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成人全面而有效地参与学习是保障2030年可持续发展目标实现的关键因素之一。但联合国教科文组织2019年发布的第四份《成人学习与教育全球报告》显示,当前全球范围内成人学习与教育(Adult Learning and Education, ALE)的平均参与率仍然不高,而且不同国家和地区之间的差异明显,一定程度上影响了可持续发展目标的实现。究其原因主要是成人参与学习的主观意识不强、社会环境欠佳、保障体制待完善等。为破除这些障碍,需从激发成人个体学习意识、构建社会支持系统、塑造有利于成人学习的社会环境出发,帮助更多的成人参与学习和接受教育,促进全球化时代全民学习社会的早日实现。  相似文献   

Ellen Boeren 《欧洲教育》2019,51(2):127-146
This article demonstrates that foreign-born adults in Europe tend to participate less in adult education activities compared to native-born adults living in the same country. However, this is mainly explained through the job-related nature of nonformal education. Foreign-born adults tend to participate more in formal adult education than native-born adults in a range of countries. Based on analyses using data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Programme on the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), this article shows that participation rates in European countries are mainly determined by adults’ educational attainment and having a job and that countries with overall high participation rates have higher participation rates among foreign-born adults as well. Exploring the participation in adult education of foreign-born adults in European countries is important, as it is known that those adults perceive difficulties in finding a job and having their foreign credentials recognized in the new country context. Participation in adult education courses might help them in learning new or maintaining their already existing skills.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between specific factors and the decision to participate in postsecondary education by young adults with learning disabilities. Data concerning 539 subjects with learning disabilities were included in this study. T test and chi square indicated that involvement in extracurricular activities while in high school, use of community resources, intelligence quotient, and reading and mathematics grade equivalent scores were important factors that differentiated between subjects choosing to participate or not to participate in postsecondary education during the year after high school. Implications and recommendations for secondary school curriculum are discussed.  相似文献   


Policies, practices, and studies have long been focused on nonformal learning for older adults as if this were the only learning context for grey populations. In fact, today more elderly adults participate in degree-conferring programs. It is important to explore why formal learning environments attract the elderly. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore relationships between demographic characteristics and motivations of older adults who enroll in degree-conferring programs in higher education including undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral programs in Taiwan. A total of 287 questionnaires filled out by students aged 60 and above were analyzed. The data showed that (a) The demographic characteristics of this group were dissimilar to those of elder learners in nonformal settings. Those who enrolled in degree-conferring higher education programs were predominantly male, young-old, and still employed. (b) The first five important motivations for elder adults enrolling in degree-conferring programs in universities were pursuing and updating knowledge and skills, fitting in with job-related needs and competitions, achieving a life goal, keeping abreast of social changes, and gaining a degree. (c) Retirement status and age predict enrollment motivations. This study enriches our understanding of heterogeneity of elderly learners and provides evidence to make more inclusive policies for elder education. More systematic learning with long-term and intensive requirements, such as enrolling in universities, is needed and desired by some older adults. The roles of higher education in promoting elder learning should be further discussed, addressed, and created.  相似文献   

Having garnered national attention, high failure rates in developmental education present a significant barrier to state and national policymakers’ goals of increasing the percentage of adults who earn a college credential. However, a majority of the research fails to consider why students place into developmental education. This piece examines a sample of recent high school graduates in Texas who placed into developmental education with the goal of gaining a more nuanced understanding of why these students required remediation. We find that rather than simply blaming the students for their failure to learn basic skills, there are concrete and actionable steps that policymakers and practitioners can take to help students avoid remediation, important actions that would increase students’ chances of earning a postsecondary credential.  相似文献   

构建行业企业参与的高职教育激励机制的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
只有校企进行深层次合作,才能真正提高高职学生的就业质量,实现高职教育的可持续健康发展。校企进行深层次合作,发挥行业企业参与高等职业教育的作用,必须构建行业企业参与的激励机制。激励机制的建立,要发挥诱导因素的动力,激励行业企业主动参与高职教育;确立行为导向制度,激励学校积极为企业提供合作平台;建立保障制度,使校企双方利益都能得到制度上的保障。  相似文献   

赵州魁 《考试研究》2009,(3):95-103
近年来,成人高校招生报名人数总体呈下降趋势,是否继续现行成人高校招生制度,以及如何完善成人高校招生制度成为高等教育战线比较关注的热点问题。本文选取影响成人高校招生报名人数的几个关键因素进行实证分析,以期明晰成人高校招生制度的改革方向,也尝试为高校招生改革提供一种新的研究路径。  相似文献   

高等教育组织的观点,是从高等教育系统内部来看待高等教育的行为。在高等教育这个内部组织系统的总体矩阵中,资源、知识、教职人员和文化都在内部共同作用于高等教育系统。当这些因素都与高等教育目标一致时,就会给高等教育系统带来巨大的动力;反之,当这些因素相互冲突时,就会妨碍高等教育的发展。  相似文献   

In the European Union (EU) context, learning abroad mobility (LAM) also includes non-formal learning activities. Young people can participate in LAM whether they are in tertiary education or not. Nevertheless, studies focusing on the participation of out-of-higher-education (Out-HE) youth in LAM are often scarce. The current study aims to explore the role of several sociodemographic factors in participation in LAM among Out-HE youth, based on the analysis of a large-scale survey conducted across EU member countries. Findings show that Out-HE youth is less likely to participate in LAM than the youth in higher education as expected. However, some socioeconomic factors, such as gender and age, play different roles among Out-HE youth and the youth in higher education in old (EU15) and new member countries (NMS) of the EU.  相似文献   

引入非营利性组织营销理念,构建高职院校创业教育目标体系.遵循围绕总体目标,全员参与;建立阶段性目标,全程实施;区分共性与个性化目标,分层施教;确立反馈评价目标,全程跟踪四项原则,以受教育者的创新创业素质为总目标,结合学生群体、社会市场的需求,建立多元评价主体的创业教育目标体系.  相似文献   

陈娟 《成人教育》2012,32(10):80-81
我国的成人高等学历教育正面临着改革开放新形势下的各种新情况新问题,虽然正在努力探索一条求生存、谋发展、寻突破的新路,但许多成人高校在招生宣传、组织教学、师资配备、学员管理、办学投入等诸多环节上存在这样或那样违背办学宗旨的不和谐音符,在建设和谐社会的大背景下,这种不和谐因素严重影响了我国成人高等教育事业的健康快速发展,也对全社会人才培养机制造成恶劣影响,因此构建和谐的成人高等学历教育办学环境势在必行,成人高校应针对各种不和谐因素采取切实可行的措施加以改进.  相似文献   

The educational goal of humanistic education is to cultivate the whole person with complete personality and the ability of free choice. Its educational principles are: to create a safe environment, to learn how to study, to let students participate, to facilitate students'learning desire and the fusion of cognition with emotion. The idea that education should be students-based embodied by these educational goal and principles has great implications for the education of college English teaching.  相似文献   

现代学徒制是高职教育发展的大势所趋,可以更好促进产教融合、校企合作,建立企业深度参与职业教育协同育人的长效机制。辽宁金融职业学院保险专业成功申请为我省第二批现代学徒制试点专业。首先确立了保险专业现代学徒制试点工作的三年任务,并通过剖析保险专业目前教学中存在的问题,结合现代学徒制的实施能够加以改进,达到更好地培育复合型技能型人才的培养目标。  相似文献   

简论21世纪我国高等教育资源的空间配置   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
21世纪我国高等教育资源的空间配置必将影响各地区的社会发展,高等教育布局的形成是由历史与现实的因素决定的,要从机制、目标、调控手段等方面促进高等教育资源实现合理的空间配置。  相似文献   

全面建设小康社会与农村成人继续教育探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
全面小康社会的奋斗目标对农村成人继续教育提出了新的更高要求。观念上存在短视行为、没有配套制度作保证、物质条件普遍不足是农村成人继续教育面临的主要问题。做好农村成人继续教育工作,首先必须转变各级党政领导及农民们的思想观念,同时加强农村成人继续教育制度和网络服务体系建设,加大对农村成人继续教育的投入,并创新农村成人继续教育模式。  相似文献   

针对我国实际 ,分析了高校教育机会均等的现状 ,对其发展目标进行定位 ,并探讨影响我国高校教育机会均等的若干因素 ,试图寻找一些尽可能实现教育机会均等对策 ,以使我国高等教育走持续发展的轨道  相似文献   

普通高校国防教育资源未能得到较好的开发和利用,存在国防教育资源不足与资源闲置浪费并存的矛盾。如何充分整合和开发利用国防教育资源,成为普通高等学校国防教育发展亟待解决的问题。科学整合国防教育资源是促进普通高等学校国防教育发展的重要途径和有效手段。  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate satisfaction rates among young European higher education graduates with their tertiary level study. Ordered choice models are used to parse out those factors that influence study satisfaction, such as environmental factors, field of study, usefulness of study and other individual-specific characteristics. Results show that those graduates who were most satisfied with their course of study scored course content and social aspects very highly, while opportunity to participate in research projects and poor supply of teaching materials were among the main reasons for dissatisfaction with higher education studies.  相似文献   

辜芝兰 《成人教育》2009,29(4):95-96
西班牙拉维那达桑特玛蒂成人教育中心的文学圈,以一个文学社团的活动展现了成人教育的一个生动案例。通过经典文学作品的阅读,重建成人的生活意义;以平等对话为教学理念,赋予成人全新的话语权;以读书俱乐部组织形式,吸引更多成人参与学习。文学圈成人教育的人文取向,为我国成人教育的多元化发展提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

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