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以2023年北京市等地区的31份中考试卷中的情境化试题为研究对象,基于情境化试题的内涵从情境素材、情境育人功能、情境质量以及情境化问题设置四个方面展开调查研究和分析,并依据调查的结果提出情境化试题命制须挖掘真实和有价值的情景素材、聚焦问题的测试功能等启示和建议。  相似文献   

通过对高考实验试题的情境特征进行分析,指出实验试题情境化的必要性。深入分析重庆试卷两道实验试题情境,对英国和美国的物理实验试题情境进行了介绍和比较,指出STS旨在提高科学素养,是有待开发的一类实验试题情境。  相似文献   

情境化试题是测评学生学科核心素养的重要工具,命制物理情境化试题时一般具有考点情境化、情境素材化、素材模型化、模型问题化的四个过程,情境素材与问题设计间存在着多种匹配模式。本文主要探讨这些模式,并揭示情境化试题命制时应该具备教、学、评一致性原则。  相似文献   

对高中物理情境化试题进行分析,阐述情境化的内涵与特征,以广东省近两年学业水平考试试题为依据,结合个人实践经验,提炼出情境化试题几种常见的改编方法与改编策略,以期为物理教学提供参考。  相似文献   

以2021年7套高考生物卷为研究对象,从情境类型和试题表现形式两个维度对试卷中的情境化试题进行分析.研究发现:情境化试题在生物卷中占比较高;7套高考生物卷中不同情境类型考查比例从高到低分别是科学研究情境、自然生态情境、健康生活情境和生产活动情境;在试题表现形式上,组合型试题占比最高,但对高级思维能力考查有所欠缺,分离型试题占比次之,融合性试题占比最低.为了提高情境化试题的命制水平,命题者应注重试题情境的交互属性,重视情境类型的综合设计,加强情境化试题的创新性设计.  相似文献   

以2022年高考生物卷中的情境化试题为研究对象,分析了此类试题所用情境材料的类型及情境材料与学生已有知识的关系。基于以上分析,提出应对情境化试题的教学策略,促使课堂教学能更加贴近新课改、新高考对学生素养培育与考查的要求。  相似文献   

<正>新高考评价体系明确规定,高考试题应以情境为载体,实行情境化命题.所谓的“情境”其实就是真实的问题背景,是以问题或某种任务为中心构成的活动场域.为充分发挥高考试题的育人功能和引导教学作用,促进高中育人方式改革,高考命题会逐渐扩大试题的开放性和灵活度,情境化试题必然会大量出现在高考试卷中.由于情境化试题具有“情境设置的真实性和实用性、信息呈现的多样性和关联性、试题条件的相关性和隐蔽性、问题解决的迁移性和拓展性”等特点,  相似文献   

化学试题的情境化是测评学生核心素养达成度的有效方式。情境和问题(或任务)融为一体是情境化试题的外显形式,若忽略情境则试题中的问题无法回答;知识是理解试题和解决问题的必备工具性要素,能力是解决问题过程中的表现状态。提升情境化试题的品质,既要处理好情境的真实性、设计试题中显性和隐性问题(或任务)、增强情境与问题(或任务)的关联度和适切性,也要确保试题的严密性和科学性,并赋予试题一定的情感性,保留一定的再学习空间和设置适度的开放性任务。  相似文献   

情境化试题能够测评学生在复杂现实情境中解决地理问题的综合能力,成为测评学生学科核心素养发展水平的首选题型。立意、情境、任务、知识和答案五个相互联系的要素构成了一组完整的情境化试题。立意是魂、情境是本、任务是核、知识是基、答案是据,共同构成情境化试题的质量。  相似文献   

情境化试题已成为国际科学测评的主流导向,是我国基础教育领域转变评价体系的大势所趋,培育核心素养的必然之举,实现立德树人的应有之义。从结构组成来看,情境化试题应包括“背景”“任务”“问题”三大显性要素;从价值追求来看,情境化试题应内含“学科知识”“学科素养”“学科能力”三大隐性要素。情境化试题的设计很大程度上依赖于情境素材的选择,还要注意命题各要素之间的高度融合,并规避试题命制的潜在风险。  相似文献   

Setting examination questions in real‐world contexts is widespread. However, when students are reading contextualized questions there is a risk that the cognitive processes provoked by the context can interfere with their understanding of the concepts in the question. Validity may then be compromised. We introduce the concept of focus: a question in a given context is focused to the extent that it addresses the aspects of the context that will be most salient in real life for the students being tested. A more focused context will then help activate relevant concepts, rather than interfering with comprehension and reasoning. In this study, the contexts of questions from a science test for 14‐year‐olds in England were manipulated to increase or decrease the amount of focus. In every instance more focused questions proved better than less focused ones. With additional evidence from interview protocols, we also consider the effects of context focus on the question answering process.  相似文献   

问句逻辑是隶属于广义认识论逻辑门类下的一个分支学科,主要研究问句的逻辑性质及其推理关系。以亚里斯多德为代表的古典问句逻辑研究并未引起学者们足够重视。随着逻辑研究的实践转向和日趋多元化,问句逻辑逐渐获得了逻辑家族成员资格,初步显示出其理论价值,具有广阔的应用前景和发展潜力。但与其它非经典逻辑分支相比,问句逻辑的研究起步较晚,至今仍然是一个争论不休和亟待开拓的新兴领域。  相似文献   

The focus of this study was on the effects of relevance in instructional context and reasoning complexity on mathematics problem-solving achievement, transfer, and attitude. Forty-six fifth graders participated in the five-day study. Students received either contextualized or decontextualized instruction involving either simple or complex reasoning. Two types of achievement questions were used, context-rich and context-poor, which required either single or multiple computational steps to solve. An interaction was found between complexity of treatment and complexity of questions. Students who studied simple problems in decontextualized contexts performed best on one-step questions, while students who studied complex problems in contextualized contexts performed best on multi-step questions (p = .003). A complexity effect was also found for student attitudes toward perceived lesson difficulty (p = .0001) as well as for perceived relevance of mathematics (p = .015). Students who studied simple problems perceived lesson difficulty and mathematics relevance more favorably than those who studied complex problems. These findings suggest that rich mathematical instructional contexts best support mathematics problem-solving, but simple, decontextualized instruction yields the most favorable attitudes.  相似文献   

In this paper, I draw on two childhood ethnographies to ask basic questions about the foundation of child writing. The first question is, where does writing come from in young children's lives? Answering this question will lead us to childhood play as the foundation of writing. The second question is, how do educators negotiate an inclusive, playful classroom culture in racially divisive and neoliberal times? This question will lead to a critical consideration of forming an inclusive culture in a racially and culturally diverse classroom. In this time of uniform, mandated curricula, rampant in the United States and elsewhere, and of the dismissive attitude towards play and towards childhood diversity (e.g., in race, culture and socioeconomic class), it is worth revisiting basic questions about the beginnings of writing in childhoods. The questions are relevant whether a child is writing on paper, screen, slate, or sand.  相似文献   

心理学研究的对象是什么,这一问题已基本解决;但作为研究对象的性质如何,这一问题却尚未取得共识.这两个问题是有区别的,不能混为一谈.作者从此种认识出发,主要讨论了五个问题,即:心理学的研究对象解决了吗,归纳出三种意见;研究对象的历史演变,包括研究对象的总体演变、学派分歧与一分为二;我国对研究对象的看法;研究对象的基本共识,即心理(意识、精神)与行为.而作为研究对象的性质问题,不是该文所要讨论的问题.  相似文献   

物理学的原创之思只有在历史的真实中才是富于生命的,对它的研究引人入胜,富于启发。科学史中有几个问题,笔者萦环于心,久久未得解答,而一旦找到答案,恰如“柳暗花明又一村”,豁然开朗,感悟颇多。今将其中三个问题作为“公案”公诸于下,愿为引玉之砖,与同行切磋。这三个问题是:1、自古希腊以来天文学的水晶球体系是何时、如何突破的?这牵涉到经典力学体系建构的历史起点问题。2、解决热力学中的汤姆逊问题——焦耳实验与卡诺理论矛盾的是谁?如何解决的?这关系到热力学两大定律的理论奠基问题。3、爱因斯坦与玻尔争论的根源何在?或许,这些问题将把我们引向——不仅是对未来科学的发展,而且也是对科学哲学及其发展方向的更为深刻的沉思。  相似文献   

Although critical ethnographers have explored in some depth the ways that social critique informs how youth assess their schooling experiences, the implications of social critique by educators themselves have been of much less interest. Yet, numerous professional educational movements have been wrought from social critique or, at the very least, from critique of school practices that fail to contribute to more equitable social outcomes. Featuring one middle‐school classroom contextualized by such movements in the field of education, this article presents an analysis of student appropriations of the messages embedded in a year‐long community service‐learning project. The project engaged students in democratic action framed by the question: Do our voices count? It is argued that while students embraced a newfound political agency through this work, the lack of opportunity to question individualism, the structural dimensions of urban poverty and their own relative privilege in the school ultimately produced social divisions rather than social critique.  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - This article explores the complex question of how instruction should be framed (i.e., contextualized). Reports from the US National Research...  相似文献   

In this response to Muis et al. (2006), I draw on the writings of Dewey to explore three critical questions. The first question is what is gained or what is lost when the study of epistemology moves from philosophy to psychology and eventually to educational practice? The second asks whether the primary question under examination should be if students’ beliefs about knowledge or knowing differ by domains or why they may differ? Finally, what are the implications of the generality or specificity of students’ epistemic beliefs for educational practice?  相似文献   

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