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对门函数卷积进行了分析,当两个不同宽度门函数卷积时,其结果为梯形函数,梯形函数的高为宽度窄的门函数脉宽,其底分别为两个门函数脉宽差的绝对值和脉宽和;两个相同宽度的门函数卷积时,其结果为三角函数,三角函数的高为门函数脉宽,其底为两个门函数脉宽和.  相似文献   

周期信号频谱分析是信号与系统课程中的重要内容,连续时间周期信号频谱的分析方法有傅立叶级数分析和傅立叶变换分析,可以通过对周期矩形脉冲信号的频谱分析来说明这两种方法的区别。利用MATLAB软件,结合其图形用户界面接口(GUI),设计具有良好人机交互界面的周期矩形脉冲的频谱分析仿真软件,既可辅助教师进行课堂教学演示,也可供学生进行实验仿真,得出满意的实验结果,进而帮助学生理解周期信号频谱的特点。  相似文献   

我们知道三角形面积的计算公式为S=1/2ah,其中a表示底,h表示高,于是很容易推出下面的结论: (1)等底(同底)等高(同高)的两个三角形面积相等: (2)等高的两个三角形面积的比等于其底的比,等底的两个三角形面积的比等于其高的比. 这两个结论在三角形面积的计算中往往非常有用,下面举例说明.  相似文献   

国贸站地处在首都CBD核心,位于东三环中路与建外大街交叉口地段。车站呈南北走向,属分离岛式车站,为复合式衬砌结构。其主洞室设计长度131.2m,最大开挖宽度15.15m,高度19.386m。两个主洞室之间内接南北两个客流通道与一个设备联络通道,外连东北、西北和南侧三个风道,共设东北、西北(AB)、东南四个出入口以及一个换乘通道。总建筑面积为18955.8m^2。工程于2004年3月底开工,主体结构于2006年12月完工。  相似文献   

为消除测量光谱中狭缝宽度的影响,提出了一种基于小波的反卷积算法以获得问题的规整化解,该方法使用一维多尺度边缘重构技术.空域选择滤波算法被用来区分由信号产生的极值与由噪声产生的极值.实验中,对宽狭缝时测得的Na黄光2条特征语线进行反卷积处理,以相应狭缝宽度时测得的He-Ne光谱作为狭缝函数,并与较窄狭缝时测得的Na光谱作了比较.反卷积结果显示本方法可以极大地提高测量光谱的分辨率.  相似文献   

引进Sakaguchi函数类的两个新子类,研究了其畸变不等式,包含关系与卷积性质.  相似文献   

梯形螺纹的加工是技工学校车工专业实习课的重要课题之一。在教学中我们常用的加工方法有两种,一是先用刀头宽度稍小于槽底宽的切槽刀以直进法车到槽底,再用成形刀加工成型,这种方法多用于加工螺距较大的螺纹;一是左右切削法,即左右交替斜向进给,这种方法适用于车削螺距小于8mm的梯形螺纹。根据教学大纲的要求,我们经常要练习的是车削螺距为6mm的梯形螺纹,螺纹的槽底宽度仅为1.93mm,也就是说梯形螺纹车刀的刀头宽度必须小于1.93mm。采用整体车刀低速左右切削的加工方法,在实际的教学中容易产生以下一些问题:(1)用左右切削法加工,小拖板需左…  相似文献   

本文给出了利用图解分段确定卷积积分区间的一种方法,并举例说明了其应用及推广.利用本方法,只要知道被卷积两函数的有值区间端点,就能有规律地快速确定卷积积分中自变量t和哑变量τ的取值区间,计算的结果为闭合形式.该方法能有效地克服积分区间(或求和区间)的重复和遗漏问题,特别是在多分段有值函数卷积的计算中更显示出其优越性.  相似文献   

提出采用附加谐波脉冲来提高阿秒脉冲的强度。研究表明,与单一强短激光脉冲(脉冲宽度只有几个光学周期的超短脉冲)辐照原子获得孤立的阿秒脉冲相比,通过附加谐波脉冲的方案不仅同样可以获得孤立的阿秒脉冲,而且阿秒脉冲的强度得到显著增强。  相似文献   

传统卷积神经网络对空间信息不敏感,无法学习到不同特征间相对位置的关系,且每一层神经元的感受野被设计为相同大小,导致提取的图像特征信息不够精确.针对这些问题,提出一种选择性卷积核胶囊网络用于图像分类任务.在经典胶囊网络的卷积层融入具有两个分支的选择性卷积核网络,以提取更为丰富、准确的图像特征信息,提高图像分类准确率.采用...  相似文献   

研究目的:创新要点:研究方法:重要结论:观察人类上颌中切牙拔除后牙槽骨外形改建的规律。锥形束计算机断层摄影(CBCT)在口腔硬组织测量方面具有可靠性,在不同时期拍摄的影像中测量具有可重复性。本研究充分利用这一影像学工具观察人类上颌中切牙拔除后牙槽骨改建的规律。选择40名患者上颌中切牙拔牙前和拔牙后三个月时拍摄的两份CBCT影像资料。在第一次CBCT中,选取中切牙拔牙窝深、中、浅三个水平断层进行矢状断层重建,分别记录矢状断层起点到拟拔除中切牙(实验牙T)牙髓中心移动的层数,并测量实验牙T处牙槽骨宽度,在中切牙拔牙窝中层测量腭平面相关垂直距离。在第二次CBCT的三个水平断层上,依据第一次记录的移动层数定位实验牙T,并在定位处测量牙槽骨宽度。在中切牙拔牙窝中层上转移第一次CBCT记录的腭平面相关距离,并测量唇腭侧牙槽嵴顶沿原牙根外形垂直吸收的距离。上颌中切牙拔除后三个月,在拔牙窝的不同深度,唇侧的牙槽骨均有不同程度的水平骨吸收,越接近牙槽嵴项处牙槽骨吸收越明显。唇腭侧牙槽嵴顶均有明显的垂直骨吸收,唇侧牙槽嵴项的垂直骨吸收比腭侧明显。  相似文献   

为了获得了清晰的氢氘原子光谱谱线,首先确定了对光谱谱线有影响的负高压及狭缝宽度2个实验参量。先选定氢原子的一条谱线,在一定的负高压下,通过改变狭缝宽度来获取不同组光谱谱线,经分析得到理想的狭缝宽度范围。在该范围内选取几条狭缝宽度,分别通过改变负高压来得到理想的最优参数组。实验发现,对于不同的波长最优参数组参数不同,因此又用同样的方法对其他的谱线进行了探究,找到不同谱线的公共最优参数区间,最终获得了清晰的氢原子光谱谱线。  相似文献   

分析了夫琅禾费双矩孔衍射及其特例的光强分布,基于Matlab软件实现了夫琅禾费双矩孔衍射及其特例的计算机仿真.结果表明,夫琅禾费双矩孔衍射的光强分布为两个矩孔衍射的相干叠加结果;仿真图像与实际实验的结果一致,可应用于光学辅助教学等.  相似文献   

The ultimate bending moment and maximal shear stress of a bulk carrier with two structural forms (single hull and double hull/ are calculated separately by using the combined moment which is determined by stochastic process. Then the assessment of reliability is carried out. The results indicate that by introducing the double-hull structure, the shear stress of side can be decreased to half of that of the primary structure( 50.7% i. but the effect on longitudinal strength is not obvious. Finally, the effects of different double-side skin widths on ultimate bending moment and the maximal shear stress are investigated, followed by proposals of the selection of the double-side skin width.  相似文献   

对于长为阿a,宽为b的矩形膜的受迫振动的问题,建立关于该问题的数学模型。利用分离变量法和二重傅里叶级数的方法,得到了矩形膜的受迫振动初边值问题的解。  相似文献   

Bridge pressure flow scour at clear water threshold condition is studied theoretically and experimentally. The flume experiments reveal that the measured scour profiles under a bridge are more or less 2-dimensional; all the measured scour profiles can be described by two similarity equations, where the horizontal distance is scaled by the deck width while the local scour by the maximum scour depth; the maximum scour position is located just under the bridge about 15% deck width from the downstream deck edge; the scour begins at about one deck width upstream the bridge while the deposition occurs at about 2.5 deck widths downstream the bridge; and the maximum scour depth decreases with increas-ing sediment size, but increases with deck inundation. The theoretical analysis shows that: bridge scour can be divided into three cases, i.e. downstream unsubmerged, partially submerged, and totally submerged. For downstream unsubmerged flows, the maximum bridge scour depth is an open-channel problem where the conventional methods in terms of critical velocity or bed shear stress can be applied; for partially and totally submerged flows, the equilibrium maximum scour depth can be described by a scour and an inundation similarity number, which has been confirmed by experiments with two decks and two sediment sizes. For application, a design and field evaluation procedure with examples is presented, including the maximum scour depth and scour profile.  相似文献   

分析了双孔(双缝)、矩孔(线)、圆环及圆盘光源的极限宽度,计算出这些光源的光源系数.结果表明,这些光源的极限宽度可用同一公式表示,而它们的光源系数却各不相同.  相似文献   

The injury of gunners caused by muzzle shock-wave has always been a great problem when firing inside the protective cover. The distribution regularity and personnel injury from the muzzle blast-wave were investigated by both test and numerical simulation. Through the inside firing test, the changes of overpressure and noise have been measured at different measuring points in the thin-wall cover structure with different open widths and shallow covering thickness. The distribution regularity of muzzle shock-wave with different firing port widths is calculated by ANSYS/LS- DYNA software. The overpressure distribution curves of muzzle shock-wave inside the structure can be obtained by comparing the test results with the numerical results. Then, the influence of open width and shallow covering thickness is proposed to give a reference to the protective design under the condition of the inside firing with the same cannon caliber.  相似文献   

The injury of gunners caused by muzzle shock-wave has always been a great problem when firing inside the protective cover. The distribution regularity and personnel injury from the muzzle blast-wave were investigated by both test and numerical simulation. Through the inside firing test, the changes of overpressure and noise have been measured at different measuring points in the thin-wall cover structure with different open widths and shallow covering thickness. The distribution regularity of muzzle shock-wave with different firing port widths is calculated by ANSYS/LSDYNA software. The overpressure distribution curves of muzzle shock-wave inside the structure can be obtained by comparing the test results with the numerical results. Then, the influence of open width and shallow covering thickness is proposed to give a reference to the protective design under the condition of the inside firing with the same cannon caliber.  相似文献   

给出了焊接钢筋网单向板裂缝间距和宽度的计算公式,并作了7块单向板的试验来验证,结果表明,这些板的开裂间距主要依赖于焊接横向钢筋间距,而裂缝宽度的计算是根据裂缝间距进行的。  相似文献   

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