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This research, which was conducted with crew members of an America's Cup team, had the following objectives: (a) to assess energy expenditure and intake during training; (b) to evaluate the sailors' diet, and (c) to identify any dietary flaws to determine the appropriate intake of nutrients, correct possible dietary mistakes, and improve their food habits. Energy expenditure was estimated on 15 sailors using direct measurements (oxygen consumption) and a 3-day activity questionnaire. Oxygen consumption was measured on sailors during both on-water America's Cup sailing training and dry-land fitness training. Composition of the diet was estimated using a 3-day food record. Average daily energy expenditure of the sailors ranged from 14.95 to 24.4 MJ, depending on body mass and boat role, with the highest values found in grinders and mastmen. Daily energy intake ranged from 15.7 to 23.3 MJ (from +6% to -18% of energy expenditure). The contributions of carbohydrate, protein, and fat to total energy intake were 43%, 18%, and 39% respectively, values that are not in accord with the recommended guidelines for athletes. Our results show the importance of assessing energy balance and food habits for America's Cup sailors performing different roles. The practical outcome of this study was that the sailors were given dietary advice and prescribed a Mediterranean diet, explained in specific nutrition lectures.  相似文献   


The America's Cup is the oldest competing trophy in sport, yet little is known of the nature and intensity of racing or the physical characteristics of the athletes. In this study, aspects of the physical demands of America's Cup yacht racing were analysed, including the intensity of exercise and activity pattern of “grinding”. Anthropometric data were collected from 92 professional male America's Cup sailors, and fitness data from a top-4 and a lower-7 ranking team during the 32nd America's Cup. Over the 135 races, mean race duration was 82 min (s = 9), with 20 tacks (s = 10) and 8 gybes (s = 3) per race. Grinding bouts were 5.5 s (s = 5.4; range: 2.2–66.3) long, with 143 exercise bouts per race and an exercise-to-rest ratio of 1:6. Mean and peak heart rate was 64% and 92% of maximum for all positions, with bowmen highest (71% and 96%). Grinders were taller, heavier, and stronger than all other positions. Body fat was similar between positions (13%, s = 4). The higher-standard team was stronger and had greater strength endurance, which probably contributed to their quicker manoeuvres. Intensity of exercise was dependent on the similarity of competing boats and the role of the athlete. The short duration and intermittent nature of grinding is indicative of predominantly anaerobic energy provision.  相似文献   

本文采用文献资料法、统计分析法、访谈法、实地调查法,研究美洲杯帆船赛的发展历史及中国之队参加关洲杯比赛的运作方式;研究结果表明美洲杯帆船赛是一项历史悠久、富有挑战性、具有帆船运动高科技含量,耗资巨大,影响力广泛的世界性体育赛事;中国之队的美洲杯运作方式是中国现代体育产业发展的必然结果。  相似文献   

In this study, we tested the hypothesis that elite dinghy sailing is a whole-body, dynamic, repeated-effort sport, and that increased heart rate and oxygen consumption reflect its dynamic element. Six elite male Laser sailors (mean age 19.7 years, s = 1.82; height 1.81 m, s = 0.03; body mass 78.0 kg, s = 4.1) performed a cycle ergometer test to volitional exhaustion to determine peak oxygen uptake (VO(2peak)) and a simulated 30-min upwind leg sail on a specially constructed Laser sailing ergometer. The simulation protocol was based on video analysis of previous Laser World Championships. Expired gases were collected in Douglas bags, heart rate recorded at rest and after every 5 min, and pre- and post-simulation capillary blood samples taken for blood lactate analysis. Results were analysed with a one-way analysis of variance. Mean VO(2peak) was 4.32 l . min(-1) (s = 0.16). Mean simulation VO(2) was 2.51 l . min(-1) (s = 0.24) and peaked at 2.58 l . min(-1) (s = 0.25) during the 5th minute. Mean simulation heart rate was 156 beats . min(-1) (s = 8), peaking during the final minute at 160 beats . min(-1) (s = 10). These results suggest that, unlike pseudo-isometric static hiking, elite dinghy sailing demands a substantial proportion (58%VO(2peak), s = 5.6) of aerobic capacity.  相似文献   

This study determined whether backward grinding performance in America's Cup sailing could be improved using a training intervention to increase power capability in the upper-body pull movement. Fourteen elite male sailors (34.9 ± 5.9 years; 98.1 ± 14.4 kg; 186.6 ± 7.7 cm) were allocated into experimental (speed-focussed) and control groups. Grinding performance was assessed using a grinding ergometer and an instrumented Smith machine measured force, velocity and power during the bench pull exercise. Conventional training produced significant improvements in bench pull 1 RM (5.2 ± 4.0%; p = 0.016) and maximum force production (5.4 ± 4.0%; p = 0.014). Speed-focussed training improved maximum power (7.8 ± 4.9%; p = 0.009), power at 1RM (10.3 ± 8.9%; p = 0.019) and maximum velocity (8.4 ± 2.6%; p = 0.0002). Backward grinding performance showed greater improvements in the experimental group than the control group for moderate (+1.8%) and heavy load (+6.0%) grinding. Changes in maximum power output and power at 1 RM had large correlations (r = 0.56–0.61) with changes in both moderate and heavy load grinding performance. Time to peak force had the strongest relationship, explaining 70% of the change in heavy load grinding performance. Although the performance benefit was not entirely clear the likelihood of a detrimental effect was low ( < 5%) and therefore implementation could be recommended.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、观察法、数理统计法,对2004年亚洲杯与欧洲杯比赛中,队员犯规的规律和特点进行分析。研究表明:在现代足球比赛中亚洲队员、欧洲队员犯规均是以直接任意球的犯规为主,犯规都带有一定的攻击性;中路犯规最多,亚洲杯比赛中后场犯规多,欧洲杯比赛中前场犯规多,红黄牌主要集中在中场的中路;亚洲队员下肢犯规多于上肢,且主要集中在下肢的踢和上肢的拉;欧洲队员犯规上肢多于下肢,主要集中在推人犯规和绊人犯规等方面。  相似文献   

以第五届女足世界杯决赛阶段的16支球队作为研究对象,采用文献资料法、录像统计法、逻辑分析等方法,对世界高水平女子足球队进攻技战术运用特征进行研究,揭示其发展趋势,为我国女足科学训练提供参考.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to describe the injuries sustained by an America's Cup crew during eight preparatory competitions of the 32nd America's Cup 2007 and the Louis Vuitton Cup (from October 2004 to June 2007). The anatomical location, type of injury, and mechanism of injury were recorded. The injuries were categorized based on each sailor's position on the boat according to three intensities of physical demands. The injury rates per sailor and per 1000 h of competition were determined. In total, 90 injuries were registered. The overall incidence was 10 injuries per 1000 competition hours. Overuse injuries accounted for 76.6% of all lesions. The most common anatomical location of injuries was the upper limb (36.6%), followed by the upper dorsal and cervical spine (34.4%). Frequency of injury was related to the sailor's position on the boat, being higher in the group with more demanding activities (grinder, bowman, and mastman). Most injuries (67%) were sustained by this group of sailors. The most common injuries in this group were muscle contractures of the quadratus lumborum (11), trapezius (8), and rhomboid (7). There were eight cases of elbow epicondylitis, four cases of tendinopathy of the supraspinous tendon, and three cases of tendinopathy of the biceps brachii. An America's Cup yachting crew is exposed to a high risk of overuse injuries, especially those sailors whose boat position involves high-intensity activity.  相似文献   

欧洲杯、美洲杯和亚洲杯足球赛之比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
欧洲杯、美洲杯和亚洲杯足球赛风格不同,特色各异,技战术水平也有所差异。虽然比赛过程和内容不尽相同,但是比赛的激烈和精彩程度却几乎相同,它们之间有着许多共同点和相似之处。分析和比较欧洲杯、美洲杯和亚洲杯足球赛,可为中国足球运动提供一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、数理统计法等,对2016年法国欧洲杯决赛阶段24支球队51场比赛的105个进球进行研究,结果显示:本届欧洲杯赛进球总数明显高于历届杯赛,但场均进球数却呈现下降趋势;进球射门区域主要集中在罚球区内,又以罚球点前后的大禁区线和小禁区线之间的区域为主;进球最多的是前锋运动员;进球方式以抢点直接射门为主要得分方式;进球射门部位以右脚为主;球进门区域主要集中在球门下部,又以球门左下角进球最多;进攻形式以中路进攻为主;进球时段主要集中在上半场的最后15min以及下半场开场的前15min之间;进球前经过0次传球进球率最高,经过4次传球后进球率显著下降.  相似文献   

对2011年卡塔尔亚洲杯足球赛决赛阶段16支球队32场比赛的90个进球的进攻战术进行统计与分析,结果显示:阵地进攻进球数位列各进攻形式之首;中路进攻是主要进攻路线;进球前通过传切配合是进球数最多的技、战术手段;经过2次传球的进球数最多。  相似文献   


The aims of this study were to establish the physical and physiological attributes of elite and sub-elite Malaysian male badminton players and to determine whether these attributes discriminate elite players from sub-elite players. Measurements and tests of basic anthropometry, explosive power, anaerobic recovery capacity, badminton-specific movement agility, maximum strength, and aerobic capacity were conducted on two occasions, separated by at least one day. The elite (n = 12) and sub-elite (n = 12) players' characteristics were, respectively: mean age 24.6 years (s = 3.7) and 20.5 years (s = 0.7); mass 73.2 kg (s = 7.6) and 62.7 kg (s = 4.2); stature 1.76 m (s = 0.07) and 1.71 m (s = 0.05); body fat 12.5% (s = 4.8) and 9.5% (s = 3.4); estimated VO2max 56.9 ml · kg?1 · min?1 (s = 3.7) and 59.5 ml · kg?1 · min?1 (s = 5.2). The elite players had greater maximum absolute strength in one-repetition maximum bench press (P = 0.015) compared with the sub-elite players. There were significant differences in instantaneous lower body power estimated from vertical jump height between the elite and sub-elite groups (P < 0.01). However, there was no significant difference between groups in shuttle run tests and on-court badminton-specific movement agility tests. Our results show that elite Malaysian male badminton players are taller, heavier, and stronger than their sub-elite counterparts. The test battery, however, did not allow us to discriminate between the elite and sub-elite players, suggesting that at the elite level tactical knowledge, technical skills, and psychological readiness could be of greater importance.  相似文献   

ATP Cup     
—直以来职业球员们总是抱怨每年的竞赛日程排得过满,他们一年到头没有停歇地在世界各地奔忙,到赛季结束的时候往往会有很多伤病,致使仅有的一个月圣诞节假期也只能在痛苦中度过。然而就是在这样密集到几乎没有缝隙的赛程表里,2020年起又增加了一项全新的ATP赛事。这项在新年第一个周五开赛,并于澳网开始前一周结束的全新比赛,由ATP组织和澳大利亚网协联手操办,据说是为了迎接新的赛季,新的十年到来而特别打造的献礼。在这种情况下加入赛程表的比赛,一定经过—番缜密的调研和论证之后才敢于逆“潮流”而动。  相似文献   

采用文献资料、数理统计等方法,对16—18届足球世界杯的81个头球进球情况进行统计、分析。结果显示:开场后16min-30min和75min-90min是头球进球集中时间段;头球进球的主要区域是禁区内的中央地带,特别是进攻5区;跳起射门与转身射门是头球进球的主要技术动作方式;边路进攻与定位球是头球进球的主要战术手段;进球队员以身材高大的前锋与后卫为主。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、观察统计法、对比分析法和逻辑分析法,对第五届女子足球世界杯各队的进攻手段进行了细致分析,并与第四届女足世界杯进攻手段相比较,以期揭示高水平足球比赛进球的特点和变化,为我国女子足球训练提供参考.  相似文献   

作为上赛季两项传统杯赛一一足总杯和联赛杯的冠军,切尔西是蝉联两项锦标最强有力的竞争者。至少从俱乐部的口中,听不到孰重孰轻,如何取舍的言论,一句话,蓝军对荣誉的渴望永无止境。实际上,对那个早已对大耳朵杯害了相思病的阿布来说,孤悬海外一隅的杯赛冠军实实在在就是一块鸡肋,在没有其他冠军的时候聊胜于无,一旦欧冠、英超联赛形势大好,当可以弃杯赛如敝屐。上有所好,下必效之。同为犹太后裔的格兰特自然对东家的心病一清二楚,于是,  相似文献   

Format比赛规格eStars洲际杯的比赛实际上是由两个部分组成的,分别是War3和CS,之所以叫洲际杯,源自于东西方两队之间的对抗。比赛的第一个环节叫做Threesome,也就是两队之间各挑出一名队员来进行对抗,总共进行三场比赛,先夺得两场胜利的队伍就是赢家。第二个环节叫做死亡竞赛,也就是两队的队长来选择他们的先发选手或战队,比赛将持续到任意一方的三名选手  相似文献   

联合会杯网球赛是和男子团体赛事戴维斯杯赛齐名的最有影响力的女子团体赛事。联合会杯创办于1963年,首届比赛在伦敦的女子俱乐部进行的,共有16支代表队参加。随着女子网球运动的发展,2011年参加联合会  相似文献   

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