程序、监督检查和法律责任作了全面规范,成为我国建设“有限政府”、“亲民政府”、“法制政府”、“廉洁政府”和“高效政府”的一项重要的法律保障。  相似文献   

从存在主义哲学的角度出发,海德格尔寻找艺术作品的本源,对作品、艺术和本源的概念层层分析之后,最终发现并没有一个外物可以赋予艺术以本源,而艺术就是自身的起源,这一结果恰恰揭示了海德格尔对于存在和存在物的差异性思考。他把一切事物都纳入到其存在论哲学框架中,把人当作世界讲述自己的一个媒介,唯有如此才能以体验的方式接近艺术的本质,这也正是他存在主义艺术论的目的和意义。  相似文献   

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