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Special education has seen rapid and extensive changes over the last decade in many countries. Even where a legislative mandate has been introduced (as with P.L. 94–142 in the United States), evaluation has developed more slowly than the provision of services. For example, the comprehensive Handbook of Special Education (Kauffman & Hallahan, 1981) contains no index entry for evaluation. Furthermore, it will be argued here that contemporary emphases in educational evaluation have not addressed certain values that are crirical for special education.  相似文献   

论中等职业教育发展中政府行为的适度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,我国中等职业教育改革与发展处在最为关键时刻,靠自身的能力和自觉已经不能摆脱其困境,在这种情况下,政府的适度行为就显得非常重要。本文从三个方面提出了分析和建议,目的是要通过一定的政府行为使中等职业教育获得一个新的发展契机,并在社会主义市场经济发展中能够找到与劳动部门的新的关系和连接点,从而产生良好的互动和相互支持。  相似文献   

高等教育的治理:重构政府、高校、社会之间的关系   总被引:64,自引:0,他引:64  
在高等教育领域推行治理 ,已成为许多国家高等教育改革追求的目标。高等教育的治理 ,首先意味着政府的角色或功能将发生重大变化 ,政府不再是高等教育产品的惟一提供者 ,政府对高校的管理由“政府控制模式”向“政府监督模式”转变 ,在资源配置方面 ,将更多地引入市场机制 ,政府、学校和社会之间存在着权力的依赖和互动 ,它们之间的关系将发生重组。高等教育治理的基本特征是非国营化、去中心、自治和市场化  相似文献   

20世纪70年代后,随着世界范围内高等教育财政危机的到来,高等教育市场化进程加快,市场机制逐渐被引入到高等教育领域中来,教育产业与教育市场进入了一个新的阶段。营利性高等教育机构相继在许多国家出现,并取得了较好的经济、教育和社会效益。文章将以美国为例,对营利性高等教育机构的发展和特点进行研究。  相似文献   

随着全球化进程的加速发展,国际国内环境对我国国家安全形势提出了新的挑战。高校国家安全教育面临更加复杂多样的社会环境,必须更新教育内容、创新教育方法,形成长效的教育机制。  相似文献   

1949年以后,随着经济体制的转轨和社会结构的变迁,中国高等教育经历了重大变化--由国家控制、政府主导模式逐步走向市场化、分权化和多元化.分析这一变迁的历程,可以看出,政府和市场各自对高等教育产生着不同的影响.正确处理政府、教育、市场的关系,使政府致力于宏观调控和为高等教育指明方向,市场机制为高等教育发展注入活力,有助于促进高等教育良性发展.  相似文献   

The paper argues that values education has moved from being associated most heavily with the religious agenda of faith schools to being central to updated research insights into effective pedagogy. As such, it represents a vital approach to education in any school setting. The paper draws on an array of values education research and practice in making the case but centres especially on findings from a number of recent publicly funded projects in Australia with which the authors have been associated. Of special importance is evidence from the Values Education Good Practice Schools Project and the Project to Test and Measure the Impact of Values Education on Student Effects and School Ambience that provide both anecdotal and empirical evidence that high quality values education contributes to holistic educational development, including academic advancement, of students across all school sectors.  相似文献   

公立高校与政府、个人委托代理关系及其问题分析   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
随着高教体制改革的深入,厘清公立高校所涉及的委托代理关系,分析和解决其存在的委托代理问题迫在眉睫。公有产权下解决委托代理问题的关键,是设计激励、约束和竞争制度来排斥信息效率低下和激励不相容问题。  相似文献   

1964年,针对当时民族音乐受到西方音乐文化的冲击,为保护我们的本土文化和民族传统音乐,在周恩来总理的提议和亲自过问下,以着力推动继承和弘扬民族音乐文化为主要办学宗旨的高等音乐学府——中国音乐学院诞生了。经过40余年的艰苦努力,在广大民族音乐工作者和教育工作者的艰苦努力下,在各级政府的关心和大力支持下,中国音乐学院得到了快速发展,中国民族音乐也从民间乡村走进了高等学府,从田间地头走上了灯光舞台,逐步进入了系统挖掘、整理、继承和弘扬的良性发展道路。2004年,在学院建院40周年庆典前夕,温家宝总理亲自给金铁霖院长写来贺信…  相似文献   

In several countries, despite considerable opposition to sex and HIV/AIDS education programs, school-based reproductive and sexual health education is gradually gaining ground. It has expanded to include adolescent and sexual health. There exist positive trends and evident changes in the delivery of school-based reproductive and sexual health education. Among these are the following: 1) systemic and deliberate incorporation of adolescent reproductive and sexual health issues in the school curriculum in countries that have UN Population Fund population programs; 2) inclusion of reproductive and sexual health issues in different subjects, which paves the way for their incorporation into the curriculum; 3) continuous improvement in the delivery, content, methodologies and activities of population education, particularly the inclusion of topics concerned with reproductive and sexual health and greater emphasis on the behavioral and skills development; and 4) the growing nongovernmental organization involvement in the provision of reproductive and sexual health education and training. Numerous factors ensure the success of the programs; they are the use of social learning and cognitive behavioral theory and clear mission statements, communication and negotiation practical exercises, values formation, interactive strategy development, effective training, behavior change--particularly with regard to risk-taking behavior, and provision of a supportive environment.  相似文献   

Peter H. Koehn 《Compare》2012,42(3):485-507
Linking key policy themes of interest in the published literature on development studies and comparative education, the article initially explores the potential benefits and risks of partnering transnationally for contextually informed research and sustainable development from the perspective of Southern and Northern higher education institutions. Higher education partnerships recently supported by the development-assistance agencies of Canada and the United States are compared and critically assessed according to the internationally relevant themes of external and internal funding, the involvement of additional partners and funders, and project duration. Comparative analysis of datasets compiled from AUCC- and HED-managed sources that encompass 74 CIDA-supported and 186 USAID-supported university partnerships active during 2007–2009 shows that CIDA awards tend to be substantially larger in amount and longer in duration than most USAID awards and that participating universities have contributed impressive cost-share resources. The concluding section draws out wider implications of study findings for North–South higher education partnerships with sustainable-development objectives and for the literature on the possibilities and limitations they embody.  相似文献   

Distance education is now regarded as an integral part of the educational provision of many countries. It was not always so. Its origins lie in commercial correspondence colleges. This article examines the many strands which have led the State to take an increasing interest in distance education.  相似文献   

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