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选择性教师证书计划作为当代美国重要的教育改革运动,是取得教师资格证书的非传统路径。选择性教师证书计划的实施主体多样,服务对象广泛,实施过程归纳起来有以下四个方面的内容:招募与筛选;提供培训;安排实习;评估与认证。选择性教师证书计划的实施取得了一定的成效,但对其成效也存在争议,这体现了专业派和解制派的对峙立场。作为传统教师培养及认证模式的重大背离,选择性教师证书计划仍是美国教师教育改革的积极探索。  相似文献   

This paper reports a study of the alternative conceptions held by junior secondary science teachers enrolled in an in-service teacher training program. The subjects completed a written instrument which probed their understanding of biological concepts in the integrated science curriculum. The subjects, particularly the nonbiology graduates, were found to show serious misunderstanding in concepts concerning diversity of life, photosynthesis and respiration, reproduction, and detecting the environment. This finding supports the assertion that our science teachers, being graduates in specific areas, are inadequately prepared to teach a broad and balanced junior science curriculum. To strengthen the subject matter knowledge and pedagogical skills of prospective and practicing junior science teachers, a number of provisions are suggested for teacher training programs, undergraduate science courses, and school-based activities.  相似文献   

美国选择性教师资格制度的实施经验与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国选择性教师资格制度是一种非传统的教师资格认证体系,自20世纪80年代以来,它为美国缓解教师数量的短缺和满足教师队伍多样化的需求做出了一定贡献,弥补了美国传统教师教育的不足。文章阐述了美国选择性教师资格制度产生、发展的过程,分析了选择性教师资格制度的主要特征,指出该制度对于完善我国非师范专业毕业人员教师资格认证具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

We describe research carried out with a prospective secondary biology teacher, whom we shall call Miguel. The teacher’s conceptions of the nature of science and of learning and teaching science were analyzed and compared with his classroom practice when teaching science lessons. The data gathering procedures were interviews analyzed by means of cognitive maps and classroom observations. The results reflected Miguel’s relativist conceptions of the nature of science that were consistent with his constructivist orientation in learning and teaching. In the classroom, however, he followed a strategy of transmission of external knowledge based exclusively on teacher explanations, the students being regarded as mere passive receptors of that knowledge. Miguel’s classroom behavior was completely contrary to his conceptions, which were to reinforce the students’ alternative ideas through debate, and not by means of teacher explanation.  相似文献   

Early murmurs concerning teacher attrition in the United States have risen to an alarming level since the 1990s. Given that half of the 1990s teaching force were/are expected to retire between 2000 and 2010, the cry has been heard loud and clearly throughout the nation. Furthermore, today’s fledgling teachers are fleeing at astronomical rates, particularly in economically challenged urban areas. Alternative route certification programmes are one example of states’ and cities’ attempts to fill urban classrooms with highly qualified teachers. This paper addresses the potential for retaining urban alternative route teachers. What is revealed is that teacher retention, though multi‐layered, implicates principals’ moral leadership. As such, traditional leadership methods, roles and responsibilities are called into question. The paper addresses the relationships between alternative route urban teacher retention and educational leadership and proposes a discourse in support of moral leadership. Findings suggest that the moral leadership of school building‐level principals may favourably impact the potential for retaining alternative route teachers.  相似文献   

前科学概念指的是与科学概念的内涵、外延不一致的个体概念,包括错误概念、相异概念、锚概念、前概念等。狭义的"前概念"指教学前概念,广义的"前概念"指前科学概念。错误概念并不是内涵完全错误的概念。"错误概念"、"相异概念"都具有否定的内涵;"前科学概念"是一个比较准确和相对完整的术语。前科学概念是一种值得教育者注意和利用的教育资源。  相似文献   

为了克服现行教师资格制度的弊病,必须以教师专业化发展理论为指导,打破教师资格终身制,实行教师资格分级递进制度,使每一级教师资格的获得,既是该阶段教师继续教育累积的自然结果,同时又是获得高一级教师职称的必要条件。要使教师资格制度成为连接和推动教师进修、职称晋升的中间环节,真正成为教师专业化发展的动力因素和制度保障。  相似文献   

在对教师资格证书制度的内涵与意义进行解读的基础上,文章分析了当前主要发达国家实施教师资格证书制度的现状及趋势,并对我国教师资格证书制度的完善提出建议。  相似文献   

教师资格证书制度是国家对教师实行的一种法定的资格认定制度,它是保证一个国家教师任用科学化、规范化的重要措施,有利于体现教师的职业特点和促进教师专业化的发展。日本是一个法制比较健全的亚洲国家,其教师资格证书制度将对我国的教师专业化发展具有一定的启示。  相似文献   

试析美国教师资格证书制度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
美国教育体制非集权制的管理方式导致了各州的教师资格证书体系呈现出多样性的特点。美国教师资格证书获得的主要途径、证书的水平、种类、评估,以及证书的更新和升级的条件等发展经验将可以为我国教师资格证书制度的发展提供些许借鉴。  相似文献   

实施教师资格认证制度的意义探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着面向社会认定教师资格的深入,如何正确认识教师资格认证制度的意义成为做好这项工作的重要前提。教师资格认证制度的实施,加速了我国教师的专业化进程,促进了北京市教师教育的规范化速度,同时也拓宽了教师培训的研究领域。  相似文献   

科学学科领域中学生的另类概念的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪70年代以来,另类概念的研究一直是科学教育研究一个发展快速且重要的领域之一.本文对国外科学学科领域中学生的另类概念的涵义、特征、来源、作用及其诊断方法等问题的研究进行综述,以期对我国的科学教育研究有所启迪与借鉴.  相似文献   

美国是世界上教师资格认证制度最完善的国家之一。从教师资格认证标准和教师资格认证考试两个方面可见美国教师资格认证的现状、存在的问题及发展趋势,即认证标准和考试内容趋于灵活多样,选择性教师资格证书更为完善和强调在职教育在教师成长中的作用,从而为我国教师资格认证制度的完善提供思考与借鉴。  相似文献   

我国教师资格有效性存在的问题及其对策   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
教师资格制度是国家对教师实行的一种法定的职业许可制度,规定了教师职业必备的基本条件,对于促进教师专业化发展、依法管理教师队伍、广开教师培养和聘任渠道等有着及其重要的意义。教师资格有效性是教师资格制度中一个核心要素,包括时效性、融通性、有效使用范围等方面。教师资格有效性的规定是否明确,将直接影响到教师资格制度实施的效果。我国现行的教师资格制度相关法律法规中,对于教师资格有效性问题的规定和措施,较为笼统,带有一定的权宜性。笔者就其中存在的问题做出分析,并借鉴国内外的相关经验,对现行教师资格法律法规和政策提出改革建议及推进策略,以期方家之教。  相似文献   

日本教师资格证书更新制度改革及其困境   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
日本虽然有比较完善的教师资格证书制度,但提升教师质量仍然是当前日本基础教育面临的重大问题。2007年6月20日,"教育职员免许法"等新修3法案获得日本参议院多数表决通过,"教育职员免许法"修改条文的重要内容便是教师资格证书的有效期为10年,教师必须在资格证书更新期限内,接受30小时的义务性研习,考核合格后教师资格证书才继续有效。日本各界虽然对教师资格证书更新制度存在一定的争议,在落实的过程中也面临着一些问题,但日本政府打破教师资格终身化,并通过立法形式,让教师在职进修成为法定义务的做法,仍值得我们研究和借鉴。  相似文献   

提高教师素质、促进教师专业发展,是教师教育发展的重要目标。教师资格证书制度是教师教育体系的重要组成部分,反映出一个国家对教师职业的基本要求。美国的教师教育体系较为健全,教师资格证书制度比较完善,其成功经验值得我们学习和借鉴。  相似文献   

实行中小学继续教育教师资格认定制度之我见   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
实行中小学继续教育教师资格认定制度是保证中小学教师培训质量、实现中小学教师继续教育培养目标的有效途径。10年来,我国教师资格制度的实施和对继续教育理论研究的深入为实施中小学继续教育教师资格认定制度提供了实践和理论支持。因此,应尽早建立独立的继续教育教师资格认证机构,设立科学合理的继续教育教师资格认定标准,建立开放的继续教育教师资格认定机制。  相似文献   

This study investigated how a collaborative mentoring program influenced beginning science teachers' inquiry-based teaching and their reflection on practice. The one-year program consisted of five one-on-one mentoring meetings, weekly science education seminars, weekly mentoring group discussions, and self-evaluation activities. The participants were three beginning science teachers and three mentors at the middle school level (7–9th grades) in an urban area of South Korea. For each beginning teacher, five lessons were evaluated in terms of lesson design/implementation, procedural knowledge, and classroom culture by using the Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol. Five aspects of the beginning teachers' reflections were identified. This study showed that a collaborative mentoring program focusing on inquiry-based science teaching encouraged the beginning teachers to reflect on their own perceptions and teaching practice in terms of inquiry-based science teaching, which led to changes in their teaching practice. This study also highlighted the importance of collaborative interactions between the mentors and the beginning teachers during the mentoring process.  相似文献   

美国提高颁发教师资格证书的标准及其局限   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
近二十年来美国教师资格证书制度改革的主要内容之一是提高颂发教师各证书的标准。本文认为这一改革举措在一定程度上确能把好持证教师的学术水平关,但也带来了许多负面影响,以期引起教师教育决策部门的思考。  相似文献   

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