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What must a college professor know and do in order to teach about the diverse and constantly changing publishing field? The author discusses some theoretical and practical ideas about teaching publishing, including (1) establishing an advisory board of industry leaders; (2) creating a comprehensive publishing curriculum that draws upon the academic resources of other departments and/or schools within a university; (3) recruiting, developing, and maintaining a faculty; (4) developing an effective internship and job placement program; (5) establishing and maintaining contacts with regional and national publishing trade associations; and (6) discussing the need for more scholarly studies on the eclectic international publishing industry.  相似文献   

In an industry where technological change is rapid and where decisions have political, social, and cultural implications, it is unwise—and perhaps impossible—to separate practice from theory. By viewing publishing as the practice of a profession, educators can provide students with both the skills and the understanding they will need as publishers.  相似文献   

刘敏  周政 《出版科学》2021,29(3):115-121
从纸质教材到数字教材的发展是教育技术发展的重要标志.梳理法国数字教材的发展历程,具体分析以技术类型为标志的几个发展阶段中,法国数字教材的表现形式及特征.同时,也强调数字教材作为重要的认知工具并没有改变认知模式,但仍是促进学习、激发认知的重要工具.未来,数字教材的研发更要关注知识观和学习科学,促进我国教材建设积极适应网络时代乃至未来人工智能时代的发展.  相似文献   

Recent developments in Web technology can be used for semantic enhancement of scholarly journal articles, by aiding publication of data and metadata and providing ‘lively’ interactive access to content. Such semantic enhancements are already being undertaken by leading STM publishers, and automated text processing will help these enhancements become affordable and routine. Publisher, editor, and author all have primary roles in that process; an incremental approach is needed. Publication of data and metadata to the Web make possible added‐value ‘ecosystem services‘; semantic publishing will bring substantial benefits to scholarly communication.  相似文献   

专家办刊结合专业办刊双管模式的实践和成果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以《中国科学:物理学力学天文学》(英文版)[Science China:Physics Mechanics&Astronomy》(SCPMA)]期刊为例,结合办刊模式的转变,介绍编委会工作重心的调整,以及编辑在稿件审理中的作用.通过将专家办刊调整为专家办刊结合专业办刊的双管模式后,编委的更多工作侧重于约稿和宣传,而编辑部在稿件的评审过程中,尤其是初筛过程中的作用更为明显.模式转变后,期刊的约稿比例明显上升,约稿质量带动期刊的影响力提升,影响因子由2013年的0.864提升至2015年的1.575.同时,编委的宣传带动期刊的品牌效应,使期刊越来越多地展示于各大学术会议,为期刊带来更多关注和高水平投稿.由此可以看出,新形势下模式的转变可促进期刊的更快发展,提升期刊的稿源质量.  相似文献   

我国数字出版标准化现状及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字出版标准化是数字出版各个环节和相关行业为了实现最佳秩序而对数字出版发展中实际的或潜在的问题制定共同的和可重复使用的条款的活动.数字出版标准化有利于数字出版链条上的参与各方实现利益均衡,分工合作,整体降低成本,用有限的资源实现效益的最大化,实现技术兼容、数字内容的互联互通和共享.  相似文献   

Brazil's size, federal structure, and extent of government intervention in the economy mean that its official publishing output is considerable: some 6.000 books and pamphlets a year and about 1,000 serial titles. The development of official publishing since de facto independence in 1808 reflects the country's administrative history. Bibliographic control, at least of federal level publishing, is now at last being achieved, but distribution is still poorly organized, and edition size often fails to correspond with demand. The range of material is vast, although publishing trends tend to reflect the importance of personalism in government in Brazil. Technical and esthetic standards are briefly touched upon.  相似文献   

中国出版集团起航 据国内多家大型和出版专业媒体报道,中国出版业的航空母舰—中国出版集团于4月9日正式起航。集团由人民出版社、人民文学出版社、商务印书馆、中华书局、中国大百科全书出版社、中国美术出版社、人民音乐出版社、生活·读书·新知三联书店、中国对外翻译出版公司、东方出版中心和新华书店总店、中国出版对外贸易总公司、中国图书进出口(集团)总公司等13家大型企事业单位组成,属事业性质,实行企业化管理。集团现有员工5000余人,总资产50亿元人民币,2001年销售收入达25亿元人民币。集团将在两到三年时间内完成内部资源整合、结  相似文献   

Open publishing     
There is increasing pressure from academia to make the results of publicly funded research freely available to all. Preprint archives have grown up in some disciplines, and institutional archives are now being developed. While openly accessible preprints seem to have damaged publishers less than was originally feared, the final published versions of articles – when combined with sophisticated retrieval software – may turn out to be a different matter. Publishers have already done much to make their content more accessible through bundling, consortia licensing, access for less‐developed countries, more liberal customer and author agreements, and collective licensing. Some are experimenting with open access journals, although this may not work in all disciplines. It seems clear, however, that there are elements of value in journals themselves, and in the functions performed by journal publishers, which should survive.  相似文献   

十六大报告强调发展文化产业深化文化体制改革 据《中国图书商报》报道,江泽民总书记在十六大报告中强调要积极发展文化事业和文化产业,继续深化文化体制改革,抓紧制定文化体制改革的总体方案。报告中提山全面建设小康社会必须大力发展社会主义文化,建设社会主义精神文明。  相似文献   

新闻出版业5家集团销售收入达到500强企业规模,家庭期刊集团等4家单位销售利润率排在前10名内 据《中国新闻出版报》报道,根据新闻出版总署对全国报送的31家出版、报业、发行、期刊集团2002年的销售收入、资产总额、所有者权益、利润和从业人数5个指标统计与我国500强大型企业的对比分析,新闻出版业部分集团已具有相当经济规模和实力。从销售收入看,江苏出版集团(排156位)、山东出版集团(排174位)、浙江省出版联合集团(排  相似文献   

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