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学习研究型学校,就是能不断检验自己的经验,同时生产和分享新的知识,不断突破自己的能力上限,培养全新、前瞻而开阔的思考方式,并且使学校的学习和学校目标、学校发展思路、师生的学习生活和工作方式息息相关,从而能持续适应不断变化的环境、实现共同愿景并自创未来的学校。研究的主要内容改变学生、教师和学校领导学习、工作和生活中的互动方式,努力培养创新型学生,造就研究型教师,催生民主型领导;提升知识和制度在学校发展中的地位,努力实现学校发展方式的根本转变,促进学校的可持续性发展;改变个人的思维方式和生活态度,提…  相似文献   

学习型学校建设中教师的学习   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代的学校应该是一所“学习型学校”。因为在学习型的学校里,学校教职工个体能持续不断地学习,在深入思考的基础上从事各种不同的行动研究,解决现实工作中的问题,进而改变整个学校的组织行为,提高学校的品位和创新能力。建设学习型学校关键是要加强学习,并通过学习提升教师素质,使教师做终身学习的践行者。1.教师要成为终身学习的践行者一个合格的人民教师,其成长须经历三个连续不断的历程,即职前训练阶段、教育实践阶段以及在职进修提高阶段。因此,教师的学习必须是一个连续不断的过程。教师的学习首先应该建立在“自我导向学…  相似文献   

刘蕾 《早期教育》2006,(2):I0003-I0003
“学习型学校”的概念本质上是“学习型组织”在学校中的体现,是学校努力把自己构建成学习型组织的过程。学习型学校与学习型组织一样,不是一种静态的组织模式,即建立学习型学校的最终目的不是建立一个僵化的组织,而是在于确立学习的观念,讲求持续的学习、转化与改变,使组织成员在工作中活出生命的意义,不断突破自己能力的上限。  相似文献   

我校是1998年由中等师范学校转办高中的学校。2003年以来,由于学校不断扩招,师资和生源水平都不尽如人意。2004年,受程鸿勋教授阶梯成功学习法的启示,我们在改变师生的工作、学习、思想、行为方式上进行了思考与实践,着力为建设高水平的师资队伍搭建桥梁,带领教师沿着成功的阶梯不断攀升,促进了学校和教师的发展。  相似文献   

一、校本课开发的准备。1.校本课程的开发,强调以人为本:《课程改革纲要》中强调:改变课程管理过于集巾的状况,实行国家、地方、学校三级课程管理,增强对地方、学校学生的适应性:从这可以看出:课程管理的开放,必然带动教学内容、教学形式、教学环境的改变,使学生的学习需求得到满足,个性特长得到发展,能力得到提高,学习兴趣得到培养:通过校本课程的开发,促进学校青年教师个性的发展以及创造潜能的发挥,形成学校校本课程特色,为青年教师提供了展示才能的工作平台。  相似文献   

张伟 《继续教育》2014,(3):23-25
组织学习相对于个体学习而言更能促进教师观念与行为的改变。组织学习的方式促进了缄默知识转化为显性知识,并且促进教师之间的知识的共享。文章分析了备课组、教研组、年级组三种学校普遍存在的组织学习方式是怎样改变教师观念与行为,并且提出了学校实施组织学习改变教师观念与行为的一些策略。  相似文献   

目前初中数学教育的大致情况是,学校里爱好数学、又觉学得比较轻松的学生很少,多数学生对学习数学缺乏兴趣,数学成了学习的负担。怎样才能改变这种现状呢?  相似文献   

高等职业学校学生普遍存在着厌学问题,这种厌学情绪源于学校、家庭、社会和学生本人;要帮助学生彻底纠正厌学情绪,必须改革专业课程设置,帮助学生确立适合于自己的奋斗目标,加强对学生的意志力培养、抗挫折教育、自信心教育和积极的人生观教育:必须改变教育方法,正确对待有问题的学生;必须改变教学方法,重视引进现代教育理念和多元智能理论,开启学生学习的欲望、激发学习的动机。  相似文献   

为了解基层学校研究性学习开展和网络应用方面的现状,进一步探究利用现代信息技术实施研究性学习的方法、途径,课题组于2002年3月至2004年6月以郑州市第二师范学校等5所学校为重点研究对象开展了调查研究。结果显示,应用网络推进研究性学习并没有成为中小学教育的主流,改变这种状况需要多方面努力。  相似文献   

远程合作学习项目对学校教育的影响效果分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本研究采用调查研究的方法,以东西部79所参与中国和联合国儿童基金会“姊妹学校项目”的学校为对象,就项目对学校教育和教学以及师生的影响开展问卷调查。通过实证分析得知,远程合作学习“姊妹学校项目”在引入学校、融入课程与教学后,它影响着师生,为东西部学校带来了学习内容的变革、教与学形式的变革、学校文化的变革,这项为期三年的干预改变了学生,也改变了教师,改变了学校。  相似文献   

作为现代汉语语音教学的一个重要组成部分,上声及上声变调的教学一直是现代汉语和对外汉语语音教学中的重点和难点。根据语流音变的规律,在教学中应重点把握三种形式的变调:一是两个音节中的前一个上声音节的变调,二是三个上声相连的变调,三是四个及多个上声音节相连的变调。  相似文献   

In their magnum opus, Lakoff and Johnson (1999) argued for a philosophy in the flesh. The research presented in the Monograph describes psychology in the flesh. There are ways to measure the changing constellations of interacting systems that influence and transform one another during development and many models to conceptualize the resulting patterns (Flavell, 1972). Development may consist of changing patterns of transactions among internal and external systems (Oyama, 1999). As Bloom and Tinker note, "Development leads to a variety of different abilities.... However, another developmental task not ordinarily considered is the integration of these abilities ... in a seamless pattern of contingency in everyday events." Development consists of more than acquisition; it consists of changing patterns of integration, and changing patterns of use of multifaceted abilities.  相似文献   

现代科技日新月异,使人们的生活方式和审美观念都发生了巨大的变化,社会对艺术设计专业人才数量和质量的要求不断提高。而目前我国对这一专业的教育还摆脱不了对传统美术教学的依赖和影响。在很多的观念上,还是在教学实践中脱离不了传统美术的模式与要求。这种现象在艺术设计专业的教学中尤为突出,无形中影响了我国艺术设计专业的发展与社会环境的变化相适应的问题,而这也正是艺术设计专业的生命力之所在。  相似文献   

Six undergraduate and three graduate classes were given multiple-choice tests with subsequent evaluation of answer changes. The 300 students were tested twice, once before and once after instruction on answer changing. After each test, students were asked to complete two forms. The forms evaluated attitude toward answer changing, reasons for changing, and confidence in final answers. Students showed a significant increase in favorability toward answer changing after instruction. No significant change was found in number of answers changed. Psychology students were found to change significantly more items than were business students. Mean gain score did not change significantly after instruction. It was concluded that although instruction does lead to a change in attitude in answer changing, the number of changes and overall gain due to answer changing do not change. It was also determined that students continue to make significant gains even when their confidence in the final answer is less than 50 on a 100-point scale.  相似文献   

With few exceptions, a hearing perspective controls the direction of deaf education nationally and internationally. People who are hearing have a powerful influence over decisions that affect legislation, policies, professional organizations, research agendas, and curricular decisions related to deaf education. Although this situation is changing in some arenas, people who are deaf often have relatively less influence than their hearing counterparts in shaping the educational agenda. The authors, one deaf and one hearing, relate their views on the challenge of changing this imbalance of power and discuss their personal experiences as friends and professional collaborators as they offer strategies for creating and nurturing partnerships between people who are deaf and people who are hearing.  相似文献   

浅析英语词汇的时代色彩   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在语言三要素中,词汇是最敏感、最具活性的部分。社会文化的变迁,直接、快速地在词汇中得到反映。尤其是在世界局势急剧演化的转型时代,新词汇的涌现、旧词汇的消失或内涵变换尤为频繁。通过现代英语词汇的变化,可以透视人们现时的生活追求和审美情趣,可以折射出一个民族的社会心理和价值取向。英语学习者须与时俱进,才不致为社会所淘汰。  相似文献   

Answer Changing on Multiple-Choice Test Items Among Eighth-Grade Readers   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This study was done to examine the effect of answer changing on multiple-choice test performance among good and poor readers in the eighth grade. Although the gains of poor readers were higher than those of good readers, all subjects profited significantly from changing their answers on items. For all subjects, when a single response was changed, there was a two-to-one chance that the new response would raise rather than lower the final score. Gains from answer changing on test items were slightly higher for poor readers as a group than were those for good readers. However, the result was determined not to be significant. More important, this hypothesis is strengthened by the fact that all subjects profited from answer changing. Therefore, the results were interpreted as lending support to the notion that answer-changing response among young examinees should be encouraged if there is a reasonable doubt about their “first impression.”  相似文献   

In this article, it is argued that academic managers in state bureaucracies and universities are changing their expectations of faculty role. Such changes are generally justified as a necessary response to the fiscal crisis faced in many states. The nature and degree of these changing expectations are assessed through analysis of the goals and objectives addressing teaching, research and service in state, system and university planning documents as these bear on a single university over a ten year period (approximately 1970 to the present). Next, faculty behavior, as indicated by university statistics based on faculty activities reports, is examined to see if it is changing to conform to emerging managerial expectations. Finally, these changing role expectations are looked at in light of shifts in role resources.In the main, it is concluded that managers currently expect faculty to be more productive in specific ways: training students for high tech, high cost, high return jobs; securing more and more research monies; serving the public by linking research to industrial revitalization. However, managerial expectations may be based more on their perceptions of what is the most likely source of increased funding than on a realistic assessment of resource possibilities. Thus, changing managerial role expectations for faculty may simply result in greater managerial control of the university.  相似文献   

This study examined the statistical effect of changing from a 10-point to a 5-point response scale on students' evaluation of instruction. Participants were 5,616 students enrolled in classes offered by the College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs at a large Western university, who completed both the old evaluation (10-point response) and the new evaluation (5-point response). On average, students used a greater range of points on the scale for the 5-point scale (32 percent) than on the 10-point scale (19 percent). The effects of changing the response scale are discussed.  相似文献   

适应是生物界中普遍存在的一种现象,无论是植物、动物还是微生物,无论是生物的形态结构、生理机能还是行为习性,无一例外。但是,这种适应是相对的,而不是绝对的。同时,生物体在对环境的适应过程中本身也在改变着环境。  相似文献   

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