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周莉 《考试周刊》2011,(77):232-233
学习方式对于幼儿成长具有十分重要的意义.不同的学习方式将深刻地影响儿童不同的发展。本文以鼓励孩子学习提问,如何记录问题,问题的多种回答方式等为提高幼儿语言学习的自主性的研究切入点.让孩子摆脱“跟从教师”的学习模式,使真正实现幼儿自主学习成为了可能。  相似文献   

解决人际冲突是幼儿社会化的重要内容,也是提高幼儿社会适应能力的重要途径。对幼儿来说,合作是其处理人际冲突的理想模式。教师可以通过班级会议、木偶表演、角色扮演等方式教给幼儿冲突问题解决模式。  相似文献   

彭曼曼 《山东教育》2021,(12):15-16
起源于美国的高宽课程模式,以计划、工作和回顾的活动循环为基本组织形式,以系列关键经验为主要学习内容,关注幼儿的主动学习,以培养幼儿对周围的自然与社会的高度热情和广泛兴趣。高宽课程模式下的版画活动,旨在发展幼儿关键经验,追随幼儿的兴趣与需要,鼓励幼儿在感知自然与生活之美的基础上,主动学习、自主表达,用传统版画的方式去表现美和创造美。  相似文献   

“合作学习”中的评价观为幼儿评价提供了参考模式。幼儿评价应以尊重幼儿为前提,以纵向评价为主要方式,以促进幼儿发展为根本目的,积极促进幼儿开展合作与竞争,使评价成为促进幼儿成长的不竭动力。  相似文献   

班克街课程模式下的幼儿社会学习,以发展互动理论为基础,以社会学习主题活动为主要开展方式,强调通过社会学习让幼儿与社会建立有意义的联系,为幼儿提供整合的经验促进幼儿整体发展。我们应从自身具体实践和文化背景出发理解其理念,借鉴其将教师培训、研究与实践有机结合的模式,注重整合社会资源,培养幼儿共同解决问题的能力,让幼儿通过社会学习更好地适应社会。  相似文献   

黎根 《成才之路》2024,(9):69-72
幼儿正处在身体的初始发育阶段,在该阶段进行科学合理的体能训练,能有效促进幼儿身心发展。文章采用文献资料、逻辑分析、实地调查等方法,从幼儿体能训练的内涵出发,以训练学的视角分析当前幼儿体能训练存在的问题并提出相应的对策。研究认为,幼儿体能训练应“以幼儿为根本、以天性为原则、以育人为目的、以发展为核心”,做到“训练模式科学化、训练方法游戏化、训练师资专业化、训练市场规范化”,以达到促进幼儿身心发展的目的。  相似文献   

教师都明确应该“支持幼儿的游戏”,但究竞该如何支持?以什么样的方式支持?这一直是困扰教师的问题。我园开展了关于幼儿游戏与课程资源整合的研讨。通过教育活动现场的观察、活动后的反思解读幼儿的游戏行为来发现问题,寻求促进幼儿的游戏性体验,提高幼儿的游戏能力与水平的课程支持策略。  相似文献   

邓海燕 《海外英语》2012,(12):63-64
随着幼儿英语教育的不断升温,幼儿英语教育的师资问题便显得日益重要。该文论证了幼儿英语教育专业设置的必要性,阐述了目前高职幼儿英语教育专业学生培养现状,从培养目标、课程体系设计和评价方式三个方面设计了高职幼儿英语教育专业学生的培养模式,旨在满足社会需求,为幼儿英语教育提供合格的应用型人才。  相似文献   

深度学习是培养幼儿良好学习品质,强化他们思维逻辑能力,使幼儿可以用创新性的思维探究问题,借此提高幼儿的学习能力。详细地说,区域游戏不单单只是一种让幼儿自由和自主的游戏方式,还是一种让幼儿可以更加深层次学习的一种策略。文章以区域游戏作为切入点,着重对如何让幼儿在该环境下深度学习进行了研究。  相似文献   

音乐是幼儿教学生活中不可缺少的部分,有利于开启幼儿智慧。本文从幼儿音乐教学创新方法运用的重要性切入,梳理了目前幼儿音乐教学法存在的主要问题,并提出了音乐教学实践活动的创新模式、旋律动感教学的综合实践模式、形成游戏活动方式的教学模式以及构建情境教学的模拟教学模式等改革路径。  相似文献   

本文从政策执行过程分析入手,针对进城务工就业农民子女义务教育问题,循着政策执行问题察觉、政策执行问题界定、政策执行问题陈述的逻辑顺序和分析框架进行研究。  相似文献   

Research Findings: Banking Time is a set of techniques designed to promote positive, supportive relationships through 1-on-1 interactions between teachers and children. Web-based training resources were made available to 252 preschool teachers who received different levels of support as a component of a professional development intervention, and the purpose of this study was to examine teachers' implementation of Banking Time. Teachers with greater levels of professional development support were more likely to implement Banking Time with children in their classes. Teachers were more likely to choose to implement Banking Time with children who had lower social-emotional skills (e.g., more problem behaviors). Teachers developed greater relational closeness with children who participated in Banking Time than with children who did not participate. Practice or Policy: The implications of these preliminary findings for fostering supportive teacher–child relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

Development of creativity is influenced by multiple factors, including the environment, developmental changes, and measurement tools. In this study, we investigated the relationship between creativity development and implementation of the Discovering Intellectual Strengths and Capabilities while Observing Varied Ethnic Responses (DISCOVER) curriculum model. Using the Test of Creative Thinking–Drawing Production (TCT-DP), 1986 culturally diverse, low-income students, K through 6, in four elementary schools in the U.S. were assessed for three consecutive years. The creativity of all children increased from grades K to 6, but children in classrooms of low implementers demonstrated a dip and some “pauses.” Differences in scores of children in middle/high and low implementers' classrooms were significant. The implication is that creativity development is supported through active learning, student choice, access to varied materials, exploration, self-evaluation, problem finding, and problem solving. Additional analyses need to be conducted to uncover cultural and linguistic influences in these four schools.  相似文献   

正向行为支持法干预孤独症儿童问题行为的个案研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究应用正向行为支持法,对一名孤独症儿童表现出的两种带有刻板和自伤性质的问题行为进行了干预,旨在验证该方法对干预孤独症儿童问题行为的有效性,并对干预的过程进行实践探讨。治疗小组基于前期行为分析的结果,制定针对性的干预计划,运用了前提控制、消退、区分强化等行为矫正策略,进行为期约三个月的干预。总的研究过程包括行为功能分析和干预实施等五个阶段,每个阶段都通过问卷和观察等形式收集数据,最终通过数据对比得出结论,认为:对孤独症儿童的行为问题,应注重外部因素也就是从环境因素中寻找其原因;采用正向行为支持法的策略来分析和处理孤独症儿童行为问题是有效的;在孤独症儿童干预中应关注其身心特征,采取有针对性的教学训练策略。  相似文献   

勤俭意识差,是我国城市独生子女人格特征的四大缺陷之一。要解决这个问题,父母和教师要为孩子做勤俭节约的典范,要以启发为主,遵循“知”、“情”、“意”、“行”几方面的规律来施教。对幼儿进行勤俭教育是个社会问题,需要各方面有机结合,相互渗透,既要横向贯通,又要纵向衔接。  相似文献   

Concern with the problem of science curriculum implementation has been highlighted by surveys which have shown that the impact of the major NSF sponsored curriculum projects has not been as pervasive as might be expected. Although there has been some recent research and theory development on the problem of implementation, little work has been done on the determinants of implementation, especially in science. This article describes a replicated study of factors influencing implementation of a hypothetical elementary science curriculum. The instrument used allowed teachers to respond to a particular implementation scenario devised by combining a number of statements about properties of an innovation with school and teacher reactions to the innovation. Responses were given as estimates of the probability of implementation under the conditions described in the scenario. Results showed that the staff attitude factor was by far the most salient influence on implementation. An inservice factor which was highly significant in one of the applications of the instrument failed to replicate. This suggested the possibility that context differences between the two samples may have been important for this factor. The findings are interpreted in relation to Fullan's
  • 1 See: Fullan, M. The meaning of educational change. Toronto: OISE Press, 1982.
  • model of implementation and to other research which highlights the importance of individual interpretation of the properties of an innovation.  相似文献   

    Policy development for HIV-positive children in the public schools has been delayed. Difficulties with problem definition, indecisiveness, and conflict regarding which policy-making body is responsible for policy development and implementation, and complacency about the need for policy, appear to be the reasons that have hampered policy development. This article presents further findings of a national study regarding state-level policy for HIV-positive children and focuses on current implementation and practice of such policy (or lack thereof), as well as the states' perceptions of improvements that are needed in current policy. Forty-nine of fifty-one states and the District of Columbia responded to the study. The responses are analyzed as part of a model that specifies state experience, perceived need, and degree of state centralization of decision making as possible predictors of policy content and implementation.  相似文献   

    随班就读是我国对特殊儿童开展教育的主要形式,自闭症儿童随班就读具有重要的社会意义。但由于现实问题,学校、教师承受各种压力,使自闭症儿童的随班就读在实施过程中遭遇到很多困难和阻力。解决自闭症儿童随班就读问题,重要的是从学校和教师着手,为自闭症儿童随班就读提供各种支持,帮助他们最终实现回归社会。  相似文献   

    新农保政策最值得关注的是非缴费型基础养老金的实施。这一"普惠性"政策在实际执行中出现了许多新问题:捆绑式参保方式与子女参保意愿的矛盾,基础养老金偏低的问题,基础养老金全面覆盖的时间问题等,使政策执行的效果受到影响。笔者通过对非缴费型基础养老金实施中存在的问题分析、政策评估,提出新农保可持续发展的对策和建议。  相似文献   


    The implementation of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) at school is one of the challenges of education in the twenty-first century, especially concerning the development of critical thinking during argumentative interactions. In this paper, I refer to an interdisciplinary approach with the aim to analyze the implicit inferential reasoning emerging in argumentative discussions among children during scientific activities. The study involved 25 preschool children at a kindergarten engaged in three problem solving tasks. The first activity was to build a tunnel, the second to build a bridge—both with the use of Lego©—and the third to build an hourglass with recycled materials. The tasks were video-recorded and the discussions transcribed. The analysis implied different steps: first, I identified the argumentative structure of each exchange according to the pragma-dialectical approach; then, I found the implicit premises using the Argumentum Model of Topics; afterward, I analyzed the argumentative discussions according to a sociocultural approach. The findings show a predominance of arguments based on causal relationships and indicate how children reason regarding complex aspects of a problem, such as the negative consequences of an action, the adequacy of the available tools, and the (possible) future conditions connected to the scientific activity they are involved in. The study opens a possibility to shift from how to implement STEM activities to what children already do when engaged in scientific tasks. It also encourages the adoption of an interdisciplinary approach to investigating the complex process of argumentation in preschool children.


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