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##正##The year 2010 marks the 400th anniversary of the death of Matteo Ricci, an Italian juesuit priest who created the first cultural bridge between China and West. On February 6, 2010,  相似文献   

刘登翰 《寻根》2002,(3):4-8
全世界各个民族都存在着探问自己从何而来的创世神话和面临周期冰川的洪水神话。然而,以中华民族为代表的东方神话,和以希腊为代表的西方神话,有着很大的不同。中国神话以自然神话为多,神灵多寓自然属性;而希腊神话神灵多具社会属性。  相似文献   

This study examined cultural reflections online of audience comments on social network sites regarding vocal talent shows in China and the United States. The study applied dimensions of cross culture to investigate audience comments on the official social networking sites of The Voice of China and The Voice. Findings reflect Hofstede’s dimensions as applied to social media and illustrate how individuals alter their “local” cultural norms in the new media environment. The study specifically enhances the exploration of cultural manifestations in cyberspace, which fewer cross-cultural studies have researched.  相似文献   

<正>这次由韩国栗谷学会、四川省人民对外友好协会和四川省民俗学会联合举办的"栗谷学国际学术研讨会",是继2008年4月16日在四川大学举行的"栗谷学国际学术研讨会"之后,在成都举办的第二次中韩学术研讨会。本次研讨会的主题是:栗谷学与儒学的劝学论。劝学,就是鼓励勤于学习。这个题目出得好,好就好在三个切合:一是切合中国儒家文化的传统;二是切合韩国栗谷学的要义;三是切合建设学习性社会的世界潮流。  相似文献   

六、人类学的田野调查在中国的这么多年间 ,葛维汉对四川西藏交界地区、四川云南交界地区和四川省内及周边地区进行了十五次夏季考察。这些关于他的人类学田野调查的情况是从《1 92 3年— 1 93 6年大卫·克罗克特·葛维汉论文指南》 (罗森威格 ,1 984年 )和各种葛维汉写的有关其搜集之旅的文章和书籍中搜集的。在可能的情况下 ,我已经试着写了一些与此相关的文章 ,描述这些考察。在一些情况下 ,没有关于这些考察的笔录 ,而找到的参考资料又没有注明日期。在本章末尾 ,是一份我尽可能搜集到的有关这些调查的暂时编年目录。1 92 1年 ,葛维汉第…  相似文献   

审校者说明—— 《在中国的文化人类学家和教士——大卫·克罗克特·葛维汉》一文,写的是大卫·克罗克 特·葛维汉(David Crockett Graham, 1884—1962)在中国四川的人类学活动以及他作为教 士的某些活动情况。美国人葛维汉虽然是教士,但他的主要活动在学术方面。他于1911年 来华,1913年抵川,直到1948年从成都的华西协和大学退休返国.其间除短期回国述职和 进修之外,在中国生活和工作了38年,而其中36年是在四川度过的。其间曾任华西协和大 学博物馆(今四川大学博物馆)馆长兼文化人…  相似文献   

At a special sale on the collection of Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Berge held in Paris on February 25, in spite of repeated negotiations from the Chinese Government and strong protests from the Chinese people, Christie's, a world-famous auction giant, auctioned the rat head and rabbit head which were looted from China's royal garden"Yuanmingyuan" in 1860 by the British and French Allied Forces. The two bronze heads were eventually sold for 14 million euro each. This shameful sale has again triggered out reflections on the restitution of cultural property looted or stolen from China.  相似文献   

Agroup of cultural relics belong- ing to China, but smuggled ,into the US will be returned by US authorities in two months, according to a Chinese judicial official at an inter- national conference.  相似文献   

Through examining the development and the nature of the new cultural districts in China, namely, “clusters of Beijing,” this paper attempts to identify the characteristics of, and critically evaluate, the existing models of culture clusters in China. Obviously, these cultural clusters are seen as a united and state effort to assist, develop and boost the so-called cultural industries, including game, animation, comic, software, science and technology and so forth. However, with the clusters of Beijing as a case study, in this paper we argue that in the course of development, the state interests and the authorities' local (e.g. district) interest are often prioritized over the culture or the local interest. There are also tensions and contradictions among various interest groups on different levels of operations of these cultural clusters. In sum, apart from enhancing the private creative industries, developing the national cultural economy, or revitalizing the old industries as in the cluster models of many western countries, economic interests, political powers of the districts and soft power of the nation can be the overriding interests behind the booming cultural clusters in China.  相似文献   

古代希腊和中国天文学对星空世界都有"星座"或"星官"的命名,希腊"星座"命名完全取材于神话中的人物、动物,中国"星官"命名却全来源于人间万物和社会组织.希腊每一个"星座"背后都包含一段美丽曲折的神话故事,中国"星官"背后反映的多是帝王将相的历史,神话色彩极为淡薄.这种差异反映了两个民族神话起源早晚的差别和文化主流意识之异趣.  相似文献   

素问 《寻根》2002,(1):65-75
联合国教科组织从1972年起发起世界化遗产保护活动。目前全世界有721处自然和化景点被列入《联合国教科组织世界化遗产名录》。  相似文献   

<正>Nagy Lin is an active figure in the diplomatic circle of Beijing. She is currently the president of the Silk Road of Europe magazine and the editor-in-chief and publisher of the multi-lingual magazine The World China.  相似文献   

The Vietnamese Embassy has made tremendous efforts to promote China-Vietnam cul- tural exchanges in recent years. Cultural events it has organized have been well received by an increasing number of Chinese people who show interest in Vietnamese culture. Our magazine reporter took an interview with Au Viet Hung, cultural attache of the Vietnamese Embassy, who reviewed the achievements that the embassy has scored in the field of culture.  相似文献   

The exhibition includes a total of 60 contemporary Chinese design works,coming from different field of contemporary Chinese society and showing the latest devel...  相似文献   

Means of Exchanges
Means of Cultural Exchanges between China and Japan: In the 18th century, China and Japan are neighbors with equal status, both highly centralized feudal societies advocating the policy of isolation. Although the cultural exchanges between the two were no longer as thriving as those in the Tang and Ming dynasties, they remained uninterrupted.  相似文献   

卞利 《寻根》2002,(4):51-59
徽州西鄙重镇祁门,有一个沿袭明清时期的村庄都图建制的六都。由于六都在历史上曾经有过辉煌,故而祁门流传着这样一句话,即“小小祁门县,大大六都村”。  相似文献   

孙炜 《寻根》2006,(6):4-7
在世界文化史上,“圣化”是一种常见而独特的文化现象。说其常见,是因为几乎每一种文化都有自己的圣人;说其独特,是因为每一种文化造就圣人的原因和途径各不相同。在中国历史上,“圣人”最初是用来称颂那些聪明睿智、道德高尚的人。因此,圣人本质上也是普通人中的一个,虽然他有优秀的一面,但也难免会有一些不足。但是,随着时间的推进,其人格逐渐被升华,人们不仅尊敬他,而且开始膜拜祭祀,希望能得到他的保佑。这时,圣人实际上已经被神格化,有了神的特点和秉性。开漳圣王陈元光就是这样一个例子。在历史发展过程中,他的形象实际上经历了人—王…  相似文献   

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