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网络课程中的教学设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜媛 《天津电大学报》2002,6(3):29-30,42
建构主义理论指导下的教学设计,在远程教育网络教学中的应用主要体现在网络课程资源的设计与开发和网络课程的教学过程控制两个方面。在遵循教学设计一般规律的同时,还应充分考虑网络环境的创设和条件的限制。  相似文献   

This article evaluates the effect of a community project that was adopted by the students of a school of social work in Israel. A quasi-experimental pretest–posttest design was used. The pretest was administered during the planning stage of the project and the posttest a year later, during the implementation period. The findings show a significant positive effect of the project on sense of community among the students. This effect was moderated by students’ ethnic affiliation (Arab or Jewish) and professional commitment. The implications for using community projects to develop a sense of community in schools of social work are discussed.  相似文献   

从世界范围来看,强调国家认同的公民教育已发展成为当前全球多元文化社会治理的核心主题。我国学术界对中华民族共同体的研究,目前集中在两个主题,一是研究"中华民族多元一体格局"的多民族国情,二是研究"中华民族共同体意识"。铸牢中华民族共同体意识、打牢中华民族共同体思想基础,既是马克思主义民族理论中国化的重要产物,也是习近平新时代民族工作指导思想的核心内容。新时代打牢中华民族共同体意识的思想基础,需要坚持不懈地开展马克思主义祖国观、民族观、文化观、历史观宣传教育。首先,打牢中华民族共同体意识的思想基础需要深入研究马克思主义的祖国观、民族观、文化观、历史观及其相互关系,形成马克思主义的民族工作思想体系;其次,打牢中华民族共同体意识的思想基础需要从政治上深入理解习近平新时代民族工作的指导思想,坚定走有中国特色的解决民族问题的"中国道路";最后,从教育路径入手,提出打牢中华民族共同体思想基础的治理方略。  相似文献   

本研究目的在于探讨增强性的活动感知与网上学习的社会性互动本质之间的关系及其相互影响。作为一个基于设计的研究项目,我们已建立了对网路学习之社会性因素的深入了解,且开发了一个背景感知活动通知系统以支持活动感知,用于提升学习者网上学习的社会性技能。本研究通过问卷调查的方法收集资料,主要针对六门使用活动感知支持系统的网上学习课程,学生对其自身网上学习经验的认知。研究结果显示,学生获取活动讯息的途径、他们对活动讯息有效性的认知,对他们网上学习的社会性技能、社群归属感、以及学习满意度有正向的影响。此外,学生的网上社会性技能的组成要素也以不同的方式影响着他们的网上社群归属感和学习满意度,例如,学生对同伴与教师存在的感知以及分享个人资料的舒适度,影响着他们对社群归属感的认知;学生对教师存在的认识和社群归属感,也影响他们的学习满意度。  相似文献   

学习动机是外语学习成功与否的关键因素之一。网络课程可以提供不同于传统课堂的学习情境,因而可能作用于学习动机。本文用问卷调查的方式研究高职差生的英语学习动机类型以及网络课程对学习动机的影响。研究发现:高职差生的英语学习动机类型与本科生有所区别;高职差生喜欢通过网络课程学英语;网络课程能有效提高差生对英语的内在兴趣一一学习情境的改善增加了学习乐趣,而且使学生感到更自在。  相似文献   

This study explored students’ perceptions regarding the integration of electronic portfolios (ePortfolios) in two online graduate‐level courses at a small research university in the western United States. Researchers investigated student perceptions of communication, connectedness, value, and perceived student learning through ePortfolio integration and formative peer review to support a sustained community of learning. Data was collected from 40 students with a Web‐based questionnaire and a threaded discussion forum. Results indicate ePortfolios positively impacted some students’ perception of communication, connectedness, and learning. Most participants also valued ePortfolios. Prior ePortfolio experience and gender were responsible for minor differences in student perceptions, whereas lack of prior reflective experience impacted student perceptions significantly. Researchers conclude that ePortfolios can foster learning communities in online graduate programs.  相似文献   

Fully online courses are becoming progressively more popular because of their “anytime anywhere” learning flexibility. One of the ways students interact with each other and with the instructors within fully online learning environments is via asynchronous discussion forums. However, student engagement in online discussion forums does not always take place automatically and there is a lack of clarity about the ideal role of the instructors in them. In this article, we report on our research on the quality of discussion in fully online courses through analysis of discussion forum activities. We have conducted our research on two large fully online subjects for computing students over two consecutive semesters and used a grounded theoretic approach for data analysis. Our results reveal what students and instructors consider as quality interaction in fully online courses. We also propose two frameworks based on our findings that can be used to ensure effective online interaction.  相似文献   

责任是与一定角色相联系的,角色是责任感形成的逻辑起点。对角色的认知和认同、角色扮演的内在需要、角色实现的能力等是责任感形成的内在因素,外在环境和条件、角色被期待的程度等是影响责任感形成和发展的外在因素。大学生社会责任感的教育应分配每位学生以适当的角色担当,并及时给予其责任行为正反馈。  相似文献   

Responding to the ubiquity of information and the corresponding need to filter and make sense of it, transformative learning is increasingly being used to frame learning experiences in higher education. While several instruments have been developed to measure transformative learning in educational settings, little work has been done towards an understanding of transformative learning measurement in online environments. This study was conducted over two phases, an initial exploration of a reflective thinking questionnaire with students in an online MBA program of a higher education institution in the mid-Atlantic region of U.S., followed by a confirmatory phase of a refined, three-factor instrument in the same context. This study demonstrated the improved fit and overall interpretability of the three-factor instrument. The measurement invariance of the factor structure has also been examined with a set of covariates.  相似文献   

中产阶层的社区参与:意识与渠道研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中产阶层是那些在职业声望和收入都相对较高,有稳定职业和收入的人群,以往研究认为他们很少参与社区事务,其实他们通过业主委员会也在积极参与社区活动,而且他们在环保方面具有很强的参与意识和能力。因此,要为中产阶层参与社区活动创造物理沟通平台。同时加速居民利益社区化的进程,使中产阶层居民在利益关系的基础上产生参与社区事务的动力。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop a measurement instrument which is compatible with literature, of which validity and reliability are proved with the aim of determining interaction perceived by learners in online learning environments. Accordingly, literature review was made, and outline form of the scale was formed with item pool by taking 14 expert opinions. As a result of exploratory factor analysis of data obtained from participation of 177 learners from eight different universities, it was seen that the scale consisted of 30 items and 3 dimensions. These dimensions are learner–content interaction, learner–instructor interaction and learner–learner interaction. Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient of the whole scale was .95. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that fit indexes of the structure provided a good and acceptable fit. Based on these findings, Perceptions of Online Interaction Scale is a valid and reliable tool that may be used in measuring interaction occurring in online learning environments.  相似文献   

本研究以社会心理学为研究视角,分别从社会表征理论和话语分析两个层面阐述中华民族共同体意识的社会心理机制。具体而言,在社会表征理论层面,中华民族共同体意识作为中华民族特有的社会表征,是在各族人民交往交流交融的历史条件下、以锚定和物化为两种基本的社会认知机制,具有社会共享性和行为差异性、社会根源性和行为说明性、相对稳定性和长期动态性等特征;在话语分析层面,从中华民族共同体的话语解构、话语转变和构建话语体系三个方面分析,明确"中华民族共同体"的概念,区分"中华民族"和"中华民族共同体"的使用情境差异,促进"中华民族共同体"概念的具象化,提出构建中华民族共同体意识的话语体系要兼顾政治话语、学术话语和大众话语的统一。从社会心理视角探寻中华民族共同体意识形成和发展的机制,有助于从"心"出发,进一步铸牢中华民族共同体意识,开创中华民族更加灿烂美好的未来。  相似文献   

This review focuses on three interconnected socio-emotional aspects of online learning: interaction, sense of community and identity formation. In the intangible social space of the virtual classroom, students come together to learn through dialogic, often asynchronous, exchanges. This creates distinctive learning environments where learning goals, interpersonal relationships and emotions are no less important because of their ‘virtualness’, and for which traditional face-to-face pedagogies are not neatly transferrable. The literature reveals consistent connections between interaction and sense of community. Yet identity, which plausibly and naturally emerges from any social interaction, is much less explored in online learning. While it is widely acknowledged that interaction increases the potential for knowledge-building, the literature indicates that this will be enhanced when opportunities encouraging students’ emergent identities are embedded into the curriculum. To encourage informed teaching strategies this review seeks to raise awareness and stimulate further exploration into a currently under-researched facet of online learning.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a scale with which to examine students’ self-regulation (SR) in three types of online interaction. Using scale development steps, we constructed the online self-regulation questionnaire (OSRQ), a self-report survey. A total of 799 online students participated in the study. Data from 400 randomly selected participants were used for exploratory factor analysis (EFA), and data of the remaining 399 participants were used for confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The EFA yielded three factors as hypothesized: SR in interaction between student and content, SR in interaction between student and student and SR in interaction between student and teacher. The CFA demonstrated that the factor structures appearing in the EFA were also observed with different participants. In addition, we found convergent validity in the OSRQ. The study contributes to understanding SR in online learning settings.  相似文献   

Netnography is an approach to studying online communities and cultures to arrive at an ethnographic understanding. Drawing on our own experiences and methodological choices in a netnography of a multi-site online community of practice of English language teachers, known as Webheads in Action, this article illustrates how ethnographic fieldwork practices change when carried out with communities that exist primarily online. Focusing on illustrative examples from our 10-month netnographic fieldwork data, we argue that concepts of ‘the field, participant observation, interviews, and researcher survival skills’ are experienced in fundamentally different ways in netnography as opposed to in-person ethnography, which calls for reconceptualisation of fieldwork practices in online communities because of the dynamics of online environments and the use of web-based technologies.  相似文献   

对数感的再认识与思考   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
数感是我国新一轮课程改革中“数学课程标准”里的一个重要概念,许多专家学者对“数感”给出了各种定义.对学生“数感”的培养应从以下几方面着手:(1)注重概念教学,在概念教学中注意教学情境的创设;(2)培养学生的估算能力;(3)让学生学会用自己的语言解释数学,同时用数学的语言去解释现实问题.  相似文献   

This article describes the adaptation and validation of the Constructivist OnLine Learning Environment Survey (COLLES) for use in the transnational higher education context. As higher education becomes a more global phenomenon, ‘borderless’ education, either online or by distance education, is becoming a reality and there is a need for remote evaluation of course delivery and student learning. Curtin University of Technology is managing supported online delivery of Business Studies Degree and Diploma courses to four partner institutions of the African Virtual University, an initiative based in Nairobi, Kenya. Evaluation of students’ learning has included an online survey about the provision of resources and the quality of the learning environment in the various computer-based classrooms. Embedded in this instrument has been the adapted COLLES, providing a concomitant opportunity to test the properties and usefulness of the learning environment instrument. Problematic issues surrounding adaptation of the instrument have included the consequences of modifying the wording and establishing or confirming the meaning of the latent constructs in partially online courses and for transnational students. The process of establishing the validity and reliability of the scales is discussed.  相似文献   

在在线学习环境中,社区感、社会存在感是影响学生成功和满意度的重要因素。在线学习领域的研究者和实践者越来越关注多媒体工具、富媒体教学方法对在线课堂中社区感、社会存在感的积极影响的有效性。此外,随着在线学习环境越来越多媒体化,计算机媒介学习环境的内在社会障碍可能会越来越少。因此,本文首先调研了相关的理论框架和概念,包括社会存在理论、计算机媒介交流环境中的社区;然后探讨了特定的多媒体方法对于社区建构、社会存在的有效性。  相似文献   

网络课程内容的媒体呈现形式设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本从网络课程内容的媒体呈现形式设计的客观实际出发,针对目前媒体呈现形式中存在的问题,介绍了网络课程内容媒体选择的基本理论,提出了网络课程内容媒体呈现形式设计的一般方法。  相似文献   

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