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麦克尔·弗雷德·菲尔普斯1985年6月30日生于马里兰州的巴尔的摩,他很小的时候就在他的爸爸老弗雷德和两个姐姐西拉里和维特尼的调教下开始学习游泳。小麦克尔最开始学习的是仰泳,因为他很害怕把他的脸泡在水里。  相似文献   

你知道谁是夏季奥运会历史上获得金牌最多的运动员吗?对,你猜对了!他就是美国最伟大的游泳运动员、号称"飞鱼"的迈克尔·菲尔普斯. 到目前为止,菲尔普斯已经拥有14枚奥运会金牌,远远超过马克·施皮茨、拉里莎·拉特尼娜、帕沃·鲁米与卡尔·刘易斯所创造的奥运会9金纪录,成为夏季奥运会获得金牌总数最多的运动员.这将是后来者难以逾越的一座高峰. "山高人为峰",现在伦敦奥运会就要召开了,人们相信:风头正劲的菲尔普斯将创造新的传奇.  相似文献   

你知道谁是夏季奥运会历史上获得金牌最多的运动员吗?对,你猜对了!他就是美国最伟大的游泳运动员、号称"飞鱼"的迈克尔·菲尔普斯。到目前为止,菲尔普斯已经拥有14枚奥运会金牌,远远超过马克·施皮茨、拉里莎·拉特尼娜、帕沃·鲁米与卡尔·刘易斯所创造的奥运会9金纪录,成为夏季奥运会获得金牌总数最多的运动员。这将是后来者难以逾越的一座高峰。  相似文献   

北京2008奥运福娃——福娃是五个可 爱的亲密小伙伴,他们的造型融入了鱼、大 熊猫、藏羚羊、燕子以及奥林匹克圣火的形 象。各个娃娃都有一个琅琅上口的名字:“贝 贝”、“晶晶”、“欢欢”、“迎迎”和“妮妮”,五个 福娃的名字连在一起就是“北京欢迎您”。  相似文献   

英格:The Beijing Organizing Committee for the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG) this week announced an affordable ticketing program for the 2008 Games.Doyou know?  相似文献   

The Olympic flame for the BeijingOlympic Games was lit in Olympia, Greece on24 March, 2008. With the theme of "Journey ofHarmony(和谐)"and the slogan of "Light the  相似文献   

于欣  刘红涛 《下一代》2008,(9):28-29
从小学上到初二,她没上过英语补习班,家里人也没有要求孩子专门强化英语,她会的英语都是从课堂上学的。"巧遇"菲尔普斯之前,她也没有专门补习关于菲尔普斯的英文资料。  相似文献   

①第一次国家奥委会会议1894年6月在法国巴黎召开国际体育会议,宣布成立国际奥委会。当时有12个成员国的79名代表参加,选举希腊诗人维凯拉斯为第一任主席,顾拜旦为秘书长.同时还选举了14名委员。这就是国际奥委会历史  相似文献   

时间:2008年奥运会前夕。地点:北京。背景的画面,远处有隐约的高楼,漂亮的立交桥,还有丛丛绿树、鲜花。人物:张奥运,男,六年级小学生,奥运宣传员;燕子姐妹,饰有硬纸做的翅膀;福娃妮妮及其他四个福娃。  相似文献   

Dear Friends,If this planet is to survive, it is imperative(必需的,必要的) that we find pathsto peace. It seems obvious that among persons and nations of good will, peace wouldbe an easy destination to reach. Yet our world has had a history of war and violencefrom the beginning to the present. Why war and not peace? What are the impedi-ments(障碍) to peace? I hope that we can try to deal with some of these questions in futurecolumns. They are many and complex.  相似文献   

读者朋友对本文有什么意见,或者还想知道什么样的主题,请发E-mail到BobsColumn@aol.com。如果您不愿将您的来信发表,请在邮件中注明。来信请不要用附件。  相似文献   

Puerto Rico may be part of the USA but its music and dance is a mixture of both Spanish and African rhythms. The country, as a result, is a mixture of very new and very old. It exhibits the open American way of life yet retains the more formal Spanish influences. This is reflected in the architecture, not just the contrast between the colonial and the modem in urban areas but also in the countryside, where older  相似文献   

Dr.Robert S.Herman(美)Dear Friends:This column be-gins with abig question:Howwould you redesignThe Universe? We are constantly reminded that “life is what you makeit.”This may or may not be true.To a large extent onr livesare conditioned by the nature of the Universe we live in.Wemust adapt to its limitations.  相似文献   

Biography(生平简介) Mariah Carey is no stranger to winning musicality, Raised in New York by her mother, a former opera singer and vocal (声乐) coach, Mar ah started singing at age four, and writing songs by junior high. Not long after she graduated from high school, Mariah's singing back up for Brenda K. Starr ultimately led to her signing with Columbia Records. As millions listened and watched, she christened(命名为) her recording career with 1990's self-titled Mariah Carey CD, which ultimately produced four Number One singles("Vision Of Love," "Love Takes Time," "Someday" and "I Don't Wanna Cry"), eventually selling more than 12 million LP's(密纹唱片的) worldwide. By the  相似文献   

Dear Friends, Today, let' s considerproverbs. Proverbs are concentrated bits of wisdom. They combinethe wit, experience, outlook, advice, and the sanity or many cultures. They teach us about human feelings and failings, and provide guides for future behavior and better relationships. They tend to be terse, sage and sometimes witty in trying to convey subtle truths and rules of conduct. Proverbial philosophy is found in every part of the  相似文献   


Name a recent Best Actress Oscar winner who grew up milking cows.Stumped?What if we tell you she's blond and beautiful,except when she's playing a female serial killer,in which case she's shockingly scary? It's Charlize Theron.Growing up on a farm in South Africa,she picked corn,rode motorcycles and.yes.milked cows.In a country divided by apartheid,she was taught to speak her mind during highly charged political discussions.  相似文献   

Full Name:Raul GonzalezBlancoDate of Birth:27 June1977Birthplace:Madrid,SpainHeight:180 cmWeight:68 kgClubs:Real Madrid CFPosition:StrikerAmbitions: Become thebest player Star sign:Cancer(巨蟹)  相似文献   

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