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依据美国幼儿自我概念课程,结合中国文化及幼儿发展的特点和现状。以幼儿自我概念的结构和幼儿自我概念发展的年龄特征、性别差异为基础,编制了一套2~3岁幼儿自我概念教师评定量表。并选取长沙市电信幼儿园共印名幼儿作为被试进行测试,对此量表进行信度、效度检验,结果证明量表有效、可信。  相似文献   

幼儿智力评估方法初探胡箭长期以来,对幼儿的智力测试一直采用标准化的儿童智力量表进行。我认为这有些不妥。幼儿智力水平低,智力活动有其特殊性,而目前所有儿童智力量表的幼儿部分都似乎主要带有“儿童特色”,对幼儿智力活动的特点考虑不够。笔者在多年的工作和学习...  相似文献   

幼儿智力棋是开发智力、丰富幼儿知识的有效的教育活动之一,因此,不少幼儿教师和家长都利用棋类适时开发幼儿的智力。但传统的象棋、跳棋的玩法和规则均较复杂,大部分孩子接受不了。为此我们应努力为幼儿创编一些符合孩子们心理特点,易于掌握的幼儿智力棋。为幼儿创编的智力棋,首先要具有兴趣性。幼儿的思维是具体形象的,他们喜欢小动物,把它们当做好朋友。因此在创编幼儿智力棋时,应采用拟人化的手法,并应具有概括性的故事情节。如我为幼儿创编的五十种智力棋的名称,有的叫《鸟飞》、《小鸡游森林》、《动物运动会》、《小熊过桥》、《耗子打洞》、  相似文献   

本研究以幼儿社会技能表现为对象,自行编制幼儿社会技能评定表,并集中测查幼儿在生活情境中社会技能的种种行为表现,研究表明:《幼儿社会技能教师评定表》是基本适用的;幼儿社会技能的行为表现可以划分为相关联的三种成分,即环境适应技能、人际交往技能、自我控制技能;教师对小中大班幼儿社会技能的评价呈由低到高的发展趋势,对女孩的评价明显高于男孩;家长对幼儿社会技能的评价明显高于教师的评价。  相似文献   

流畅状态作为一种积极的心理体验不仅存在于体育运动中,还存在于技能操作过程中。本研究在对技能操过程和操作人员的了解和访谈的基础上,参照澳大利亚学者Jackson和Marsh编制的《流畅状态量表(FSS)》,编制《技能操作过程流畅心理状态评定量表》,对405名技能操作人员进行测试,并对结果进行了探索性因素分析。研究结果表明,技能操作流畅状态包括清晰的目标、掌控感、身体/情绪体验、自带目的性、自我意识弱化、专注、时间感、明确的反馈8个因子。利用新量表进一步对284名技能操作人员进行测试,对测试结果进行验证性因素分析,发现模型拟合度较好;问卷具有良好的信度和效度。  相似文献   

美国《幼儿学习环境评价量表(修订版)》(ECERS-R)是国际上运用较为广泛的托幼机构教育质量评价工具之一.为探索其在中国文化情境中的适宜性,研究者运用该量表对浙江省杭州市16所幼儿园的105个班级进行了观察评价.从研究结果看,在量表各项得分的等级分布结构和部分子量表的内部一致性上,《ECERS-R》均存在一定程度的问题.研究者分析发现,基于美国文化情境研发的《ECERS-R》在中国文化情境中的适宜性不足是导致这些问题出现的主要原因.基于此,研究者对我国托幼机构教育质量评价工具的研发路径提出了建设性构想.  相似文献   

绘画是幼儿美术教育中最主要的活动内容之一。绘画教学对发展幼儿智力、丰富幼儿知识、培养幼儿积极观察、大胆表现生活、养成良好习惯具有十分重要的作用。《幼儿园教育指导纲要》明确提出:在艺术活动中要“尊重每个幼儿的想法和创造,肯定和接纳他们独特的审美感受和表现方式,分享他们创造的快乐”。《3~6岁儿童学习与发展指南》中也指出,“幼儿绘画时不适宜提供范画,特别不应要求幼儿完全按照范画来画”。根据大班幼儿的年龄特点与《指南》精神,我们在绘画活动中大胆尝试,探索出了一条以激发幼儿兴趣、发展幼儿个性为主的新的绘画教学指导策略。  相似文献   

正《3-6岁儿童学习和发展指南》(以下简称《指南》)指出,"基本的生活能力是幼儿身心健康的重要标志",要"帮助幼儿形成使其终身受益的生活能力"。基本生活能力的养成应从劳动开始。陈鹤琴先生认为,劳动教育是托儿所和幼儿园实施初步全面发展教养的重要组成部分。他指出:"对幼儿进行劳动教育,培养幼儿的劳动习惯和技能,不仅是‘生活’使然,而且与幼儿体力、智力、道  相似文献   

本研究以幼儿社会技能表现为研究对象,自行编制幼儿社会技能评定表,并集中测查幼儿在生活情境中社会技能的种种行为表现,研究表明:《幼儿社会技能教师评定表》是基本适用的;幼儿社会技能的行为表现可以划分为相关联的三种成分,即环境适应技能、人际交往技能、自我控制技能;整体上幼儿社会技能需要提高;教师对小中大班幼儿社会技能的评价呈由低到高的发展态势,对女孩的评价明显高于男孩;家长对幼儿社会技能的评价明显高于教师的评价.  相似文献   

<正>《3~6岁儿童学习与发展指南》(以下简称《指南》)中明确指出:"健康是指人在身体、心理和社会适应方面的良好状态。"良好的生活与卫生习惯是维护和促进幼儿自身健康的重要保证。幼儿阶段正是良好行为和习惯养成的重要时期。根据《指南》的引领及小班幼儿年龄特点,怎样使刚入园的幼儿尽快学会自己照料自己,养成良好的自我服务习惯,适应幼儿园的生活节奏,教师和家长如何更有效地提高幼儿生活自理能力呢?通过了解现状,一年来我们  相似文献   

Kyöstiö, O. K. & Vaherva, T. (1969). Reading and Forgetting among Young Children. Scand. J. Educ. Res., 129‐146. The aim of this article has been to analyze learning to read and forgetting, and to determine an optimal time for starting primary school. The study is a follow‐up type, of an experimental nature, using kindergarten children as an experimental group, and primary and kindergarten children as control groups. The children were tested three times to measure their reading standard before and after a period of tuition, and after the summer vacation interval to determine forgetting. The results show that children are able to learn to read earlier than the present starting of school in Finland presumes. Factors which influence learning are intelligence, age, social status, and teaching method. The large number of drop‐outs from the sample groups diminish the value of the generalizations that can be made from the results.  相似文献   

幼童赴美留学是中国近代史上一件“千古未有之奇事”。从留学开始到被迫终止,十年间,120名学生在异国他乡创造了许多奇迹。他们从一群稚嫩的孩童成长为一批优秀的青年,这其中付出了许多艰辛。两种不同文化和制度的碰撞,使他们幼小的心灵受到了极大的震撼。留美幼童的故事也包含于中国留学教育的历史中,直到今天,仍然值得回味和研究。  相似文献   

The present study represents a twofold investigation wherein ( a ) the construct validity of the Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Social Acceptance for Young Children (PSPCSA) and ( b ) the developmental appropriateness of the PSPCSA were empirically examined for urban Head Start children. Data were collected from a sample of 476 African-American children (48–64 months) representing children enrolled in a large metropolitan Head Start program. In the first study, neither replication of the test author's statistical procedures nor a series of exploratory factor analyses produced psychologically meaningful constructs. A second study tested the assumption that the PSPCSA administration format is developmentally appropriate for preschool children. Results from this study did not support the assumption that the PSPCSA is developmentally appropriate for preschool children. Implications for establishing valid assessment methods for urban Head Start children were discussed.  相似文献   

Individual Differences in Achievement Goals among Young Children   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Smiley, Patricia A., and Dweck, Carol S. Individual Differences in Achievement Goals among Young Children . Child Development, 1994 65 , 1723–1743. Developmental research has generally not found evidence of helpless responses to failure in young children; a prevailing view is that young children lack the cognitive prerequisite for helplessness. However, recent evidence suggests that even preschoolers are vulnerable to helplessness in some situations. In the present study with 4- and 5-year-olds, we tested a goal-confidence model that predicts achievement behavior during failure for older children. We first categorized preschoolers' orientations toward "learning" or "performance" goals based on their preference for a challenging or nonchallenging task. As for older children, goal orientation was independent of ability and predicted cognitions and emotions during failure. Further, consistent with the model, within a learning goal, children displayed the mastery-oriented pattern regardless of confidence level, whereas within a performance goal, children with low confidence were most susceptible to helplessness. These behavior patterns were found on a second task as well. Thus, our findings show that individual differences in achievement goals emerge very early.  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2006,21(2):57-63
This article describes recent research conducted on behalf of the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People. The study highlights a number of emerging issues including: limited decision‐making opportunities for children; statementing and assessment; and other issues specific to mainstream and special schools. The article concludes with an assessment of recent developments and future prospects for children and young people who experience learning difficulties.  相似文献   

发展性障碍儿童初筛行为检核表是为了筛查学龄期发展性障碍儿童而编制的,编制的基本理念是根据各类型障碍儿童的典型行为特征构建量表的架构。本量表可作为广大普通学校教师、心理教师筛查、转介发展性障碍儿童的一项有效工具;主要用于初步筛查和诊断智力障碍儿童、学习障碍儿童、注意力缺陷多动儿童以及情绪障碍儿童。该量表的特点表现在:(1)项目的回答模式合理;(2)该量表具有较高的信度和效度;(3)该量表可以区分不同类型的发展性障碍儿童。  相似文献   

全美幼儿教育协会的幼儿教师教育标准是对幼儿教师总体素养的规范和要求。本文从该标准的内容出发,分析全美幼儿教育协会的幼儿教师教育标准的特点,认为该标准具有广泛的实用性、实质的可操作性、鲜明的服务性。最后提出了对我国的幼儿教师教育标准的启示,注重增强我国幼儿教师对自身职业的意识性,注重我国幼儿教师观察、记录和评价幼儿的能力,注重提高我国幼儿教师与幼儿家庭、社区联系的紧密性。  相似文献   

Research Findings: Emotion knowledge is a core developmental process that has a documented relation to other aspects of social-emotional functioning, including social competence, emotion regulation, and behavior problems. Children who are maltreated have been found to have compromised emotion knowledge skills as well as higher levels of behavior problems. The current study was designed to add to the small literature on emotion knowledge in children who have been maltreated and are in foster care, with an examination of child and family processes that contributed to their emotion labeling skills. Young children in foster care were administered the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test and the Affect Knowledge Task while their foster mothers completed a background questionnaire during a data collection home visit. Findings revealed that participant children's verbal ability contributed greatly to their capacity to accurately label emotions. Family processes also contributed to this skill above and beyond verbal ability. Practice or Policy: Parenting interventions for foster parents should be designed to address core developmental processes of early childhood, such as emotion knowledge.  相似文献   

The use of portfolio assessment is a valuable tool for teachers to use with young children to better understand how young children develop and learn. An intentional data collection and documentation system becomes a very powerful assessment tool, one that is authentic and based on children’s capabilities and strengths. Children, educators, parents, and administrators are able to see the collection of items that celebrates the child. This article will describe several aspects of the portfolio system including: what a portfolio is; it’s purposes; how to create the portfolio; and, how to use the portfolio with families.  相似文献   

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