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老子的思想中蕴涵较丰富的自然观,并被其后学光大发扬。老子的思想中含有天道自然、人与自然和谐、宇宙创生于无、预见未来生态环境恶化等自然观。  相似文献   

老子对自然的认识,以"天地"这对自然中最为显要的对象为主。"天地"在《老子》中多处出现,并与道、人或圣人相联系。从道物关系角度看,天地为物,与道有明显区别;从形而上学语境和政治语境的关系看,天地却处于两者转化的枢纽地位,并与圣人相对应。之所以要认识到"天地"在老子思想中的地位,是因为对"天地"的探讨集中体现了老子的自然观,即不以价值判断、自身利益去戕害剥夺其他生命生存的权利,是老子自然观的重要内容。天地万物可有其特点,也都有生存的权利,在天地的这种包容之下,人与万物、人与自然都能够各安其性,和谐相处。在人与自然、人与他物矛盾日益激烈的今天,像离"道"最近的"天地"那样,让万物根据自己的特点自由生长,不以人类狭隘的利益危害到其他生命的安全,是老子以"天地"概念为核心的自然观给予我们的重要启示。  相似文献   

道家思想博大精深,包罗万象。它蕴含着丰富的自然观、和谐论、养生学思想,特别是先秦时期《老子》、《庄子》对心理和谐思想都有许多深入独到的见解。论文以道家思想中人与自然的和谐、人与社会的和谐、人自我内心的和谐三方面为中心展开,试图探讨其心理保健功能。  相似文献   

老子的治世哲学及启示李怀《老子》作为我国古代的经典著作,系统地阐述了道家的自然观、社会伦理观等学说,其中包含着深刻的辩证法和人生哲学思想,特别是其治世哲学,兴许对今天仍有重要借鉴意义。1.心灵净化论.老子极力反对功利主义,认为法家以功利主义和法治理天...  相似文献   

在中国传统哲学思维中,以老子、庄子为代表的“道”论自然观颇具特色,对后世的影响也很大。老子把“道”作为宇宙的根本,世界的本原。庄子进一步丰富了“道”的内涵,提出以无为本的宇宙本体论思想。近代科学技术的高速发展,环境污染和生态破坏成为人类生存与发展所面临的严重问题,使人们认识到人与大自然和谐关系的重要性。这就是老庄思想给我们最大的启示。  相似文献   

《老子》中的自然观、道论、以水为象征的上德理论、圣人理论以及辩证、对反和循环往复的方法论与儒家的伦理思想互补形成了中国文化的基本格局,千百年来深刻影响着世世代代中国人的思想言行.思想政治教育要落地生根必须回到中国优秀传统文化中来,开发《老子》的思想政治教育价值,是我国思想政治教育回归优秀传统文化、提高实效性的必然要求.《老子》的思想政治教育价值主要体现在:明确思想政治教育的目标,提供了一种民族文化遵道尚德而任自然的视角;丰富思想政治教育的内容,创造了一种具有阴柔美的“水德”和“圣人”标准;提升思想政治教育方法,构建了一个以“道”为核心的认知、思考和修身的方法论体系.  相似文献   

中国古代自然观与西方自然观不同:即发轫于气论思想的“关系自然观”和肇始于原子论思想的“实体自然观”。这种哲学自然观的差异,对中西方社会发展构成了重大影响,表现出中国古代重生存、西方重占有的两种不同社会发展走向。但无论中国古代抑或西方的自然观都有其精髓所在,要建造现代意义的自然观,就必须对中西方两种自然观进行有效的整合,使其既源于中西自然观,又高于中西自然观。  相似文献   

熵哲学与周易哲学的联系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
熵哲学与中国周易哲学有着不可分割的联系,主要体现在三个方面.1.自然观.熵哲学与周易哲学有着类似的自然观或本体论,它们都要以混沌概念作为理论基础.耗散结构理论的创立者普利高津所谓的“混沌”,是指无序状态或熵值最大的“吸引中心”,其中隐含着天体和人体系统的某种“随机行为”,同中国的“天人合一”思想有着不解之缘和相互联系的自然观.老子在《道德经》一书中宣称:“人法地、地法天、天法道、道法自然.”他把“道”看成是宇宙的最高存在,介于“混沌”与“太极”之间,由“道”演变为  相似文献   

自《老子》一书问世至今,对《老子》的校注、译注、以及论述老子的专著、论文等的数目,数不胜数,这同《老子》书中反映出来的丰富哲学思想无不相关。在老子丰富的哲学思想中,其辩证法思想是他整个哲学思想的精华。它完全可以和古希腊哲学家赫拉克利特的辩证法思想媲美。老子的辩证法思想,大致可以分为两个方面的内容:一是关于对立统一的思想;一是关于量的变化引起质的变化的思想。  相似文献   

道家的创始人老子是我国古代著名思想家,其思想主要见之于《老子》一书。老子思想中蕴含的哲理、价值和智慧,营养过诸子百家,启迪过历代哲人的智慧。永贞革新失败后,被贬永州、身陷逆境的柳宗元以严谨的学术态度,对《老子》作了较高的评价,从中挖掘出其积极"佐世"的思想。通过学习和研究,我们能看出柳宗元的思想和文学中对老子思想的传承和发挥的清晰痕迹。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to gain insight into undergraduate students’ environmental worldviews by exploring their ideas about nature and human–nature relationships. Participants were 29 students from a university in Taiwan. Interviews were employed as the dominant method, while a questionnaire survey was also used to support the sample selection and enhance the understanding of the interview data. Interview responses were analyzed using a phenomenographic approach and revealed a variation of students’ ideas. One key finding was that although the students were generally pro-ecological, their ideas about nature and human–nature relationships seemed to be often a mixture of worldview tendencies typically as follows: (1) humankind is part of nature and subject to natural laws, and thus cannot possibly destroy nature; (2) humankind plays a dominator role in nature, but can be ‘replaced’ by other species; and (3) humankind should take responsibility for nature in order to secure sufficient natural resources and a livable environment for all species, especially humans. Moreover, the students described and explained nature predominantly from a scientific perspective. The educational implications of the findings and limitations of the study are also discussed.  相似文献   

台湾自然书写重视对环境现状的正视、对人与自然关系的思考,它对人与自然的和谐的追求与传统宗教文化思想是一脉相承的.从佛教生态理念来审视当代台湾自然书写的审美取向,可以更进一步挖掘其蕴涵的思想内涵.佛教倡导人与自然和谐统一、亲近自然、善待生命、少欲知足等思想,在当代台湾自然书写中得到充分展示.台湾自然书写以此探寻和追求人与自然和谐共处、自然生态与精神生态良性互动的美好状态.  相似文献   

This study provides basic information about how Norwegian nature preschools differ from other Norwegian preschools and how they organize their daily activities. Fifty-six nature preschools and 52 other preschools were included in the study. A total of 106 headmasters and 98 pedagogical leaders filled out questionnaires about the characteristics of their preschool and the characteristics of their preschool’s outdoor activities. Two women and four men from nature preschools were interviewed about organizing a nature preschool. Most nature preschools are private and have less children and staff than other preschools. Nature preschools have more reference areas in nature and visit these areas more frequently than other preschools. Nature preschools spend a large amount of time in nature and have routines and rules that allow the children a significant amount of trust.  相似文献   

原始社会时期宗教天人观的萌芽,其主要表现为一种敬畏意识;夏商时期的宗教天人观延续了原始社会形成的敬畏意识,但一个更重要的变化则是以天命观为核心的天人之间“授”、“受”关系的产生,这一宗教天人观确立或规定了中国宗教天人观的基本方向:西周时期的宗教天人观除保持“敬”、“受”观念外,又在夏商二代的基础上提供了遵天命、顺天命、知天命等新的观念。中国古代的宗教天人观念或天人关系的格局在西周时期基本确立:春秋时期的宗教天人观则在顺天、知天、安天以及疑天等观念方面有新的延伸和发展.影响了后世宗教天人理论的若干重要思想的形成,其中包括天人相应、天人感应以及警告、征象、灾异等种种思想的萌芽。中国古代的宗教天人观念已经在春秋末年以前具备了基本的形态。  相似文献   

刘敞和王安石都很重视人性论,都辩证地看待性与情的关系,前者认为仁义即性、礼乐即情,性与情的关系就好比是神与形的关系,而后者认为"性情一也,性本情用"。从性情论的比较中可以看出,二者都是具有创新精神而又好发议论的学者,只不过二者之间正常的学术探讨被后来一些人所政治化。  相似文献   

This article describes an interview study on Finnish upper secondary school students' values of nature. Even if the Finnish adolescents' interest in nature has decreased, most of the interviewees in this study regarded nature as worthy of maintenance. They valued nature for its material, aesthetic, and recreational values, as well as its diversity and future value, and because of their holistic view of nature. The nature values of the students were complex. Therefore, we suggest education that supports their value development through deliberation, authentic involvement, and outdoor activities.  相似文献   

中国山水诗的发展至唐代可谓已臻登峰造极之胜境。由于唐代诗人对山水自然美的价值所特有的深刻认识与深切体验。故而使得唐代山水诗别具“畅神之山水”“感怀之山水”“人化之山水”三种自然生态的审美价值。诗人们凭借山水,或体现个性,或感怀身世,或畅神适性,或抨击黑暗,或避世隐居,或陶冶情操;它们既是诗人创作“取之不尽,用之不竭”的素材,又是诗人自由往来的精神家园。唐诗离不开山水,山水孕育了唐诗;山水由唐诗而妩媚,唐诗因山水而生辉。唐诗自然山水的丰富内涵,实即“天人合一”思想在唐代得到最为突出的体现,这对于增进当今人们的环保意识,调节人与自然的和谐关系,皆不无启迪与教育意义。  相似文献   

This paper explores how students invoked different conceptions of ‘nature’ in eight socio-scientific group discussions about human gene therapy. The paper illustrates and discusses how the students articulated nature and to what extent they elicited science factual content in the process. While the students in this study invoked nature at key places in a variety of dialectical contexts in the discussions, these invocations were often uncritical appeals and rarely involved science factual content. Even when an argument from nature was challenged, the author of that argument would often shift the sense of nature rather than elaborate upon the argumentation. It is argued that if students were properly introduced to the evaluative character of the term ‘nature’ it would not just be conducive to the quality of their argumentation, but also invite them to foreground science factual content at key places in their discussion.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to examine pre-college students' understandings of the nature of science and track those beliefs over the course of an academic year. Students' conceptions of the nature of science were examined using a model of the nature of science developed for use in this study. The model has eight tenets which address both the nature of the scientific enterprise and the nature of scientific knowledge. Findings indicate participants held fully formed conceptions of the nature of science consistent with approximately one-half of the premises set out in the model. Students held more complete understandings of the nature of scientific knowledge than the nature of the scientific enterprise. Their conceptions remained mostly unchanged over the year despite their participation in the project-based, hands-on science course. Implications for teaching the nature of science are discussed.  相似文献   

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