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地方高水平大学是地方高校的排头兵和区域创新的中坚力量,在区域创新体系建设中发挥着重要的价值与功能。它们是区域高素质创新人才培养的主力军、区域知识和技术创新的动力源、区域高新技术产业集群的孵化器和区域创新文化的策源地。当前,我国区域创新体系建设进入发展拐点,地方高水平大学应从明确融入角色定位、大力加强学科建设、深化交流与协作、创新治理体制机制等路径入手,主动融入区域创新体系,充分发挥其在区域创新体系建设及其优化重构中的引领、支撑作用。  相似文献   

创业学院是高校实施创新创业教育的重要载体。探索如何建设创业学院亦是高校关注的重点。本文基于区域创新网络的特征,就地方高校独特的地区优势分析创业教育发展的可能性,并从产权结构、人才培养体系、创新服务等方面研究地方高校创业学院的建设路径,如借助混合所有制探索地方高校创业学院的组成形式、建立需求型创业人才培养体系及区域创新创业服务平台等。区域创新网络下的地方高校以多元主体等形式建设创业学院,不仅有利于增强多方的协同合作,促使高校与地方社会创新创业合作体系化、集群化,形成互补、互利的发展格局,而且可为地方高校建设具有与区域联动发展的地方特色创业学院提供借鉴。  相似文献   

企业孵化器是伴随着新技术产业革命的兴起而发展起来的。在推动高新技术产业的发展以及振兴区域经济等方面发挥了巨大作用。但是从总体上讲,中国企业孵化器还没有形成良好的运行机制及管理规范。进入二十一世纪,网络技术的应用遍及现代社会各行各业,信息网络的建设是建立科技创新孵育体系的基础条件,是连接孵化器与中介服务机构、创业投资机构、科技企业、科研开发机构提供产学研、产业及市场信息的重要手段及桥梁。本文通过网络技术在企业孵化器产业中的应用,揭示网络技术在企业孵化器发展中的重要作用及成功经验,为其进一步推广应用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

对企业创新网络的研究中,较多研究都得到创新网络对创新绩效有显著积极影响的结论,但先前的研究多是从网络结构角度分析创新网络对创新绩效的影响。本文从网络联系角度研究创新网络对创新绩效的影响,以焦点企业与政府、供应商、客户、相关企业、高校科研机构、中介机构的联系作为衡量创新网络的指标,运用相关分析、回归分析等方法验证了创新网络与创新绩效显著相关,其中高新技术企业与政府、高校科研机构的联系对创新绩效影响尤为显著。  相似文献   

论企业技术创新网络的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业的技术创新网络是企业在创新过程中的联网行为,企业通过创新合作关系与其他企业、高校和科研机构、政府以及中介机构联结在一起,形成了企业的技术创新网络.创新网络的构建是企业在网络中进行技术创新的第一步,包括外界技术源的搜索、企业的纵向产品开发系列、企业与政府的联结网络以及其他网络的构建四个方面.企业创新网络是企业为应付创新复杂化和市场竞争加剧等系统性挑战而形成的一种新型的制度安排,它对于高新技术企业的成长和发展以及我国企业形成核心竞争力,有着不可忽视的推动作用.  相似文献   

教学团队立足于学校董事单位办学特色及绵阳科技城区域特色,经过几年来的不懈探索与实践,以西部区域科研院校、高新技术企业等用人单位需求为导向,以教师纵向科研项目为基础,采用项目驱动—赛教结合、运行创新班、构建学生科技创新团队、综合技能培训及寒暑假集训等手段,集人才培养及培训、技术推广与应用、社会服务于一体,实现信息技术“产学研用”一体化创新人才培养目标。  相似文献   

协同创新视域下的地方高校"校企合作"要在思想引导、权利约束、监督运行、合作反馈等方面建立长效发展的机制,以实现在协同创新视域下的地方高校与区域企业之间的协调发展与相互促进,在相互协同的基础上达到教育教学、科研合作、学生实践、企业崛起等方面的理念创新、路径创新及科学发展创新。  相似文献   

区域创新体系的创新主体由企业、高校、科研机构、地方政府和中介机构组成,它们以各自不同的功能和优势,对区域创新体系的完善和发展发挥着巨大的作用。区域创新体系是创新主体良性互动,制度、政策与环境相互协调,各创新要素协同作用,开放配置资源的网络系统。我们深入探讨了创新主体与区域创新体系之间的关联机制,研究表明,高校、科研机构和企业通过三者之间的资源共享与合理分工,中介机构和地方政府的桥梁、纽带及支撑作用,能有效地完成区域创新体系建设的战略目标。  相似文献   

地方高校是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,有必要研究地方高校科研成果与教学质量提升的长效机制.地方高校科研成果转化与国家创新体系、高新技术产业及企业的发展息息相关,高校应深入了解科研成果转化过程中科研项目、科研管理体制和成果转化体系等存在的问题,采取提高思想认识、建立有效制度、建立科研成果的推广机构或中介机构等措施,促进地...  相似文献   

企业是技术创新的主体和高新技术产业的载体。培育创新主体的工作重点是培育创新型企业。培育创新型企业要从两个方面入手,一方面要扶持已有骨干企业,另一方面,要创造有利条件,孕育、孵化新的高科技企业。新成长起来的创新型高新技术中小企业往往抗风险能力低,在融资、吸引人才、市场进入等方面受到诸多制约。地方政府要充分重视高新技术中小企业的培育,在政策上支持初创中小高新技术企业的发展。  相似文献   

Vocational training centres are conceptually regarded as key players in the knowledge generation and dissemination processes that take place within innovation systems. However, the literature does not provide conclusive evidence of their influence on the generation, development and dissemination of innovations. The goal of this paper is to analyse whether vocational training centres are indeed relevant agents in the articulation, knowledge exchange and dissemination of a local innovation system. The paper explores the most influential agents driving cooperation and articulating the local innovation system in Durango, one of the twenty counties of the Basque Country, Spain. Social network analysis is applied to regional collaboration networks in order to address this purpose. Our results show evidence of the pivotal role played by vocational training centres within local innovation processes implemented by firms. For many local firms vocational training centres represent the main sources of knowledge in their innovation processes. In the Basque context, vocational training centres have a longer history than other knowledge infrastructures, such as universities and research centres. These long-standing centres thus constitute ‘old bottles’ that despite their history are still able to produce a ‘good old wine’ in terms of innovation, which is translated into competitive advantage for the territory. Science, technology and innovation policies should therefore not only aim to create more knowledge infrastructures, but also to reinforce the role that traditional and territorially established organizations like vocational training centres can play as intermediary agents.  相似文献   

企业创新网络对提升企业创新能力发挥着重要作用。文章剖析创新网络的主体、结点之间的联结以及创新网络的运行状况,以芜湖经济技术开发区为例,探讨芜湖经济技术开发区企业创新网络在行为主体的联结和创新网络运行上的不足,并从增强意识、建立长远深度合作以及健全运行机制等方面提出了建议。  相似文献   


Purpose: The purpose of this article is to compare the effectiveness of facilitated networks to other policy instruments for agricultural innovation.

Design/ methodology/ approach: In an exploratory study of the Dutch agricultural policy context, we conducted semi-structured interviews with ten experts on networks and innovation. Policy alternatives to networks included research funding, innovation experiments, knowledge vouchers for entrepreneurs, practice networks, competitions for awards/ prizes, innovation subsidies for individual entrepreneurs, legal exceptions, legislation and fiscalisation.

Findings: In early phases of the innovation process, facilitated networks were seen as more effective and cost-efficient than the other instruments. This was especially the case for system transformation. However, other instruments can have comparable performance for innovation when they result in sufficient network formation, for instance when they require that target groups build coalitions and other forms of networks. Networks were also seen as effective for system optimisation, but not more cost-efficient than other effective instruments.

Practical implications: Past policy experiences with networks enable moving beyond the generic term of ‘(facilitated) network’ to develop more advanced instruments for specific types and phases of innovation. Furthermore, the results suggest that facilitated networks may be a cost-effective alternative to the national extension services of old.

Originality/value: Many studies have shown the importance of networks for agricultural innovation. Furthermore, networks offer governments new opportunities to stimulate agricultural innovation. However, less is known about the effectiveness of networks as a policy instrument.  相似文献   

高校科协在信息网络建设中可以通过建立人才资源数据库、科普资源数据库、知识产权数据库、科技政策数据库等信息库,实现高校间的资源共享,改进高校科协的交流手段,更好地为高校科技事业服务,加强与地方科技部门的联系,发挥大学生区域创新中的应用作用,从而推动高校科协事业向更深一步发展。  相似文献   

创新网络形成本质上是一个复制动态演化过程,类似于有限理性条件下的演化博弈.本文借助演化博弈模型对创新网络形成机理进行了研究,揭示了创新网络演进过程的内在规律性,得出的基本结论是:网络正外部效应是创新网络形成的基本原因.  相似文献   


Purpose: The study investigated to what extent local farmers' organisations are spaces where farmers discuss, learn and innovate.

Design/methodology/approach: Two milk collection cooperatives in Morocco were studied. The study analysed the discussion networks, their impacts on farmers' knowledge and innovation, and the performance of collective action at cooperative level.

Findings: In both cooperatives, only two-thirds of the farmers regularly discussed dairy practices with other farmers. Most leaders of one cooperative were acknowledged to be experienced farmers and played key roles as advisors on dairy farming. Farmers' involvement in dialogue networks in this cooperative improved their capacity to innovate in dairy farming, even though their knowledge on some issues related to cattle, health and nutrition was not improved. In the other cooperative, experienced farmers did not share their knowledge and farmers' involvement in dialogue networks at cooperative level had no impact on their knowledge and practices. Dialogue networks and collective action were found to influence each other, since in the first cooperative, collective action was considered by members to be efficient, whereas in the second collective action was limited to milk collection.

Practical implications: The study enabled identification of stumbling blocks which need to be addressed to get local farmers’ organisations involved in farmer capacity-building.

Originality/value: While the importance of local discussion networks for knowledge creation and diffusion is widely acknowledged, taking such networks into account in farmers' capacity-building programmes in developing countries has been hindered by their informality. Combining the analysis of dialogue networks and collective action proved to be a productive way to assess the potentialities of working with farmers' organisations with the aim of establishing a connection with local discussion networks.  相似文献   

Networking and collaboration in educational settings have become increasingly important in terms of supporting innovation and policy developments in many educational systems. However, to date, the role and action of the middle tier remains an under-researched area, especially in the United Kingdom. This paper draws on findings from a study of district level (local authorities (LAs)) capacity to broker and facilitate school-based networks within a context of complex multiple agendas. The study, funded by the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Innovations Unit and the National College for School Leadership (NCSL) involved 19 LAs over a two-year period. The authors worked as second order action researchers supporting local authority staff develop a range of strategies to broker and facilitate school-to-school networks. This paper draws on Habermassian notions of a critical theorem to describe the construction and use of a new theoretical framework outlining the strategies adopted by the middle tier officers within the project.  相似文献   

新升地方高校强化协同创新的挑战与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
积极推进协同创新,对于大力提升新升地方高校的创新能力具有重要意义。作为一所新升地方本科院校,肇庆学院近年来通过选拔协同创新领军人物,打造科研创新平台,整合优势资源等举措强化协同创新,有力提升了地方高校的创新能力,也为其他高校构建协同创新体系提供了参考。  相似文献   

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