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Higher education is a mainstay in the development and support of the economic, social and cultural development of the global society. Throughout history, academic institutions have sought to respond to the demands of endlessly changing and evolving environmental conditions. However, in the 21st century, a number of significant factors are changing the higher education landscape and challenging higher education institutions (HEIs) to interpret the vital needs of contemporary society to stimulate and enhance student development. Student development is an all-embracing concept that involves research focusing on students from recruitment to placement. Assuming that meeting student needs and stimulating and enhancing their development are crucial challenges for higher education institutions worldwide, the article focuses on a national study in Portugal designed to measure students’ expectations and satisfaction with their experience. On the basis of a nationwide survey, it examines these in the various types of higher education institutions in Portugal.  相似文献   

按专业群招生,是高职教育招生培养模式的一项重要改革,强调以职业群为划分依据,按照职业能力发展需求进行招生和分流培养。在深圳职业技术学院实践基础上,分析按专业群招生需要权衡的问题,并提出可行的对策。  相似文献   

The commercialisation of education and the massive recruitment of international students across different vocational education and training (VET) systems including the US, UK, Canada and Australia have led to significant changes in the VET teaching and learning landscape. This situation compels the VET sector to design and develop new professional development programs to support the immediate and changing needs of teachers working with the diverse international student cohort. However, to date, teacher professional development in response to the growing population of international students has not been an explicit focus of empirical study and theoretical conceptualisation in VET research. This study responds to this paucity. It draws on a broader three-year research project funded by the Australian Research Council (2014–2017) that involves fieldwork, participation in and observation of staff professional development activities and interviews with 102 VET staff in Australia. It uses positioning theory as a conceptual framework to examine how VET teachers position themselves and their professional development needs in response to international students. The results call for a critical need to re-examine the focus of the current professional development programs offered for VET teachers. The current context requires teacher professional development in international VET to focus on developing teachers’ capabilities to re-examine their pedagogical beliefs and practices and to understand international students’ various needs and cultural backgrounds. The study also stresses the importance of ongoing professional learning to equip teachers with the skills and knowledge to appropriate their pedagogical practices in response to the critical need to prepare all students for the intercultural labour market and to use students’ diversity as a resource for teaching and learning.  相似文献   

新疆高校硕士研究生生源分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新疆高校研究生扩招后在生源方面出现了一些新变化,主要表现在生源绝对数小、数量增加缓慢、以当地培养的本科生居多数;近两年调剂生数量增幅较大,免试生和跨专业考生人数增加.有关部门应加强调研,有针对性地制定政策和措施,以保证生源的数量和质量跟上扩招形势的变化.  相似文献   

结合马斯洛需求层次理论,分析新时期大学生的内心需求,认为在对大学生开展思想政治教育工作时应有针对性的满足大学生的生理需求;营造和谐校园满足大学生的安全需求;大力开展团体活动,营造良好的交往环境;尊重大学生自尊需求,变更教育理念和教育方式;追求大学生自我实现需求,引导学生成才、成人等,加强大学生思想政治教育的实效性。  相似文献   

随着自主招生工作的开展,高职院校生源的地域、年龄、职业等构成都发生了变化,现有高职学生资助工作体系已难以适应。高职院校应结合生源多元化的特点,从贫困学生的认定、地方政府的参与、资助工作方法的创新等方面进行探索,完善现有高职学生资助工作机制。  相似文献   

GIS专业相关招聘数据缺乏,导致学生不能整体把握行业需求及就业前景。通过Python爬虫程序爬取智联招聘中与GIS开发相关的就业信息,将处理后的数据利用Echarts和Excel进行可视化分析。通过分析数据得出以下结论:本科学历为大多数单位的招聘门槛;省会、中部以及东部沿海城市地区人才需求较多;WebGIS相比较底层或者移动端的GIS开发需求比例更高;GIS开发薪资待遇略低于计算机,但比传统GIS其它方向要高;GIS专业学生从事GIS开发比较有优势。这些结论为地信专业的学生未来从事GIS开发制定学习计划提供借鉴,也可为高校教学对接社会需求提供参考。  相似文献   

当前高校结课考试中的作弊现象十分普遍,本文从一种新角度对该问题进行分析。首先将考试分为选拔性考试和通过性考试,将学生分为绩优学生和绩差学生。在分析不同考试背景下两类学生作弊心理基础上,提出重点监考绩差学生,采用开卷考试和提高试卷质量,监考教师认真监考,作弊处罚落到实处共4项应对考试作弊的对策。  相似文献   

For many universities around the world, internationalisation means the recruitment of fee-paying international students (so-called export education) for primarily commercial reasons. For UK universities, international (non-European Union) students account for approximately 13% of their annual revenues, making them highly dependent on international student recruitment. This paper discusses the attempt by one UK university to change direction and develop a new approach to internationalisation which puts an international learning experience for all students at the heart of its new strategic plan. It discusses the obstacles to changing direction in this way and shares some of the lessons learned about how to roll out an alternative university-wide internationalisation strategy.  相似文献   

人口红利消退,企业遭遇招工难问题;与此同时,大学毕业生面临极大的就业压力。将人口红利转化为人才红利,才能从根本上解决企业用工需求与人才技能不匹配的问题。校企合作是破解企业招工难和大学生就业难的有效途径,本文分析了创造人才红利的校企合作模式,进而促进企业和高校实现双赢。  相似文献   

当前高校人才培养同质化与个人需要、社会需要之间产生了一些矛盾,引起企业招聘难、大学生就业难等问题,其深层次的原因是学校人才培养与行业需求脱节,因此分类培养的理念进入高校。基于分类培养的原则,在不采取分班教学的情况下,可以在课程设计上进行改革,同样能够实现分类培养目标。依托现有的教学资源,“跨境电商实训”课程根据继续深造型、创业型、就业型的学生做了分类设计,在教学时间、教学内容、教学过程方面都做了相应的细分,并且设置了不同的评价方案。分类培养的实施提高了学生的学习兴趣,提升了应用能力,值得在专业相关课程推广。  相似文献   


To fully understand the continuing evolution of the community college movement, one must also consider the evolution of its leadership, its changing environment, as well as changing societal needs. This monograph provides some experiential insight into the leadership aspect of the community college, particularly with regard to generational change. Focused topics include needed curricular changes in graduate leadership programs, leadership recruitment and retention, and specific situational discussion. The article concludes with a brief consideration of future challenges for aspiring community college leaders.  相似文献   

高职院校学生技能培养还存在着很多的问题,还未能满足社会企业用人需求,以致"招工难"和"就业难"同时存在。因此加强学生职业技能培养,以满足经济和社会发展的需要,人才培养模式的改革是一项紧迫的要求。技能竞赛是职业教育教学改革的一项重要创新,突出和强调技术技能,竞争力的先进奖励为导向,是新时期职业教育的改革和发展中的重要助推器。"以赛促学,以赛促教"加快了高技能人才培养模式改革,提高学生学习技能热情,促进教学改革步伐,提升就业竞争力。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to provide a comparative analysis of higher education and the graduate labour markets in selected European countries (France, Germany, Spain and United Kingdom) in the context of the expectations of graduates and prospective employers, and respective recruitment and selection practices. Expectations of graduating students from a number of European collaborating universities are sought and analysed in order to find out about a match between the knowledge and skills of graduates and the needs of European employers. The study examines the process of graduate recruitment, employee and employer expectations, and the role of higher education institutions in meeting such expectations. Primary data was gathered from 252 employers and 485 final year (graduating) students through the use of questionnaires. The analysis of the data collected has revealed different approaches to but similar methods of graduate recruitment between the four countries. Despite the current differences in higher education systems and labour market trends, the expectations of employers and graduating students are more similar than different. It is concluded that EU graduates will have good employment prospects in an integrated labour market.  相似文献   

面对由于社会生活变化而带来的文学事实特征,文学理论课程的教学需要进行调适和转换。在具体的教学过程中要注意理清基本的理论发展线索,要给学生引出理论话题,注意密切联系实际的文学现象,并注意培养学生的社会"大文学"意识和表达能力。在具体的实施过程中,要坚持强调对不同的班级和学生人群的因材施教原则。  相似文献   

一种新的评价形式——档案式评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育是一个长期的过程,人的智能是多元化的,作为教育重要环节的评价,对学生知识和能力的估量亦应该是多元的。在新课程标准的教育改革背景下,我们实践中的评价形式更应多样化,而不能仅限于考试一途。档案式评估完全是一种新的评价方式。因为档案式评估对学生实施真实性的过程评价,可以有效地激发学生的主动性和积极性,改变其在传统教学中被动学习的局面,同时还能有效地转变教师传统的教学观念,进而为升学等高风险的决策提供更翔实有效的参考。  相似文献   

从学生的身心健康需要出发,改变传统的教学模式,充分发展学生的个性,启发其潜在的学习能力和综合素质,进而使他们的精神不断升华,人格不断完善,进而适应社会发展的需要。  相似文献   

在知识经济已经来到的21世纪,社会需要高素质的创造型人才,我国的高等教育在人才培养上如何适应这一要求,是摆在每所高校面前的重要任务.本文在分析高校毕业生的社会适应性及高校学生的知识与能力后指出,采取措施,努力提高高校毕业生的智力与能力水平以适应知识经济时代的需要.  相似文献   

信息技术的飞速发展使人类迈进了信息社会。信息技术深刻影响到教育活动的各个方面,使教师的地位和作用发生了巨大的变化,同时也不可避免的影响到师生关系。学生学习方式的变化,要求教师成为学生学习的指导者;学生思维方式的变化,要求教师发展自己的创造性教学能力;学生生活方式的变化,要求教师引导学生积极参与人际交往;学生价值取向多元化的趋势,要求建立民主、平等、合作的新型师生关系。  相似文献   

随着市场经济的发展和人才观念的变化,社会对人才素质的需求标准越来越明确,所以高校大学生就业问题越来越明显,如何对高校大学生进行生涯指导是社会和高校不得不面对的一个问题,在本文中,作者试图揭示高校大学生职业生涯规划的十个阶段。此外,作者还分析了大学生职业生涯指导中的方法和难点。  相似文献   

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