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Summary In industralized nations, information anxiety and information overload are topics of discussion. Books have been written about how to evaluate literature reviews where hundreds of items are being assessed.In many developing nations, information starvation is more the norm. The authors have begun exploring how information viruses can cause invalid content to work into an instructional design and permeate deeply into an educational system, ultimately producing good learning of subject matter that is out of date, contains serious omissions, or is inaccurate or misleading.There are ways to forestall information viruses from entering instructional materials. Much could be achieved by using new information search technologies and telecommunications links, fostering better appreciation of basic information technology, and upgrading the role of librarian in the instructional design process. Changes are needed in attitudes of government ministries and foreign aid funding agencies in order to support efforts to prevent information viruses from occurring.Dr. David Giltrow is an independent consultant specializing in the application of educational technology in developing countries.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to determine the nature of biology teachers' global content understandings (herein called subject matter structure-SMS), the sources and formation of SMSs, and the variables that differentially affected teachers' abilities to translate SMSs into classroom practice. Case studies of 5 experienced biology teachers were constructed through interviews, classroom observations, and analysis of instructional materials. The data were qualitatively analyzed to describe the SMS exhibited by the teacher in the classroom and compared to SMSs provided by the teachers in postobservation interviews. The teachers' SMSs for biology were based on discrete content topics rather than conceptually integrated themes. Though most teachers recognized the integrated nature of biology, few used such conceptions to guide practice purposefully. The initial formation of SMSs were typically credited to college content courses and modified by the act of teaching. Opportunities for reflection and reinforcement seemed critical for the formation of coherent SMSs. The relationship of SMSs to classroom practice was complex and varied. The most direct form of translation occurred in the scope of course content. Variables that differentially affected SMS translation (typically through mitigation) included teacher intentions, content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, students, teacher autonomy, and time.  相似文献   

Some implications of cognitive theory for instructional design   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
This article examines some of the implications of recent developments in cognitive theory for instructional design. It is argued that behavioral theory is inadequate to prescribe instructional strategies that teach for understanding. Examples of how instructional designers have adopted relevant aspects of cognitive theory are described. However, it is argued that such adoption is only a first step. The growing body of evidence for the indeterminism of human cognition requires even further changes in how instructional designers think and act. A number of bodies of scholarly research and opinion are cited in support of this claim. Three implications of cognitive theory for design are offered: instructional strategies need to be developed to counter the reductionism implicit in task analysis; design needs to be integrated into the implementation of instruction; designers should work from a thorough knowledge of theory not just from design procedures.  相似文献   

A fresh approach to instructional design, one that emphasizes the importance of cognitive style as a learner characteristic, is presented here. The authors report that 11 dimensions of the characteristic have been found, suggesting that individuals differ in the way they process information. Noting that cognitive styles are stable, resistant to change by training and bear little relation to general ability, the authors advocate assisting the learner whose information-processing pattern is not compatible with the task to be learned by plannedsupplantation involving overt alteration of the task requirement with which the learner is having difficulty. They propose a three-step instructional design plan with which to move“beyond individual instruction to individualized instruction” in which“differences in learners need not result in differences in learning.”  相似文献   

Metacognition, a construct with strong empirical and theoretical foundations, is integral to successful learning. Research on metacognition has provided convincing evidence supporting its importance in the instruction and learning processes. In this article, research on several aspects of metacognition are briefly reviewed and analyzed, examples of metacognitive strategies are provided, and implications for instructional design are described.  相似文献   

Design research (DR) has been an emerging research paradigm in the field of educational technology as well as in education generally for two decades. Educational design research integrates design and research into a socially responsible approach to inquiry related to learning and teaching. Given its still relative novelty, design research requires further discussion regarding what it is and how it can be effectively executed. Instructional Systems Design (ISD) is one of the major activities carried out by educational technologists. Both ISD and design research deal with the enactment of design to improve educational practice. This paper describes the differences and similarities between these two activities and addresses the implications of these differences and similarities for educational technology researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

网络课程的含义及其教学设计的问题   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
本文主要讨论两个方面的内容,一是对网络课程的基本含义和定位做了初步分析。试图说明“网络课程”与课程论所讨论的“课程”有层次上的区别。二是针对网络课程的教学设计,主要从选题、课程目标设计和教学策略等三个方面对网络课程的教学设计问题作初步的探讨和阐述,分析并提出了网络课程的选题原则,解释了基于学的网络课程目标设计的思维转变问题,以及讨论了网络课程中教学策略安排带有普遍性的问题。  相似文献   

Conclusion In order to make PIHnet forum more usable and useful, we recently redesigned the forum tool based on findings from a survey, interviews and observations of user posting patterns. We also developed a journal tool to assist teachers with their personal reflection. Interviews with four users showed that the new forum was easy to use and effectively helped them communicate with other members. We are still developing the journal tool, so user experiences with the new journal tool have not been investigated yet. We will continue to improve the tools based on critical feedback from actual users.  相似文献   

The subject matter of an action theory is the core of the civil procedure law theory.In the civil action sign theory development,appeared the old substantive law theory,the new lawsuit sign theory as well as the new substantive law theory three kinds of theories successively.In recent years,many jurists in our country also carried on the discussion to this question,this article have carried on the analysis in many theory foundations,looking for our country national condition the lawsuit sign theory.  相似文献   

Eclectic instructional design is the process whereby a designer blends ideas from multiple learning theories to construct a learning experience that works better than a course designed from only one theoretical influence. Eclectic instructional designers are those who do not get hung up or rely consistently on any one theory for their designs. They consider learning theories and their associated methods more as a toolbox than as dogma. With this perspective, they design instruction that works better.  相似文献   

This paper explores the concepts of motivation, including extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation. It describes how motivation becomes a major concern in the field of instructional design (ID). Furthermore, a motivation model—the ARCS model—is identified and discussed. Finally, it provides an example of how to apply the motivational design process in ID. The aim of this paper is to facilitate a deeper understanding of motivation and to inform professionals about its importance in learning  相似文献   

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