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This article focuses on the wide variety of channels through which the process of knowledge transfer occurs. The overall objective is to show the complexity of relationships between researchers and firms in a university system, and to identify some specific factors that influence such interactions. Our case study involves a face-to-face survey of 765 heads of research teams in a regional system to contrast the multiple forms of university?Cindustry collaborative linkages. Drawing on the exploitation of a data set developed for the purpose, we show that for a majority of universities the thrust of their collaborative experiences is devoted to tacit knowledge rather than to intellectual property rights. Researchers actively engage in the provision of different services to firms such as consulting work, commissioned or joint research projects, and human resources training. Research teams also participate in non-academic knowledge dissemination and informal networking. The results of our study enable us to draw some policy implications for university administrators and policymakers. A focus on patents and spin-offs as indicators of collaborative research ignores the limits of many of the economic and productive contexts in which universities are embedded. It may also be detrimental to the strengthening of emerging trends that are oriented towards softer collaborative experiences and other forms of knowledge transfer.  相似文献   

European Journal of Psychology of Education - Since 2004, many researchers have considered that grade skipping has a positive impact on academic achievement and is not detrimental to psychosocial...  相似文献   

Writing occupies a key role in doctoral research, because it is the principal channel students use to communicate their ideas, and the basis on which their degree is awarded. Doctoral writing can, therefore, be a source of considerable anxiety. Most doctoral candidates require support and encouragement if they are to develop confidence as writers. Drawing on interviews with two international doctoral students at an Australian university, this paper examines the writing practices the students have encountered and discusses them in the light of recent research on doctoral writing pedagogy. Analysis of the students' experiences in terms of Wenger's ‘communities of practice’ framework suggests that this perspective fails to account adequately for the power relations that impact on the students' learning opportunities. Examining the students' experiences also highlights the importance of good pedagogy in supporting the development of scholarly writing in the doctorate.  相似文献   


Partnership innovations between teacher educators on school and university sites have become ubiquitous. Calls for bridging the theory/practice gap have been answered with reappraisal and restructuring of programs. The literature on the rationale and implementation of a partnership approach has grown steadily since the early 1980s. Praise for measures that promote increased and meaningful interaction between the key players is now almost universal. Ironically, simultaneously, this documentation reveals the challenges as well as the promises of partnership. Clear impediments to the creation and nurturing of partnership have emerged. This paper takes as its principal focus an exploration of the literature that examines the range of barriers encountered by teachers of future teachers.  相似文献   

In the past two decades, as new capabilities for video communication have emerged, their use in educational contexts has steadily increased. Initially located in higher education, the use of videoconferencing for a broad range of learning purposes is now established in many schools. Although a considerable body of literature exists that describes the experience of videoconferencing using traditional pedagogies, much less has been published on the contextual factors that lead to effective learning outcomes and innovative uses of videoconferencing. The purpose of this review is to establish a baseline for researchers interested in the area. In focusing on educational uses in both higher education and mainstream schooling, the review examines the affordances and barriers to effective teaching and learning, with what are increasingly robust and easy‐to‐use technologies. The paper concludes with a call for further research into the more innovative possibilities of videoconferencing.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the intensification of university–industry relationships and its impact on university research. The paper consists of recent follow-up research to an international comparative research project conducted in the 1990s. It deals specifically with the Québec (Canada) situation. Twenty-eight in-depth interviews were conducted in the winter of 2003 with university researchers and an additional five interviews with technology transfer officers. The interviews were conducted in six francophone higher education institutions in Québec. With regard to university–industry relationships, the interviews revealed that university researchers in scientific and technological fields conducted innovation-oriented research, which benefits their graduate students and the institution itself. Freedom of publication is somewhat conditioned by intellectual property constraints. Thus, a majority of university researchers adopt an “entrepreneurial ethos” which they find compatible with their academic values. The intensification of university–industry relationships may also have latent dysfunctional effects with regard to conflicts of interest, as some university researchers have created start-up companies which act both as research funding sources and as beneficiaries of research results. Thus, intellectual property and conflict of interest issues evolve in a grey zone and are often sources of stress and tension for researchers. However harsh some disputes may become over these issues, they are resolved, at least in the context analysed in this research, in ways that satisfy both the researcher and the institutions.
Manuel CrespoEmail:

This systematic review integrates the existing literature regarding relationships that students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have with their teachers, in mainstream inclusive primary, secondary and high school settings. Theoretical approaches and methodical choices were considered in understanding the literature and considering possible research areas. The methods used in the reviewed literature show that investigations in this research field have predominantly used quantitative surveys. Several theoretical approaches have been used, with attachment theory the most-prominent. The findings indicate students with ADHD generally feel less close to their teacher than do their non-ADHD peers, which agrees with the teachers’ perceptions. Thus, teachers experience less emotional closeness, less co-operation and more conflicts in their relations with their students with ADHD than with other students. Teachers’ rejection of ADHD students poses a risk factor for not only school failure, but also peer exclusion and rejection, leading to low self-esteem and loneliness.  相似文献   

Research suggests that the development of a teacher educator identity is a central process in becoming a teacher educator. Recently, there has been an increasing interest in the concept of teacher identity. However, teacher educator identity seems to be still under-researched. In this article, a review of literature on teacher educator identity is provided. Fifty-two research papers were analysed to identify challenges and tensions teacher educators experience during their induction, factors which influence the development of their professional identity, and the features that induction programmes should have. The findings suggested that new teacher educators generally develop negative self-views about their abilities and professional identities. Self-support and community support activities were found to facilitate teacher educators’ transition and enhance their identity development. Key features of academic induction were identified as acting as a learning community, cultivating supportive and professional relationships, encouraging self-enquiry and research and involving teacher educators in reflective activities.  相似文献   


Although generic skills have received widespread attention from both policymakers and educationalists, little is known regarding how students acquire these skills, or how they should best be taught. Hence, the aim of this study was to identify what kinds of pedagogical practices are behind the learning of eight particular generic skills. The data were collected from university students (N =?163, n?=?123) via Internet questionnaires. The findings from regression analyses showed that teaching practices involving collaboration and interaction as well as features of a constructivist learning environment and integrative pedagogy predicted the learning of generic skills – such as decision-making skills, different forms of creativity, and problem-solving skills. In contrast, the traditional forms of university teaching – such as reading, lecturing, and working alone – were negatively associated to learning generic skills. Overall, this study offers detailed information about the pedagogical practices that nurture learning generic skills in university contexts.  相似文献   

In this study, we assumed that organizational heterogeneity is a key factor influencing the effects of university–industry cooperation policy in higher education institutes. Gender difference, faculty position, faculty member nationality, and diversity in academic expertise were considered as the indicators of heterogeneity. One-hundred graduate institutes with doctoral programs were selected from 881 departments offering doctoral programs in Taiwan as our target group. Correlation analysis, regression analysis, and curve estimation according to the concept of Blau’s index were conducted to determine the effects of graduate institute heterogeneity. Gender difference in graduate institutes played a crucial role on the effect of university–industry collaboration. The results reveal that excessive or insufficient differentiation among faculty positions has an adverse effect on university–industry collaboration, presenting both advantages and disadvantages in this case. A Blau’s index value of 0.56 for faculty position differentiation indicated optimal performance in university–industry collaboration. To enhance university–industry collaboration, this study suggests that the optimal fit proportion of faculty numbers in graduate institutes is seven professors to two associate professors to one assistant professor. Diversity in expertise in graduate institutes also indicated improved performance in university–industry collaboration. Determining how to diversify the expertise in graduate institutes is critical for improving performance and must be considered at specific institute level. The findings provide specific strategies for graduate institutes to reallocate their human resources to optimize their performance in this field.  相似文献   

Learning-oriented assessment (LOA), a concept coined by Carless, has emerged in Europe, Canada, the USA, and the Asia-Pacific Region as an alternative assessment methodology. LOA evolved from both summative assessment and formative assessment, and its framework comprises three integrated components, assessment for learning, assessment as learning, and assessment of learning. While a few studies have provided information about the connections among assessment for, of, and as learning, the purpose of this review is to summarize what is state of the art of LOA, and we aim to examine the history and the nature as well as the strategy of developing LOA. We conducted a transformed critical review of LOA to address these questions. To be specific, the related studies were searched between January 1971 and December 2016, using specific inclusion criteria to remove irrelevant documents. Results provide the publication types of the selected studies and the reported approaches to LOA, trace the evolution of classroom assessment from summative and formative assessment to LOA in order to clarify the historical foundations of LOA, and indicate its nature from the dimensions of components, functions, conceptual frameworks, and principles, as well as to illustrate strategies for using it in the classroom. The findings of a deep analysis of 48 publications were then used to define a holistic framework for LOA and a dynamic framework for its development and also yield important recommendations for practice and future research. Finally, we propose the conclusion.  相似文献   

The emerging field of nanotechnology has created a new frontier for the convergence of university and industrial research. In the United States, major federal investments provided a massive boom for this field over the decade. This paper reports on a case study of how the University at Albany came to establish the first college of nanotechnology in the US, as part of a larger R&D complex oriented towards building a regional nanoelectronics cluster. The case points to the role of entrepreneurs in mobilizing ideas and resources to advance novel organizational forms. This study demonstrates how a mode of technology transfer based on research facilities was deliberately used to build a nanotechnology complex at Albany, highlighting the enabling role of state S&T policies in supporting university engagements in regional economic development.  相似文献   

This paper examines university–industry partnerships (UIPs) in Kazakhstan. The study described here explored the kinds of collaborations with industry that universities have undertaken, their purposes and benefits, and the contextual barriers to such partnerships. Our findings suggest that UIPs in Kazakhstan remain weak and are largely limited to employers’ involvement in teaching, the provision of internships for students, and technical consultancies. We argue that the goal of policy makers to develop robust research partnerships that contribute to innovation and economic growth is constrained by heavy faculty teaching loads, poor institutional support for research, constant reforms in the higher education system, and little consistency in the priorities of the fast-changing Ministers of Education.  相似文献   

Shadow education, also widely known as private tutoring or supplementary education, has attracted increasing research attention in the past two decades. The global expansion of shadow education, as well as its penetration to different educational stages and social classes, are believed to have far-reaching implications for the overall educational landscape. However, despite a steadily growing body of literature, no study to date has systematically reviewed the influences of shadow education from an ecological perspective. Therefore, borrowing Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory, this paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of how shadow education influences different levels of educational ecosystems (i.e. individuals, micro-, meso-, exo-, and macro-system). Based on 74 empirical studies published between 2000 and 2020, the review reveals complex influences exerted by shadow education on multiple systems (e.g., students, mainstream schooling, families, and larger socioeconomic structures), contributing to a more sophisticated understanding of this phenomenon. The paper then discusses how the rise of shadow education creates significant changes to the ecology of education in which it operates, and concludes with implications for future practice and research.  相似文献   

Twenty-four university students with disabilities were interviewed about their experiences studying at Czech universities. The interviews were analysed using the grounded theory approach. The most commonly experienced barriers faced by these students were institutional barriers, attitudinal barriers, and disability-specific barriers. The types of support mentioned by the students included family support, peer support, and support provided by assistants. The participants also shared strategies they used to deal with the barriers they faced. These were assertiveness, self-determination, metacognition, efforts to ‘fit in’, optimism, and career planning. The implications for policy and universities are discussed.  相似文献   

In 2006, the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia, recommended that all public institutions of higher learning in the country incorporate soft skills formation into their curricula. This qualitative study aimed to explore Malaysian students?? expectations of university education with a special focus on the acquisition of soft skills and to examine the students?? perceptions of the instructors?? and the courses?? effectiveness in fulfilling their educational agendas. Ninety-six students at Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) participated in this study. The findings revealed that their educational expectations were varied and diverse and could be separated into three categories, such as ??Life Skills??, ??Subject Matter (Hard Skills)??, and ??Soft Skills??. The students considered soft skills formation as an important part of university education. However, not all of the soft skills identified by the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia, were mentioned by the respondents. The article discusses the implications of the study??s findings for Malaysia??s higher education policy.  相似文献   

Focusing on academic institutions in higher education as the research context, this study examined the relations of key factors affecting students’ supportive behavioral intentions toward the university (e.g., giving gifts as alumni, continuing education, and giving referrals regarding the university). Based on the literature from various disciplines, this study proposed four factors are critical influencing such intentions: (1) students’ communication behavior with the university, (2) perceived quality of educational experience, (3) evaluations of the relationship with the university, and (4) university reputation. The data in this study were collected using a survey of current undergraduate students (N = 336) who were attending a private university in Seoul during Fall 2005. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to analyze the proposed model. Regarding overall results, the proposed model can be retained as a valid model based on data-model fits: Eight hypotheses were supported in this study, but not the effect of students’ educational experience on university reputation. The findings suggest that to foster students’ supportive behavior, universities need to cultivate a good relationship with their students and to obtain favorable reputation held by students, while ensuring active communication behavior of students and the quality of students’ educational experience.
Minjung SungEmail:

Teachers are seen as key persons to implement inclusive education. Positive attitudes are therefore argued as playing a considerable role in implementing this educational change successfully. The aim of this study is to examine what attitudes teachers hold towards inclusive education, which variables are related to their attitudes and if these affect the social participation of pupils with special needs in regular schools. A review of 26 studies revealed that the majority of teachers hold neutral or negative attitudes towards the inclusion of pupils with special needs in regular primary education. No studies reported clear positive results. Several variables are found which relate to teachers’ attitudes, such as training, experience with inclusive education and pupils’ type of disability. No conclusion could be drawn regarding the effects of teachers’ attitudes on the social participation of pupils with special needs.  相似文献   

University–industry (U–I) linkage is not a new concept. Although there are models for such linkage that have been tested or used, they may remain unsuitable in certain countries and communities. With the unique situation of the Palestinians, the existing models may fall short of meeting the specific needs and targets of establishing such a relationship. This paper aims at building a framework for stronger relationships between Palestinian universities and industries and entrepreneurial network of the Palestinian Diaspora based on a strong supporting platform of Science, Engineering, Technology & Innovation (SET&I). This would in turn strengthen the SET&I platform rendering it an enabled and enabling platform. Several interviews were conducted with people seen as experts and/or representatives in this field. University–industry collaboration, knowledge networks, Diaspora, researchers, investment, spin off, spill over, brain drain, Palestinian skilled immigrants and others are pieces of a puzzle. This puzzle can be put together in many ways. Looking through the eyes of Palestinian Diaspora entrepreneurs, U–I collaborations are a ready platform that could support their mobilization and movement towards challenge and socio-economic satisfaction in Palestine.  相似文献   

In recent years, teacher well-being has received increasing attention that has led to a plethora of empirical studies from various disciplines. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the clarification of the construct teacher well-being, add knowledge about the prevalence of teacher well-being and systematize predictors and outcomes of teacher well-being. A systematic review following the PRISMA-statement was applied to peer-reviewed papers published between the years 2000-2019 and a total of 98 studies were included in the final analysis. Heterogeneous approaches could be categorized into five distinct theoretical foundations. Empirical evidence did not confirm that teacher well-being is at risk. Among the variety of correlates and predictors of teacher well-being that could be categorized into general versus job-related categories on the individual or the contextual level, social relationships seem to play a pivotal role. Although empirical evidence regarding its outcomes is scarce, results suggest that teacher well-being influences teaching quality.  相似文献   

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