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[译文]①爸爸,爸爸!②餐厅里有一只大黑猫。③没关系,涛涛,黑猫是幸运猫。④它的确很幸运:它刚刚把您的晚饭给吃了。[注释]dinner正餐,是指一天中主要的一餐。有关用餐的说法还有:breakfast早餐;lunch午餐;tea茶点;supper晚餐;brunch早午餐;meal餐,饭,膳食。(习语)a dog’s breakfast/dinner乱糟糟。幸运猫@成蕾~~  相似文献   

人人都要吃m eal,Breakfast,lunch and supper.丰盛大餐叫dinner,代替lunch和supper。吃的动作怎表达?Take,eat or have.注释three m eals a day,一日三餐。m eal是三餐的总称。早餐breakfast,中餐lunch,晚餐supper。如果晚餐比较丰盛,此时晚餐可以称为dinner。有时,中餐也吃得丰盛,那么中餐也叫dinner。请注意:请客人吃饭叫dinner,不能叫supper和lunch。———选自《少儿英语歌谣100首》Three meals a day@胡文彬 @胡正桁…  相似文献   

一天几顿饭,各国有自己不同的说法。在中国,一天三餐:早餐、午餐和晚餐。可在英国和美国呢?一、早餐在英、美国家里,早餐都被称为breakfast。可这一天的第一顿饭的称法是怎么得来的呢?breakfast由break(打破) fast(绝食)组成,即打破了前晚开始绝食的行为。二、午餐1.英国英语中的称法a.dinner;dinner指的是正餐,它是三餐中主要的一餐,无论中午吃或晚上吃,但现在通常指晚餐而言。可是星期日午餐亦常称为dinner,在这种情形晚餐称为supper。b.lunch;lunch与dinner相比,是较随意的一餐。它也是中上层人们对午餐的称呼。c.luncheon;luncheon指比较正式的午餐,比lunch要正式,但这词现在已经很少用了。2.美国英语中的称法美国英语中称午餐就称lunch,在美国人眼中(下转第12页)lunch就是便饭、便餐。三、下午茶下午茶(tea)在英国一段时期内非常盛行,但随着生活节奏的加快,这种下午茶已经不再很普遍。而在美国,却少有这种说法。tea指下午茶,午后茶点,通常在午后四时到五时之间,与面包、蛋糕等点心一起食用,又称为afternoontea。四、晚餐1....  相似文献   

我们学过五个关于“饭”、“餐”的英语名词:meal,dinner、breakfast、lunch、supper。meal是泛指“餐饭”、“一顿饭”;dinner指“主餐”,即西方国家主要的一顿饭;要说具体哪顿饭则用breakfast(早餐)、lunch(午餐)、  相似文献   

Dialogue Peter:Hello,Jack.are you busy these days? Jack:Yes,quite busy.Our company has gone to the dogs①.Theboss will dismiss some workers. Peter:Don’t worry about it.You are always very lucky, Jack:But this time things change.Someone told our boss that Ihave made a dog’s breakfast②of the accounts(帐目).That's not thefact. I must revenge(报复).  相似文献   

Both English and Chinese are rich in "dog" cultures. In order to learn English well and communicate successfully with foreigners in cross-cultural communication, it is necessary to make a comparative study on "dog" cultures in both languages. This thesis makes a com parative study on two language-speaking people’s attitudes and feelings toward dog, histories, customs and stories about dog in both Eng lish and Chinese cultures .Through the comparative study, the thesis reveals the differences and similarities of "dog" cultures in both lan guages.  相似文献   

Angela:Did you lock the door?Frank:All except the back door.I left that openfor Tim.He took the dog for a walk.Angela:Well,I’m going to bed.I’m bushed(累极了).Frank:Okay,I’m going to stay up a while.I’vegot to go over the household budget(算算收支).We’re a little overspent(超支)this month.Angela:Please tell Tim to close the door to thebasement(储藏室).I don’t want the dog downthere tonight.Frank:Okay.Good night.See you at breakfast.  相似文献   

一、有关dog的习语1.a dog in the manger(manger n.马槽)占着茅坑不拉屎的人;自私自利的人2.dirty dog卑鄙小人3.let sleeping dogs lie别惹事生非,别自找麻烦4.dog days炎热的天气5.dog eat dog残酷无情的竞争;损人利己的角逐;相互残杀6.in the doghouse失宠7.lead/live a dog’s life过穷困潦倒的生活  相似文献   

引一一 一 一 一 一 一 一一一一仁_____1 .xt’。__theloill(,w.(枕头)2 .It’s3 .It净吕4 .It’s5 .It’s血e mirror. the__thewas加p即群 the6 .lt’s一—a一—doganda—dog 责任编辑/曹药责任编辑/曹 筠 答案:1.under 2.in front of 3.behind,(iGor 4.0II,bas—ket 5.near,dog 6.between,big,small vWhere's the Mouse@刘世一…  相似文献   

爵碱 牙齿 刷 起床 吃 meallml:ll一餐,一顿饭 befo回bj’你/在……之前 bed/bed/床 always/’众Iwel汀一直 令 11桑癫蒸熟熏。 vou get uP 111 the morning?你就可以大声地回答:l get uP at se\,eno’eloek,上床睡觉是90 to bed,我九点 上床睡觉就是:1 gotobedatnineo’elock ★ea*是吃,早餐是brea,fa st,午餐是一uneh 晚餐是 吃早饭不用eot,而 要用have。t、ave breakfast 例如:1 always have 巍磊 (吃早餐),have luneh(吃 午餐),have supper(吃晚 今 艰尸洪恩巴迪节拍英语~~…  相似文献   

英语中dog的基本词义为“狗”。那么dog只能译成狗吗?当然不是。作为一种语言,词义是丰富多彩的。汉语是这样,英语也不例外。下面这些句子中都有dog,但并非都译成狗。 1.I’m an old dog.我是老朽。 2.He’s a lucky dog.他是个幸运儿。  相似文献   

English Jokes Such a Long Dog Once there was a blind.One day when he was walking,he stepped thehead of the dog who was sleeping.The dog barked for a while.The blindman went on for miles,this time he stepped the other dog’s tail,So this  相似文献   

英美等国家,一般也是一日三餐。早餐(breakfast),一般是在8点左右,通常是在家里吃。早餐可以是粥(porridge)、麦片(oatmeal)、鸡蛋(egg)、面包(bread)、熏肉(bacon)等;饮料一般是牛奶(milk)、果汁(juice)、茶(tea)或咖啡(coffee)。午餐(lunch)的时间往往是在中午12点到1点之间。因为时间短,所以吃得较简单,许多人都是吃快餐(snacks)。如:三明治(sandwich)、汉堡包(hamburger)、热狗(hotdog)、比萨饼(pizza)等,或者也喝点啤酒(beer)或葡萄酒(wine)。晚餐(supper或dinner),一般是在7、8…  相似文献   

(一)Little Tom down the street calls our dog“The keep dog”.Zip is a sheep dog.But when Tomtries to say”Seep”,it comes out“keep”.And in a way Tom is right.Zip is always bringing thingshoem for us to keep!I’ll tell you about some of them.Zip’s first  相似文献   

Lu Ben is a student in Class Four of Grade Three. His father is a manager. He doesn't have breakfast at home. He goes to work early. He comes back very late after he has dinner in a restaurant. His mother is a businesswoman. She is busy making money all day. She leaves home in the morning and comes back in the evening. They don't care(关心 ) about Lu Ben's studies.  相似文献   

a dog’s life.比喻无忧无虑的自由生活。a dog-eat-dog world.一个竞争激烈,弱肉强食的世界。work like a dog苦干,拼命工作dog-tired(口)累极了(as)sick as a dog病得很厉害的Every dog has its day.凡人皆有得意日/风水轮流转。Never teach an old dog new tricks.不能教老狗学新把戏(比喻老年人很难适应新事物)。His bark is worse than his bite.他说话严厉,但并不伤人。in the dog house失宠的,丢脸的let sleeping dogs lie别惹麻烦dog days(七、八月间的)三伏天rain cats and dogs倾盆大雨本栏责任编辑梁为关于dog的趣味短语~~…  相似文献   

Rice and Gold     
Han Xin wa s a grea t genera l.When he was young,his mum a nd dad died(死).He wa s very poor*,so he often went to a friend’s home to have dinner.His friend’s wife*didn’t like him.One day,Han Xin went to her home,but she didn’t cook for him.Han Xin  相似文献   

A Long Dog     
A child covers his eyes and plays with his friend. A dog is sleeping on the road. He steps on the head of the dog. The dog barks. The child steps on the other dog’s tail with a long pace, so this dog barks, too. The注释  相似文献   

1. meal dinner meal是一日三餐的总称,它通常用作可数名词。如: We have our evening meal at about a quarter past six.我们大约六点十五分吃晚餐。I have three meals a day.我一天吃三餐饭。dinner是个比较正式的词,常指一天中的一次正餐。说请某人吃饭时,常用invite sb.to dinner。应该注意at dinner,to dinner,before dinner,after dinner等词语里dinner前面没有定冠词the。如:  相似文献   

Daily Life     
早晨6点半起床,7点左右breakfast,骑着车子go to school,Class begins8点钟,School is over在4点,H ave supper约6点,H om ework按时做,Go to bed10点前。注释breakfast早餐begin开始be over结束supper晚餐hom ework家庭作业bed床———选自《少儿英语歌谣100首》Daily Life@胡  相似文献   

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