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为考察高水平篮球运动员应对自我效能对其赛前焦虑和心理疲劳的影响,采用应对自我效能问卷、赛前焦虑问卷和心理疲劳问卷对243名普通高校高水平篮球运动员进行调查。结果发现:(1)高水平篮球运动员应对自我效能对其赛前焦虑具有显著的负向预测效果;(2)高水平篮球运动员应对自我效能对其心理疲劳具有显著的负向预测效果。因此,高水平篮球运动员应掌握一些有效的应对策略以提高其应对自我效能,进而降低其焦虑程度和心理疲劳水平。  相似文献   

如今在运动心理学专研和探究中,在中国对自我效能的研究不完全彻底,也不够体系,最为重要的是缺少对详细的体育项目的研究,而对运动员的自我效能感研究更是少之又少。通过对惠安县田径教练和运动员问卷调查,进行数据统计,并参考大量这方面的相关文献,对田径运动员进行了自我效能感功能分析,其实践的主要意义在于,对于教练培训运动员自我效能感有一定的作用跟影响,为了更加深刻地了解运动员在竞赛和平时训练中自我效能的结构特点和认知水平,有效的帮助运动员竞技水平和训练水平的提高,并且为其提供了科学训练理论参考。  相似文献   

旨在探讨我国女篮运动员人格特质,自我效能感和应激应对方式之间的关系.采用问卷调查的方法,被试来自参加2007年WCBA联赛的10支队伍,共120名.区段回归分析结果表明:1)女篮运动员集中处理问题应对和回避应对方式主要受到人格特质的影响;2)一般自我效能感对运动员直接应激应对方式的采用具有一定的直接预测作用;3)一般自我效能感对人格特质和直接应激应对方式具有中介作用;4)所在球队上赛季名次对运动员采用集中处理情绪应对和回避应对有一定的预测作用.  相似文献   

运动员应对效能量表的研制及应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过访谈和文献调查编制《动员应对效能量表》原始量表,包括3 个维度:手段—目的信念、控制信念和动因信念,共48 个条目。通过对总 计623 名(男性412 人,女性211 人)体育学校大学生运动员施测,经两轮修订后仍保留此3 个维度,剩余16 个条目。心理测量学的分析表明,本 研究所编制的量表具有较好的内部一致性、内容效度、重测效度、结构效度和同时效度。采用多因素多元方差分析、相关分析对修订后的量表进 行应用研究,结果表明该量表可作为将来该领域有效的测量工具。  相似文献   

心理控制源与不同任务难度对篮球运动员操作技能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
依据心理控制源理论,并结合篮球运动的特点,运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、教练员评定法、心理学方法及数理统计法等,对87名优秀青年篮球运动员在任务难度变化时操作技能成绩受到的影响进行研究,为教练员在比赛中的临场换人提供理论依据,并试图为教练员在比赛中如何使用队员、保持主力队员和核心队员的竞技状态问题提供一些参考。  相似文献   

少年运动员心理控制源的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
心理控制源是指人们对行为或事件结局的一般性看法。倾向于内部控制点的人,把行为结果归因于自己的内部因素,如能力、努力等;倾向于外部控制点的人,则会把行为结果归因于外部压力,如命运、机遇和他人。本文通过研究得出,不同的心理控制源会对运动成绩产生不同的影响;体育运动有助于把控制点由外部转向内部。本文对运动员心理控制源进行的研究,对体育运动实践有重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

体校运动员心理控制源的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理控制源是指人们对行为或事件结局的一般性看法。倾向于内部控制点的人,把行为结果归因于自己的内部因素,如能力、努力等;倾向于外部控制点的人,则会把行为结果归因于外部压力,如命运、机遇和他人。本文通过研究得出,不同的心理控制源会对运动成绩产生不同的影响;体育运动有助于把控制点由外部转向内部。  相似文献   

依据心理控制源理论,运用心理测量及数理统计法,对87名优秀青年篮球运动员在任务结果变化时操作技能成绩受到的影响进行研究,为教练员解决在比赛中如何使用队员的问题提供一些参考。结果表明,外控型运动员易受任务结果的影响,而内控型运动员受任务结果的影响不大。  相似文献   

优秀运动员应激源与运动心理疲劳关系研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
依据Smith认知-情感理论模型及Silva消极训练应激反应模型,采用<运动员应激量表>、<运动员心理疲劳问卷>对132名一级以上11个项目的在训运动员进行调查,结果发现:优秀运动员应激水平属于中等偏低,"运动受伤"和"环境肉素"得分较高;不同训练年限、经济条件的优秀运动员应激水平存在显著性差异,在人际关系因子方面呈现出随入队年限递增而分值递减的趋势,在日常生活遭受方面经济条件差的得分最高;应激各因子与运动心理疲劳总分均存在显著性正相关,高应激组与低应激组的运动心理疲劳存在显著性差异;比赛失利因子进入对运动心理疲劳总分的回归方程.  相似文献   

运动员自我参赛角色定位:全新挑战,冲击到底运动员对重大比赛的感觉需求程度:渴望趋近,主动投入运动员对重大比赛的自我效能感:特色自信,从容应对运动员临场应变的意识储备:快速适应,把握节奏  相似文献   

本研究旨在考察运动员在比赛中如何综合使用各种应对策略,检验在不同的应对策略层面上,运动员对实现目标的感知、情绪状态以及体验到的控制是否存在差异.从200名运动员中随机选取151人,完成一系列相关测试,对所得数据进行聚类分析.结果表明,运动员在比赛中所使用的应对策略可以分为四类.在对运动员自我设定的目标加以限定后,他们的控制体验、积极的情绪状态以及愤怒与沮丧的状态在四个应对策略层面上存在显著性差异(P<0.008).综合运用高水平任务型应对策略和低水平放弃型应对策略的运动员,要比综合运用高水平放弃型应对策略和低水平任务型应对策略的运动员能够取得更好的成绩,具备更好的心理调节能力.  相似文献   


Endurance athletes who realise that they are falling short of important personal goals during competition are expected to experience competitive suffering. As a negative affective state with implications for performance and personal experiences, it is important to understand how endurance athletes cope with competitive suffering. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate differences in athletes' momentary coping function use over time during a competitive suffering episode. Twenty-six runners (mean age: 35.8 years) completed a 5-km running time trial that evoked an experience of competitive suffering using false failure-oriented feedback. Momentary assessments of goal attainment feelings and coping function use were completed immediately following the running time trial using video-mediated recall. Pooled time series analysis was used to predict coping function use across several points in time (i.e. earlier and later stages of a competitive suffering episode) and at different ratings of goal attainment feelings. Analyses revealed that negative feelings about goal attainment moderately predicted problem-focused coping use, and strongly predicted emotion-focused coping use. Although it was not predicted by goal attainment feelings, avoidance coping use was decreased over time throughout suffering episodes. Overall, this study supports propositions that the coping process is continually adapted to competitive demands and identifies the roles of distinct coping functions within the total coping effort.  相似文献   

大超联赛运动员感觉寻求特质与焦虑关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对大超联赛参赛运动员的实地调查和测量,指出我国高校男篮运动员的感觉寻求特质方面的特征以及与赛前焦虑的关系,进而分析了大学生男篮运动员的感觉寻求特质与赛前焦虑的心理状态之间实际对应关系的机制,并提出了合理化建议.  相似文献   

在第29届北京奥运会上,中国队以金牌总数第一的骄人战绩获得历史性突破。国人在享受欢乐、光荣与梦想的同时,也体验着竞技体育的不可预测性所带来的意外和惊喜。而对于运动员(尤其是我国运动员)来说,要面对各种挑战,其中一个重要的方面就是面临巨大的心理压力。  相似文献   

通过调查等方法对体育专业大学生的应对方式进行研究,旨在了解体育专业大学生应对方式的特点,为有关教师向大学生提供针对性的帮助提供依据。结果显示:体育专业大学生普遍采用退避的方式来处理应激事件。对体育专业大学生应对方式与社会支持、内外控等因素的相关关系研究表明:体育专业的大学生具有广泛的社会支持与较强的内控能力。同时,被判定为外控性或者有势力的他人左右的应激事件时,他们通常会寄希望于机遇,采用退避的方式来缓解应激强度。  相似文献   

The aim of the present research was to investigate the relationship between coaching behavior and athletes' inherent self-talk (ST). Three studies were conducted. The first study tested the construct validity of the Coaching Behavior Questionnaire (CBQ) in the Greek language, and provided support for its original factor structure. The second study examined the relationships between coaching behavior and athletes' ST in field, with two different samples. The results showed that supportive coaching behavior was positively related to positive ST (in one sample) and negatively related to negative ST (in both samples), whereas negative coaching behavior was negatively related to positive ST (in one sample) and positively related to negative ST (in both samples). Finally, the third study examined the relationships experimentally, to produce evidence regarding the direction of causality. The results showed that variations in coaching behavior affected participants' ST. Overall, the results of the present investigation provided considerable evidence regarding the links between coaching behavior and athletes' ST and suggested that coaches may have an impact on athletes' thoughts.  相似文献   

Recent studies of coach-athlete interaction have explored the bivariate relationships between each of the tripartite efficacy constructs (self-efficacy; other-efficacy; relation-inferred self-efficacy, or RISE) and various indicators of relationship quality. This investigation adopted an alternative approach by using cluster analyses to identify tripartite efficacy profiles within a sample of 377 individual sport athletes (Mage = 20.25, SD = 2.12), and examined how individuals in each cluster group differed in their perceptions about their relationship with their coach (i.e., commitment, satisfaction, conflict). Four clusters emerged: High (n = 128), Moderate (n = 95), and Low (n = 78) profiles, in which athletes reported relatively high, moderate, or low scores across all tripartite perceptions, respectively, as well as an Unfulfilled profile (n = 76) in which athletes held relatively high self-efficacy, but perceived lower levels of other-efficacy and RISE. Multivariate analyses revealed differences between the clusters on all relationship variables that were in line with theory. These results underscore the utility of considering synergistic issues in the examination of the tripartite efficacy framework.  相似文献   

构建运动员群体健康管理体系,可以提高运动员群体的竞技水平,降低伤病,延长职业生涯。运动员健康管理内容包括:建立运动员电子健康档案,运动员健康检查,健康危险因素评估,保健干预管理。运动员群体实施健康管理需要完善如下策略:提升对健康管理重要性的认识;构建基于现代信息技术的运动员健康管理信息平台;实施动态健康的管理模式;构建"病因治疗"和"症状诊疗"双向互动模式。  相似文献   

To investigate whether coaches encourage their athletes to use imagery, two studies were undertaken. In the first, 317 athletes completed the Coaches' Encouragement of Athletes' Imagery Use Questionnaire. In the second, 215 coaches completed a slightly modified version of this questionnaire. It was found that coaches and athletes generally agreed on the relative frequency with which coaches encourage athletes to use imagery across the 4 Ws (i.e., where, when, why, and what). Coaches promoted imagery use more in conjunction with competition than training and injury rehabilitation, and higher-level coaches encouraged imagery use far more than their recreational counterparts. In addition, the level of athlete being coached had a major impact on how much or little coaches encouraged their athletes to use imagery. Coaches encouraged higher level athletes (i.e., international, national, varsity) to use imagery more than club and recreational athletes.  相似文献   

形象权是传统人格权的发展,但不能完全取代人格权。形象权用来保护知名运动员,且仅保护形象特征的商品化使用,否则应纳入人格权的保护范围,形象权的限制要小于人格权的限制。  相似文献   

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