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In times of uncertainty, university faculties have a duty to prepare school leaders to handle complexity, as the number of variables in the educational system and the interactivity of variables increase exponentially. The Leaders in Education Program (LEP) is a 6-month full-time program at the Singapore National Institute of Education (NIE, which is a part of Nanyang Technological University). The LEP aims to prepare especially selected vice-principals and ministry officers in Singapore for school leadership. The LEP is a collaborative effort between the NIE and the Ministry of Education, an example of a university–government partnership in program development. This article describes the efforts of the LEP in developing the ability of school leaders to deal with complexity. It also examines in detail one particular component of the LEP, the Creative Action Project, to illustrate how this is done in practice, and analyzes the views of participants on their learning through the project.  相似文献   

朱轩 《职教通讯》2019,(2):35-39
当前,探索高职ICT课程教学改革,培养学生创新实践能力,是推动高职ICT人才培养的关键。设计型学习作为一种面向学习和创新能力培养的学习方式,为高职ICT课程教学的改革提供了有效的实施路径。通过梳理设计型学习与高职ICT人才培养之间的适切性,以典型设计型学习操作模型为基础,从师生活动视角出发,构建了面向高职ICT课程教学的设计型学习模式,并详细阐述其关键特征。同时,结合具体教学案例"Applica-tion内置对象"进行深入分析,以期为高职ICT课程设计型学习模式的实践提供有价值的借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper explores whether and in what way “dual learning” can develop understanding of the relationship between structure/judgement and explores audit student’s perceptions of the audit profession. The Work Integrated Learning (WIL) module, serving as a tool of enabling dual learning, represents the context for this exploration. The study is based on a focus group and individual interviews conducted with students performing their WIL. Our data and its analysis indicates that when in a WIL context, students develop awareness of the use of standards and checklists on the one hand, and the importance of discretional judgement on the other. Based on these results, we theorise as to how dual learning manifests itself in students’ experiences and understanding of the relationship between structure and judgement.  相似文献   

The New Labour government, in its Green Paper on the Learning Age, published in February 1998, put lifelong learning at the heart of its programme. In this article we aim to demonstrate that there is a direct parallel between the processes outlined in the Green Paper and the processes of experiential learning and community development by focusing on the Diploma in Community and Youth Work Studies run by the Community Work Unit (CWU) based in the Centre for the Development of Continuing Education at the University of Manchester.

Community action provides a setting for informal education. Community workers are in a unique position in relation to developing the potential for learning in the groups and individuals with whom they work. Their education and training should enable them to articulate and value their experience and reflect upon it in order to establish a meaningful basis for further self- and/or community development. We will explore how the CWU uses participative learning methods which recognize, value and use the experience and understanding of the participants as a basis for their own and others’ learning, and the relevance of these learning methods to the work practice of the participants.  相似文献   

代际学习正受到越来越多国家的重视。代际学习项目是基于代际学习理论所开展的实践形式,其如何运行,是困扰我国相关研究者与实践者的重要问题。行动者网络理论是一种研究人类与非人类行动者之间相互作用并形成的异质性网络的社会学分析方法,可以通过追随核心行动者的运行脉络,向公众展示以此核心行动者为中心的网络建构过程。基于行动者网络理论的分析框架,对C市的L代际学习项目进行个案分析发现:代际学习项目的运行要素主要包括核心行动者、强制通行点(核心利益诉求)和异质性行动者三类;主要通过核心行动者引领项目的拓展,按强制通行点赋予行动者角色职责,基于利益赋予情况动态招募异质性行动者,积极动员行动者参与网络运行、促进网络可持续发展。从运行效果看,L代际学习项目不仅可以帮助老年学习者获取与时俱进的知识技能,提高身心健康和生活质量,还可以增强老年人的积极认知,使其保持良好生活态度,实现终身学习。我国代际学习项目运行中,一是要注意将核心行动者从单一来源向多来源转变;二是要跳出"学校"边界,凝聚异质的组织行动者;三是要有效利用学习资源,构建合理的强制通行点;四是要实现运行的正规化和互动的非正式化。  相似文献   

This study of interactive teaching strategies and their effect on learning processes is based on the experiences of one class extending over one semester. Students were enrolled in an elective subject, Human Sexuality and Learning, offered in the Faculty of Education, Queensland University of Technology. The subject matter was presented in a variety of ways, all of which structured a high degree of student interaction and participation. Student perceptions and evaluations of how this approach affected their learning were monitored throughout the semester through the collection of interview and questionnaire data. A strong relationship was found to exist between the use of interactive teaching strategies and students' reported involvement, morale, and interest in the subject matter.  相似文献   

This article is part of a narrative study of Chinese beginning teacher induction through cross-cultural teacher development, which has been developed and contextualized in the Teacher Education Reciprocal Learning Program between the University of Windsor (UW), Canada and Southwest University (SWU), China. This program is part of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Partnership Grant Project, Reciprocal Learning in Teacher Education and School Education between Canada and China. The partnership builds on the Teacher Education Reciprocal Learning Program, and the Shanghai-Toronto-Beijing Sister School Network. In this article, the authors conducted narrative inquiry with two of the SWU participants in the Teacher Education Reciprocal Learning Program to explore their experience from their cross-cultural learning in Canada to beginning teachers in West China. The findings of the research suggest the need to develop a global and cross-cultural dimension in teacher education and development in West China. It is evident that the cross-cultural experiences in Canada have influenced beginning teachers’ curriculum views, relationship to students, and beliefs about teaching. Their “lived stories” (Connelly & Clandinin, 1990, p. 6) also indicate that the personal, pedagogical, and social influences of cross-cultural experiences play important roles in beginning teachers’ teaching careers.  相似文献   

开展公益教育是时代环境变化、社会转型的客观要求。家庭公益教育是公益教育的有机组成部分,是突破当前“应试型”教育模式,构建“家庭-学校-社区”三联动下系统、多元的公益教育模式的关键环节。我国家庭公益教育的开展存在诸多障碍。调查发现,这些障碍主要为家长认知障碍、家庭公益行动障碍及制度性障碍。针对这些障碍,在借鉴美国家庭公益教育经验的基础上,提出了破解之策。  相似文献   

上世纪70年代初,原法国总理埃德加·富尔(EdgarFaure)及其同事,最早提出了“终身学习”的概念,认为每一个人必须终身不断地学习。多年来,欧盟的终身学习计划一直努力践行着这一理念,从上世纪90年代初起,欧盟陆续地推出了一系列以各自独立的方式加以实施和运行的教育计划。2007年,欧盟实施终身学习计划,该教育计划框架有四项支柱计划,分剐是夸关组斯计划、伊拉斯莫斯计划、达·芬奇计划、格龙维计划,以及两项辅助计划:横向计划、让·莫内计划。欧盟的终身学习计划展现了终身学习思想在欧洲付诸实践的比较先进的模式,其模式的思路与做法有许多值得借鉴,一是目标设置,导向目标和政策目标结构层层递进,目标内容贴近现实;二是人群覆盖,欧盟的终身学习计划人群覆盖的纵向考虑,尊重了人的发展与学习之终身性特征,而横向覆盖面又顾及了人们社会角色扮演与任务担当及其发展需求的多样性和差异性特征;三是内容设计,欧盟终身学习计划各分项计划在其内容要目“求同”的设计,使终身学习计划的整个内容结构更为规范,各教育板块间可以进行交流与合作,而具体教育内容“求异”的设计,有助于各教育板块保留自身特点,可以反映和满足不同学习者的不同学习需求。  相似文献   


This article reports on a study of student experiences of a Walls to Bridges (W2B) class taught by Faculty of Social Work instructors in a Canadian women’s prison. The Walls to Bridges (W2B) program is based on the U. S. Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program and brings students from the university together with students from the prison to study for a semester long course in correctional settings. The article reports on how the program pedagogy of experiential learning and Talking Circle processes impacted student’s awareness of privilege, marginalization and stereotypes, commitment to social change and action.  相似文献   

香港地区关于朗读教学的研究不多,教师难以得到专业上的有力支持。香港一所中学的教师凭借"课堂学习研究"这个平台,与香港教育学院协作,在初中三年级进行了一次有关朗读教学的研究。研究由诊断学生朗读中的困难开始,继而找出学习内容及关键特征,并运用变易学习理论设计教学。三个循环的课堂实践不但让学生普遍掌握了朗读的技巧,而且让教师认识到学生学习成果与课堂教学的关系,从而促进了教师的专业发展。  相似文献   

The nearby neighborhood garden project provided an almost daily trip for our group of two-year-olds. There we discovered limitless opportunities for learning. Gardening provided a sense of continuity that is hard to achieve with young ones.Karen Hack is the Early Childhood Special Education Teacher of the two's group at the Infant Care Center. Virginia Flynn was the Administrative Supervisor of the Infant Care Center and is currently Assistant Education Director of the Infant Health and Development Program, The New York League for Early Learning, Inc.  相似文献   

香港地区关于朗读教学的研究不多,教师难以得到专业上的有力支持。香港一所中学的教师凭借“课堂学习研究”这个平台,与香港教育学院协作,在初中三年级进行了一次有关朗读教学的研究。研究由诊断学生朗读中的困难开始,继而找出学习内容及关键特征,并运用变易学习理论设计教学。三个循环的课堂实践不但让学生普遍掌握了朗读的技巧,而且让教师认识到学生学习成果与课堂教学的关系,从而促进了教师的专业发展。  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a study of learning outcomes at a research-intensive Australian university. Three graduate outcome variables (discipline knowledge and skills, communication and problem solving, and ethical and social sensitivity) are analysed separately using OLS regression and comparisons are made of the patterns of unique contributions from four independent variables (the CEQ Good Teaching and Learning Communities Scales, and two new, independent, scales for measuring Teaching and Program Quality). Further comparisons of these patterns are made across the Schools of the university. Results support the view that teaching and program quality are not the only important determinants of students’ learning outcomes. It is concluded that, whilst it continues to be appropriate for universities to be concerned with the quality of their teaching and programs, the interactive, social and collaborative aspects of students’ learning experiences, captured in the notion of the Learning Community, are also very important determinants of graduate outcomes, and so should be included in the focus of attempts at enhancing the quality of student learning.  相似文献   

This study examined physicians’ motivation to engage in work-related learning and its contribution to expertise development beyond work experience. Based on deliberate practice theory, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 17 residents and 28 experienced physicians in internal medicine, focusing on the activities they engaged in during work that might contribute to professional development and the goals underlying this behavior. Learning motivation was also measured using a goal orientation questionnaire. Expertise was measured by a case test derived from the Medical Knowledge Self Assessment Program (MKSAP). The interviews showed that participants’ learning was largely embedded in everyday work; most of their learning activities were inherent to the job rather than motivated by competence improvement goals. The problems encountered in patient care played a key role in prompting learning. Role, work experience and work situation affected the type of activities engaged in, as well as the intensity of practice. Deliberate engagement in work-related learning activities was related neither to goal orientations nor to case test performance, except activities by the experienced physicians to keep up-to-date. Work experience, in contrast, showed a clear positive relationship with the performance of residents. Two main conclusions can be drawn from this study: (1) patient care induced relevant learning activities aimed at performance improvement for the patient’s sake; (2) deliberate investments in learning can be enhanced to promote expertise development. Self-regulated learning by physicians needs to be strengthened and the organization for which they work should facilitate and encourage learning in daily practice.  相似文献   


This article is based on the empirical research involving Chinese exchange teacher candidates from Southwest University in China who participated in the Reciprocal Learning in Teacher Education and School Education between Canada and China (RLTESECC) project and studied at the University of Windsor. These teachers conducted classroom observation in Canadian schools from 2010 to 2016. The research study explores changes in Chinese teacher candidates’ beliefs about their professional life, which was promoted by the project, inspired by the Teachers’ Change Model proposed by F. A. J. Korthagen and based on the concept of Reciprocal Learning as collaborative partnerships between and among cultures. A two-stage research design was guided by the Grounded Theory approach (Charmaz, 2006). The findings reveal that the reciprocal learning project created an environment, which was conducive to exchange teacher candidates’ professional development and especially introduced new perspectives to teachers’ understanding of their profession in four areas: 1) teaching, 2) learning, 3) researching and academic writing and 4) professional social life.  相似文献   

面向工程实践的学习方式改革是高等工程教育改革的主流趋势。帝国理工学院的工程教育与工业界保持紧密的合作关系,"经验导向"是其学习模式的新动向。通过对该校学习模式的深入剖析,解读"经验导向"学习模式的理念与目标、结构与要素、内容与方式、评价与成效,总结其特点,揭示该学习模式折射出的"回归工程实践"和"经验学习观"的教育原理。该案例分析结果可为我国"卓越工程师教育培养计划"的工程学习方式变革提供来自欧洲高水平大学的个案经验和实践启迪。  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and use of the Creative Learning Assessment (CLA) as a means of evidencing, supporting and promoting children's creative learning in arts‐based contexts. The research team at the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (CLPE) worked with a group of teachers in inner‐city Lambeth primary schools to develop an assessment system to record the impact of a creative curriculum on children's achievement and to enable schools to justify a broad‐based provision. The Assessing Learning and Communication in Creative Learning Contexts project, funded by CfBT Education Trust (CfBT), aimed to offer teachers a view of creative learning development and a framework for teacher assessment. It set out to provide a close focus on the learner and a valuable source of information for curriculum planning. This article discusses the effect of working with the CLA on children's learning and on teachers' practice through a case study of one project school, and the implications for schools and classrooms from the perspectives of the researcher and the teacher.  相似文献   

全国教育工作会议提出了 2 1世纪教育改革的方向 ,本人以多年《机械制图》课程教学的经验 ,对此课程教学改革提出自己的一些看法。  相似文献   

This is the eighth ERIC/ECTJ Annual Review Paper, preparation of which was supported by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources, Syracuse University. The material in this article was prepared pursuant to a contract with the National Institute of Education, U.S. Department of Education. Contractors undertaking such projects under government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their judgment in professional and technical matters. Points of view or opinions do not necessarily represent the official view or opinion of the NIE. Nor, as the authors note, should the views be interpreted as the official position of the University of Iowa’s Visual Scholars Program.  相似文献   

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